~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Talk of theTown~~01\\
Produced and Directed by George Stevens\\
Cary Grant~~~Leopold Dilg\\
Jean Arthur~~~Nora Shelley\\
Ronald Colman~~~Professor Lightcap\\
Edgar Buchanan~~~Sam Yates\\
(この、エドガー・ブカナンは、ケーリー・グラント主演の「Penny Serenade」といふ映画でも、大事な脇役として出ます)
Glenda Farrell~~~Regina Bush\\
Charles Dingle\\
(会社の社長Andrew Holmesを演じる人です)
Emma Dunn\\
Rex Ingram~~~Tilney\\
(Holmes Woolen Mills が火事で焼けている映像)\\
~~~Holmes Woolen Mills~~~ホームズ羊毛工場\\
新聞「Flames Sweep Holmes Mills!\\
新聞「Bracken, Foreman, Feard Dead in Mysterious Fire.」\\
~~~Homes. I'm convinced that this fire was deliberately set.\\
~~~警官. But by who, Mr. Holmes? By who?\\
新聞「Holmes accused emplyee Leopold Dilg of Arson!」\\
(新聞の見出し「Clyde Bracken, Mill Foreman, Lost in Fire」)\\
(「Dilg Accused of Murder!」)\\
(「Ask Death Penalty for Dilg」 )\\
~~~警官. Dilg escaped?\\
「何? ディルグが逃げた?」
~~~(別の署で)警官.(電話を受けて) Escaped?\\
(「Dilg Escapes」)\\
(「Manhunt On」)\\
(「Dragnet Spread for Leopold Dilg」)
(「Police Chief Promises Immediate Capture」)\\
~~~Dilg. Miss Shelley...\\
~~~Shelley. One move and I'll brain you.\\
~~~Dilg. I'd appreciate the keys to your car.\\
~~~Shelley. Get out of here, Leopold Dilg.\\
~~~Dilg. I'm sorry, but it's important.\\
~~~Shelley. I'm warning you!\\
~~~Shelley. (倒れたディルグに近づき)Dilg! Dilg! (水をくむ。バットは用意しておく)(水をディルグにかける時)Excuse me.
「ディルグ、ディルグ! ご免なさい。」
Dilg, what are you doing here? You broke out of jail.\\
「ディルグ、あなた、こんなところで何をしてるの? あなた、脱獄したんでせう?」
~~~Dilg. In passing, it was necessary to hit me on the skull.\\
~~~Shelley. You fool, the whole police force must be looking for you.\\
~~~Dilg. The whole country. I'd like to stay here.\\
~~~Shelley. You can't. I'm fixing this house up for rent. It'll be occupied tomorrow. Why did you escape? Come on.
「駄目よ。ここを貸しに出したの。明日借り手が来るわ。何故あなた、逃げたりしたの? さ、早く。」
You've got to leave. Come on, let's get out of here. Now, come on, please.\\
~~~Shelley. What's the matter?\\
~~~Dilg. My ankle.\\
~~~Shelley. Oh, my gosh! How far do you expect to get with that? And where are you going?\\
「まあ! そんな足で、どこまで行けるつもり? それに、あなた、どこへ行くつもりなの。」
~~~Dilg. I'd appreciate any suggestions, Miss Shelley.\\
~~~Shelley. Why didn't you think of that in the first place?\\
「脱獄するその時に考えておくべきことでせう? それ。」
~~~Dilg. Miss Shelley, do you believe I could burn down a factory?\\
~~~Shelley. You're crying.\\
~~~Dilg. One day you love the whole world, and all of a sudden, every...\\
~~~Shelley. No! Get upstairs. Quick.\\
~~~Shelley. (ディルグの手を引き、階段を上りながら)Quick! I want you to go in the attic and keep quiet. Understand?
「急いで! 屋根裏に入つて静かにしてるのよ。分つた?」
Close that door behind you.\\
~~~Colman. Good evening. I am Michael Lightcap.\\
~~~Shelley. Michael Lightcap? Oh, oh... Professor Lightcap! You're supposed to arrive tomorrow. Your secretary wrote...\\
「マイケル・ライトキャップ? ああ、ああ、教授の・・・ライトキャップ! あなた、明日いらつしやる予定でせう? あなたの秘書がさう手紙で・・・」
~~~Colman. My secretary is getting married. Nothing deranges a woman's mind more than marriage.
My entire life has been in complete confusion for the last two months. You must be the person with whom we corresponded.\\
~~~Shelley. Yes. Nora Shelley.\\
~~~Colman. How do you do, Miss Shelley? (二人、握手)An excellent name.\\
~~~Shelley. Yes. It's raining, isn't it?\\
~~~Colman. Definitely.\\
~~~Shelley. We're having an early summer.\\
~~~Colman. Yes. Could we continue the conversation inside? It's rather dump out here.\\
「さう。会話は中で出来ませんかね? ここにゐては濡れるばかりだ。」
~~~Shelley. Nothing is ready. I thought tomorrow about noon---really, I suggest a hotel.\\
~~~Colman. I planned to spend the night here, so I'll spend the night here.\\
~~~Shelley. Standing under an open umbrella inside, bad luck. Silly superstition, isn't it?\\
「家の中で傘を開けたままにしておくの、縁起が悪いわ。馬鹿な迷信ね? きつと。」
~~~Colman. Yes.\\
~~~Shelley. Still, in a new, strange house, you never can tell what's liable to turn up.
~~~Colman. Quite a chance is, I've had that umbrella, 11 years.
~~~Shelley. I'm so sorry.(と、傘をコールマンに渡す)\\
~~~Colman. You have a nervous, impulsive quality about you that I find in many of my students. Disease of the age.\\
~~~Shelley. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Colman. I'll get my bags.(外に出る)\\
~~~Shelley. Get up in the attic. Didn't you hear? That's the new tenant!\\
「屋根裏にゐて。聞えなかつたの? あの人、ここの新しい借り手よ。」
~~~Dilg. You shouldn't have broken his umbrella.\\
~~~Shelley. Get up in the attic. Do you know who he is?
He's a number one legal genius in the States, Dean of Commonwealth Law School. He eats with the governor. He writes to the president.
~~~Dilg. Yeah, a very cold character, Mr. Lightcap.\\
~~~Shelley. He's back. Now remember, keep quiet. And later, out you go.\\
~~~Dilg. I wonder where.\\
~~~Shelley. Oh, darn. (階段を降りる。扉を開けて)Oh, hello.\\
~~~Colman. Why did you lock the door?\\
~~~Shelley. Did I? Why, isn't that queer?\\
~~~Colman. Miss Shelley, there seems to be a strange atmosphere hanging over this house.\\
~~~Shelley. Soon as I get the curtains up it'll be all right.\\
~~~Colman. Yes.\\
~~~Shelley. You're a very sarcastic man, aren't you?\\
~~~Colman. I've just finished teaching, for nine months... 400 weary young men the rudiments of law, Miss Shelley.
I had to drive all the way down here myself because my man went to see his ailing mother in West Virginia.
I had a long, hard trip and was looking forward to a cheerful, brightly let house, a warm bed.
And I find myself, on a rainy night, in this shambles. I must confess, Miss Shelley, I've never seen such monumental inefficiency.\\
~~~Shelley. Well, why didn't you tell your secretary to get things right before she ran off, before she got married?
Is it my fault you came barging in here 24 hours ahead of the schedule?
「あなたが計画の24時間も前に この家に着くやうなはめになつたのが、私の責任だといふのですか?」
If you'd come tomorrow as you're supposed to, this house would have been efficiently whipped together.
Yes, it would have been cheerful and bright.\\
~~~Colman. Are you through?\\
~~~Shelley. Yes.\\
~~~Colman. There's justice in what you say, but, however the violence with which you say...\\
~~~Shelley. (強い調子で)Oh, I'm sorry, but...\\
「当り前でせう? 強く言うのが・・・」
~~~Colman. I accept your apology. Accept mine. And now, may I ask if there is a bedroom in the house fit to be slept in?\\
~~~Shelley. The master bedroom happens to be quite fit.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you.\\
~~~Shelley. Oh... oh... I'll show you where it is.\\
~~~Colman. No, I can find it.\\
~~~Shelley. It's... eh... on the second floor.\\
~~~Colman. Yes. I assume it's on the second floor. Good night, Miss Shelley. You may leave now.\\
~~~Shelley. Oh, I think I'd better stay and finish this job, if you don't mind.\\
~~~Colman. I'd rather you leave everything as it is for the time being and go home. Good night, Miss Shelley.\\
~~~Shelley. Right in there.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you. Good night.\\
~~~Shelley. (コールマンの部屋に入り)I ... uh... forgot my hat and coat.\\
~~~Colman. Uh... Miss Shelley, would you please close the front door noiselessly when you leave? Thank you. Good night.\\
~~~Shelley. Good night.\\
~~~Shelley. Hey, where are you?\\
~~~Dilg. I was going to break your neck. Lucky you spoke.\\
~~~Shelley. Yes, it certainly was. All right, he's asleep now.\\
~~~Dilg. You used to live here with your mother, didn't you?\\
~~~Shelley. Yes. We live in town now and rent this place. Come on, get up. You can make it if you go quietly.\\
~~~Dilg. My ankle is so swollen now, I couldn't walk five yards.\\
~~~Shelley. Oh, why does everything happen to me? What are you going to do? You can't stay here.\\
「どうしてかう、何もかも私のところにやつて来るのかしら。あなたこれからどうするつもり? ここにはゐられないわよ。」
~~~Dilg. You're still the prettiest girl in Lochester.\\
~~~Shelley. Now, look. This escape was insane. You haven't been convicted yet. The best for you is to go on back.
「いい? あなた。この脱獄、気違ひ沙汰よ。まだ、有罪にはなつてないぢやない。一番いいのは、もとの所に戻ること。」
Maybe they won't convict you.\\
~~~Dilg. The first day I saw the faces of those 12 citizens on the jury, I knew my goose was cooked. They don't like me.\\
~~~Shelley. What do you suppose they think after this stupid jailbreak? That you're guilty.\\
~~~Dilg. It's possible I am, don't you think?\\
~~~Shelley. Maybe, maybe not. As far as I know, you're capable anything, even burning a factory.
You were the wildest kid that ever went to a Lochester School.\\
~~~Dilg. You wore pigtails then. I was in love with you.\\
~~~Shelley. Always collecting a bad reputation, even after you grew up. Speeches on street corners, petitions.
Any kind of a squawk, Leopold's right in the middle of it. Something like this was bound to happen. What's wrong with you, anyway?\\
~~~Dilg. It's a form of self-expression. Some people write books, some people write music. I make speeches on street corners.\\
~~~Shelley. (ロウソクを取って)This is no time for nonsense.\\
~~~Dilg. You're even prettier now.\\
~~~Shelley. What about Yates? Does he know what you've done?\\
「イエイツはどうなの? あの人、あなたがやつたことが何か、分つてるの?」
~~~Dilg. Yates?\\
~~~Shelley. Sam Yates, your lawyer. Don't you know your own lawyer?\\
~~~Dilg. The state gave me a present of a lawyer.\\
~~~Shelley. If anybody can help you, it's Sam Yates. I'll call him, and that's the end of the line as far as I'm concerned.
Whatever Yates decides, he's got to get you out of this house by dawn. That ankle had better be better.\\
~~~Dilg. Thank you, Miss Shelley.\\
~~~Shelley. See that you keep quiet.\\
~~~Dilg. Yes, Miss Shelley.\\
~~~Colman. Miss Shelley... I thought you had gone.\\
~~~Shelley. I was hoping you'd be awake.\\
~~~Colman. I must say this is irregular.\\
~~~Shelley. I... I'm in trouble.\\
~~~Colman. In trouble?\\
~~~Shelley. Yes, it's mother.\\
~~~Colman. And what has Mother to do with it?\\
~~~Shelley. Well, we live in a house in town. We scrape on each other's nerves.
Sometimes the fights, the things we say to each other... Today we had one of our disagreements. You have no idea how ugly.
The only thing that works is absence. I thought that I'd stay here tonight. You weren't supposed to come until tomorrow.
I'm sorry, forgive me. I'll go now.\\
~~~Colman. Miss Shelley. If you wish, another room.\\
~~~Shelley. Oh... oh... thank you so much.(毛布を渡されるので)There are plenty of blankets. (嬉しい顔)... Oh, thank you.\\
~~~Colman. Good night.\\
~~~Shelley. Good night.\\
~~~Shelley. I was wondering if I could borrow a pair of your pajamas.\\
~~~Shelley. Thank you so much.\\
~~~Colman. Don't mention it. Good night.\\
~~~Shelley. Good night. If you're worried about anything, there's a lock just inside the door, which is just simply...
~~~Colman. Thank you. Good night.\\
(シェリー、急いで電話機へと走る。電話帳を捜す) \\
~~~Shelley. Hello, is Mr. Yates there? Do you know where I can find him? Yes. Very important. Nora Shelley.
「もしもし、ミスター・イエイツはいらつしやいますか? こちらから連絡がとれますか? ええ、非常に重要なことなんです。ノーラ・シェリーといひます。」
You haven't any idea when he'll be back? You haven't.
「いつお帰りか、全く分らないんですか? さう、分りませんか。」
No, he won't be able to reach me. I may call again later or very early in the morning. Yes. Goodbye. Thank you.\\
~~~Colman.(目を開けて)She must have adenoids.\\
~~~Shelley. Oh, my gosh.\\
~~~Shelley. (ディルグに小声で)Hey, get back in there.\\
~~~Dilg. Good morning, Miss Shelley. A morning for the angels.\\
~~~Shelley. A morning for jailbirds to stay in.\\
~~~Dilg. What's for breakfast, Miss Shelley?\\
「朝食は何かな? ミス・シェリー。」
~~~Shelley. Lovely, lovely. Really lovely. Beautifully lovely.\\
~~~Colman. Good morning.\\
~~~Shelley.(照れくさそうに)Morning. Did you sleep well?\\
~~~Colman. Fair, thank you.\\
~~~Shelley. That's good.\\
~~~Colman. Your adenoids trouble you, don't they?\\
~~~Shelley. Um?\\
~~~Colman. Perhaps I shouldn't mention it...
but tell you the truth, Miss Shelley, I have never heard such magnificent snoring in my life.\\
~~~Shelley. What?
(と、反駁しようとするが、ディルグのことに思いあたり、止めて)... Oh, yes, itn't it awful? You know they're as big as your fist.\\
「ああ、あれですの? 酷いでせう? さうなんです、私の扁桃腺、あなたの拳ぐらゐの大きさ。」
~~~Colman. I'll be obliged if you patch things up with your mother today.\\
~~~Shelley. Certainly. I'll go right home just as soon as I get things straightened up.\\
~~~Colman. Ah, Miss Shelley, I intend to be at work within the half-hour.
I'd appreciate that you get dressed and leave, without slamming the door.\\
~~~Shelley. Oh, but, Mr. Lightcap, your breakfast... I'll have it ready in a jiffy.\\
~~~Colman. If you don't mind, I'd prefer to...\\
~~~Shelley. Hello, is Mr. Yates there? He's left the house? Where to? Do you know...? Listen. This is Miss Shelley again.
「もしもし、ミスター・イエイツは? もうお出かけ? どこへです? 分らないつて? いいですか? 私はノラ・シェリー。」
Did you tell him I phoned last night?... No.(ノックの音)...(慌てて)No, thanks. (受話器を置く)\\
「昨日もお電話しましたけど、お聞きになりませんでした? 聞かなかったって?・・・分りました。いいです。」
~~~Shelley. Mother!\\
~~~母. Nora Shelley! What is this?\\
「あなた! 何です? これは。」
~~~Shelley. Now, don't get alarmed.\\
~~~母. What's going on here? What do you mean by staying out all night? Where did you get these? Why didn't you phone me?\\
「ここで一体何が起つてるの? 一晩中帰つてこないつて、どういふこと? そのパジャマ、どうしたの。どうして電話しなかつたの。」
~~~Shelley. It's all very simple.\\
~~~母. Who owns that car up there?\\
~~~Shelley. Professor Lightcap arrived last night. These are his pajamas.\\
~~~母. No!\\
~~~Shelley. Don't be a silly old woman. Take that look off your face. I stayed to finish the house. It was too late to phone you.\\
~~~Donald. Hi, Nora.\\
~~~Shelley. Donald, what are you doing here?\\
~~~Donald. That's some getup, Nora.\\
~~~Shelley. What do you want?\\
~~~Donald. Came to interview Lightcap.\\
~~~Shelley. Don't be ridiculous. He's not even here yet.\\
~~~母. Not expected for weeks.\\
~~~Donald. I'd know his pajamas anywhere.\\
~~~母. How'd he know that?(これはノラへのあてつけ)\\
~~~Shelley. Mother!\\
~~~Donald. Oh, Henry, get a shot of Miss Shelley.\\
~~~Shelley. You lift that camera, I bust it. Get out of here.\\
~~~母. It serves you right, Nora. Get dressed and come right...\\
~~~Donald.(コールマンを見て)Oh, a beard. I take it all back, baby.
~~~Colman. And what, may I ask, is going on here?\\
~~~Shelley. Oh... Professor Lightcap, this is my mother.\\
~~~母. Well, Professor Lightcap, I'm so glad. I've heard of you but I was afraid you were a younger man.\\
~~~Donald. Oh, Professor, my name is Forster. I'm from the Rochester Herald. I'd like an interview.\\
~~~Colman. I'm sorry.\\
~~~Donald. Uh, for instance, your opinion in the Dilg case would be mighty interesting...\\
~~~母. Dilg's escaped, Nora.\\
~~~Shelley. No!\\
~~~Donald. (コールマンに)Yeah. What do you say about this jailbreak? An admission of guilt?\\
「さうさう。この脱獄をどう思はれます? 有罪の告白でせうか。」
~~~Colman. I have not acquainted with the case.\\
~~~Donald. The burning of the Holmes factory...\\
~~~Shelley. (ドナルドに)He doesn't wish interviews. He wishes his breakfast.\\
~~~Colman. And reasonable solitude.\\
~~~Shelley. (母親に)Yes, now, mother and you, will you please go?\\
~~~母. Will you come right home?\\
~~~Shelley. Yes, dear.\\
~~~配達屋. Where does it go, Miss Shelley?\\
~~~Shelley. Right over there, please.\\
~~~配達屋. (コールマンに、「邪魔だ」と)Excuse me, bud?\\
~~~Shelley. No, right over there, Eddie. You weren't expected till noon.\\
~~~Colman. That is becoming quite evident.\\
~~母. Bless you.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you.\\
~~~母. You must have been caught in the rain last night.\\
~~~Colman. I was. Your mother doesn't seem frightening this morning.\\
~~~Shelley. She is very changeable.\\
~~~母. Why should I be frightening?\\
~~~Shelley. Now, Mother, he wants to do his work. Come on.(と、みんなを出さうと促す)\\
~~~母. Get out of those pajamas.\\
~~~母. Why, Sam Yates! Look at you.\\
「まあ、サム・イエイツ! 驚いたこと。」
~~~Sam. Hello, Nora.\\
~~~Dilg. I'm hiding in the middle of a parade.\\
~~~Colman. Why, Sam Yates.\\
~~~Sam. Michael, I'll be doggoned.\\
~~~Sam. (シェリーに)How'd you know I wanted to see him?\\
~~~Shelley. I didn't know you knew him.\\
~~~Sam. I went so school with him. What did you call me about then?\\
~~~Shelley. I didn't call you.\\
~~~Sam. You didn't? They gave me a message...\\
「かけなかつた? だけど伝言が・・・」
~~~Shelley. Somebody must be cuckoo.\\
~~~Colman. (サムの目のあざを見て)Have you been fighting?\\
~~~Sam. I fight three times a day.\\
~~~Colman. At school you had a tendency toward riots. I thought you'd outgrow it.\\
~~~Sam. I can't stand the way this town is going after Leopold Dilg.
Anybody who believes what Holmes says about him got to settle with me.\\
~~~Colman. I take it you're Dilg's lawyer.\\
~~~Sam. I am not. That is, I am. The state appointed me. But Dilg doesn't want me. He says an innocent man doesn't need a lawyer.\\
~~~Colman. Original thinker.\\
~~~Sam. He certainly is. He's the only honest man in town these twenty years and they want to hang him.\\
~~~Colman. Sam, really.\\
~~~Sam. He's been shouting for years that Holmes is crooked behind his legs.
Mind you, he's just a worker with gumption enough to fight the big political boss. Getting quite a following too.
So, what happens? He predicts the mills will burn down. They do. One man burned to death. Here's Holmes' chance.
"It was Dilg," he says. "Go get him." He lashes this burg into a frenzy, he rigs this phony trial against him.
Dilg escapes because he knows he hasn't got a chance. And the way this town feels now...\\
~~~Colman. What did you expect me to do?\\
~~~Sam. You, the most distinguished legal mind in the state, could head a committee...
and demand a fair trial for him, away from the prejudice of this town. Judge Grundstadt is a tool of Holmes and out to get Dilg.
He's said as much.(コールマンが平然と本を見ているので)You're not buying the idea.\\
~~~Colman. Sam, my business is with the principles of law.
I can't mixed up in these little local affairs. The philosophy behind the deed, that's my field.\\
~~~Donald. May I quote that, Mr. Lightcap?\\
~~~Colman. No.\\
~~~Sam. Little squabbles, eh?\\
~~~Colman. Personality.\\
~~~Colman. And now, what?\\
~~~警官. Who lives here?\\
~~~Shelley. Professor Michael Lightcap.\\
~~~警官. (他の警官に)You take the house, I'll take the grounds.\\
~~~Shelley. Now wait a minute. Have you got a search warrant?\\
~~~警官. Dilg escaped, if you know.\\
~~~Shelley. No.\\
~~~警官. We're searching every house on this side of road.\\
~~~Shelley. Have you got a warrant?\\
~~~警官. Oh, look, lady.\\
~~~Shelley. There's nobody here but us. Professor Lightcap came here for a quiet summer.\\
~~~警官. Listen.\\
~~~Shelley. No warrant, out! That's from the constitution, isn't it, Sam?\\
「捜査令状がないのなら、さつさと出て行つて! サム、憲法にもさう書いてあるんでせう?」
~~~Sam. Well, not exactly in those words.\\
~~~Shelley. We garanttee that nobody's here but us.\\
~~~Colman. And that's too many. Please leave, all of you. You are wasting my entire moments.\\
~~~Shelley. Yes. Mother, will you, please? Donald. Both of you.\\
~~~母. Don't come home in those pajamas.\\
~~~Shelley. I won't.\\
~~~配達人. (運び入れながら)Watch it, now. Here we come.\\
~~~Colman. Just put that down there. I've rented this house and I don't want a lot of policeman in it, or truckmen.\\
~~~配達人. Shippers, bud.\\
~~~Colman. Or shippers bud, reporters, mothers.(くしやみ)\\
~~~母. (出ながら)Bless you. Now, you be sure to take them off and come home soon.\\
Bless you~~~相手がくしやみをした時に言う、決まり文句\\
~~~Sam. So long, Michael.\\
~~~Colman. I'm sorry, Sam.\\
~~~Sam. You're still wearing it, I see. It's becoming. You've grown into it.\\
~~~Colman. (シェリーに)And what's that?\\
「何だ? あれは。」
~~~Shelley. It's the coffee boiling.\\
~~~Colman. Take it off.\\
~~~Shelley. You do it, will you? I've got to speak to mother.\\
~~~Shelley. (サムの車の助手席に来て)Do you know who's up in that attic right now? Leopold Dilg.\\
~~~Sam. Who?\\
~~~Shelley. Dilg.\\
~~~Sam. In that attic?\\
~~~Shelley. Yes.\\
~~~Sam. Now?\\
~~~Shelley. Yes, now. He stumbled in here last night five minutes before Lightcap arrived. (サム、笑ふ)What's funny?\\
~~~Sam. "Can't get involved in local affairs" says Lightcap. There's a local affair in his house.\\
~~~Shelley. You've got to get him out of here.\\
~~~Sam. Why?\\
~~~Shelley. Why?\\
~~~Sam. What's as safe as a law professor's home?\\
~~~Shelley. Are you kidding?\\
~~~Sam. Dilg's life won't be worth a dime if I turn him back to that jury now. Lightcap can help us, but it'll take time.\\
~~~Shelley. That's nothing to me. One way or other he can't stay up there.\\
~~~Sam. Why not?\\
~~~Shelley. Who'd take care of him?\\
~~~Sam. You.\\
~~~Shelley. Me?\\
~~~Colman. Miss Shelley.\\
~~~Shelley. Yes, just a minute.(サムに)I can't hang around here.
Even if I wanted to, Lightcap's fifty times ordered me out. I'm here now only because I'm in his pajamas. If not, I'd be out on my ear.\\
~~~Sam. Then stay in them.\\
~~~Colman.(家の中から)Miss Shelley.\\
~~~Shelley. Yes, I'm coming.\\
~~~Sam. I'll keep in touch with you.\\
~~~Shelley. Oh, Sam... (と、家の方に進む)\\
~~~Colman. Miss Shelley, the coffeepot is about to explode.\\
~~~Shelley. Oh, I'm coming, Your Honour.\\
~~~Shelley. (微笑んで)I'm coming.\\
~~~Shelley. Would you like some coffee?\\
~~~Colman. Thank you.\\
~~~Shelley. Is that the way you like your eggs?\\
~~~Colman. Thank you, yes. ... By the way, Miss Shelley, if you could arrage to get out of my pajamas...
I'd take it as a great personal favour.\\
~~~Shelley. Certainly. Just as soon as I clear things up a bit.\\
~~~Colman. Please leave things as they are, will you? I intend to start right away.\\
~~~Shelley. Ah... Professor Lightcap, what are you going to do about your lunch and dinner?\\
~~~Colman. Yes, I thought of that. Is there a good employment agency in the town?\\
~~~Shelley. Yes. There's ... there's Mrs. Hines. She's very good.\\
~~~Colman. Will you leave me her telephone number, please?\\
~~~Shelley. You want a cook, naturally.\\
「コックが必要なんでせう? 勿論。」
~~~Colman. And a stenographer.\\
~~~Shelley. Would you have an objection to both functions being performed by the same person? Very adventageous, you know.
You want it quiet, no extraneous people tramping about.\\
「静かな雰囲気がお好きなんでせう? 二人だとバタバタしますわ。」
~~~Colman. Ah... do I understand that you are applying for this position?\\
~~~Shelley. Ah... yes.\\
~~~Colman. Miss Shelley, judging by the last 12 hours, how quiet could the house be with you in it?\\
~~~Shelley. Oh, you mustn't judge by that. Take right now, for instance. Nice and peaceful, isn't it?\\
~~~Colman. Uh-hm.\\
~~~Shelley. Excuse me, please.\\
~~~郵便配達. Michael Lightcap?\\
~~~Shelley. Yes, indeed.(コールマンを呼ぶ)Telegram for you, Professor Lightcap. Professor Lightcap, for you.
Of course if you get telegrams, it's not my fault. (コールマン、電報を開ける)Bad news?\\
~~~Colman. No, it's from my man, Tilney.\\
~~~Shelley. Is he arriving?\\
~~~Colman. No, not for a few days. You see, it happens to be my birthday, and Tilney always remembers it.\\
~~~Shelley. Oh, congratulations.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you. (と頭を下げる)Miss Shelley, do I look 40 years old?\\
~~~Shelley. Yes, you... that is, in a way, you do.\\
~~~Colman. Miss Shelley, will you let me have Mrs. Hines' telephone number?\\
~~~Shelley. Yes... uh... as I said, I represent the prefect solution. Cook and secretary \$40 a week and board.\\
~~~Colman. Miss Shelley, I dictate 150 words a minute.\\
~~~Shelley. Some think more slowly than others.\\
~~~Colman. I have a very strict regime. Breakfast at 8, eggs every other day.\\
~~~Shelley. No eggs tomorrow.\\
~~~Colman. Lunch at 1, an hour for correspondence, work from 3 to 6, dinner at 7. Light meals but carefully prepared.
Now, how could you find time for all of that?\\
~~~Shelley. Oh, that's easy... I could cook while you're reading and thing like that, you see?\\
~~~Colman. I think someone a little more mature...\\
~~~Shelley. Let me try. I'd love to work for you. It'd be a mental holiday for me. You only need a cook until your man arrives.
「私にやらせてみて下さい。あなたのために働くの、私、やつてみたいんです。心理的な休暇になりますもの、きつと。それに、あなたの召使がどうせ来るんでせう? その間のことだけですもの、コックは。」
It'd be a shame to hire a woman temporarily. It doesn't matter to me. I'm a teacher and this is my summer vacation.
Don't you agree with me?\\
~~~Colman. Well...\\
~~~Shelley. You'll never regret this move. Really I should...\\
~~~配達人. Your clothes, Miss Shelley. We got them here as quick as we could.\\
~~~Shelley. Take them right upstairs. First door to the right, please.\\
~~~配達人. Yes, ma'am.\\
~~~Shelley. I'll get out of these pajamas in a jiffy. Collect your thoughts, Professor.
「このパジャマ、すぐに着替へて来ますわ。その間に決心して下さいね? プロフェッサー。」
When I come down, you can plunge right into work.\\
~~~Colman. The... er... the beginning is always a little difficult.\\
~~~Shelley. (鉛筆を構えて)Yes, sir.\\
~~~Colman. Jot down this title: The Relation of Literature to Legislation in 18th Century in England.\\
~~~Shelley. (ちょっと呆れた顔。あまりに現実離れしているので)Yes, sir.\\
~~~Colman. The effects... There's no need to say, "Yes, sir." to each line I dictate.\\
~~~Shelley. No, sir.\\
~~~Colman. The effects of literature upon legislation...
is a study that has long claimed the interests of scientists, uh social scientists, in every country in the world.
The law is the sum of the experience of civilized man...(シェリー、困ったという顔)the sign that man has emerged from the jungle.
Ah... The 18th century represents perhaps the high point of man's intellectual development.
(シェリー、ディルグが降りて来たのが窓越しに見え、目を丸くする)Reason simple and pure was the weight against which human problems were held in balance. Law became, for the first time,
the instrument of pure logic with each man's rights and responsibilities.
Considered from the viewpoint of the possible and reasonable rather than the...(くしゃみ)\\
~~~Shelley. Bless you.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you. Pay close attention, Miss Shelley. Did you get that?\\
~~~Shelley. ... from the viewpoint of the possible and reasonable rather than...\\
~~~Colman. ... rather than the feudal conventions of divine and everlasting rights.
It was the aim of the lawmakers and the law administrators to build the law firmly on principles which are above small emotions, greed...\\
and the loose thinking of everyday life.\\
~~~Dilg. Impossible.(二人、驚いて振返る)The law is a gun pointed at somebody's head.
It all depends upon which end of the gun you stand whether the law is just or not.\\
~~~Colman.(シェリーに)Who is he?\\
~~~Shelley. He's the gardener, Joseph. Joseph, this is Professor Lightcap, the new tenant.\\
~~~Dilg. Pleased to know you. Excuse me, I... Still, your point of view of the law is very interesting.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you.\\
~~~Dilg. It represents the ideal conditon. I don't approve, but I like people who think in terms of ideal conditions.
They're the dreamers, poets, tragic figures in this world, but interesting.\\
~~~Shelley. Ah... how are the zinnias getting along, Joseph?\\
~~~Dilg. Dying... You see Professor...\\
~~~Colman. Joseph, if you don't mind, I must get on with my dictation.
And you might see if you can save the zinnias from dying.\\
~~~Dilg. Certainly. Still, I don't know, Professor, if it might do you good to talk to somebody like me. I am a practical man.
I have certain very practical relations with the law.\\
~~~Shelley. The zinnias, Joseph.\\
~~~Colman. Ah, Miss Shelley, I think we might as well take our work inside. It's getting rather chilly.\\
~~~Dilg. Bless you.\\
~~~Colman. If you'll excuse us, Joseph.\\
~~~Colman. And now, what's that?\\
「え? 今度は何だ?」
~~~Shelley. What are you trying to do?\\
~~~Dilg. When I hear talking nonsense, I get an impulse.\\
~~~Shelley. You get upstairs.\\
~~~Dilg. With this ankle, it's too late.\\
~~~Shelley. Then hide somewhere, quick. Get in there.\\
~~~Colman. (シェリーに)See who it is, will you?\\
~~~誰か. (扉の外から)I'm looking for Professor Michael Lightcap. I was told he arrived yesterday.\\
~~~Shelley. Yes, indeed. Come right in.\\
~~~Colman. Well, well, Senator Boyd.\\
~~~Boyd. Professor, how are you? I'm glad to see you.\\
「プロフェッサー、御機嫌如何かな? 会へて嬉しいね。」
~~~Colman. This is quite a surprise. Sit down.\\
~~~Boyd. No, thanks. I'll only be a minute. I... have a bit of news for you. Rather important.\\
~~~Shelley. Excuse me.\\
~~~Colman. Ah, Miss Shelley, this is Senator Boyd. My secretary.\\
~~~Shelley. And cook.\\
~~~Boyd. And cook? How do you do?\\
~~~Shelley. Excuse me.(退場)\\
~~~Colman. Now, sit down.\\
~~~Boyd. The news I have for you couldn't be entrusted to the mail or telegraph wire. By the way, what party do you belong to?\\
~~~Colman. Oh... no party. I vote whichever way I see fit.\\
~~~Boyd. An independent voter. The backbone of the country.\\
~~~Colman. Senator Boyd, please, won't you tell me what...\\
~~~Boyd. Well, Lightcap, I came to say that the president would be pleased to appoint you
to the bench of the Supreme Court in September. Well? Would you be willing to accept?\\
~~~Colman. I'd be willing to accept.\\
~~~Boyd. Wonderful. Perfect.(握手して)Congratulations. In six weeks, your name will be submitted to the Senate.
The Senate will investigate, naturally, but I don't think we have to fear that. But I'd be careful.
I'd keep the name out of the papers in any connection if I were you.\\
~~~Colman. I've been keeping my name out of the papers for years.\\
~~~Boyd. And so of course. I've got to start back.\\
~~~Colman. You must have something first before you leave. Miss Shelley.\\
「ちよつと待つて。その前に何か食べていらつしやいませんか? ミス・シェリー。」
~~~Boyd. No thanks, really.(扉のところで)Goodbye, Michael.(握手)Congratulations.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you.\\
~~~Boyd. You'll hear from me.\\
~~~Colman. Goodbye.(部屋に戻る。シェリー出て来る)Miss Shelley, yes... where are we? Oh, yes, bring your book.\\
~~~Shelley. You're not going back to work \textit{now}?\\
~~~Colman. Oh, bring your book.\\
~~~Shelley. But you've done a good morning's work. Besides, this is your birthday. And really, Professor, you've got a honey of a cold.
「午前中の仕事はもうあれで充分なんではありませんか? 今日はお誕生日ですよ、プロフェッサー、それにお風邪を召していらつしやるし。」
I feel personally responsible for it. I'm going to start taking care of you.
I'm going to put you to bed and feed your hot nourishing broths and hot lemonade.\\
~~~Colman. Hot lemonade?\\
~~~Shelley. Yes.\\
~~~Colman. Now, now, don't be silly. Bring your book.\\
~~~Dilg. (近づいて)There's something to what Miss Shelley says, Professor. You ought to take care of your health.\\
~~~Sam. Supreme Court. What do you know?\\
~~~Dilg.(本棚から取出して本を眺めて)This stuff he reads is remarkably dead.\\
~~~Shelley. (ディルグに)You eating again?\\
~~~Dilg. (何か食べながら)That prison food was terrible.\\
~~~Sam. Alright. Supreme Court appointment or not, we're dragging him into this.\\
~~~Dilg. Yeah, we certainly must.\\
~~~Shelley. Oh, we must, must we? (ディルグを指差して) Look at him. Calm and relaxed like he was cruising on his yacht.
He got his neck in a noose and now he sits here and he remarks, "We certainly must." How do you suggest we start, Leopold?\\
~~~Dilg. Well, what have we here? An intelligent man, but cold. No blood in his thinking. So we must start to thaw him out.\\
~~~Shelley. Oh... we thaw him.\\
~~~Dilg. Can't let a man like that take a seat on the highest court in our land. Bad for the country.\\
~~~Shelley. I see. All of a sudden, what he's concerned about is our country.\\
~~~Dilg. Our country first, yes. Then my neck next.\\
~~~Sam. That's all very beautiful, and recommendable, but this thawing-out process... we haven't got months.\\
~~~Shelley. Oh, plenty of time. I like to break out in a sweat every time the doorbell rings.
How do you propose we thaw him, Leopold? With a blowtorch?\\
「レオポールド、あなた、あの人を溶かすの、どうやるつもり? 松明でやるの?」
~~~Dilg. Well, we have to give that some thought. We have a good start. The prettiest woman in Lochester.\\
~~~Colman.(呼ぶ声)Miss Shelley, Miss Shelley.\\
~~~Colman. Miss Shelley, I'm feeling a little tired. I think I'll get some sleep.\\
~~~Shelley. That's just what you need, plenty of rest.\\
~~~Colman. Yes, it's been quite a day.\\
~~~Shelley. This is for you, for being such a good patient.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you, Miss Shelley.\\
~~~Dilg. The professor's custard.\\
~~~Colman. Not now, Joseph, thank you.\\
~~~Dilg. Not at all. I was on my way to bed anyway.(自分で食べ始める)Feeling better, Professor?\\
「どういたしまして。私もどうせ寝床に行くところでしたから。御気分は如何ですか? プロフェッサー。」
~~~Colman. Much better, thanks. I'm really very grateful to you both.\\
~~~Dilg. Say nothing of it. Your cold will thaw. Everything thaws.\\
~~~Colman. Good night, Joseph. I hope your ankle is better.\\
~~~Dilg. Thank you. Good night, Miss Shelley.\\
~~~Shelley. Good night.\\
(新聞の見出し「Dilg Escapes Trap!」。ディルグの写真も)\\
~~~Dilg. Good morning, Professor!\\
~~~Colman. Good morning.\\
~~~Dilg. (自分が勝手に朝食を食べているのを非難されると思ひ、先回りして)Well, what's wrong?\\
「えっ? 何か?」
~~~Colman. Well...\\
~~~Dilg. Oh, excuse me, Professor, I didn't think you'd be down this morning.\\
~~~Colman. No, that's quite alright. Stay as you are.\\
~~~Dilg. No, no, the gardener shouldn't be eating here.\\
~~~Colman. Nonsense. Sit. I insist.(そこにシェリー、来る)Good morning, Miss Shelley.\\
~~~Shelley. Are you sure you should be up, Professor?\\
「あら、起きてもいいんですか? プロフェッサー。」
~~~Colman. Oh, yes. I'm quite well. Perfectly normal.\\
~~~Shelley. That's good.\\
~~~Colman. Is there a morning paper?\\
~~~Shelley. I'll see.(少し捜して)No, it hasn't come yet.(と部屋を出る)\\
~~~Dilg. Wonderful cook. We're in clover.(皿をどけて)I'll take this out of your way.\\
~~~Colman. Well, Joseph, this is very nice and companionable.
You know, Joseph, there's a touch of the philosopher about you that I like.\\
~~~Dilg. (ニヤリと笑う。後ろでこつそりシェリーもこのやりとりを聞いている)And you interest me enormously, Professor.\\
~~~Colman. Good, good.\\
~~~Dilg.(嬉しそうに)Ha, ha!(自分の皿を渡して。笑い声)Ha, ha, ha.\\
~~~Colman. Sit down and have some breakfast.\\
~~~Shelley. Yes, I just must get the coffee.\\
~~~Dilg.(食べながら)Wonderful.(コールマンに)Ever had borscht, Professor?\\
~~~Colman. What's that?\\
「何だい? それは。」
~~~Shelley.(キッチンから顔を出して)Beet soup with sour cream. It's a Polish dish.\\
~~~Dilg. Yeah. With an egg in it. Don't let anybody give it to you without an egg in it. We must have some, Miss Shelley.\\
~~~Shelley. Of course. ... yes... as soon as I finish my course in American cooking... I...\\
~~~Dilg. Oh, you can buy it at Mrs. Pulaski's Polish Dairy near the factory.\\
~~~Colman. Pulaski's, by all means. Let's get some.\\
~~~Dilg. Well, here we are, Professor!\\
~~~Shelley. This is not your egg morning.\\
~~~Colman. Well, you certainly think of everything, Miss Shelley.\\
~~~Dilg. Too bad about your paper. Still, if you read yesterday's, why read today's? Just some more about that terrible man Dilg.\\
~~~Colman. Dilg? Oh, the fugitive from justice.\\
「ディルグ? ああ、脱獄犯か。」
~~~Dilg. Or a miscarriage of justice.\\
~~~Colman. Your opinion, too?\\
~~~Shelley. It'd be yours if you knew Andrew Holmes.
He makes the law. He puts a fellow like judge Grundstadt on the bench. Grundstadt takes orders.\\
~~~Colman. Well, the voters may remove him.\\
~~~Shelley. This corruption is too thick. That's the way every decent person around here feels about it.\\
~~~Colman. If feelings influenced law, half the country would be in jail. Facts, Miss Shelley, facts.\\
~~~Dilg. My dear Professor, people winds facts around each other like pretzels.(カップをシェリーに渡しながら)Please.
Facts alone, that's a nut without a kernel. Where's the soul? Where is the instinct? Where's the warm, human side?
~~~Colman. All right, Joseph, you conduct the law on sentimentality and you will have violence and disorder.\\
~~~Dilg. Um-hum. Your way, you have a Greek statue. Beautiful, but dead.\\
~~~Colman. All right, two schools of thought. I see your point of view, theoretically. In fact, I respect it.\\
~~~Dilg. I wish I could respect yours, Professor.\\
~~~Shelley. Joseph puts it a little strongly. Ah... ah... He does respect you, of course.
But as you can see that he's for the practical side, the everyday garden-variety type of human experience.\\
~~~Colman. Yes, and makes the law up as he goes alone.\\
~~~Dilg. Out of common sense, yes. In fact, Professor, the way I see it, you don't live in this country, you just take up room in it.\\
~~~Shelley. Now, Joseph.\\
~~~Colman. That's quite all right.\\
~~~Dilg. Discussion amongst friends.\\
~~~Colman. Of course. Delightful.\\
~~~Dilg. All you know about the American scene is what you read in newspapers and magazines.
Somebody else's impressions hashed up for lazy people.
If you don't feel it yourself, you've learned nothing. Just like somebody tells you about your operation.\\
~~~Colman. Miss Shelley, I appear to be a total loss.\\
~~~Shelley. Oh, that'll do, Joseph, for this morning.\\
~~~Dilg. Professor, I challenge you to make an experiment. Spend half a day with books and the other half finding out what people do.
By the way, with these indoor habits of yours, you've got the complexion of gravel pip.
~~~Colman. You know Joseph, you're no oil painting yourself.\\
~~~Dilg. You know you are a mummy's closer.(ミイラに近い)They wore beards, too.\\
~~~Colman. Well, Joseph, what would you suggest?\\
~~~Dilg. Well, there's a baseball game today.\\
~~~Colman. Baseball? Baseball!(笑う)\\
「野球? おやおや、野球とはね。」
~~~Shelley. Joseph, are you crazy?\\
~~~Sam. Baseball? Lightcap?\\
「野球? ライトキャップが?」
~~~Dilg. If I know the habits of our leading Lochester citizens, Professor Lightcap is about to have a very enlightening experience.
Pass the beans.\\
~~~物売り. Peanuts, peanuts.\\
~~~Shelley.(声を張り上げて)Come on, Dockwoilor. Pickle it!\\
~~~誰か. Hello, judge.\\
~~~物売り. Get your fresh-roasted Georgia goobers, 10 cents a bag.\\
~~~誰か. Hello, Your Honour.\\
~~~他の誰か. How do you do, sir.\\
~~~Grunstadt. Hello, Miss Shelley.\\
~~~Shelley. Hello, judge.\\
~~~Grunstadt. Anything happen?\\
「(歓声が聞えるので)えっ? どうしたんだ?」
~~~Shelley. Connolly speared a line drive, a beaut. Uh... Professor Lightcap, this is Judge Grunstadt.\\
~~~Grunstadt. Lightcap? Why, of course, how do you do, sir?(と、手を出す)\\
「えっ? ライトキャップ? おやおや、これはこれは。」
~~~Colman. (握手)How do you do?\\
~~~Grunstadt. Well, this is a great honour.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you.(シェリーに)Did you say Judge... ?\\
~~~Grunstadt. Uh... uh... Grunstadt. Doubt you've heard of me. But your work... I've read it in the Law Review every year.
Admired it deeply. It's profound. Yes, austere.\\
~~~後ろの観客.(グルンシュタットに)Hey, sit down, you're not made of glass.\\
~~~Grunstadt.(坐りながら)Yes, indeed. How I envy you, sir. You work in the quiet of your library and the world does not interrupt.
(打者、打つ。それを見て)You grind! That was right across the plate!(コールマンに)But me, I labour in the vineyard.
「おお、いいぞ! ど真ん中の球だつたな、あれは。だけど私なんか葡萄畑で働いてゐるやうなもんですよ。」
You've heard of the Dilg case, I take it?\\
~~~Colman. Yes, yes.\\
~~~Grunstadt. There's luck for you. First case I've had in 10 years that drew any outside attention.(野球の方へ)Slide, you idiot, slide!
「これで私にも運が向いて来たつてわけですよ。この仕事について10年、やつと外部の注目を浴びる事件にあたつたんですからね。滑り込め! この馬鹿! 滑り込め!」
(コールマンに)And right in the middle of the trial, the swine skips out like a butterfly. And I was preparing a brilliant opinion.\\
~~~Colman. Before the trial was finished? They hadn't brought all the evidence in.\\
「裁判が終らないうちに判決を? 証拠はまだ全部は出てないんでせう?」
~~~Grunstadt. No. But he was as guilty as Judas.\\
~~~Colman. How do you know he was?\\
~~~Grunstadt. The clearest thing. The town malcontent. Holy terror, even as a boy.
(野球の方へ)Throw away, throw it, throw it, you blockhead!\\
~~~Colman. You consider it ethical to judge a man without all the evidence?\\
~~~Grunstadt. My dear fellow, he broke jail. That rather proves it, doesn't it?
Even a library philosopher like you, Professor, would have to admit that.\\
~~~Colman. Miss Shelley, I think we've had enough baseball for today.\\
~~~Shelley. Alright.\\
~~~Grunstadt. You're not going.\\
~~~Colman. I have some work to do.\\
~~~Grunstadt. That's too bad.(コールマンと握手)Great thing, this baseball.
Gets the legal cobwebs out of the brain. Oh, uh... I have this box. Any time you'd like to see a game...\\
~~~Colman. Thank you.\\
~~~コールマンの後の観客. Sit down, will you?\\
~~~Colman. Yes, you play very well. Where did you learn?\\
~~~Dilg. My father. He was the kind of man who resented work. It interfered with chess, and argument.\\
~~~Colman. You're a man of many parts. I look forward to a very pleasant summer.\\
~~~Dilg. Thank you, Professor. Your king is still in check.\\
~~~Colman. Yes, now, let's see.\\
~~~Dilg. (痛さうに右足をチェス台の上に上げ)Thanks for lending me these slippers, Professor. It's been a relief.\\
~~~Colman. Well, that's good. I'm glad.\\
~~~Dilg.(シェリ−を見て)Cozy here, isn't it, Miss Shelley?\\
「ここは快適だね? ミス・シェリー。」
~~~Shelley. I'm so glad you're comfortable, Joseph.\\
~~~Colman.(シェリーに)Did you actually hear that fool Grunstadt?\\
~~~Shelley. Yes, wasn't it remarkable? Joseph, what do you think? Judge Grunstadt was sitting just next to us at the game today.\\
~~~Dilg. Um... I hear he's a very charming man.\\
~~~Colman. He's an idiot. Writing an opinion of a case before hearing all the evidence. Preposterous fake.\\
~~~Dilg. Your rules don't allow that.\\
~~~Colman. Naturally not.\\
~~~Dilg. And what do you do about it?\\
~~~Colman. I?\\
「行動? 私の?」
~~~Dilg. You or anybody.\\
~~~Colman. There's nothing to do. Well, I can't intrude on the business of the Superior Court of the county.\\
~~~Dilg. So you just turn your face.\\
~~~Colman. Joseph, you don't understand.\\
~~~Dilg. I understand this much. You laugh at my kind of law and wink at the other. What kind do you practice?\\
~~~Colman. I refuse to be dragged into any further discussion of the philosophy of law.(と、立上がる)\\
~~~Dilg.(微笑んで)Well, then, let's not.\\
~~~Colman. Joseph, I'm sorry. It isn't that I have no respect for your intelligence which, I may say, I find extremely lively.\\
~~~Dilg. But you're taking a vacation from law.
~~~Colman. Exactly. But I was a little sharp, I'm afraid.\\
~~~Dilg. Don't mention it.\\
~~~Colman. Now, let's see. My king is in check.
As a matter of fact, Joseph, I may add that I'm very grateful for your presence in the house.\\
~~~Dilg. And you're a bit treat to me, Professor.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you, Joseph.\\
~~~警官1. They've picked up Dilg's scent.\\
~~~犬係. They'll let us know when they get him cornered. They never miss.\\
~~~Shelley. You wouldn't believe it, Sam, the way those two like each other.\\
~~~Sam. Maybe the thaw is actually setting in.\\
~~~Shelley. Maybe. That professor's got a mind like a steel trap.
And sometimes he seems like such a little boy, I feel like kissing him.\\
~~~Dilg.(後ろから)Not a bad idea.\\
~~~Shelley. Never do that.\\
~~~Sam. What are you doing out?\\
~~~Dilg. An active man has to stretch his legs.(シェリーに)Naturally you feel like kissing him. He's a wonderful man.\\
~~~Shelley. I only meant that I...\\
~~~Dilg. Of course. And the way he looks at you... when a thaw sets in, anything can happen.\\
~~~Shelley. Leopold, will you stop acting like a fool. Police or his man Tilney may arrive any minute.\\
~~~Dilg. Oh, there's plenty of time.\\
~~~Sam. Holmes is whipping up such hysteria, and in a few days they'll go over this whole country with a fine thooth cone.
Tomorrow he's pulling a big affair down at the factory ruins. Pictures and serve stories.\\
~~~Dilg. Well, that's fine.\\
~~~Shelley. What do you mean?\\
「いい? どういふことだ。」
~~~Dilg. A most important experience for our Professor.\\
~~~Shelley. Leopold, I'm getting awfully... How do you think I'm going to get him down there?
「まだ教育? レオポールド、私もう・・・こんなにやつて来たのにまだまだだなんて。」
~~~Dilg. There are some old buildings down there. Some of the best examples of early American Architecture in New England.
And he's a cultured man from Boston. Should be simple.\\
~~~Shelley. (ディルグに)Get back in the attic.\\
「早く! 屋根裏に隠れて。」
~~~Colman. Help!\\
~~~犬の係. We're getting close, sheriff.\\
~~~犬の係.(コールマンを見て)We got him, sheriff.\\
~~~警官. Dilg, come down.\\
~~~犬の係. Them hounds never miss.\\
~~~警官. I'll shoot you.\\
~~~Shelley. Don't shoot!\\
~~~Sam. Don't shoot. Don't shoot, boys.\\
~~~犬の係. Take off that beard, Dilg. I recognize you.\\
~~~Shelley. His name is Professor Lightcap.\\
~~~犬の係. I'm sorry, Professor. But I've never known hounds to make a mistake before.\\
~~~Colman. This town is nothing but mistakes.\\
~~~Shelley. Bad dogs.\\
~~~Colman. And I'll thank you to call your men off and your dogs, too.\\
~~~警官. OK.\\
~~~Sam.(警官に)I'll see that you lose your badge for this.\\
~~~犬の係. I can't understand it. I raised those hounds and this is the first time they've ever made a mistake.\\
(シェリーとコールマン、歩いてゐる )\\
~~~Shelley.(指差してコールマンに)That house there was built in 1740.\\
~~~Colman. Yes, yes.\\
~~~女学生. Beaver!\\
~~~Shelley. It's a game. First one to spot a beard. Beards are unusual in these parts.\\
~~~Colman. Yes, I suppose they are. I don't think I ever told anyone how I came to grow it.
I was one of the youngest ever to graduate from Harvard Law School. In fact, I was teaching at Commomwealth before I was 22.\\
~~~Shelley. Wow!\\
~~~Colman. I had a frank and open face. People in trolley cars used to call me "sonny."(二人、笑ふ)
Boys I was teaching would slap me on the back. Women would wink at me in the street.\\
~~~Shelley.(笑って)Is that bad?\\
~~~Colman. No, but I was busy and I had no time for nonsense.
The beard became a sort of fortress. And then I suppose I grew attached to it.\\
~~~Shelley. Well, I think it's very pretty.\\
~~~Colman. What am I to say to that?\\
~~~Shelley.(催物を指差して)I wonder what's going on over here.\\
~~~Colman.(看板を見て)Pulaski's, the borscht place.\\
~~~Colman. We must get some for Joseph.\\
~~~Shelley. Oh, I'm afraid we haven't time, Professor.\\
~~~Colman. But think of his face, the ecstasy.\\
~~~Shelley. You're going to spoil that man.\\
~~~Colman. Spoil Joseph?\\
「甘やかす? ジョゼフを? まさか。」
~~~ボルシチの店員. (中から出て来て)Yes, sir?\\
~~~Colman. Borscht, please.\\
~~~Shelley. A quart.\\
~~~店員. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Colman. With an agg in it.(店員、ギョッとしてコールマンを見る)It must have an egg beaten up in it.\\
~~~店員. Yes, sir. In a moment, sir.\\
~~~店員.(母親に)Ma, come on.(覗き窓を開けて)Look. Look at those two.\\
~~~母. I see them. So?\\
~~~店員. They ordered a quart of borschit.\\
~~~母. So?\\
~~~店員. With an egg!\\
~~~母. Is that a crime?\\
~~~店員. Only one customer ever orders it that way: Leopold Dilg!\\
「卵一個つき! そんなことをする奴はただ一人しかゐない。レオポールド・ディルグだ。」
~~~母. Sherlock Holmes, I suppose you think that he's Leopold Dilg with a beard, huh?\\
~~~店員. I'm going to follow them.\\
~~~母. My own fine Federal Bureau of Investigation.\\
~~~店員. Mama, I'm an American citizen. In America, everybody is responsible for everything. I'm following.\\
~~~母. He's such a ...(息子のこと)\\
~~~店員.(店に出て、コールマンに) With an egg. It's wonderful. 30 cents.\\
~~~Colman.(金を払って)Thank you.\\
~~~店員. Thank you.\\
~~~Colman.(シェリーに。シェリーが別の道を行かうとするので)This is the way back to the car.\\
~~~Shelley. But this is the shortest way. It's just around the corner here.\\
~~~Colman. Oh. (と、シェリーの行く方向へ一緒に行く)\\
~~~Sam. Well, well, well. As I live and breath, Michael Lightcap.(二人、握手)Hello, Nora.\\
~~~Shelley. Hello, Sam. What's cooking over there, Sam?\\
~~~Sam. Holmes is having pictures taken to remind people Dilg is a villain.\\
~~~Colman.(別の方向を指差して)I think our car is this way.\\
~~~Sam. You mustn't miss this. See that pose? That's how you try a case out of court and stack the evidence.
~~~カメラマン. Right there, Mr. Holmes. Hold it. That's good, thank you.\\
~~~Sam. Step up, see how it's done.\\
~~~Colman. No, Sam, I have an appointment.\\
~~~Grunstadt. Mr. Lightcap, for goodness' sakes, I'm very glad to see you again, sir.(コールマンと握手)I want you to meet Mr. Holmes.
(呼ぶ)Mr. Holmes.\\
~~~Colman. I'm afrait I must be going.\\
~~~Grunstadt. Oh, you must.\\
~~~Sam. Mr. Holmes.\\
~~~後ろの者達. Give Mr. Holmes room.\\
~~~Grunstadt. Mr. Holmes, meet Professor Michael Lightcap.\\
~~~Holmes. I'm glad to see you, sir. I don't wonder this tragedy attracted even you.\\
~~~Colman. As a matter of fact...\\
~~~Holmes. Public feeling has run high, Professor. As for Mr. Dilg, justice will not be cheated.\\
~~~Colman. I'm sure it won't.\\
~~~Holmes. Miss Bush. (と呼ぶ。ブッシュ、近づく)Professor, here's an example of how deeply this tragedy has struck.
Miss Bush, a close friend of Clyde Bracken, my foreman, the man who was killed in explosion.
(ブッシュにコールマンを紹介して)Professor Lightcap.\\
~~~Miss Bush. I'm pleased to meet you.\\
~~~Holmes. We found her searching the ashes.\\
~~~Miss Bush. I was looking for a wrist watch I gave Clyde just two weeks ago.\\
~~~Holmes. All they found of Bracken was a tiny athletic medal he had won in school.\\
~~~Miss Bush. It gives a girl a queer feeling. A man weighs 221 lbs, and the next day, wham, all that's left is a medal for shot-putting.\\
~~~Colman. I'm sorry.\\
~~~Jake. Too bad there're not taking a picture of Dilg swinging from a telegraph pole.(首をくくる)\\
~~~Sam. Who said that?\\
~~~Jake. I did.\\
~~~Sam. Jake, I told you anybody talking like that had to fight me.(ジェイクの胸を片手で突く)\\
~~~Jake. Sam, I've licked you four times in two weeks. I'm tired of hitting you.\\
~~~Sam. Go on, put them up.(またジェイクを突く)\\
~~~Grunstadt. Sam Yates, you're a disgrace.\\
~~~Sam. Save that wind for the bench, judge. \\
~~~見物人1. Jake, now, come on.\\
~~~見物人2. Break it up.\\
~~~見物人3. Let him go.(殴り合い、続く)\\
~~~見物人4. Go on, break it up.\\
~~~見物人5. Why don't you guys act like men ... instead of a couple of kids?\\
「お前達、大人だらう? 大人は大人らしくしたらどうだ。全く、子供みたいに!」
~~~Colman.(階段を上りながら呼ぶ)Miss Shelley!\\
~~~Shelley. Oh, Professor, I looked all over for you.\\
~~~Colman. I won't have it, Miss Shelley. Yates deliberately dragged me into this since the day I arrived here.\\
~~~Shelley. His motives are far from selfish.\\
~~~Colman. That has nothing to do with it.\\
~~~Shelley. I know, Professor, but you take a man like Holmes whipping people into hysteria with public shows and things.
It just makes you wonder.\\
~~~Colman. Not me, I said again and again I cannot be involved. If it's your purpose to see that I...\\
~~~Dilg.(出てきて)Well, well, Professor, this amounts to violence. And from you?
Making charges against Miss Shelley without evidence?\\
~~~Shelley. Perhaps I'd better resign, Professor.\\
~~~Colman. No, Miss Chelley. You're right, Joseph.(シェリーに頭を下げて)I apologize, Miss Shelley.\\
~~~Dilg.(ほほ笑んで)Now you see, a happy family again. And the question is, are we ready for dinner?\\
「ほーら、これでまた、幸せな家族だ。そして次の問題は、夕食はもう出来たかな? ですね。」
~~~Colman. Are we ready for dinner?\\
~~~Shelley. I'll be right down.(と階段を上る)\\
~~~Colman. Any time you're ready, Joseph.\\
~~~Dilg. One minute!\\
~~~Colman.(シェリーに)I'm very sorry I lost my temper, Miss Shelley.\\
~~~Shelley. That's all right. You're quite forgiven.\\
~~~Colman. I've been thinking of something these past few days. I may be going to Washington. I can't tell you in what capacity.
Not just yet. But I'll need someone there with me, more than a secretary. Someone I can trust and respect.
It would be an important job, for life.
It would mean your giving up your career in Lochester... so I can't urge you to take it, but I sincerely wish you would.\\
~~~Shelley. Well, I don't know what to say.\\
~~~Colman. Oh, I realize... But all I'm asking now is that you will consider it.\\
~~~Shelley. Yes, I will, thank you.\\
~~~Colman. That's wonderful.\\
~~~Dilg. (料理を出して)Here we are.\\
~~~Colman. All ready?\\
~~~Dilg. Come on, Miss Shelley.\\
~~~Colman. That's good. Sit down.\\
~~~Dilg. My dear Professor.\\
~~~Shelley. Did you make these, Joseph?\\
「これ、自分で作つたの? ジョゼフ。」
~~~Dilg.(元気よく)Not bad, eh?\\
~~~Shelley. Well, this is wonderful.\\
「まあ! これ、素晴しいわ。」
~~~Dilg. Oh, wait a minute. Why the soup plates? There's no soup.\\
「おいおい、ちよつと待つて。どうしてスープ皿なんか出したんだ? スープはないぞ。」
~~~Colman. No soup, eh? No soup. My dear Joseph, while strolling in town today... No, that's a bad beginning.
「スープがないだつて? ほほう、スープがない、ね。マイ・ディア・ジョゼフ、今日街を歩いてゐたら・・・駄目だ、この出だしはよくない。」
My dear Joseph, to cement the bond that binds our happy family together what is more fitting as dear friends than...
~~~Dilg.(大声で)Borshit! It's that rubber band. Pulaski's. I'd know it anywhere.(開けようとする)\\
「おお! ボルシチだ! このゴムのバンド。プラスキーだ。このバンドなら、どこで見てもすぐ分る。」
~~~Colman. Fancy you thinking of that. With an egg in it.\\
~~~Dilg. (コールマンの発見した事実は、まだ知らない)You scared me, Professor. Oh, what a man.\\
~~~Shelley. Is that the kind your mother made?\\
「おふくろの味? それ。」
~~~Dilg. What did you say, Miss Shelley?\\
「今何て言つた? ミス・シェリー。」
~~~Shelley. Is that the kind your mother made?\\
~~~Dilg. Yeah, almost. Here we go.\\
~~~Shelley. Use the cup.\\
~~~Dilg. I'm an old hand at this, don't worry. Nectar, Miss Shelley, Nectar.\\
~~~Shelley. Don't spill it. Give me lots. I love it.\\
~~~Shelley. Professor, what are you going to do?\\
~~~Colman. Call the police and tell them to pick up Dilg.\\
~~~Shelley. No, no. You won't do that.\\
~~~Dilg. Professor... I'm sorry I spoiled your party. Because there's no use discussing my case right now.\\
~~~Colman. I'm afraid not, Joseph... Leopold. I have a simple duty to perform and I must do it for anything else.\\
~~~Shelley. Listen, Professor, when he hid in that attic, he didn't know who you were.\\
~~~Dilg. Nora. Well, here we are the two schools of thought, Professor. This time in action.
That telephone to you means law and order. And to me... well, I've got to stop you using that telephone. By violence, if necessary.\\
~~~Colman. Yes, I see. That's bad. I have a very warm feeling for you, Joseph, but I must use this telephone.\\
~~~Dilg. And if you do, Professor, and I am as fond of you as a brother... I'll be compelled to knock you down.\\
~~~Shelley. No! Please, Professor, let's be sensible.\\
「やめて、それは! お願ひ、プロフェッサー、落着いて考へて。」
~~~Colman. I should regret that too. I've never been fonder of a man in my life, but...\\
~~~Colman. Operator? Give the police station. Hello, is that the police?\\
「交換手? 警察を頼む。ああ、警察ですか?」
~~~Shelley. No, please!\\
~~~Shelley. Oh, Leopold.\\
~~~Dilg. Nora, I'm sorry, but...\\
~~~警官1. Cover the house.\\
~~~警官1. He's up there. Come on. Take that room, sergeant. Take the other room, Ed.\\
~~~Tilney. Does Mr. Lightcap live here?... Mr. Lightcap?
「ミスター・ライトキャップのお住ひはここですか? ミスター・ライトキャップ?」
Mr. Lightcap? Speak to me.\\
~~~Tilney.(サムを見て)Pardon me, sir, are you the doctor?\\
~~~Sam. Yeah. See that he gets rest and quiet.\\
~~~Colman. Why, Tilney.\\
~~~Tilney. Are you all right?\\
「大丈夫ですか? ミスター・ライトキャップ。」
~~~Colman. You. You knew it was Dilg. All those lies, attentions, just for Dilg. You and Sam Yates. You planned it all, didn't you?\\
~~~Tilney. Oh, Mr. Lightcap, you'd better take it easy, sir.\\
~~~Colman. You're a silly, dangerous girl.
You had me feed and lodge a notorious fugitive from justice. You endangered a lifetime's career for a stupid gesture.\\
~~~Sam. Michael, let me tell you...\\
~~~Colman. Our association is at the end, Nora.\\
~~~Shelley. That's a tip off, Professor. You had to get good and sore before calling me by my first name.\\
~~~Colman. Miss Shelley.\\
~~~Shelley. "Nora", when you're angry, remember?\\
~~~Colman. That will be all, Miss Shelley.\\
~~~Shelley. That will not be all, Mr. Lightcap.
Dilg is innocent, regardless of all the reasonable evidence dredged up by lawyers and whole institutions of yours.
I'd rather be hated by 40 frozen legal giants like you than turn him over to those bloodthirsty idiots of Lochester.
You were right to grow a beard. You were an old man all your life. Just as soon as you were able. Don't ever shave it off, Mr. Twilight.
Somebody might think you were alive. That will be misrepresentation. Come on, Sam, let's get out of here.\\
Police Find Dilg Hideout!\\
Dilg Hidden in Lightcap Home\\
Eludes Police Trap\\
Dean Lightcap Slugged by Fugitive Arsonist Found Unconscious\\
Police Hold Dean's Secretary\\
Nora Shelley is Held for Questioning by District Attorny\\
"Dilg Capture Matter of Hours" Says Police Chief\\
~~~警官1. When did you hide Dilg in that house?\\
~~~Shelley. I didn't hide anybody.\\
~~~警官1. Oh, you didn't? Then, when did you first know he was there?\\
~~~Shelley. Last night, just before you did. Showed up somewhere in the kitchen, hungry.\\
~~~警官2. Care much for borscht, Miss Shelley? Do you care much for borscht?\\
「ミス・シェリー、あなたはボルシチがお好きですか? 大好きなのかな?」
~~~Shelley. That's funny. I bought some yesterday at Pulaski's.\\
~~~警官1. With an egg, perchance?\\
~~~Shelley. Why yes! I remember the Professor said distinctly, "With an egg."\\
「さうさう! 教授がはつきりと『卵つきで』と言つたのを聞いたわ。」
~~~警官1. The Professor was with you?\\
~~~Shelley. I'm sure Pulaski didn't leave that out, did he?\\
~~~警官1. And the Professor wanted it with an egg?\\
~~~Shelley. With an egg.\\
~~~警官1. Dilg has been buying it there for years with an egg!\\
~~~Shelley. Are you trying to tell me the Professor deliberately bought that borscht for Dilg?\\
~~~警官1. I'm telling you he didn't know who he was buying it for. But you did.\\
~~~Shelley. That's quite a statement, Chief.\\
~~~警官1. And what kind of statement could you care to make?\\
~~~Shelley. I'd say that two men liking borschit with an egg in it, is amazing. I've never heard of such a thing before.\\
~~~Senator. I promise you, Scott, if any scandal attaches to Lightcap's name out of this incident...\\
~~~Scott. Just a few questions we must have answers to.\\
~~~椅子に坐っている男. Senator, these questions have nothing to do with Professor Lightcap, naturally.
But they bear strongly on a lady named Nora Shelley.\\
~~~Colman. Yes, well, go on, Mr. Scott. Get it over with.\\
~~~Scott. Exactly how did the assault take place?\\
~~~Colman. I was going to the telephone to call the police, and he hit me from the back.\\
~~~椅子の男. How did you recognize Dilg in the first place?\\
~~~Colman. From a newspaper picuture. In fact at that very moment I was unwrapping some...\\
~~~Scott. Borscht?\\
~~~Colman. Yes, yes, I never can pronounce it.\\
~~~Scott. And you had never seen Dilg before last night?\\
~~~Senate. He said so, didn't he? I won't tolerate that tone toward Dean Lightcap. You'll end by dragging him into this.
Tilney, pack Mr. Lightcap's things at once.\\
~~~Colman. Tilney, leave things just as they are. I came to write a book and I will do it.
They have every right to ask me questions they choose. Dilg was found on the premises. Now, Mr. Scott, go on.\\
~~~Scott. How did you happen to go to Mrs. Pulaski's for the borschit?\\
~~~Colman. Miss Shelley and I were strolling by. I suggested buying some.\\
~~~Scott. Do you mean to say that you went in to get borscht for yourself?\\
~~~Colman. Yes, I love it. I have loved it for years... especially with an egg in it.\\
~~~警官. (電話を受けて)He loves it... Okay.(シェリーに)That's all.\\
~~~Shelley. Hello!\\
「あら! みなさん、今日は!」
~~~記者1. What did you have to say?\\
~~~Shelley. I know you're anxious to go, so I'll make it brief.
I was held for questioning, I was questioned, and they just said, "Miss Shelley, you are free to go." I don't know why.\\
~~~母. It's certainly a pain to bring up children.
Your daughter goes off one night to the country house and then next time you find her in the police station.\\
~~~Shelley.(サムに)You mean to say that they haven't found him yet, Sam?\\
~~~Sam. Not up to 15 minutes ago.\\
~~~母. It's a miracle that lunatic didn't kill you.\\
~~~Shelley. It's a morning of miracles.
They wouldn't have let me go if Lightcap hadn't lied. I can't believe he did.(車が止る)You go on, Mother. I'll go with Sam.\\
~~~母.(車を降りながら)Oh, no, you don't. You need sleep and so do I. I can't have you gallivating around. Come on.\\
~~~Shelley. Phone me if anything happens.\\
~~~Colman. Tilney, what are you doing?\\
~~~Tilney. We never have flowers, sir. The odor is distracting.\\
~~~Colman. Yes, I know, but just for a change. After all, it's spring in the country. Just leave them where they are, will you?\\
~~~Tilney. Yes, sir, Mr. Lightcap.\\
~~~Colman. Tilney.\\
~~~Tilney. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Colman. Why does a man lie?\\
~~~Tilney. Oh, well, sir. He just comes by it naturally. The best of men, in self-protection, or to carry out a desire of their heart...\\
「さうですね。嘘つていふのは自然に出て来るものではないですか? どんな人だつて、自分を守るためだとか、自分の望みを遂げたいとかで。」
~~~Colman. I know. But to lie against your principles that took your whole life to build...\\
~~~Tilney. Maybe we'd better go back to Boston, sir.\\
~~~Colman. No, no. I came down here to write... but... I can't write. I don't understand it. Tilney, where's my hat?\\
~~~Colman. Hello, Sam.\\
~~~Sam. Hi, Mike. What can I do for you?\\
~~~Colman. You can stop being critical of me, Mr. Yates, both you and Miss Shelley. It's unfair.\\
~~~Sam. Well, we'll try to stop.\\
~~~Colman. Sam, Dilg's escape is lawlessness and riot. I can't get into this. I can't even afford to have an opinion about it.
Yet, there are things whirling around in my brain. There's Grunstadt, Holmes, Miss Bush, shot-put medals.
Sam, you ought to be able to uncover some shred of evidence. Have you gone over everything?\\
~~~Sam. Day and night for a month. Total profit to date is the fire inspector's report six weeks ago.
At the end of the page, in Bracken's own handwriting. ... Bracken is the one killed... says, "Sprinkler system slightly defective.
Sure, so was the whole joint. Worn out, ready to go up in smoke ... or deliberately burned by Holmes and Bracken for insurance.\\
~~~Colman. You know, this Bracken's handwriting is moronic.(へたくそ)(書類が大写し。サインがある)
And this Bush's affection for him, that's not sincere. I think she's putting on an act.\\
~~~Sam. She and Holmes are thick as fleas.\\
~~~Colman. Um. Quite possibly there are things going on behind the scenes. Quite possibly justice is being hoodwinked, Sam.\\
~~~Sam. You don't say. Yet, if Dilg walked in this room right now...\\
~~~Colman. Yes, I would. I'd have to. I'd go straight into the phone and turn him in. Now, goodbye, Mr. Yates.\\
~~~Sam. Goodbye, Michael.\\
(コールマン、車を運転して「Dolores Beauty Salon」の前で止める。その玄関にミス・ブッシュ、立つてゐる。)
~~~Tilney.(顎髭を剃らうとしてゐるコールマンに)Mr. Lightcap.\\
~~~Colman. Hello, Tilney.\\
~~~Tilney. No, sir. You can't do that. You can't.\\
~~~Colman. Sorry, Tilney. There's work to do. It's in my way.\\
~~~Tilney. Oh, no. For 15 years, sir...\\
~~~Colman. 15 years. Beaver.(と笑って、まづ鋏で顎髭を切り始める。それをじっと見るティルニーの真剣な顔)\\
~~~Miss Bush. You have beautiful hands. Scholarly. Clyde had hands you could use to knock in spikes with.\\
~~~Colman. Who is Clyde?\\
~~~Miss Bush. "Who was Clyde?" would be more accurate. I'm in mourning. It's a great hardship because I like to get around.
~~~Colman.(金を払って)Thank you.\\
~~~Miss Bush. You visiting for the summer?\\
~~~Colman. Yes.\\
~~~Miss Bush. I wish he wasn't dead, at least for one night. I sure would love to go dancing tonight.\\
~~~Colman. Miss Bush, I wonder if I might have the pleasure... of taking you dancing tonight?\\
~~~Miss Bush.(驚いて)The pleasure? Well, say now, that's really something. I don't know what to say.
「『嬉しいんですがね』ですつて? 嬉しいのはこつちよ。私、何て言つたらいいか分らない。」
It takes my breath away. Why, you're real cute. Listen, you blow your horn at 7 tonight right outside, sonny.\\
~~~ノラの母親. Will you stop walking around and lie down for a while?\\
~~~Shelley. I can't figure it out. Why can't 100 policemen find one man with a bad ancle?\\
~~~母. What the dickens is that to you?\\
~~~Shelley. Nothing. It's just killing me, that's all.\\
~~~Colman. Tilney.\\
~~~Tilney. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Colman. I have a great regard for your judgment, Tilney. In practical matters, I consider it equal, if not superior, to my own.\\
~~~Tilney. Thank you, sir. But you worry me.\\
~~~Colman. If you wanted to get some information out of a woman, how would you do about it?\\
~~~Tilney. Oh, oh, I feared as much.\\
~~~Colman. Now come on, Tilney, help me.\\
~~~Tilney. Well, Mr. Lightcap, I've lived a cloisted life, like you. In fact, with you.
On the subject of that sort, why, we're babes in the woods, both of us.\\
~~~Colman. But you were married once, weren't you?\\
~~~Tilney. That was the folly of youth, sir.\\
~~~Colman. But you wooed and won her. How?\\
~~~Tilney. By the darndest series of lies you ever heard. I gave her a character and charms she never possessed.
I played to the well-known weakness of every woman alive... and perjured my soul for a thousand years to come.\\
~~~Colman. Very interesting.\\
~~~Tilney. Maybe we'd better go back to Boston, sir.\\
~~~Colman. No, no, Tilney. Hurry along. We must keep our appointment.\\
~~~Tilney. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Shelley. Why, of course. I should've known. Oh, what a dope.\\
~~~母.(起きてきて)Where do you think you're going?\\
「どうしたの? どこへ行くつもり?」
~~~Shelley. Mother, if you're not out of the doorway by the time I'm dressed, I'll mow you down.(ぶつ)\\
~~~Colman. You dance divinely, Miss Bush. Your physical coordinations are remarkable.\\
~~~Miss Bush. I thought I'd heard them all, but your line is brand new.\\
~~~Colman. You are definitely a superior person, Miss Bush. Far too superior for this kind of exhibition.\\
~~~Miss Bush. You're cute. You know what? If I was free, I would take you very, very seriously.\\
~~~Colman. Oh, but you are free, aren't you? Your gentleman friend is dead, isn't he?\\
「でもあなた、自由の身なんでせう? あの紳士のお友達だつて死んでしまつたんだし。」
~~~Miss Bush. That's the general impression.\\
~~~Colman. What do you mean?\\
~~~Miss Bush. Little Regina is drinking too much. It makes the tongue loose. Dance, honey?\\
「可愛いレジーナちやん、飲み過ぎ。舌が軽くなつちやつた。ダンスする? ハンサムちやん。」
~~~Colman. Your hands are beautiful. Extraordinarily beautiful.\\
~~~Miss Bush. Would you like to kiss me?\\
~~~Miss Bush. Cultured. It's a cultured kiss.\\
~~~Colman. You know, you are rare, Regina. Your beauty makes my head swim.\\
~~~Miss Bush. Like music. Like music from a band. Oh, if I were only free...\\
~~~Colman. But you are free. You're only tormenting me.\\
~~~Miss Bush. I'm not. I got a letter from him.(と、鞄から手紙を出してコールマンに見せ)
He wants me to meet him in Boston in couple of weeks.\\
~~~Colman. The first moment I saw you, you seemed to strike a rich, deep note inside of me. Like... like an organ.\\
~~~Miss Bush. More...\\
~~~Colman. All women after this will seem different.(手紙を見て)That moronic handwriting again.
"C. Barnard, Boston"... So that's where he is.\\
「C. バナード、ボストン・・・さうか、奴はボストンにゐるのか。」
~~~Miss Bush.(はつと気がついて)That's where who is? Give that back.\\
「『奴はボストンにゐるのか』、だつて? さ、返して、それを。」
~~~Colman. I feel like dancing.\\
~~~Miss Bush. You heard me!\\
~~~Colman. But I hate...\\
~~~Miss Bush. Give that back.(手紙をひつたくる)\\
~~~Colman. Regina, darling.\\
~~~Miss Bush. Don't "Regina, darling" me. There's something fishy about you. Help! Throw this guy out! (屈強な男二人、来る)
「何が『ねえ、レジーナ』よ! 何だか胡散臭いと思つてゐたわ。ねえ、来て! この人を放り出して!」
You dirty double-crosser. Get him out of here!\\
「人を騙したりして! この! さつさと出て行け!」
~~~Shelley. Leopold!\\
~~~Shelley. Leopold!\\
~~~Dilg. Hello, Nora.\\
~~~Shelley. Oh, Leopold!(と、二人抱き合う)You idiot.
「ああ、レオポールド! レオポールドの馬鹿!」
I figured the attic's just where you'd go. Your ankle. You couldn't go any place else.\\
~~~Dilg. Now, now. Nora Shelley. Crying?\\
~~~Shelley. I've been out of my mind for 24 hours.(と泣く)I thought you were dead.\\
~~~Dilg. Well, what an idea. You know something, Nora? Our friend Professor lied to the police.\\
「やれやれ、ひどいね、その考へ。さうだ、ノラ、君、想像つく? われらが教授殿は、警察で嘘をついたんだぞ。」
~~~Shelley. I knew it.\\
~~~Dilg. He did something else tonight: shaved off his beard.\\
~~~Shelley. But why?\\
~~~Dilg. Who can tell what a man in love will do?\\
~~~Shelley. In love? Who with?\\
「恋する男? あの人、誰に?」
~~~Dilg. You. And I know just how he feels. The prettiest girl in Lochester.(ニヤリと笑う)\\
~~~Shelley.(涙を流して)Leopold, I've been so miserable to you. I never really knew you. Oh, Leopold.\\
~~~Dilg. Stop saying "Leopold" like that, tenderly. It sounds funny with a name like "Leopold."\\
~~~Shelley. Oh, shut up. Where's this thing going to end, anyway? Here you are, back in the attick. Now he's pulling tricks.
「何言つてるの。でも、これから一体どうなるの? あなたはこの屋根裏に舞ひ戻り。あの人は嘘なんかついて。」
Where did he go without his beard?\\
~~~Dilg. He'll be all right.\\
~~~Shelley. He won't be all right. He's a child.\\
~~~Dilg. I know just how you feel.\\
~~~Shelley. Now, don't start that soupy stuff again. You don't know how I feel about anything.\\
「またそれ! もうその言ひ方、止めて! あなたに、私の感じてること、分る筈がないの。」
~~~Dilg. Nora, you'd like that job in Washington, wouldn't you? Come on, tell me.\\
「ノラ、君、ワシントンでのあの仕事、受けるんだらう? さあ、どうなんだ?」
~~~Shelley. Who wouldn't want to get out of this burg?
~~~Dilg. Certainly, and with him. I've been sitting here wondering. It's all wrong. The whole thing's wrong.\\
~~~Shelley. What's all wrong?\\
~~~Dilg. Well, I've been wondering. Suppose you two had met up here and Leopold Dilg hadn't butted in.\\
~~~Shelley. Now wait a minute.\\
~~~Dilg. No. That isn't the whole thing. That's quite a man, an important man. And quite a career too.
Can't kick a career like that around. Who said I was right about the law?\\
~~~Shelley. Leopold, what do you mean?\\
~~~Dilg. Nothing. I was just wondering, that's all, Nora.\\
~~~Shelley. What are you wondering about?\\
~~~Dilg. Just wondering. Can't a man wonder? Nora, you'd better get going.(と、出て行かうとする)\\
「いや、ただ、考へたのさ。人間、考へたつていいだらう? ノラ、君、もう行つた方がいい。」
~~~Shelley. Wait.\\
~~~Dilg. You're just taking chances.\\
~~~Shelley. I'm going to get Yates. You stay here. Don't you budge.\\
~~~Dilg. Everything's going to be fine.\\
~~~Shelley. Remember what I said. Don't go any place.\\
~~~Colman. Hurry, Tilney.\\
~~~Tilney. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Colman. Miss Shelley, I believe Clyde Bracken is still alive. It seems that... you're staring...
If you find my face unpleasant...\\
「ああ、この顔! これが君、不愉快なのかな?」
~~~Shelley. No. ... Oh, no. I...\\
~~~Colman. What are you doing here?\\
~~~Shelley. I came to... Did you say Bracken?\\
~~~Colman. Yes. Alive.\\
~~~Shelley. Well, I guess at last you know the truth about Mr. Dilg.\\
~~~Colman. I don't know anything until I can prove it.\\
~~~Shelley. A stickler to the last. If you knew where he was...\\
~~~Colman. I would turn him in. I would.\\
~~~Shelley. You just took that beard off your face. Inside, you're as whistered as the Smith Brothers.\\
~~~Dilg.(階段から降りて来て)Suppose you turn me in right now, Professor.\\
~~~Shelley. Leopold!\\
~~~Dilg. That's too bad in a way. It was a delightful beard.\\
~~~Shelley. Leopold.\\
~~~Dilg. What do you say, Professor?\\
~~~Shelley. What's the matter with you?\\
~~~Colman. Leopold, I'm leaving immediately for Boston to find Bracken. How about dropping you off at the police station?\\
~~~Shelley.(ディルグに)Do you hear? Bracken's alive.\\
「今の、聞えた? ブラッケンは生きてゐるのよ。」
~~~Dilg. Very interesting.\\
~~~Tilney. (荷物を持つて、階段をおりて来て、道を開けてもらふために)I beg your pardon.\\
~~~Dilg. Oh, Tilney, I'm very hungry. Could you find some chicken I can nibble on as I ride?\\
~~~Colman.(荷物を受取つて)That's all right, Tilney. A whole chicken. He has an enormous appetite.\\
~~~Shelley. Will somebody listen to me? Bracken's alive. Why should Dilg go to jail?\\
「誰か私の言ふこと、聞いてないの? ブラッケンは生きてゐるのよ。何故ディルグがぶち込まれなければならないの?」
~~~Dilg. It's the principle. The law says that's where I should be.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you, Leopold.\\
~~~Shelley. Now it's you. Before it was him. Will somebody please light around here?\\
~~~Dilg. My dear Nora, centuries of precendent say the Professor is right. Now good friends should be in agreement.\\
~~~Dilg. Thank you, my friend.(と食べ始める)\\
~~~Colman. That'll be all tonight, Tilney.\\
~~~Shelley. If they get him in jail, they'll make p\^at\'e de fois gras out of him. Does that mean anything to you?\\
~~~Colman. That's a bridge we can cross when we come to it.\\
~~~Dilg. Right.\\
~~~Shelley. Who knows who's right? Why does this Dilg make all the concessions? Isn't there a concession in your bones?\\
~~~Colman. Concession? I... I... I shaved off a beard I was fond of.
「譲歩? 私はその・・・ほら、大好きな髭を切つたよ。」
I lied to the law. I danced with a blond beauty parlor owner. I kissed her in public. Concessions!\\
「法に反する嘘もついた。美容院の美女とダンスもした。公衆の面前で彼女とキスもした。譲歩だらう? これ。」
~~~Colman. Whenever you're ready, Leopold.\\
~~~Dilg. Quite ready, my friend.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you, Leopold.\\
~~~Dilg. Don't mention it, Professor.\\
~~~Dilg. After you, Professor.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you, Leopold.\\
~~~Shelley. They're both nuts.\\
~~~Shelley. You're not getting away from me.\\
~~~Colman. Mind if I move this truck?\\
~~~Shelley. We'd better go in my car. Here, here.(と、ディルグに車の扉を開ける。シェリー、コールマンの隣に坐る。ディルグは後部座席)
~~~Shelley. Leopold, will you do me a favour and sit on the floor, please?(大声で)Look! Police. I told you. Drive right through.\\
「レオポールド、あなた悪いけど、床に寝そべつてゐてくれない? あつ、警察! ほら、言つたでせう? 突つ切つて走つて。」
~~~Colman. It's a signal to stop. It's the Law.\\
~~~Shelley. Leopold, get down on the floor.\\
~~~Dilg. Yes, Nora.\\
~~~Colman. Don't be silly. Stop it.\\
~~~Shelley.(警官に)What's the matter?\\
~~~警官. Where are you going?\\
~~~Colman. Just into town.\\
~~~警官. Drop me a little way down the road, will you, please?\\
~~~Shelley. Yeah, sure.\\
~~~警官. I don't want to crowd you.\\
~~~Shelley. There's plenty of room up here.\\
~~~警官. I'll tell you when we come to it. ....(コールマンに)Got a cigarette?\\
~~~Colman. No, I'm sorry.\\
~~~警官. That's OK.(とポケットから煙草を出す)\\
~~~Shelley. What's this place up at the next road?\\
~~~警官. Trap for Dilg. A kid said he saw him about three this afternoon near the reservoir.\\
~~~Shelley. Think you'll get him?\\
~~~警官. No doubt about it, lady, when we do, darned if I don't feel sorry for him.\\
~~~Shelley. Why?\\
~~~警官. I don't know. The word's gone out. "Let's not be too ambitious, boys."\\
~~~Colman. What do you mean?\\
~~~Shelley. You mean they'd turn him over to the crowd?\\
~~~警官. If there was a demand.\\
~~~Shelley. And they're making sure there is.\\
~~~警官. Maybe.\\
~~~警官. Oh, here we are.(車から降りて)Thanks, buddy. If you hear of a nice business, let me know.\\
~~~Dilg. Cramped down there.\\
~~~Shelley. Did you hear what he said? I told you.\\
「ほら、聞いたでせう? 私の言つた通りぢやない。」
~~~Dilg. Nonsense. Fellows with badges always have more inside information than the president. Hey, where you going?\\
~~~Colman. Leopold, I don't think I'll have time particular to take you to the police station.\\
~~~Dilg. How's that?\\
~~~Colman. I've decided to take you to Boston with me.\\
~~~Dilg. Well, that's a noble gesture, Professor, but that fellow was talking through his hat. My place tonight is in jail.\\
~~~Colman. Oh, I'm sorry to disagree with you. But we're on the road to Boston now.\\
~~~Dilg. And that is taking the law into your own hands.\\
~~~Shelley. Oh, shut up, will you?\\
~~~Colman. Leopold, sometimes there are extenuating circumstances. The letter of the law is sometimes wrong.\\
~~~Dilg. I'm afraid I can't agree with you, my friend.\\
~~~Colman. Well, I'll have to be firm, Leopold.\\
~~~Dilg. Thank you. I'll have to pull on your brake.(と、立上って運転席に踏込む)\\
~~~Shelley. Stop it. We'll be killed.\\
「止めて! 死んぢやふわよ、事故で。」
~~~Colman. Leopold.\\
~~~Dilg. What? I can walk.\\
~~~Colman. Walk with that ankle?\\
~~~Dilg. Sure, that'll be all right.\\
~~~Colman. Well, Miss Shelley, on to Boston.\\
~~~Shelley. Professor, you're wonderful. You're really wonderful.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you, Nora.\\
~~~Shelley.(後ろの座席を見て)Leopold. Poor Leopold. Did he hit you, Leopold? Does that make it feel better?
Where did he hit you? Does that feel better?\\
「どこを殴られたの? ね? これでさつぱりしたでせう?」
~~~郵便局の客. Any mail for John A. Smith?\\
~~~局員. John A. Smith?\\
~~~郵便局の客. Yes, sir.\\
(ディルグ、このやり取りを盗み聞きしてゐる。その傍に、お尋ね者の張紙あり。Leopold Dilg とあり。写真つき)\\
~~~Dilg. Three hours. My feet are tired. Can't we go someplace for a cup of coffee?\\
~~~Colman. You'd be better stay where you are.\\
~~~Shelley. Do you have to stand next to that?\\
~~~Dilg. What thing? (写真を見て) Nobody would recognize me from that. Doesn't catch the spirit.(足音)Hey.
「何の隣? ああ、こんな物ぢや、僕は分りつこないさ。雰囲気が出てゐない。ああ、(そして口笛を吹いて、二人の注意をひく)\\
~~~男.(郵便局のカウンターに近づき)C. Barnard.\\
「C. バナード。」
~~~局員. C. Barnard?\\
~~~Colman. Mr. Bracken.\\
「ミスター・ ブラッケン。」
~~~Bracken. You've got the wrong party.\\
~~~Colman. I think not. We're leaving for Lochester and inviting you to join us.\\
~~~Bracken. I'm staying right here, friend.\\
~~~Colman. In that case, friend, we may have to insist.\\
~~~Dilg. You mean violence, Professor?\\
~~~Bracken. Dilg.\\
~~~Colman. (ブラッケンに)Come on, let's have the truth. Turning state's evidence is the only hope you've got, you know, don't you?\\
~~~Dilg. Talk.\\
~~~Colman. Leopold, how about stopping the car and giving him another going over?\\
~~~Dilg. Pleasure.\\
~~~Shelley. Okay.(と、車を止めて扉を開ける)\\
~~~Bracken. Wait a minute. Holmes paid me to burn it. The factory was on the rocks. His only chance was the insurance money.\\
~~~Shelley. That's what Leopold said for years.\\
~~~Colman. Why did you have to play dead?\\
~~~Bracken. To get people excited.\\
~~~Shelley. So Holmes could put Dilg away good.\\
~~~Dilg. A very simple plan.\\
~~~Colman. It's astonishing.\\
~~~Shelley. Well, it won't be long now.\\
~~~Colman. Straight to Lochester City Hall, Miss Shelley.\\
~~~Dilg. No, no. Drive straight home.\\
~~~Colman. Home? Why?\\
「家に? 何故。」
~~~Dilg. Well, they're apt to mob me first and ask questions afterward.\\
~~~Dilg.(コールマンが電話に近づくので)What are you going to do?\\
~~~Colman. Call the district attorney.\\
~~~Dilg. No, no. Wait. Bracken, go sit down where I can see you.
You don't have to telephone anybody. I'm taking Bracken to City Hall myself.\\
~~~Shelley. What?\\
~~~Colman. What about the mob?\\
~~~Dilg. The mob won't hurt anybody. I just wanted you out of trouble.\\
~~~Colman. I don't understand. Why?\\
~~~Dilg. Professor, you've solved this case beautifully and I'm very grateful to you.
But this country needs like you on the Supreme Court bench. I don't want to risk losing that.\\
~~~Colman. That's thoughtful of you, but I see things differently now.\\
~~~Dilg. So do I.\\
~~~Colman. I want to see this job through. I'd sooner do that than hand down a fine piece of literature from the bench.\\
~~~Dilg. Sorry, my friend, but I'm not in accord with you.\\
~~~Shelley. Now stop it. This is no time to be doing that act again.(と、ディルグの手をおさえる)
Friendly feelings are one thing, it's fine of you, but a mob's another thing.\\
~~~Dilg. I'll take feelings every time.\\
~~~Dilg. Professor, please put down that telephone.\\
~~~Colman. I'm sorry, my friend. Police?\\
~~~Dilg.(コールマンに詰め寄って)I'm warning you.\\
~~~Shelley. Oh, dear.\\
「また! 大変!」
~~~Colman. Sorry, Leopold, I must.\\
~~~Dilg. Now, don't!\\
~~~Colman.(電話に)Police, this is Sweetbrook Cottage.\\
「警察ですか? こちらは、スイートブルック・コテッジ。」
~~~Colman. Dilg and Bracken are both...\\
~~~Shelley. Look out!\\
~~~警官. Hello!(他の警官に)Charlie, riot squad.\\
「もしもし、もしもし! チャーリー、暴力沙汰だ。」
~~~Tilney. Mr. Lightcap? Mr. Lightcap?\\
「ミスター・ライトキャップ? ミスター・ライトキャップ?」
~~~Tilney. My goodness, a double-header.\\
~~~Tilney.(シェリーに)Is he dead, ma'am? Mr. Lightcap, speak to me.\\
~~~Shelley. Police! Tilney, we've got to hide him. Get him in the attic. Take his head. Hurry. Quick.\\
「警察だわ! ティルニー、この人を隠さなくちや。屋根裏に入れるの。頭を持つて。急いで。早く!」
~~~警官1. Dilg!\\
~~~警官2. All right, it's him.\\
~~~警官3. Step aside, Miss Shelley. Put the bracelets on him.\\
~~~Shelley. Get out of here!(と、警官を叩く)\\
'Dilg Captured!'\\
'Dean Lightcap Attacked Again'\\
~~~Holmes.(電話で)Keep the town blazing hot against this criminal.\\
'Quick Justice for Dilg Demanded by Holmes!'\\
~~~Sam. They laughed at the Bracken story. I said, how did he get that cut on his head?
They say, "Maybe some of our men shot at him and Professor in the woods, grazed him."\\
~~~Dilg.(声が聞えるので)What's that?\\
~~~Sam. Mob. Parade. They're after your scalp. Holmes is on the job again.\\
~~~Dilg. This is where we came in, isn't it, Sam?\\
~~~Sam. I gotta get busy.\\
(「Let US have Dilg」「Jail's too good」「Tar and Feather him」)\\
「俺達にディルグを任せろ」「監獄ぐらゐぢやすまされないぞ」「熱したタールを一面に塗り、鳥の羽根を突き刺してやれ」(「Tar and Feather」は、私刑(リンチ)の時の決まり文句)
~~~係員. Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye. All persons having to do with Judge Grunstadt...
... God save the Commonwelth. Gentlemen, be seated.\\
~~~上院議員. Nobody believes this Bracken story. Dilg and Yates tried it... you'll make yourself ridiculous with it too.
Haven't you run enough risk? Will you please get out of this town?\\
~~~Colman. No. A man's life is at stake. A friend.\\
~~~上院議員. I'm warning you. I just came through that town. It's got a desperate look in its eye. They're out for blood.\\
~~~Colman.(シェリー、傍で泣いてゐるので、上院議員の話を止め)Miss Shelley. (と立上がる。シェリーの傍へ行き)Nora, I know just how you feel.
I didn't understand at first. I didn't know Leopold. But I know now. You couldn't help feeling the way you do about him.\\
~~~Shelley. Now don't you start that. Who says I feel any way about anybody? Why does everybody today try to make up mind for me?
Why don't you and Leopold mind your own business?
Why should my love life be kicked around from pillar to post? I hear you're in love with Regina Bush.\\
~~~Colman. Regina Bush.\\
~~~Shelley. Yes. Regina Bush from the salon. How do you like it?\\
~~~Colman.(戦略を思いついて) Regina Bush. Nora, where did I see a gun around here? Tell me where is it?\\
~~~Tilney. A gun?\\
~~~Colman. I know.(引出しに行き、取る)Here we are.\\
~~~Shelley. It's loaded.\\
~~~Tilney. We'd better go back.\\
~~~Colman. No, Tilney. Get my hat.\\
~~~Shelley. What are you going to do?\\
~~~Colman. I'm going to settle this.\\
~~~上院議員. You can't do it.\\
~~~Colman. Oh, can't I? Listen, my great-great-grandfather fought off Indians for a whole week in 1756. And I'm his direct descendent.
「ほほう、私がやつてはいけない、ね。いいですか? 私の大大祖父は、1756年のインディアンとの闘ひで、丸一週間持ちこたへたんです。そして私はその子孫なんですからね。」
If that isn't good enough for the Supreme Court bench, it's too bad.\\
~~~Shelley. What are you going to do?\\
(「Regina Bush Prop」と、表書きのある扉)\\
~~~Colman. Where is he?\\
~~~Miss Bush. Who?\\
~~~Colman. Bracken.\\
~~~Miss Bush. He isn't here.\\
~~~Colman. Come on out or I'll let you have it!\\
~~~検事. The state will tolerate only one verdict from this jury. And that verdict should be quick. Guilty!\\
~~~Colman. Clyde Bracken, judge.\\
~~~Judge. Bracken?\\
「何? ブラッケンだと?」
~~~Colman. Where are you, Mr. Holmes? Clyde Bracken, alive.
There's the man the law is looking for, not Leopold Dilg.
His only crime was that he had courage and spoke his mind.(騒音)This is your law and your finest possession.
It makes you free men and free country.
Why have you come to destroy it? Take those weapons home and burn them, and then think.
Think of this country and of the law that makes it what it is. Think of a world crying for this very law.
And maybe you'll understand why you ought to guard it and why the law has got to be the personal concern of every citizen,
to uphold it for you neighbour as well as yourself. Violence against it is one mistake.
Another mistake is to look upon the law as just a set of principles.
Just so much language printed on fine heavy paper.
Something he recites and then takes it for granted that justice is automatically being done.(ここでシェリーの顔)
Both kinds of men are equally wrong.(群衆の騒音)
The law must be practiced every minute, to the letter and spirit.
It can't even exist unless we fight a battle every day to preserve it for our neighbour as well as ourself.\\
Dilg Freed!!\\
Holmes, Grunstadt indicted\\
Bracken Turns State Evidence\\
Lightcap Evidence proves Holmes Hired Bracken to Fire Mill\\
Michael Lightcap Named to Fill Supreme Court Vacancy\\
Legal Authority Named by President for Highest Judicial Post\\
Supreme Court Session Will Open Today\\
~~~Shelley. Could you tell me where I could find Professor Lightcap, please?\\
~~~見張り. In the judge's chambers, madam.\\
~~~Shelley. Around there?\\
~~~見張り. Yes, Miss.\\
~~~Shelley. Thank you.(指差された方向に進む)\\
~~~見張り. Supreme Court now open.\\
~~~皆. Good morning.\\
~~~見張り. Good morning, sir.\\
~~~Tilney.(鏡に映つたコールマンを見て)You look wonderful, sir.\\
~~~Colman. Now, Tilney, you mustn't be absurd.(と、ほほ笑む)\\
~~~Tilney. Well, it must be getting near the time.\\
~~~Colman. Miss Shelley. Come in, come in. I knew you wouldn't fail me. Well, you... you look fine, Miss Shelley. You must stop staring.\\
~~~Shelley. I'm sorry.\\
~~~Colman. It's just a robe, isn't it? And where's Leopold?\\
~~~Shelley. I tried to bring him. He just disppeared.\\
~~~Colman. Where? Why?\\
~~~Shelley. Well, you never can tell about Leopold.\\
~~~Colman. But he must come. Now, why do you look like that?\\
~~~Shelley. I really don't know. It just all seems so far from Sweetbrook.\\
~~~Colman. No, it isn't. Sweetbrook will never be far. That's what I wanted to say to you. Sweetbrook, those few weeks there...
I wonder if I can say this just as I want to. Well, what I'm trying to say... You see,... look at me. A dream of 20 years come true.
「思つてゐるやうに喋れるかどうか分らないが・・・私の言ひたいことは・・・ね? ほら、私を見て。20年来の夢が叶つたんだ。」
More happiness than any man deserves. That chair... But now there's something else, Nora: my friends.
I want to see them as happy as I am. Nothing less will do. Leopold, what a fine fellow.
And I've been thinking, Nora, that if someone took his hand and said, "Leopold, my reckless friend, here's love and companionship forever".
Well, some day that man would ... you see what I mean, Nora?\\
~~~Tilney. Mr. Justice, it's time, sir.\\
~~~Shelley. Mr. Justice.(と微笑む)\\
~~~Colman. Far from Sweetbrook? Never.\\
「スイート・ブルックから遠いだつて? いや、決してそんなことは。」
~~~Shelley. Leopold, where are you going?\\
~~~Dilg. That's all I wanted to see. The rest is about law. Very boring. He looks fine up there, doesn't he?\\
~~~Shelley. Yes.\\
~~~Dilg. Our country's in good hands. The woman's touch indespensable. You better go back in.\\
~~~Shelley. Where are you going?\\
~~~Dilg. Home. Lochester. What about it?\\
~~~Shelley. Then what?\\
~~~Dilg. Oh, you're gonna like Washington. Wonderful town. He's a wonderful man, too. Position, dignity, a place in life.
Exactly where a fine woman belongs. Well, Nora... (とキス)... see you some time.\\
~~~Shelley. Leopold.\\
~~~Dilg. Go back in. He may be looking for you.\\
~~~Shelley. Leopold, I'm getting tired of people trying to make up my mind for me.\\
~~~Dilg. Now, stop it, and do as I tell you.\\
~~~Shelley. Leopold.\\
~~~Dilg. Stubborn woman, they're a curse. My mother always warned me.\\
~~~Shelley. Leopold.\\
~~~Dilg. Now, stop following me or I'll call the police.\\
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(The End)\\