Rear Window
James Stewart\\
Grace Kelly\\
Wendell Corey\\
Thelma Rittar\\
Raymond Burr\\
Judith Evelyn\\
Ross Bagdasarian\\
Geogine Darcy\\
Sara Berner\\
Frank Cady\\
Jesslyn Fax\\
Rand Harper\\
Irene Winston\\
Havis Davenport\\
(Here lie the broken bones of L. B. Jefferies.)\\
(ジェフの脚のギプスに)「ここに L. B. Jefferies の折れた脚、横たわる」(ギプスはドイツ語なんです。英語ではcast と言います。)
~~~You get off the cast! This is Wednesday. Seven weeks from the day you broke your leg. Yes or no?\\
「ギプスがとれるんだろう? 今日は水曜日だ。お前が脚を折ってから七週目だ。そうだろ? 違うか?」
~~~Gunnison, how did you get to be such a big editor with such a small memory?\\
~~~Thrift, industry and hard work and catching the publisher with his secretary. Did I get the wrong day?\\
~~~No. ... No, wrong week. Next Wednesday I emerge from this ... plaster cocoon.\\
~~~That's too bad, Jeff. Well, I guess I can't be lucky everyday. Forget I called.\\
~~~Yeah, I sure feel sorry for you, Gunnison. Must be rough on you thinking of me wearing this cast for another week.\\
~~~That one week is gonna cost me my best photographer. And you a big assignment.\\
「 その大事な一週間にこっちは、ベストのカメラマンが欠如だ。そして君は大仕事の欠如だ。」
「大仕事? どこでだ。」
~~~There's no point even talking about it.\\
~~~Oh, come on, come on. Where?\\
~~~Kashmir. Got a code up from the bureau chief this morning. The place is about to go up in smoke.\\
~~~What did I tell you? Didn't I tell you that's the next place to watch?\\
「そらみろ、言わんことじゃないだろ? 次はあそこだと言ったのは、この僕だぞ。」
~~~You did.\\
~~~OK. When do I leave? Hour?\\
~~~With that cast on? You don't.\\
「おいおい、ギプスを嵌めてか? 駄目だよ。」
~~~Stop sounding stuffy. I can take pictures from a jeep or a water buffalo, if necessary.\\
~~~You're too valuable to the magazine for us to play around with. I'll send Morgan or Lambert.\\
~~~Morgan or Lambert. That's fine. I get myself half-killed for you and you reward me by stealing my assignments.\\
~~~I didn't ask you to stand in the middle of the automobile racetrack.\\
~~~You have asked for something dramatically different. You got it.\\
「いつもと違う、劇的なやつを頼む、と言ったのは誰だ? あれは劇的だったろう。」
~~~So did you. Goodbye, Jeff.\\
~~~Now, wait a minute, Gunnison. You've got to get me out of here.
Six weeks sitting in a two-room apartment with nothing to do but look out the window at the neighbours.\\
~~~Bye, Jeff.\\
~~~No, Gunnison. I...\\
~~~If you don't pull me out of this swamp of boredom, I'll gonna do something drastic.\\
~~~Like what?\\
「ひどいこと? 例えば何だ。」
~~~"Like what?" Get married. Then I'll never be able to go anywhere.\\
「例えば? 結婚さ。結婚してやる。そうしたら僕はもうどこへも行けないからな。」
~~~It's about time you got married, before you turn into a lonesome and bitter old man.\\
~~~Yeah, can't you just see me? Rushing home to a hot apartment to listen to the automatic laundry and the electric dishwasher and the garbage disposal and the nagging wife.\\
「結婚したこの僕の有様が、君に分るか? 仕事が終ればさっと家に帰る。暑苦しいアパートにな。そして電気洗濯機の音、自動皿洗い機の音、ゴミ処理器の音、おまけにクダクダ言う女房の話、を聞かなきゃならないんだ。」
~~~Jeff, wives don't nag any more, they discuss.\\
~~~Is that so? Is that so? Maybe in the high-rent district they discuss. In my neighbourhood, they still nag.\\
~~~Yeah? Well, you may know best. I'll call you later, Jeff.\\
~~~Yeah, have some good news the next time, huh?\\
~~~Good morning. I said, "Good morning!"\\
~~~Oh, Good morning.\\
~~~Say, I wouldn't dig so deep if I were you. You're giving them far too much water.\\
~~~Why don't you shut up?\\
~~~Well! I do declare.\\
「まあ! 何て物の言い方!」
~~~New York state sentence for a peeping Tom is six months in the workhouse.\\
~~~Oh, hello, sweetheart.\\
~~~They got no windows in the workhouse. You know, in the old days, they used to put your eyes out with a red-hot poker.
Any of those bikini bombshells you're always watching worth a red-hot poker?
Oh, dear. We've become a race of peeping Toms.
What people ought to do is get outside their house and look in for a change.
Yes, sir. How's that for a bit of homespun philosophy?\\
「分った? どう? この家庭哲学。」
~~~Reader's Digest, April 1939.\\
~~~Well, I only quote from the best.\\
~~~You don't have to take my temperature this morning.\\
~~~Quiet. See if you can break 100. You know, I should have been a gypsy fortune-teller instead of an insurance company nurse.
「黙って。100度(華氏。摂氏では37.7度?)は越えているんじゃない? あーあ、私、保険看護婦なんかじゃなくて、ジプシーの占い師にでもなってた方がよかった。」
I got a nose for trouble. Can smell it ten miles away.
You heard of that market crash in '29? I predicted that.\\
「1929年の大恐慌の話、あなた、知ってるでしょう? 私はあれをちゃーんと予測したんですからね。」
~~~Just how did you do that, Stella?\\
「ほほーう。どうやってやったんだい? ステラ。」
~~~Oh, simple. I was nursing a director of General Motors.
"Kidney ailment" they said. "Nerves" I said.
Then I asked myself, "What's General Motors got to be nervous about?" "Overproduction."
I says, "Collapse." When General Motors has to go to the bathroom ten times a day, the whole country's ready to let go.\\
~~~You know, Stella, in economics, a kidney ailment has no relationships to the stock market. Non whatsoever.\\
~~~Crashed, didn't it? I can smell trouble right here in this apartment.
「でもちゃーんと恐慌になったでしょう? ここだって同じ。事が起きるって匂いがしている。」
First you smash your leg, then you get to looking out the window, see things you shouldn't see. Trouble.
I can see you in court now surrounded by a bunch of lawyers in double-breasted suits. You're pleading.
You say, "Judge, it was only a bit of innocent fun. I love my neighbours, like a father."
And the judge says, "Well, congratulations. You've just given birth to three years in Dannamora."\\
「そうしたら判事が言うの。『父親ね。おめでとう。君、父親として何を生んだと思う? 三年間、ダナモーラの監獄行き、そいつを生んだんだ。」
~~~Right now, I'd welcome trouble, you know.\\
~~~You've got a hormone deficiency.\\
~~~How can you tell from a thermometer?\\
~~~Those bathing beauties you've been watching haven't raised your temperature one degree in a month.\\
~~~Here we go. One more week. I think you're right. I think there is gonna be trouble around here.\\
~~~I knew it.\\
~~~Ooh. Do you ever heat that stuff?\\
~~~Gives your circulation something to fight. What kind of trouble?\\
「血液を刺激するの。戦う力を養わなくちゃね。事が起る? 何? その事って?」
~~~Lisa Fremont.\\
~~~You kidding? She's a beautiful, young girl, and you're a reasonably healthy young man.\\
~~~She expects me to marry her.\\
~~~That's normal.\\
~~~I don't want to.\\
~~~That's abnormal.\\
~~~I'm just not ready for marriage.\\
~~~Everyman's ready for marriage when the right girl comes along.
And Lisa Fremont is the right girl for any man with half a brain who can get one eye open.\\
~~~She's alright.\\
~~~What did you do, have a fight?\\
~~~Father loading up the shotgun?\\
~~~What? Please, Stella.\\
「ええっ? 馬鹿なことを言うなよ、ステラ。」
~~~It's happened before, you know.
Some of the world's happiest marriages have started 'under the gun' as you might say.\\
~~~No, she's just not the girl for me.\\
~~~Yeah, she's only perfect.\\
~~~She's too perfect. She's too talented. She's too beautiful. She's too sophisticated. She's too everything, but what I want.\\
~~~Is what you want something you can discuss?\\
~~~What? It's very simple, Stella.
「ええっ? 簡単なことだよ、ステラ。」
She belongs to that rarefied atmosphere of Park Avenue, expensive restaurants and literary cocktail parties.\\
~~~People with sense belong wherever they're put.\\
~~~Can you imagine her tramping around the world with a camera bum who never has more than a week's salary in the bank?
「ねえ、ステラ、君、想像出来る? あの子がカメラの三脚を担いで、世界中をドタドタ歩き回っている姿を。おまけに銀行には一週間分のサラリーしか預金がない・・・」
If she was only ordinary.\\
~~~You never gonna get married?\\
~~~I'll probably get married one of these days to someone who thinks of life not just as a new dress and a lobster dinner and the latest scandal. I need a woman who's willing to...
Hold it.
hold it~~~待て(立上がるとき、支える必要があって・・・)\\
Who's willing to go anywhere and do anything and love it.
So the honest thing for me to do is just call the whole thing off.
just call the whole thing off~~~ご破算にする\\
Let her find somebody else.\\
~~~Yeah, I can hear you now. "Get out of my life, you perfectly wonderful woman."
Look, Mr. Jefferies, I'm not an educated woman, but I can tell you one thing.
When a man and a woman see each other and like each other, they ought to come together, wham, like a couple of taxis on Broadway and not sit around analysing each other like two specimens in a bottle.\\
~~~There's an intelligent way to approach marriage.\\
~~~Intelligence. Nothing has caused the human race so much trouble as intelligence. Modern marriage.\\
「知的。まあまあ。知性ぐらい人間に悪い影響を与えたものは他にないの。近代的結婚! 聞いて呆れる。」
~~~No, we've progressed emotionally.\\
~~~Bal\'ony. Once it was see somebody, get excited, get married.
「馬鹿なこと! 昔は、誰かを見て、心を踊らせて、そして結婚したの。」
Now it's read a lot of books, fence with a lot of four-syllable words, psycho-analyse each other until you can't tell the difference between a petting party and a civil service exam.\\
~~~People have different emotional levels...\\
~~~When I married Myles, we were both a couple of maladjusted misfits. We are still maladjusted, and we have loved every minute of it.\\
~~~Well, that's fine, Stella. Now, would you fix me a sandwich, please?\\
~~~Yes, I will. And I'll spread a little common sense on the bread. Lisa's loaded to her fingertips with love for you.
I've got two words of advice for you: Marry her.\\
~~~She pay you much?\\
~~~There you are.\\
~~~Here's the key.\\
~~~Thank you.\\
~~~Well, if you want anything, just ring.\\
~~~Honey. Come on. Get to carry you over the threshold.\\
「ねえ君、来たら? そこの敷居をまたいで。」
~~~Stella. Window shopper.\\
Window shopper  ショーウインドウで買物をする人。
~~~How's your leg?\\
~~~It hurts a little.\\
~~~And your stomach?\\
~~~Empty as a football.\\
~~~And your love life?\\
~~~Not too active.\\
~~~Anything else bothering you?\\
「他に困ったことは? 何かある?」
~~~Mm--hm. Who are you?\\
~~~Reading from top to bottom, Lisa Carol Fremont.\\
~~~Is this the Lisa Fremont who never wears the same dress twice?\\
~~~Only because it's expected of her. It's right off the Paris plane. Do you think it'll sell?\\
~~~That depends on the quote. Let's see now. There's the aeroplane ticket over, import duties, hidden taxes, profit markup...\\
「まあ値段によるね。何がかかっているかな? 航空便の代金、輸入税その他、もろもろの税金、利益・・・」
~~~A steal at \$1100.\\
~~~\$1100? They ought to list that dress on the stock exchange.\\
「千百! そいつは株式市場にでも出すんだな。」
~~~We sell a dozen a day in this price range.\\
~~~Who buys them, tax collectors?\\
~~~Even if I had to pay, it would be worth it. Just for the occasion.\\
~~~Why, is something big going on somewhere?\\
~~~It's going on right here. It's a big night.\\
~~~Oh... hm... It's just an old run-of-the-mill Wednesday. The calendar's full of them.\\
~~~It's opening night of the last depressing week of L.B.Jefferies in a cast.\\
~~~Well, I haven't noticed a big demand for tickets.\\
~~~That's because I bought out the house. You know, this cigarette box has seen better days.\\
bought out~~~買収する、家を貸切りにする\\
~~~I picked that up in Shanghai, which has also seen better days.\\
~~~It's cracked and you never use it. It's too ornate. I'm sending up a plain, flat, silver one with your initails engraved.\\
~~~That's no way to spend your hard-earned money.\\
~~~I wanted to. Ooh! What could you think of starting off with dinner at '21'?\\
「もう頼んであるの。贈りたかったから。あっ! いけない。(下に待たせたまま。)この最後の週の皮切りを「二十一」で始めるのどう?」
~~~Oh, you have, perhaps, an ambulance downstairs?\\
~~~No, better than that: '21'. Thank you for waiting, Karl. The kitchen's right there on the left. I'll take the wine.\\
~~~Good evening, Mr. Jefferies.\\
~~~Just put everything in the oven, Karl, on low.\\
~~~Yes, madam.\\
~~~Let's open the wine now.\\
~~~It's a Montrachet.\\
~~~A great big glassful. There's a corkscrew right over there. Here, I'll do it.\\
~~~Big enough?\\
~~~I can't think of anything more boring and tiresome than what you've been through, and the last week must be the hardest.\\
~~~Let me, sir.\\
~~~Alright. Yeah, I want to get this thing off and get moving.\\
this thing~~~ギプスのこと\\
~~~Well, I'm goint to make this a week you'll never forget.\\
~~~Fine, thanks.\\
~~~Just a minute, Karl. This will take care of the taxi.\\
~~~Thank you, Miss Fremont. Have a pleasant dinner, Mr. Jefferies.\\
~~~Alright, good night.\\
~~~Good night.\\
~~~What a day I've had.\\
~~~Are you tired?\\
~~~Not a bit. I was all morning in a sales meeting, then I had to dash to the Waldorf, for a quick drink with Madam Dufr\`ere, who's just over from Paris with some spy reports.
Then I had to go to '21' and have lunch with the Harper's Bazaar people.
That's when I ordered dinner. Then I had two fall showings 20 blocks apart.
Then I had to have a cocktail with Leland and Slim Hayward. We're trying to get his new show. Then I had to dash back and change.\\
~~~Well, now, tell me what was Mrs. Hayward wearing?\\
~~~She looked wonderfully cool.\\
~~~She didn't, did she?\\
~~~She had on the most divine Italian hand-printed...\\
~~~Oh, Italian?\\
~~~Oh, you!\\
~~~Italian. Imagine.\\
~~~To think I planted three nice items in the columns about you today.\\
~~~You did?\\
~~~You can't buy that kind of publicity.\\
~~~I know.\\
~~~Someday you may want to open up a studio of your own here.\\
~~~How would I run it from, say, Pakistan?\\
「経営はどこからするんだ? パキスタンから?」
~~~Jeff... Isn't it time you came home? You could pick your assignment.\\
「ジェフ・・・あなた、もう落着く時じゃない? 何かこちらでの仕事を選べば?」
~~~I wish there was one I wanted.\\
「何か? 僕のやりたいものはないよ。」
~~~Make the one you want.\\
~~~You mean leave the magazine?\\
~~~For what?\\
~~~For yourself and me. I think I could get you a dozen assignments tomorrow. Fashions, portraits. Now, don't laugh. I could do it.\\
~~~That's what I'm afraid of.
Can you see me driving down to the fashion salon in a jeep wearing combat boots and a three-day beard? Wouldn't that make a hit?\\
~~~I could see you looking very handsome and successful in a dark blue, flannel suit.\\
~~~Let's stop talking nonsense, shall we? Hm?\\
~~~Guess I'd better start setting up for dinner.\\
(Bing Crosby) To see you\\
~~~Is to love you\\
~~~And I see you\\
~~~In the sunrise\\
~~~In the moonlow\\
~~~Anyplace I look\\
~~~You're there.\\
~~~To see you\\
~~~Is to want you\\
~~~And I see you all the time\\
~~~On a sidewalk\\
~~~In a doorway\\
~~~On the lonely stairs I climb\\
~~~Let me show you\\
~~~How happy endings start.\\
~~~You'll find\\
~~~How well I know you\\
~~~Cos to know you at all\\
~~~Is to know you by heart.\\
~~~To see you\\
~~~Is to love you.\\
~~~And you're never out of sight\\
~~~And I love you\\
~~~And I'll see you\\
~~~In the same old dream\\
~~~Miss Lonelyhearts. At least that's something you'll never have to worry about.\\
~~~Oh? You can see my apartment from here, all the way up on 63rd Street?\\
「あら、あなた、私のアパートをここから見ることが出来るの? 63番街の私のアパートを。」
~~~No, not exactly, but we have a little apartment here that's probably as popular as yours.
You remember, of course, Miss Torso, the ballet danser? She's like a queen bee with her pick of the drones.\\
~~~I'd say she'd doing a woman's hardest job. Joggling wolves.\\
~~~Well, she picked the most prosperous-looking one.\\
~~~She's not in love with him... or any of them.\\
~~~Oh, how can you tell that from here?\\
~~~You said it resembled my apartment, didn't you?\\
「あなた、どこのアパートだって似たり寄ったりだって言ったでしょ? あれ、うちのアパートによく似てるの。」
~~~I hope they're cooked this time.\\
~~~Where's that wonderful music coming from?\\
~~~Some songwriter over there in the studio apartment. ... Well, ... He lives alone. Probably had a very unhappy marriage.\\
~~~Oh, it's enchanting. It's almost as if it were being written especially for us.\\
~~~Hm. No wonder he's having so much trouble with it.\\
~~~At least you can't say the dinner isn't right.\\
~~~Lisa, ... it's perfect. As always.\\
~~~There can't be that much difference between people and the way they live. We all eat, talk, drink, laugh, wear clothes.\\
~~~Well, now look...\\
「ねえ、いいかい? 君・・・」
~~~I'm not hiding anything. It's just...\\
~~~It doesn't make sense. What's so different about it here from there or anyplace you go that one person couldn't live in both places just as easily?\\
~~~Some people can. Now if you'll just let me...\\
~~~What is it but travelling from one place to another taking pictures? It's like being a tourist on an endless vacation.\\
~~~OK. That's your opinion. You're entitled to it. Now let me give you my side.\\
~~~It's ridiculous to say that it can only be done by a special, private little group of anointed people.\\
~~~I made a simple statement, a true statement, but I can back it up if you'll just shut up for a minute.\\
~~~If your opinion is as rude as your manner, I don't think I care to hear it.\\
(ここで「行儀が悪い」と言っているのはジェフが shut up という言葉を使っている点だと思います。でも実際はジェフの方が紳士的です。)
~~~Oh, come on now. Simmer down.\\
~~~I can't fit in here. You can't fit in there. According to you, people should be born, live and die on the same spot!\\
~~~Shut up! Did you ever eat fish heads and rice?\\
~~~Of course not.\\
~~~Well, you might have to if you went with me. Did you ever try to keep warm in a C-54 at 15.000 feet 20 degrees below zero?\\
~~~Oh, I do it all the time whenever I have a few minutes after lunch.\\
~~~Did you ever get shot at? Run over?
「君、今までに撃たれたことある? 車にひかれたことは?」
Did you ever geta sandbagged because somebody got unfavourable publicity from your camera?
Did you ever...Those high heels, they'll be great in the jungle and the nylons and those six-ounce lingerie.\\
~~~All right three. They'll make a big hit in Finland, just before you freeze to death.\\
~~~Well, if there's one thing I know, it's how to wear the proper clothes.\\
~~~Yeah, yeah. Well, try and find a raincoat in Brazil, even when it isn't raining.
「よしよし、それじゃブラジルで雨の降ってない時・・・そんな時君、レインコートを持って行くかい? ちゃんといるんだぞ、あそこでは。」
Lisa, in this job you carry one suitcase. Your home is the available transportation.
You don't sleep very much. You bathe less.
And sometimes the food that you eat is made from things that you couldn't even look at when they're alive.\\
~~~Jeff, you don't have to be deliberately repulsive just to impress me I'm wrong.\\
~~~Deliberately repulsive? I'm trying to make it sound good.
「わざわざ厭な話? とんでもない。これでも君に、聞き易いように話してるんだ。」
You just have to face it, Lisa. You're not meant for that kind of a life. Few people are.\\
~~~You're too stubborn to argue with.\\
~~~I'm not stubborn. I'm just truthful.\\
~~~I know, a lesser man would have told me it was one long holiday, and I would have awakned to a rude disillusionment.\\
~~~Well, now, wait a minute. If you want to get vicious on this thing, I'd be happy to accomodate you.\\
~~~No, I don't particularly want that. So that's it! You won't stay here, and I can't go with you.\\
「別に喧嘩なんて売る気はないけど。そう、そういうことね! あなたはここにいる気はない、そして私はあなたと一緒に行く気はない。」
~~~It would be the wrong thing.\\
~~~You don't think either one of us could ever change?\\
~~~Right now, it doesn't seem so.\\
~~~I... I'm in love with you. I don't care what you do for a living. I'd just like to be part of it somehow.
It's defalting to find out the only way I can be part of it is to take out a subscription to your magazine. I guess I'm not the girl I thought I was.\\
~~~There's nothing wrong with you, Lisa. You've got this town in the palm of your hand.\\
~~~Not quite, it seems. Goodbye, Jeff.\\
~~~You mean good night.\\
~~~I mean what I said.\\
~~~Well, Lisa... couldn't we just... uh... Couldn't we just... keep thing status quo?\\
~~~Without any future?\\
~~~Well, when am I gonna see you again?\\
~~~Not for a long time. At least... not until tomorrow night.\\
~~~Hey, rain! Grab that. Wait, I'll get the clock.\\
~~~Oh, no!\\
~~~Pull it.\\
~~~Pull on it. Let me do it.\\
~~~In you go.\\
~~~No, you can't come in. It's much too late. No, not now. No, I said goodnight.\\
~~~What's that supposed to be, ma'am?\\
~~~It's called hunger.\\
~~~Stella. You'd think the rain would have cooled things off. All it did was make the heat wet.\\
~~~Ah, that's it. That's stiff right there. Right there.\\
~~~The insurance company would be much happier if you'd sleep in bed at night instead of in that wheelchair.\\
~~~How do you know?\\
~~~Eyes are all bloodshot. Must have been watching out that window for hours.\\
~~~Yes, I was.\\
~~~What are you gonna do if one of them catches you?\\
~~~It depends which one. Miss Torso, for example...\\
~~~You keep your mind off her.\\
~~~She sure is the 'eat, drink and be merry' girl.\\
~~~Yeah, she'll wind up fat, alcoholic and miserable.\\
~~~Yeah. Speaking of misery, poor Miss Lonelyhearts. She drank herself to sleep again, alone.\\
~~~Poor soul. Maybe one day she'll find her happiness.\\
~~~Yeah, and some man will lose his.\\
~~~Isn't there anybody in the neighbourhood who could cast an eye in her direction?\\
~~~Well, I don't know. It might just be that the salesman will be available soon.\\
~~~Oh, him and his wife splitting up?\\
~~~I just can't figure it. He went out several times last night in the rain, carrying his sample case.\\
~~~Well, he's a salesman, isn't he?\\
~~~What would he be selling at three o'clock in the morning?\\
~~~Flashlights, luminous dials for watches. House numbers that light up.\\
~~~I don't think so. I don't think so. I think he was taking something out of the apartment.\\
~~~Uh-huh. His personal effects. He's gonna run out on her, the coward.\\
「そうなの。じゃ、自分の持物ね? 妻から逃げだそうっていうのよ。卑怯者。」
~~~Yeah, sometimes it's worse to stay than it is to run.\\
~~~Yeah, well, it takes a particularly low type of man to do a thing like that. How about this morning? Any further developments?\\
「まあね。でも、そんなことをする男なんて、最低よ。今朝はどう? 恋愛は進展した?」
~~~The shades are all drawn in the apartment.\\
~~~In this heat?\\
~~~Well, they're up now.\\
~~~Get back! Get back.\\
~~~Where do you want me to go?\\
~~~Come on, get out of sight.\\
~~~What's the matter?\\
~~~That salesman's looking out of his window. You see? Get back! He'll see you.\\
「あの男、窓から外を見ている。分るだろう? 下がって! 見られてしまう。」
~~~I'm not shy. I've been looked at before.\\
~~~That's no ordinary look. That's the kind of look a man gives when he's afraid of somebody might be watching him.\\
~~~Get away from there. He'll be after you. Go on, into the house. Into the house. Shoo, shoo.\\
~~~Goodbye, Mr. Jefferies. See you tomorrow.\\
~~~And don't sleep in that chair again.\\
~~~"Uh-huh, uh-huh". Great conversationalist.\\
~~~Stella, take those binoculars out and bring them here, will you?\\
~~~Trouble. I can smell it. I'll be glad when they crack that cast, and I can get outta here.\\
~~~How far does a girl have to go before you'll notice her?\\
~~~Well, if she's pretty enough, she doesn't have to go anywhere. She just has to 'be'.\\
~~~Well, ain't I? Pay attention to me.\\
~~~I'm not exactly on the other side of the room.\\
~~~Your mind is. And when I want a man, I want all of him.\\
~~~Don't you ever have any problems?\\
~~~I have one now.\\
~~~So do I.\\
~~~Tell me about it.\\
~~~Why? Why would a man leave his apartment three times on a rainy night with a suitcase, and come back three times?\\
~~~He likes the way his wife welcomes him home.\\
~~~No, no. No, no. Not this salesman's wife. ... And why didn't he go to work today?\\
~~~Homework. It's more interesting.\\
~~~What's interesting about a butcher knife and a small saw wrapped in newspaper?\\
~~~Nothing, thank heaven.\\
~~~Why hasn't he been in his wife's bedroom all day?\\
~~~I wouldn't dare answer that.\\
~~~Well, listen. I'll answer it, Lisa. There's something terribly wrong.\\
~~~And I'm afraid it's with me.\\
~~~What do you think?\\
~~~Something too frightful to utter.\\
~~~He went out a few minutes ago in his undershirt, hasn't come back yet.
That would be a terrible job to tackle. Just how would you start to cut up a human body?\\
~~~Jeff, I'll be honest with you. You're beginning to scare me. Jeff, did you hear what I said? You're beginning to scare...\\
「ジェフ、私、正直に言うわ。私、ゾッとしてきた。ねえ、ジェフ、私の言ってること、聞えてるの? 私、ゾッとしてきたのよ・・・」
~~~Shhh! He's coming back!\\
~~~Jeff, if you could only see yourself!\\
~~~What's the matter?\\
~~~Sitting around looking out of the window to kill time is one thing, but doing it the way you are with binoculars and wild opinions about every little thing you see is diseased!\\
~~~Do you think I consider it recreation?\\
~~~I don't know what you consider it, but if you don't stop it, I'm getting out of here.\\
~~~What's the...\\
~~~What is it you're looking for?\\
~~~I just want to find out what's the matter with the salesman's wife. Does that make me sound like a madman?\\
「あのセールスマンの妻に何が起ったのか、僕は知りたいんだ。それが気違いじみてると言うのか? 君は。」
~~~What makes you think there's something the matter with her?\\
~~~A lot of things. She's an invalid. She demands constant care. Yet neither the husband or anybody else has been in to see her all day. Why?\\
~~~Maybe she died.\\
~~~Where's the doctor? The undertaker?\\
「医者はどうした? 葬儀屋は?」
~~~She could be sleeping, under s\'edatives. He's in there now. There's nothing to see.\\
~~~There is something. I've seen it through that window.
I've seen bickering and family quarrels and mysterious trips at night and knives and saws and rope.
Now, since last evening, not a sign of the wife. Tell me where she is.\\
~~~I don't know.\\
~~~What's she doing?\\
~~~Maybe he's leaving his wife. I don't know. I don't care!
Lots of people have knives and saws and ropes around their houses. And lots of men don't speak to their wives all day. Lots of wives nag and men hate them and trouble starts but very few of them end up in murder, if that's what you're thinking.\\
~~~It's pretty hard for you to keep away from that word, isn't it?\\
~~~You could see all that he did, couldn't you?\\
~~~Of course, I...\\
~~~You could see because the shades were up and he walked along the corridor and the street and the backyard.\\
~~~I've seen him...\\
~~~Jeff, do you think a murderer would let you see all that? That he wouldn't pull the shades down and hide behind them?\\
「ジェフ、あなた、殺人者がそんなことあなたに見せると思って? 現にあの人、ブラインドも下してない、その後ろに隠れもしてないじゃない。」
~~~Just he's being clever. He's being nonchalant.\\
~~~And that's where you're not being clever. A murderer would never parade his crime in front of an open window.\\
「そこよ、あなたが利口でないところは。いい? 殺人者はね、自分の罪を人に見せびらかすように、窓のところへなんか出ないもの。」
~~~Why not?\\
~~~For all you know, there's something more sinister going on there.\\
~~~Where? Oh.\\
~~~(Laughs.) No comment.\\
~~~Let's start from the beginning again, Jeff. Tell me evereything you saw... and what... you think it means.\\
(Telephone rings.)\\
~~~The name on the second floor, rear mail box reads, 'Mr. and Mrs. Lars'. That's L-A-R-S. Lars Thorwald.\\
~~~What's the number of the apartment?\\
~~~125 West Ninth Street.\\
~~~Thank you dear.\\
~~~O.K. Chief. What's my next assignment?\\
~~~Just go home.\\
~~~Alright, but what's he doing now?\\
~~~He's just sitting in the living room in the dark. Hasn't gone near the bedroom. Now you go home and get some sleep. Good night.\\
~~~Good night.\\
~~~What's it about, Jeff?\\
(友人の警察官、ドイル)「どうしたんだ? ジェフ。」
~~~Look, Doyle, I can't tell you over the phone.
You have to be here and see the whole set-up. It's probably nothing. It's just a little neighbourhood murder.\\
~~~Did you say murder?\\
「えっ? 今、殺人って言った?」
~~~Yes, as a matter of fact, I did say murder.\\
~~~Oh, come now.\\
~~~My only thought was throwing a little business your way, that's all. I figured a detective would jump at the chance of something to detect.\\
~~~I'm not working.\\
~~~This happens to be my day off.\\
~~~I usually took my best pictures on my day off.\\
~~~I'll drop by.\\
~~~O.K. Doyle. As soon as you can.\\
~~~Bless your heart, Stella.\\
~~~Gee whiz, look at this. I can't tell you what a welcome sight this is. No wonder your husband still loves you.\\
~~~The police?\\
~~~You called the police?\\
~~~Well, not exactly. Not an official call. It's an old friend of mine. An old, ordinary friend of mine.\\
~~~Just where do you suppose he cut her up? Of course. The bathtub.
That's the only place where he could have washed away the blood.\\
~~~He better get that trunk out of there before it starts to leak.\\
~~~(Newly-wed Wife) Harry?\\
~~~Look, look, Mr. Jefferies.\\
~~~I thought Doyle would be here by the time the trunk left, or I'd have called the police. Now we're gonna lose it.\\
~~~Hold it everything.\\
~~~Don't do anything foolish.\\
~~~I'm just gonna get the name off that freight truck.\\
~~~I'll keep an eye on the alley.\\
~~~Long distance.\\
~~~You didn't see the killing or the body. How do you know there was a murder?\\
~~~Because everything this fellow's done has been suspicious: Trips at night in the rain, knives and saws and trunks with rope, and now this wife that isn't there any more.\\
~~~I admit it all has a mysterious sound. It could be any number of things. Murder's the least possible.\\
~~~Doyle, don't tell me he's an uneployed magician, amusing the neighbourhood with his sleight of hand. Don't tell me that.\\
~~~It's too obvious and stupid a way to commit murder.
In full of view of 50 windows? Then sit there smoking a cigar, waiting for the police to pick him up.\\
~~~Alright, officer, do your duty. Go over and pick him up.\\
「だからおい、警官だろ? 仕事をやったらどうだ。行ってひっ捕えるんだ。」
~~~Jeff, you've got a lot to learn about homicide.
Well, morous have committed murder so shrewdly, it's taken a hundred trained police minds to catch them.
That salesman wouldn't just knock his wife off after dinner and toss her in the trunk and put her in storage.\\
~~~I'll bet it's been done.\\
~~~Most everything's been done... under panic. This is a thousand-to-one shot. He's still sitting around the apartment. That man's not panicked.\\
~~~You think I made all this up?\\
~~~Well, I think you saw something. There's probably a very simple explanation for.\\
~~~For instance?\\
~~~Wife took a trip.\\
~~~His wife was sick in bed.\\
~~~Yeah, so you told me. ... Well, Jeff, I've got to run along. I won't report this to the department.
Let me poke into it a little on my own. No sense in your getting a lot of ridiculous publicity.\\
~~~Thank you.\\
~~~We know the wife is gone, so I'll see if I can find out where.\\
~~~Do that.\\
~~~You had any headache lately?\\
「最近頭痛がするのか? お前。」
~~~Not till you showed up.\\
~~~It will wear off, along with the hallucinations. See you around.\\
~~~Thorwalds. Get along!\\
~~~He has a six months' lease. Used up a little more than five and a half months of it.
He's quiet, drinks, but not to drunkenness. Pays his bills promptly with money earned as a costume jewellery salesman: wholesale.
Kept to himself. No neighbours got close to him or his wife.\\
~~~Yeah, well, I think they missed their chance with her.\\
~~~She never left the apartment until yesterday morning.\\
~~~What time?\\
「すると、昨日の朝は出たんだな? 何時にだ。」
~~~6:00 am.\\
~~~6:00 am. I think that's about the time I fell asleep.\\
~~~Too bad. Thorwalds were leaving their apartment at just that time. Feel a little foolish?\\
~~~No, not yet. ... How's your wife?\\
~~~Oh, she's fine.\\
~~~Who said they left then?\\
~~~Who left where?\\
~~~The Thorwalds. At 6:00 am.\\
~~~Oh, the building superintendent and two tenants.
Flat statements, no hesitation. They jived with the letter. Thorwalds were on their way to the railroad station.\\
~~~We, now, Tom, how could anybody possibly guess that!
What, did they have signs on their luggage saying, 'Grand Cetral or bust'?\\
~~~The superintendent met Thorwald on his way back. Thorwald told him that he'd put his wife on a train to the country.\\
~~~I see. I'd say this is a pretty covenient guy, this superintendent. Have you checked his bank statements lately?\\
~~~Well, what good's his information? It's a second hand version of an unsupposed story by the murderer.
Now did anybody actually see the wife get on the train?\\
~~~I hate to remind you but this all started because you said she was murdered.
Now, did anyone, including you, actually see her murdered?\\
~~~What are you doing? Are you interested in solving this case or making me look foolish?\\
「何だ、君は。この事件を本気で解決しようと思っているのか? それとも僕のことをただ笑い者にしたいのか?」
~~~Well, if possible, both.\\
~~~Then do a good job of it. Go over there and search Thorwald's apartment. It must be knee-deep in evidence.\\
~~~I can't do that.\\
~~~I don't mean right now, but when he goes out for a drink, or a paper, or something. What he doesn't know won't hurt him.\\
~~~I can't do that even if he isn't there.\\
~~~What's he... Does he have a courtesy card from the police department or something?\\
「あいつに何か特権でもあるっていうのか? 警察から、捜査禁止の保証書でも?」
~~~Now don't get me mad. Not even a detective can walk into an apartment and search it. If I were caught in there, they'd have my badge within ten minutes.\\
~~~Make sure you don't get caught, that's all. What, if you find something, you've got a murderer, and they don't care about a couple of house rules. If you don't find anything, the fellow's clear.\\
~~~At the risk of sounding stuffy, I'd like to remind you of the Constitution and the phrase, 'search warrant issued by a judge' who knows the Bill of Rights verb\'atim. He must ask for evidence.\\
~~~Give him evidence.\\
~~~Yeah, I can hear myself, "Your Honour, I have a friend who's an amateur sleuth. The other night, after having a heavy dinner, he..." He'd throw the New York State penal code right in my face, and there's six volumes.\\
~~~You know by tomorrow morning there may not be any evidence left over in that apartment, you know that.\\
~~~It's a detective's nightmare.\\
~~~What do you need before you can search? Tell me now, what do you need? Bloody footsteps leading up to the door?\\
~~~One thing I don't need is heckling. You called me and asked for help. Now you're behaving like a taxpayer.
How did we stand each other in that plane for three years during the war?\\
~~~I'll go over to the railroad station and check on Thorwald's story.\\
~~~Oh, forget about the story. Find the trunk. Mrs. Thorwald's in it.\\
~~~Oh, I almost forgot. There was a postcard in Thorwald's mailbox.
It was... mailed 3:30 yesterday afternoon from Merritsville.
That's 80 miles north of here. Message went: "Arrived OK. Already feeling better. Love, Anna."\\
~~~Uh... is that, um... Anna... Is that who I think it is?\\
~~~Mrs. Thorwald.\\
~~~Oh, so anything you need, Jeff?\\
~~~You might send me a good detective.\\
~~~Oh, by the way, where's the gin?\\
~~~I'll get the gin.\\
~~~Much faster, and swing the left arm up.\\
Many dreams ago.\\
~~~Try it again.\\
I dreamed many dreams\\
Waiting for any true love\\
To appear. Though each night\\
It seems ... someone filled my dreams\\
Still the face that I kissed\\
Wasn't clear. So I let my heart dance\\
Through many sweet refrains\\
But now just one long and just one\\
(ソーウォルドの持っている箱に~Engel Hand Laundry~とある。)
Dream remains. That one song is yours.\\
And at last I know\\
You're the one I dreamed of\\
Many dreams ago.\\
~~~Hello, Mrs. Dora. This is Jeff again. Has Tom come in yet?\\
「もしもし、ミスィズ・ドーラ? こちら、また、ジェフ。トムは帰ってきた?」
~~~Not yet, Jeff.\\
~~~You mean you haven't even heard from him?\\
~~~Not a word. Is it something really important, Jeff?\\
「ひと言も。何か大事なこと? ジェフ。」
~~~Yeah, I'm afraid it is.\\
~~~I'll have him call the moment I hear from him.\\
~~~No, no, don't bother to do that. Just have him get over here as soon as he can. Looks like Thorwald's pulling out tonight.\\
~~~Who's Thorwald?\\
~~~He'll know, he'll know. And Thorwald's a man, don't worry.\\
~~~(Chuckling.) Good night, you idiot.\\
~~~Good night.\\
(ソーウォルドが電話をかけるのを見て。) \\
~~~Long distance again.\\
~~~What'd you do to your hair?\\
~~~Oh, I just...\\
~~~Take a look at Thorwald. He's getting ready to pull out.\\
~~~He doesn't seem to be in any hurry.\\
~~~He's been laying out all his things on one of the beds: shirts, suits, coats, socks.
Even that alligator handbag his wife left on the bedpost. He had it hidden in the dresser.
At least, it was there. He took it out, went to the telephone and made a long distance call.
He had his wife's jewellery in the handbag. Seemed worried about it. Asked someone's advice over the telephone.\\
~~~Someone not his wife.\\
~~~Well, I never saw him ask her for advice. She volunteered plenty, but I never saw him ask her for any.\\
~~~I wonder where he's going.\\
~~~I don't know.\\
~~~Suppose he doesn't come back?\\
~~~He'll be back. His things are still there.\\
~~~I guess it's safe to put on lights!\\
~~~No, not yet!\\
~~~O.K. You can turn it on now. He must have gone someplace to the right.\\
~~~All day long, I've been trying to keep my mind on my work.\\
~~~Thinking about Thorwald?\\
~~~And you, and your friend, Doyle. Did you hear from him since he left?\\
「そしてあなたと、それから友達のドイル。あの人から何かあって? あれから。」
~~~Not a word. He said he was gonna check the railroad station and the trunk. He must be still at it. Something on your mind?\\
~~~It doesn't make sense to me.\\
~~~What doesn't?\\
~~~Women aren't that unpredictable.\\
~~~Hmm. ... Well, I can't guess what you're thinking.\\
~~~A woman has a favourite handbag, and it always hangs on her bedpost where she can get at it easily.
Then, all of a sudden, she goes away on a trip and leaves it behind. Why?\\
~~~Because she didn't know she was going on a trip and where she's going she wouldn't need the handbag.\\
~~~Yes, but only her husband would know that.
And that jewellery... Women don't keep their jewellery in a purse getting all twisted and scratched and tangled up.\\
~~~Well, do they hide it in their husband's clothes?\\
~~~They do not. And they don't leave it behind either.\\
~~~Why, a woman going anywhere but the hospital would always take make-up, perfume and jewellery.\\
「そうでしょう? 女って、入院する時は別だけど、必ず、化粧道具、香水、それに宝石は肌身離さず持っているわ。」
~~~Put that over there. That's inside stuff, huh?\\
~~~It's basic equipment. And you don't leave it behind in your husband's drawer, in your favourate handbag.\\
~~~Well, I'm with you, sweetie. I'm with you. Tom Doyle has a pat answer for that though.\\
~~~That Mrs. Thorwald left at 6:00 a.m. yesterday with her husband?\\
~~~According to those witnesses.\\
~~~Well, I have a pat rebuttal for Mr. Doyle. That couldn't have been Mrs. Thorwald, or I don't know women.\\
~~~What about the witnesses?\\
~~~We'll agree they saw a woman, but she was not Mrs. Thorwald. That is, not yet.\\
~~~Is that so. ... Come here.\\
~~~I'd like to see your friend's face when we tell him. He doesn't sound like much of a detective.\\
~~~Oh, don't be too hard on him. He's a steady worker. I sure wish he'd show up.\\
~~~Don't rush him. We have all night.\\
~~~We have all what?\\
「今夜、一晩? どういうこと?」
~~~Night. I'm going to stay with you.\\
~~~Well, you'll have to clear that with my landlord.\\
~~~I have a whole weekend off.\\
~~~That's very nice, but I just have one bed.\\
~~~If you say anything else, I'll stay tomorrow night too.\\
~~~I won't be able to give you any... pyjamas.\\
~~~You said I'll have to live out of one suitcase. I'll bet yours isn't this small.\\
「あなた言ったでしょう? スーツケース一つだけで暮さなきゃならなくなるって。私、賭けてもいいわ。あなたのスーツケース、これより大きい筈よ。」
~~~This is a suitcase?\\
~~~Well, a Mark Cross overnight case.\\
~~~Compact, but uh... ample enough.\\
~~~Looks like you packed in a hurry. Look at this. Isn't that amazing?\\
~~~I'll trade you... my feminine intuition for a bed for the night.\\
~~~I'll go along with that.\\
~~~That song again... Where does a man get inspiration to write a song like that?\\
~~~Well, he gets it from the landlady once a month.\\
~~~It's utterly beautiful. I wish I could be creative.\\
~~~Oh, sweetie, you are. You have a great talent for creating difficult situations.\\
~~~I do?\\
~~~Sure. Like staying here all night uninvited.\\
~~~Well, surprise is the most important element of attack.
Besides, you're not up on your private eye literature. When they're in trouble, it's always their Girl Fryday that gets them out of it.\\
Girl Fryday~~~秘書\\
~~~Is she the girl that saves them from the clutches of the over-passionate daughters of the rich?\\
~~~The same.\\
~~~That's the one, huh? It's funny. He never ends up marrying her, does she? That's strange.\\
~~~Why don't I slip into something more comfortable?\\
Why don't you ... 「何故君は・・・しないのか」が、「君、・・・したらどうだい」という意味になります。それと同じように、\\
Why don't I ... 「何故私は・・・しないのか」が「私・・・しようかしら」という意味になります。\\
~~~By all means.\\
~~~I mean, like the kitchen and make us some coffee.\\
~~~Oh, and some brandy too, huh?\\
~~~(Newly-wed wife.) Harry.\\
~~~(Doyle.) Jeff.\\
~~~What else have you got on this man Thorwald?\\
~~~Enough to scare me you wouldn't show up in time and we'd lose him.\\
~~~Think he's getting out of here?\\
~~~He's got everything he owns laid out over there in the bathroom, waiting to be packed.\\
~~~I'm just warming some brandy. Mr. Doyle, I presume?\\
(リサ、入って来て)「ブランデーを暖めていたの。ああ、ドイルさん・・・ね? きっと。」
~~~Tom, this is Miss Fremont.\\
~~~How do you do?\\
~~~We think Thorwald's guilty.\\
~~~Careful, Tom.\\
~~~(Telephone.) Lieutenant Doyle.\\
~~~Yeah, he's right here. For you.\\
~~~Lieutenant Doyle, sir?\\
~~~Speaking. Yeah. Alright. I see. Thank you... Goodbye.\\
~~~Coffee will be ready soon.\\
~~~Jeff, aren't you going to tell him about the jewellery?\\
~~~He's got his wife's jewellery hidden in his clothes in the bedroom there.\\
~~~You sure it belonged to his wife?\\
~~~It was in her favourite handbag, Mr. Doyle, that can only lead to one conclusion.\\
~~~That it was not Mrs. Thorwald that left with him yesterday morning.\\
~~~You figured that out, eh?\\
~~~It's simply that women don't leave their jewellery behind when they go on a trip.\\
~~~Come on, Tom. You don't really need any of this information, do you?\\
~~~As a matter of fact, I don't. Lars Thorwald is no more a murderer than I am.\\
~~~You can explain everything that's going on over there?\\
~~~No, and neither can you. That's a secret, private world you're looking into out there.
People do a lot of things in private they couldn't do in public.\\
~~~Like disposing of their wives?\\
~~~Get that idea out of your mind. It'll only lead in the wrong direction.\\
~~~What about the knife and the saw?\\
~~~Do you have a saw?\\
~~~Well, at home in the garage I had.
How many people did you cut up with it?
Or with the couple of hundred knives you've owned in your lifetime? Your logic is backward.\\
「それに一生のうち、何百と、ナイフぐらい持っているだろ? お前の論理は逆なんだよ。」
~~~You can't ignore the disappearance and the trunk and the jewellery.\\
~~~I checked the railroad station. He bought a ticket. Ten minutes later, he put his wife on the train.
Destination: Merritsville. The witnesses are that deep.\\
~~~That might have been a woman, but it couldn't have been Mrs. Thorwald. ... That jewellery ... \\
~~~Look, Miss Fremont. That feminine intuition stuff sells magazines but in real life, it's still a fairy tale.
I don't know how many wasted years I've spent, tracking down leads based on female intuition.\\
~~~All right! I take it you didn't find the trunk. All this is from an old speech you made at the policemen's ball.\\
~~~I found the trunk a half-hour after I left here.\\
~~~I suppose it's normal for a man to tie up a trunk with heavy rope?\\
~~~If the lock is broken, yes.\\
~~~What did you find inside the trunk? A surly note to me?\\
~~~Mrs. Thorwald's clothes; clean, well-packed, not stylish, but presentable.\\
~~~Didn't you take them off to the crime lab?\\
~~~I sent them on their merry and legal way.\\
~~~Why, when a woman is taking a simple, short trip, does she take everything she owns?\\
~~~Let's let the female psychology department handle that one.\\
~~~I would say it looked as if she wasn't coming back.\\
~~~That's what's known as a family problem.\\
~~~If she wasn't coming back, why didn't he tell his landlord? I'll tell you why he didn't tell his landlord, because he was hiding something.\\
~~~Do you tell your landlord everything?\\
~~~Ah, I told you to be careful, Tom.\\
~~~If I'd have been careful piloting that reconnaissance plane, you wouldn't have had the chance to take the pictures that won you a medal, and a good job, and fame, and money.
「注意なんかしていて良いことがあるって言うのか? あの偵察飛行の時、もし注意などしていたら、お前、例の写真撮れていたか? 例の、お前が賞を取って、お陰で良い仕事にありつけて、有名になって、金も入るようになった、例のあの写真が。」
What do you say, we all sit down and have a nice friendly drink. To forget all about this. We can tell lies about the good old days during the war.\\
~~~You mean you're through with the case?\\
~~~There is no case to be through with, Miss Fremont. How about that drink?
... Yeah, I guess you're right. ... Well, I think I better get home and get some sleep.
... Cheers. I uh... I'm not much of a snifter. ...
Oh, Jeff, if you need any more help, consult the yellow Pages in your telephone directory.\\
~~~Oh, I love funny exit lines.\\
~~~Who was that trunk addressed to?\\
~~~Mrs. Anna Thorwald.\\
~~~Then let's wait and find out who picks it up.\\
~~~Oh, that phone call, I gave them your number. I hope you don't mind.\\
~~~Depends on who they were.\\
~~~The police at Merritsville. They reported the trunk was just picked up by Mrs. Anna Thorwald. Don't stay up too late.\\
(見ると、Miss Lonelyheart のところに客。)
~~~Yeah, he's kind of young, isn't he?\\
~~~(What are you doing?)\\
(Miss Lonelyheart)「何をするの。」
~~~You know, much as I hate to give Thomas J Doyle too much credit.
much as I hate to give Thomas J Doyle too much credit~~~I'm afraid I gave Thomas J Doyle too much credit.\\
He might have gotten a hold of something when he said that was pretty private stuff going on out there.
I wonder if it's ethical to watch a man with binoculars and a long-focus lens.
Do you... Do you suppose it's ethical, even if you prove that he didn't commit a crime?\\
~~~I'm not much on rear window ethics.\\
~~~Of course, they can do the same thing to me, watch me like a bug under a glass, if they want to.\\
~~~Jeff, if someone came in here, they wouldn't believe what they'd see.\\
~~~You and me with long faces, plunged into despair because we find out a man didn't kill his wife.\\
~~~We're two of the most frightening ghouls I've ever known.
You'd think we could be a bit happy that the poor woman is alive and well.
Whatever happened to that old saying, "Love thy neighbour"?\\
You know, I think I'll start reviving that tomorrow. Yeah, I'll begin with Miss Torso.\\
~~~Not if I have to move into an apartment across the way and do the 'Dance of the Seven Veils' every hour.
Show's over for tonight. Preview of coming attractions. Did Mr. Doyle think I stole this case?\\
~~~No, Lisa, I don't think he did.\\
~~~What do you think?\\
「どう? これ。」
~~~Well, uh...\\
~~~I will rephrase the question.\\
~~~Thank you.\\
~~~Do you like it?\\
~~~What's the matter?\\
~~~Somebody's hurt?\\
~~~It's the dog.\\
~~~Something's happened to the dog.\\
~~~Somebody fall out a window?\\
~~~I think it's a dog.\\
~~~It's dead. It's been strangled. Its neck is broken.\\
~~~Which one of you did it? Which one of you killed my dog?
You don't know the meaning of the word 'neighbours'?
「『隣人』っていう言葉の意味を知らないの? その人。」
Neighbours like each other, speak to each other, care if anybody lives or dies! But none of you do!
「『隣人」ってものは、お互いにつきあって、話し合って、誰かが生まれたり死んだりした時には、心配したりするものでしょう? だけど、ここでは、誰一人そんなことはしない!」
But I couldn't imagine any of you being so low that you'd kill a helpless, friendly dog.
The only thing in this whole neighbourhood who killed anybody!
Did you kill him because he liked you?
Let's go inside.\\
~~~Come on. Let's go back in. It's only a dog.\\
~~~You know, for a minute, that Tom Doyle almost had me convinced I was wrong.\\
~~~But you're not?\\
~~~Look. In the courtyard, only one person didn't come to the window. Look.\\
~~~Why would Thorwald want to kill a little dog? Because it knew too much?\\
~~~You think this is worth waiting all day to see?\\
~~~Is he cleaning house?\\
~~~He's washing down the bathroom walls.\\
~~~Hm, must have splattered a lot.\\
~~~Well, why not? That's what we're all thinking. He killed her in there, he has to clean up those stains before he leaves.\\
(リサが眉をひそめるので、ステラ)「いいじゃないの、三人とも同じことを考えてるんでしょう? あの人、あそこで彼女を殺した。だから出て行く前に血痕を洗い落しておかなきゃならないのよ。」
~~~Oh, Stella, your choice of words.\\
~~~Nobody ever invented a polite word for a killing yet.\\
~~~Lisa, back there on that shelf, there's a little yellow box, you see it?\\
~~~Top one?\\
~~~Right on top, yeah. And bring me the viewer there. I just got a...
These are about two weeks old. I hope I took something else besides leg art. Now which one...\\
~~~What are you looking for?\\
~~~There's something, and if I'm right, I think I've solved a murder.\\
~~~Mrs. Thorwald?\\
~~~No, the dog. ... Uh-huh. I think I know why Torwald killed that dog.
Here, now you take a look. Tell me what you see. Now, take it down.
「ほら、見て御覧。何が見える? ほら、今度は下にさげて。」
Now look again. Now take it down. You see?
It's just a picture of the backyard.
But one important change. One important change. Those flowers in Thorwald's pet flower bed.\\
~~~You mean where the dog was sniffing around?\\
~~~Where the dog was digging. Now look at those flowers.
Look, those two yellow zinnias on this end. Aren't as tall as they were. Since when do flowers grow shorter in two weeks?\\
「こっちの端の二本の百日草だ。二週間前の高さと、高さが違うだろう? 二週間でどうして花が低くなるんだ。」 
~~~There's something buried there.\\
~~~Mrs. Thorwald.\\
~~~You haven't spent much time around semeteries, have you?\\
Mr. Thorwald could scarcely put his wife's body in a plot of ground about one foot square.
Unless, of course, he put her in standing on end, and then he wouldn't need a knife and saw.
No, my idea is she's acattered all over town. Leg in the East River...\\
~~~Oh, Stella, please!\\
~~~No, no, no. There's something in there. Those flowers have been taken out and put back in.\\
~~~Maybe it's the knife and saw.\\
~~~Call Lieutenant Doyle.\\
~~~No, let's wait. Let's wait till it gets a little darker, and I'll go over there and dig them up\\
~~~You'll go? You won't dig anything up and get your neck broken. ...
「君が行く? 何も出て来ないさ。そして首の骨を折られてしまう。」
No, no, we've ... We're not gonna call Doyle until I can produce Mrs. Thorwald's body. What we've got to do is find a way to get into that apartment.\\
~~~Stella. (Softly.) He's packing.\\
~~~Jeff. Uh-oh ... Here, get me a pencil. Stella, get me some note paper. It's up here someplace. There it is.\\
Lars Thorwarld\\
What have you done with her?\\
~~~You did it, Thorwald. You did it. Look out, Lisa. He's coming.\\
~~~You never should have let her do it.\\
~~~If he ever...\\
~~~Look, look, look...\\
~~~Thank heaven, that's over. Alright if I have a drink?\\
~~~Sure, go ahead. There's no doubt about it. He's leaving. It's just a question of when.\\
~~~Mind if I use that portable keyhole?\\
~~~Go ahead, just as long as you tell me what you're looking at.\\
~~~I wonder...\\
~~~Wonder what?\\
~~~Miss Lonelyhearts just laid out something that looks like sodium tri-eckonal capsules.\\
~~~You can tell from here?\\
~~~I've handled enough of those to put everybody in Hackensack to sleep for the winter.\\
~~~Lisa. Wasn't that close? What was his reaction when he looked at the notice?\\
「(帰ってきて)スレスレだったでしょう? どうだった? あの手紙を見た時のあの人の反応。」
~~~It wasn't the kind of expression that would get him a quick loan at the bank.\\
~~~Jeff, the handbag!\\
~~~Suppose Mrs. Thorwald's wedding ring is among the jewellery he has in that handbag?
Now, during the phone conversation he held up three rings: one with a diamond, one with a big stone of some sort, and then just a plain gold band.\\
~~~The last thing she would leave behind would be her wedding ring.\\
~~~Stella, do you ever leave yours at home?\\
~~~The only way anybody could get that ring would be to chop off my finger. Let's go down and find out what's buried in the garden.\\
~~~Why not? I've always wanted to meet Mrs. Thorwald.\\
~~~What are you two talking about?\\
~~~You got a shovel?\\
~~~Of course I don't have a shovel.\\
~~~There's probably one in the basement.\\
~~~If you're squeamish, just don't look.\\
~~~Squeamish? I'm not squeamish. I just don't want you two to end up like that dog.\\
「吐き気? 吐き気なんかしない。ただ君達二人が、あの犬と同じ運命になるのが厭なだけだ。」
~~~Oh, you know, Miss Fremont, he might just have something there.\\
~~~Just hold on. Here, take this.\\
~~~No sense taking any chance in this thing.
Here, give me the phone book. Maybe I can get him out of that apartment.\\
~~~We only need a few minutes.\\
~~~I'll see if I can get about 15 minutes.\\
~~~Thorwald... Thorwald... Thorwald. Chelsea 2-7099. 2-7099. We scared him once, maybe we can scare him again.
I guess I'm using that word 'we' a little freely. You're taking all the chances.\\
~~~Shall we vote him in, Stella?\\
(リサ)「この人を入れてあげる? ステラ。」\\
~~~2-7099. Chelsea. \\
~~~ Go on, pick it up,~~(ここはソーウォルドに向って言う)
~~Thorwald. Go on, you're curious. You wonder if it's your girlfriend calling, the one you killed for. Go on, pick it up.\\
「おい、ソーウォルド、電話を取るんだ。何だろうと思っているんだろ? 浮気の相手からかもしれないぞ。女房をそのために殺した・・・。さ、取るんだ!」
~~~Did you get my note? Well, did you get it, Thorwald?\\
「こっちからの手紙は見たな? どうなんだ、ソーウォルド。見たんだな?」
~~~Who are you?\\
~~~You'll get a chance to find out. Meet me in the bar at the Albert Hotel. Do it right away.\\
~~~Why should I?\\
~~~A little business meeting... to settle the estate of your late wife.\\
~~~I... don't know what you mean.\\
~~~Come on. Quit stalling, Thorwald. Or I'll hang up and call the police.\\
~~~I only have \$100.\\
~~~That's a start. I'm at the Albert now. I'll be looking for you.\\
~~~Come on, Stella, let's go.\\
~~~One of you keep an eye on this window. If I see him coming back, I'll signal with a flashbulb.\\
~~~This is Doyle residence.\\
~~~Hello, this is L. B. Jefferies. I'm a friend of Mr. Doyle. Who's this?\\
~~~This is a baby-sitter.\\
~~~Oh, uh... when do you expect them in?\\
~~~They went to dinner and maybe a nightclub.\\
~~~I see, hm. If he calls in, have him get in touch with L. B. Jefferies? I might have quite a surprise for him.\\
「そうか・・・じゃ、あちらから電話があったら、ジェフリーズに電話するように伝言願えますか? 驚かせるニュースがありますので。」
~~~Well, do we have your numbers, Mr. Jefferies?\\
「電話番号は分っているのでしょうか? ミスター・ジェフリーズ。」
~~~He has it. Good night.\\
~~~Good night.\\
~~~Ah, Stella was wrong about Miss Lonelyhearts.\\
~~~Lisa, what are you... Don't... Don't, Lisa, what are you doing? Don't go... Li... (ハンドバッグに何もなし) Come on! Come on! Get out of there!\\
~~~Stella. She said ring Thorwald's phone the second you see him come back.\\
~~~We'll ring right now!\\
~~~Give her another minute.\\
~~~Composer. Alright, fellows, let's try it once from the beginning.\\
~~~Miss Lonelyhearts. Oh, call the police!\\
~~~Get me the police, sixth precinct.\\
~~~Yes, sir.\\
~~~Mr. Jefferies, the music stopped her.\\
~~~Lisa! (ソーウォルドが帰って来る。)\\
~~~Precinct Six, Sergeant Allgood.\\
~~~Hello. Look, a man is assaulting a woman at 125 West Ninth Street, second floor, at the rear. Make it fast!\\
~~~Your name?\\
~~~L. B. Jefferies.\\
~~~Phone number?\\
~~~Chelsea 2-5598.\\
「チェルスィー 2-5598。」
~~~Lisa. The door was open. (ソーウォルドに。)\\
~~~I told you.\\
~~~Let go of me! Jeff!\\
(リサ、手を捻られるので)「放して! ジェフ!」
~~~Oh, no!\\
~~~Jeff! Jeff!\\
(リサ)「ジェフ! ジェフ!」
~~~Lisa! Stella, what do we do?\\
(ジェフ)「リサ! ステラ、どうしよう。」
~~~Jeff! Jeff!\\
(リサ)「ジェフ! ジェフ!」
~~~Here they come.\\
~~~What's she trying to do? Why doesn't she turn him in?\\
~~~She's a smart girl.\\
~~~'Smart girl'? She'll be arrested.\\
「頭がいい? 何も言わなかったら、逮捕されちゃうじゃない。」
~~~It'll get her out of there, won't it?\\
~~~Look, the wedding ring!\\
~~~Turn off the light! He's seen us!\\
「電気を消して! 奴がこっちを見た!」
~~~How long do you think he'll stay there?\\
~~~Unless he's dumber than I think, he won't wait until his lease is up.\\
~~~Get my billford out of the drawer in the table there.\\
~~~What do you need money for?\\
~~~I'm gonna bail Lisa out of jail.\\
~~~You could leave her there till next Tuesday. Then you could sneak safely away as planned.\\
~~~Yeah, let's see, \$127.\\
~~~How much do you need?\\
~~~Well, this is first offence burglary. That's about \$250.\\
~~~Lisa's handbag.\\
~~~How much does she have?\\
~~~Fifty cents.\\
~~~Here, take this.\\
~~~I got \$20 or so in my purse.\\
~~~What about the rest?\\
~~~When those cops see Lisa, they'll even contribute.\\
(Telephone Ringing.)\\
~~~Hurry up... (受話器を取って。)\\
~~~Just a minute. ... Hurry up! (これはステラに。)\\
~~~Doyle. What is now?\\
~~~Jeff. Doyle, I've got something really big for you.\\
~~~Why did I have to return your call? Look! Don't louse up my night with another mad killer.\\
~~~Listen to me! Listen to me! Lisa's in jail. She got arrested.\\
~~~Your Lisa?\\
~~~My Lisa. Boy, you should have seen her.
She got into Thorwald's apartement, but then he came back and the only way I could get her out, was call the police.\\
~~~I told you...\\
~~~I know you told me. She went in to get evidence, and she came out with evidence.\\
~~~Like what?\\
~~~Like Mrs. Thorwald's wedding ring. If that woman was alive, she'd be wearing that ring, right?\\
~~~Hm, it's a possibility.\\
~~~A possibility? It's a fact. He killed a dog last night because the dog was scratching around in the garden.
「何が可能性だ。これは事実だ。奴は夕べ犬を殺した。何故か分るか? 犬が庭をほじくり返していたからだ。」
You know why? Because he had something buried in that garden that the dog scented.\\
~~~Like an old ham bone?\\
~~~I don't know what pet names Thorwald had for his wife but I'll tell you this!
All those trips at night with that metal suitcase, he wasn't taking out his possessions, because his possessions are still up in the apartment.\\
~~~Do you think perhaps it was old 'ham bone'?\\
~~~In sections. And I'll tell you something else.
All the telephone calls he made were long distance, alright?
Now, if he called his wife long distance on the day she left, after she arrived in Merritsville, why did she write a card to him saying she arrived in Merritsville? Why did she do that?\\
~~~Where'd they take Lisa?\\
~~~Precinct six. I sent somebody over with the bail money.\\
~~~Maybe you won't need it. I'll run it down, Jeff.\\
~~~Alright. Hurry up, will you? This fellow knows he's being watched. He's not gonna wait around forever. Hurry up.\\
~~~If that ring checks out, we'll give him an escort. So long, Jeff.\\
~~~So long. (受話器を置く)\\
~~~Hello, Tom. I think Thorwald's left. I don't see... Hello?\\
~~~(Thorwald). What do you want from me? Your friend, the girl, could have turned me in.
Why didn't she? What is it you want, a lot of money?
I don't have any money. Say something. Say something!
Tell me what you want! Can you get me that ring back?\\
~~~Tell her to bring it back.\\
~~~I can't. The police have it by now. (フラッシュを焚く) Lisa! Doyle!\\
「無理だ、私には。もう警察の手に入っている。(窓から落されそうになって)リサ! ドイル!」
~~~Woman. What was that?\\
~~~Look! Look over at that apartment! They're fighting!\\
~~~Look, he's throwing him out the window!\\
~~~Creele, give me your 38!\\
~~~I'm sorry, Jeff. I got here as fast as I could.\\
~~~Don't let anybody touch him. Get me a medical bag from upstairs.\\
~~~Lisa, sweetie, if anything had happened to you.\\
~~~I'm alright.\\
~~~Gee, I'm proud of you. You got enough for a search warrant now?\\
~~~(Doyle). Oh, yeah, sure.\\
~~~Lieutenant Doyle.\\
~~~Is he OK?\\
(他の警官)「大丈夫ですか? 彼。」
~~~He's alive.\\
~~~Thorwald's ready to take us on a tour of the East River.\\
~~~Did he say what was buried in the flower bed?\\
~~~Yeah. He said the dog got too inquisitive, so he dug it up. It's in a hat box over in his apartment.\\
~~~Want to look?\\
~~~No, thanks. I don't want any part of her.\\
~~~I hope it's gonna be a hit. This is the first release.\\
~~~I'd love to hear it. I can't tell you what this music has meant to me.\\
~~~Oh, sweet little puppy.\\
~~~Don't jump. Let's try it again, puppy. Stay still. Stay.\\
~~~Hello, baby.\\
~~~My, look what the army's done for you!\\
~~~The army's made me hungry. What have you got in the icebox to eat? Boy, it's good to be home.\\
~~~If you had told me you'd quit your job, we wouldn't have gotten married.\\
~~~Oh, honey. Come on.\\
(こちら、ジェフのアパート。リサが Beyond the High Himalayas という本を読んでいる。ジェフがよく眠っているのを確かめて、Bazaar にとりかえる。)