~~~~~~~~~The Paradine Case 1\\
 Gregory Peck Tony Keane(パラディン夫人の弁護士)\\
 Ann Todd Gay Keane(トニーの妻)\\
 Charles Laughton Thomas Horfield(判事。敏腕と言われているトニーの弁論を、思い通りにはさせない、意地悪な判事。但し、能美の見るところでは、裁判の時の彼のトニーに対する言動に、偏見があるとは思えない。最初、トニーの妻ゲイに言い寄るそぶりは厭らしいが・・・)\\
 Charles Coburn Simon Flaquer(パラディン家の顧問弁護士。彼がトニーを斡旋する)\\
 Ethel Barrymore Sophie Horfield(チャールズ・ロートン演ずるトマス弁護士の妻)\\
 Louis Jourdan Andre Latour(パラディン家の召使。死んだ主人のパラディンを大変尊敬している)\\
 Alida Valli Mrs. Maddalena Anna Paradine(被告) \\
Leo G. Carroll Joseph(パラディン夫人を追いつめる検事)\\
Joan Tetzel Judy Flaquer(サイモンの娘。ゲイの友人。トニーの弁論の意味をゲイに教える。その台詞により、トニーが裁判をどう導きたいのか、その意図が分るようにしてある。また、トニーの下心をゲイに教えることにより、観客にもそれが分るようにしてある。)\\
Isobel Elsom (トニーが泊る宿屋の女主人)\\

From the Novel of Robert Hichens\\
Screen Play by David O. Selznick\\
Directed by Alfred Hitchkock\\
London: The time: The recent past.\\
~~~執事. Dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes, Madam.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine.(弾く手を止めずに)Thank you, Lakin.\\
~~~執事. Inspector Ambrose is here, Madam.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Show him in, will you?\\
~~~執事. Yes, Madam.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Good evening, inspector.\\
~~~Inspector. Good evening, Mrs. Paradine. I don't think you've met Sgt. Leggot.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. How do you do?\\
~~~Leggot. How do you do?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I must say I'm rather surprised to see you again, Inspector.
I can't imagine there can be anything else that you want from me.\\
~~~Inspector. I know, Mrs. Paradine. I'm aware of what you've been through but I've been sent here to arrest you.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. It's incredible! I'm sorry. Then you want me to go with you?\\
「まさか! あ、失礼。では、今私に同行しろと仰るのですね?」
~~~Inspector. Yes.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I'll tell them I won't need dinner. Will you ring? The bell is over there beside the picture. Do you like the picture?
「では、夕食が不要であると、知らせねばなりません。ベルを押して下さいませんか? ベルはその絵の横にあります。その絵、お気に召しましたか?」
It was finished a week or two before he, before he died. I think the artist has caught the blind man's look quite wonderfully.\\
~~~Inspector. Mrs. Paradine, I have to use some formal words at this point.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Oh, Lakin, ask Helen to give you my black lamb coat and my black handbag.
I suppose that if I need other clothes, they can be brought to me.\\
~~~Inspector. Yes, Ma'am.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine.(Inspectorに)Well?\\
「それで? 公式にお話になりたいこととは?」
~~~Inspector. I have a warrant for your arrest and it is my duty to warn you
that you need not say anything but that what you say will be taken down and may be used in evidence upon your trial.
The warrant charges you for that on the 6th of May, 1946 you did willfully administer or cause to be administered
some poisonous substance to one Richard Patrick Irving Paradine and did murder him.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Lakin, I shall probably not be back this evening.\\
~~~執事. Very well, Madam.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Tell cook I'm sorry about the dinner.\\
~~~執事. Yes, Madame.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Goodnight.\\
~~~執事. Goodnight, Madam.\\
(「Charge Room」とある部屋の中。ミスィズ・パラディンと警部)\\
~~~Inspector. Yes, I know the country very well.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. The trouble is it's so difficult to get there. You can't go by car, of course.\\
~~~牢番の男. In here, sir.\\
~~~Sir Simon. I hope you'll forgive my being late. The fact is I was just dressing for dinner when your call came.
I took it in a bathtowel.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. This is Chief Inspector Ambrose. Sir Simon, my family solicitor.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Oh, yes, we're old friends. How are you, Inspector?\\
「ああ、我々は昔からの知合いなんです、ミスィズ・パラディン。どうです、調子は? 警部。」
~~~Inspector. Well, thank you, Sir Simon. We don't often see you here, sir.\\
~~~Sir Simon. No, you must excuse an old man's foibles. The fact is I'm not very keen on this place.
We'll get out of it as soon as possible, Mrs. Paradine, won't we? As soon as possible.\\
「ミスィズ・パラディン、こういうところからはすぐ出たいですね? そう、出来るだけ早く。」
~~~Inspector. When you're ready, Sir Simon, we'll make the formal charge. Do you want to go into another room?\\
~~~Sir Simon. No, it is not necessary. Just give me a couple of minutes here. (Inspector、場を外す)
Now, my dear, let's not waste words. You don't have to tell me the police are making a terrible mistake. We mustn't despair.
Above all things, we mustn't despair. You're not despairing, are you?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. No, Sir Simon.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Now, let me see, they'll read the charge over to you and then ask you whether you've anything to say.
I think you'd better say "no", just like that. Quite simply "no". Is that understood?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Yes.\\
~~~Sir Simon. All right, then.\\
(別の部屋。検事が坐って、その前にMrs. ParadineとSir Simon.)\\
~~~検事. Maddalena Paradine, the charge is that you, on the 6th of May, 1946, did willfully murder Richard Patrick Irving Paradine.
some poisonous substance to one Richard Patrick Irving Paradine and did murder him.\\
Do you wish to say anything in answer to the charge?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I have nothing to say.\\
~~~Sir Simon. That's all we can do at present. I'll look in and tell your maid to put together some of your things.
You're allowed a few things at this stage.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Who's to defend me? You?\\
「私の弁護は誰が? あなたですか?」
~~~Sir Simon. At the trial? Oh, dear me, no, of course not. I'll get you one of the distinguished leaders of the bar.
「裁判で? ああ、勿論私ではありません。弁護士の中でも有数の人間を手配するつもりです。」
Do you know Mr. Anthony Keane?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I've heard of him, of course.\\
~~~Sir Simon. He's very good in this sort of thing, full of charm and cunning, but the juries like him, so do I.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Won't it be difficult to get him?\\
~~~Sir Simon. We'll see, we'll see. At the moment he's on a case in Lincoln. I'll get my daughter to run me down and have talk with him.
to run me down~~~run down が「捜す」me は「私のために」、らしい\\
You'll like him.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. That's not as important as his liking me, is it?
~~~Sir Simon. I think he will. Goodnight.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Goodnight.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Goodnight.\\
~~~守衛.(ミスィズ・パラディンに)Would you come this way, please?\\
~~~Sir Simon.(車の中からキーンに)Think it over, Keane.\\
~~~Kean. I will, Simmy, I will.\\
~~~Keane. Good evening.\\
~~~召使.(キーンから鞄を受取りながら)Good evening, sir.\\
~~~Gay. Tony?\\
~~~Keane. Yes, my love.\\
~~~Gay. I knew it! I knew you didn't have an umbrella or a raincoat.(キスしようとするが、ずぶぬれなので) Oh, darling.
「ああ、やっぱり! あなた、傘もレインコートも持って行かなかったのね。まあまあ、あなたったら。」
You've wet through, Tony. (階下の召使に)Baker, will you please bring up the cocktails from the study?\\
~~~Keane. You might ask me if I won my case.\\
~~~Gay. You always win your case, even though you don't have enough sense to come home dry.\\
~~~Keane. Simmy's car. It leaks.\\
~~~Gay. Come and take your things off, darling, and have a hot shower.
I'll make your drink strong and with luck we may pull you through.\\
~~~Keane. Simmy wants me to take a case for him.\\
~~~Gay. Who?\\
~~~Keane. Mrs. Paradine.\\
~~~Gay. I don't believe she did it.\\
~~~Keane. Do you mind telling me why? As her defending counsel, I might be able to use any bit of evidence.\\
~~~Gay. Well, nice people don't go about murdering other nice people.\\
~~~Keane. So, you think she's nice.\\
~~~Gay. Her photograph looks nice. And anyone who wasn't nice, wouldn't have married that poor blind man. ... Here you are.\\
~~~Keane. Just right.\\
~~~Gay. Good.\\
~~~Keane. So it's your opinion that nice people never murder their husbands.\\
~~~Gay. Well, I suppose there are circumstances.\\
~~~Keane. It's amazing how eleven years of wedlock with the greatest realist in the country
haven't altered a single one of your lovely delusions about nice people.\\
~~~Gay. I'm glad you're defending her.\\
~~~Keane. Why?\\
~~~Gay. Well, it's... oh, darling, your hair's still wet. Let me rub it.\\
~~~Keane. Not so hard.\\
~~~Gay. It's nice to be married to someone who can help others, even save their lives. But you have changed, you know, darling.
Eleven years ago you wouldn't have taken on this Paradine case.\\
~~~Keane. Oh, nonsense. I never turn down a thumping big fee. Then, any more than now.\\
~~~Gay. Oh, you'd have taken it on, but only after snearing for weeks at the decadence of the rich.\\
~~~Keane. I hardly recognize my lost ideals.\\
~~~Gay. I remember the first time you called on me with two tickets for the first night of that Shaw play. Do you remember?
And you'd forgotten to dress. The look of horror on mother's face as we left the house. It took five years to forgive that parting look.\\
「あなたったら、正装してなかったのよ。二人で出かけた時の、母の顔! 怒りで真っ青だったわ。あの怒りの顔を収めるのに、母は5年もかかったのよ。」
~~~Keane. It took her fifty years to perf\'ect that look.\\
~~~Gay. You seem reasonably dry now. You'd better get dressed.\\
~~~Keane. Darling, I'm not really mental.\\
~~~Gay. I know you're not. If I didn't pretend you were now and then, I couldn't possibly live with so wonderful and brilliant a man.\\
If I didn't pretend~~は、~~I do pretend\\
~~~Keane. Oh, I use that sort of talk only on juries.\\
~~~Gay. And does it actually work?\\
~~~Keane. Come here...\\
~~~Gay. No, darling, the Drydens are coming to dinner.\\
~~~Keane. Come here...\\
~~~Gay. No, Tony darling, please!\\
~~~Sir Simon.(キーンに) You'll find her a strange woman with an almost mystic calm.\
~~~Mrs. Paradine.(サー・サイモンと握手して)How do you do, Sir Simon?\\
「御機嫌如何ですか? サー・サイモン。」
~~~Sir Simon. Well, here's the great man himself. Mrs. Paradine, may I present my coleague, Mr. Keane?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. How do you do?\\
~~~Keane. How do you do, Mrs. Paradine?\\
~~~Sir Simon. You may take heart, now. We've got the Royal Marines on our side.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. You're going to defend me?\\
~~~Keane. The Royal Marines look forward to every little trouble. A brief skirmish and you'll be lunching at the Savoy again.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Really? I haven't been thinking about lunching at the Savoy again.\\
「本当ですか? サヴォイで再び昼食だなんて、思ってもいませんでした、私。」
~~~Keane. I know what you've been thinking.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Do you?\\
~~~Keane. Yes. Wild, dark thought such as, \\
~~~~~"Death, where is thy sting?\\
~~~~~Grave, where is thy victory?"\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I keep hearing them all the time, saying I married a helpless blind man for his money and then killed him for his money.
And what will they say of Dickie? It makes him out such a fool for loving me.\\
~~~Keane. We'll have answers for whatever they say. You loved him and he needed you.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. You know that?\\
~~~Keane. Weren't you his eyes?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I was, of course. I had to be.\\
~~~Sir Simon. "Had to be", Mrs. Paradine? "Had to be"? Dear, dear, you must mind your verbs.\\
「『ざるを得なかった』? ミスィズ・パラディン。『ざるを得なかった』? ああ、それは駄目だ。言葉には気をつけないと。」
~~~Keane. Sir Simon means that it was a piece of voluntary service.
You devoted your whole life to this splendid fellow, freely and gladly.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Yes, yes. I see what you mean.\\
~~~Keane. It was a sacrifice, a sublime sacrifice.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Yes, I think it would be better to regard it in that light.\\
~~~Keane. It was the more tremendous that Paradine could not understand,
could not possibly understand the sacrifice you were making. He'd never seen you. He'd never, as I say, seen you.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Yes, yes, quite so, quite so. I'm not sure whether Mr. Keane will put you in the witness box or not, but if he does, ...\\
~~~Keane. I don't think we need trouble Mrs. Paradine with all that at this stage.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. When shall I be seeing you again, Mr. Keane?\\
~~~Keane. Just as soon as I've gone over the details with Sir Simon.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Thank you, deeply.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Well, good afternoon.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Thank you for bringing him.\\
~~~Keane. Until the next ime, then.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Come along, Keane.\\
~~~Judy. So you think Tony was taken with her, eh, father?\\
~~~Sir Simon. Now, let's not go on one of your fishing expeditions.\\
~~~Judy. Alright, don't tell me. You know, Tony may be as good a lawyer as you think he is, but how he loves anything dramatic.
Do hold still if you ever want me to get thing tied.\\
~~~Sir Simon. The impertinence of young people today is simply appalling. If there's one thing I can't abide.\\
~~~Judy. I know, I know. It's impertinence.
Can't you just see Tony giving another of his great performances, riding to rescue of beauty in distress. How he must relish this.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Well, if the case comes up before Horfield, he'd better not try one of those performances, or he'll be sat upon and properly.
But gracious, we're late.\\
~~~Judy. Yes, let's hurry or Horfield will take it out on poor Sophie. And let's not miss a single word of his Lordship's reminiscences.
Honestly, if I hear once more of his gay times in Deanville with Lady so and so.\\
take it out on~~~八つ当たりする\\
~~~Horfield. Remarkable old girl, Lady Millicent. We used to have great times together at Deauville back in the twenties.
I persuaded her to go in swimming at seventy. I watched her frolicking in the surf and had sad thoughts about the impermanence of beauty.
(またこの話かと、厭な顔をしている妻に)My dear, have you swallowed a plum stone or something?\\
~~~Sophy. No, Tommy, I'm alright. I only, I mean, I mean I thought perhaps.\\
~~~Sophy. Don't be too long, you men. I always think this is so terribly antiquated. I mean the ladies, but he likes it.\\
this(女性がいなくなること) is so terribly antiquated
~~~Keane. I shan't let him keep us away from you too long.\\
~~~Judy. Give me a call, father, if the conversation takes an interesting turn.\\
~~~Horfield. (キーンに)I see that you haven't forgotten my deaf ear.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Keane is too good a barrister to have forgotten that.\\
~~~Horfield. Sometimes I wonder how good you really are, Keane?\\
~~~Keane. Oh, good enough or lucky enough.\\
~~~Horfield. Come, come, come, no false modesty.\\
~~~Sir Simon. There are not many better, shall we say?\\
~~~Horfield. Yes, perhaps, perhaps, but I am a legalist myself,
and you, my dear chap, have this habit of overchanging yourself with emothion when facing the jury.
I am bound to confess that it does not particularly appeal to my sense of what is proper.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Oh, come come, Keane is not all that emotional.\\
~~~Horfield. Please, Simmy, I do not like to be interrupted in the middle of an insult. Will you have a cigar?\\
~~~Sir Simon. Thank you.\\
~~~Horfield. Do understand, Keane, that all this is simply my concern for you. Will you have a cigar?\\
「分るかな? キーン。君に関して私が気がかりなのはこれなんだ。ああ、葉巻はどうだね?」
~~~Keane. No, thank you.\\
~~~Sophie. Tommy has a great opinion of your husband, my dear. At least, I think he has. Your husband is very clever, isn't he?\\
~~~Gay. Yes, I think so.\\
~~~Sophie. So is mine. I'm not sure that I like it.\\
~~~Judy. Shall I hurry them up? They'll kicking the good old days around all night if somebody doesn't ring a bell.\\
~~~Sophie. I shouldn't be telling you this, but I do so dread it when he has to take a murder trial. He comes home looking so...\\
~~~Gay. Yes, I can well imagine. It must be a terrible nervous strain trying a capital charge.\\
~~~Sophie. Yes, that's it. That's very comforting.\\
~~~Judy. They were retrying Charles the First and Tony got him off. 「男性軍はチャールズ一世の裁判を蒸し返していたのよ。それでトニーは彼を無罪にしたの。」
~~~Sophy. You've been such a long time. I've been chattering and chattering.\\
~~~Horfield. My dear, I'm sure that Keane and Simmy would like to see your jade.\\
~~~Sophie. Would they? I have some such pretty pieces.\\
「あら、本当? とても綺麗なのがあるのよ。」
~~~Keane. Very much indeed.\\
~~~Horfield. You look very, very appetizing tonight, my dear.\\
~~~Gay. A charming compliment from such a gourmet as yourself, Lord Horfield.\\
~~~Horfield. Tell me, Mrs. Keane, I don't amuse you very much, do I?\\
~~~Gay. Oh, no, I've always admired your wit, Lord Horfield.\\
~~~Horfield. Then you may call upon my wit whenever you wish. Life can be very boring for grass widows.\\
grass widows~~~夫と別居している女\\
~~~Gay. And what makes you think I'm a grass widow?\\
「別居生活ですって? どうして私達が別居なのですの?」
~~~Horfield. Oh, let's not be pedantic. Golf widows, stock exchange widows and law court widows are much the same thing.
「いやいや、隠さなくってもいい。ゴルフ・ウィドー 、株・ウィドー 、それに裁判ウィドー、みんな似たりよったりだ。」
(ここでゲイの手を握り)That's a charming ruby. Tell me, did your husband earn all that whacking away at juries?\\
~~~Gay. Lady Horfield was admiring it, two. It pleased me so much because she has such excellent taste in most things.\\
~~~Horfield. Say Keane, I'm afraid your wife is wearing of me. (あくびをする)A pity, a pity.\\
~~~Gay. Oh, aren't you coming up to bed, darling?\\
~~~Keane. In a little while, dear.\\
~~~Gay. You'll be tired in the morning.\\
~~~Keane. It was a dull evening, wasn't it?\\
~~~Gay. Yes, and no.\\
~~~Keane. I have a murderous day tomorrow. I should never have let Simmy talk me into a new case with all the others I have.\\
~~~Gay. Did you see Mrs. Paradine? What's she like?\\
「ミスィズ・パラディンには会ったの? どんな人? 彼女。」
~~~Keane. Strangely attractive. I'm sure you'd think so, anyway.\\
~~~Gay. Oh, no, I wouldn't.\\
~~~Keane. What do you mean?\\
~~~Gay. She's cost me too much.\\
~~~Keane. Cost you? Well, what on earth are you talking about?\\
「被害甚大? 何のことだ?」
~~~Gay. Well, if you don't remember, I'm not going to tell you.\\
~~~Keane. The anniversary and that trip I promised ... why, we'll still make it, my love. Maybe before the case even comes to trial.\\
~~~Gay. It's alright, darling. I'm afraid your excitement is always going to be in the Old Bailey and the other musty, old law courts.\\
~~~Keane. No, no, dear. Honestly, I was thinking just today, how much fun it would be to go to Italy.\\
~~~Gay. Italy? I thought we'd planned on going to Switzerland.\\
「イタリア? あら、スイスに行くんじゃなかったの?」
~~~Keane. I know, but Italy somehow seems so much more colourful. We might go back to Venice. You know, get in a g\'ondola.\\
「そう、あの時話したのはスイスだったな。でもイタリアの方がもっと色彩に富んでいるんじゃない? ヴェニス、いいな。二人でゴンドラに乗って。」
~~~Gay. Oh, darling.\\
~~~Keane. What's the matter? What's so amusing?\\
「どうしたんだ? 何がそんなにおかしい。」
~~~Gay. Nothing. I can't imagine anything more wonderful than being in a goldola again with you.\\
~~~Keane. Well, what is it then?\\
~~~Gay. Well, it's just that you're so, so transparent and for such a devious kind of barrister, too.\\
~~~Keane. You're pretty devious yourself, don't you think? Come on, tell the jury what's on your mind.\\
~~~Gay. Alright. Mrs. Paradine is strangely attractive and isn't Italy colourful.\\
~~~Keane. Of all the idiotic nonsense.\\
~~~Gay. I should have thought it might please you to know that I can be jealous.\\
~~~Keane. Well, it isn't that. How can you think that I could be interested in a women?\\
~~~Gay. Oh, silly, of course you're not interested. I hope you're not getting so old that you can't admire an attractive woman.
But I, I want you to know something. That there are lots of men who find me attractive, too.\\
~~~Keane. Is that so? Who, for instance?\\
「ほう、そうだったか。誰? 例えば。」
~~~Gay. Well, there's Tommy, for instance.\\
~~~Keane. Tommy?\\
~~~Gay. Tommy Horfield...(二人、笑ってキス) It's getting late, darling. Time we were in the gondola.(と、二人で階段を上る)\\
~~~Keane. Well, I think that's enough for today. Are they treating you well?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Yes, they are very kind.\\
~~~Keane. Have you all the books you want or may I send you any?\\
「欲しい本はありますか? 何か送りましょうか?」
~~~Mrs. Paradine. No, they have quite a good library here.\\
~~~Keane. Good, good. Very soon, I'd like to talk to you about yourself, before you met Colonel Paradine.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Will that be necessary?\\
~~~Keane. Oh, it's one of the more annoying parts of this business.
The prosecution will always try to tear down the character of the defendant.
Naturally, I wouldn't like them to have the advantage over me.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. My past is no affair of anyone but my husband and myself, and my husband is dead.\\
~~~Keane. Mrs. Paradine, the character and background of the defendant are of grave importance to the defense.
It's my duty to ask you of this.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. And how far back will this, this inquisition go?\\
「その過去は一体どこまで遡ればよいのです? どのくらい昔まで。」
~~~Keane. Well, as much as I dislike it. I must advise you to convey to me at least anything that you think might be embarrassing.
「こちらの方で、お訊きするのが厭になるところまでです。お分りですか? つまり、あなたの方で一番言いたくないと思う、そのことを、私は知っておく必要があるのです。」
I must say, Mrs. Paradine, that it is essential that I have your cooperation.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Forgive me if I've been difficult. I shall try.
I will not shock you, I assume, to learn that I am a woman, what would you say, a woman who has seen a great deal of life.\\
~~~Keane. Mrs. Paradine, please don't mistake my persistence for any lack of sympathy.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. When I was still at school in Naples, it began. I was sixteen, or so I said. Actally, I was younger.\\
~~~Keane. That's tragic.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Yes, perhaps, but I didn't think so then. I ran away with a man, Istanbul, Athens, Cairo.\\
~~~Keane. He was much older, of course, rich. He took advantage of your youth.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. He was married, respected. I took advantage of him. Then it suddenly, as it began, it ended.
He wearied of me, I wearied of him. What difference does it make?\\
~~~Keane. And there were others?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Of course there were others. We cannot hide these things. You said we cannot hide them, Mr. Keane.
「勿論ありました。こんなこと、隠すことは出来ませんわね? あなたも仰いましたわね、ミスター・キーン、隠すことは出来ないって。」
Let's drag them out. Let them hang me for the past and be done with it.\\
~~~Keane. No, no, you mustn't feel that. We won't permit them to make anything of it.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Poor Dickie, how he would have hated all this. He gave me his name, his fine name.
He depended upon me to protect it.\\
~~~Keane. He, he knew all about you?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I kept nothing from him. He was so good. He trusted me. He used to sit in the dark, the eternal dark, and weep.
The pain never...\\
~~~Keane. I tortured you enough. We'll get you free. Trust me.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I shall. I do.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Why not let the Crown have the burden of proof of its accusations?\\
~~~Keane. But Simmy, what possible objection can you have to our proving suicide?\\
「自殺の線で行くっていう僕の考えに、何の反対があるんだ? スィミー。」
~~~Sir Simon. I think it's dangerous. Remember, if we have Horfield on the bench.\\
~~~Keane. Oh, you all have such an unholy fear of Horfield.\\
~~~Sir Simon. What's in your mind, Keane? I don't understand you.\\
「いや、君の方こそ何を考えているんだ? キーン。(検察側の証拠の不備をつきさえすればいいことじゃないか。)君の考えが分らないね、私には。」
~~~Keane. Blind man have committed suicide before. We have only to decide who helped Paradine to do it.
Here, let me show you something. Have you ever realized what a lot you can learn from photographes?\\
~~~Sir Simon. The social footsteps of time.\\
~~~Keane. You notice anything peculiar?\\
~~~Sir Simon. No, I can't say that I do.\\
~~~Keane. And everywhere the Paradine went, the valet was sure to go.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Well, what's so extraordinary about that?\\
~~~Keane. Latour worshipped him. Guided Paradine's every step, like a mother hen.\\
~~~Gay. It's after midnight.\\
~~~Keane. My darling, I know it's after midnight. In fact, it is after one. I heard the clock strike.
But I'm not sleepy and I have work to do.\\
~~~Gay. Simmy looks dead.\\
~~~Keane. Well, he isn't dead.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Quite right my dear. I only look dead.\\
~~~Gay. Then what about some drinks to revive you?\\
~~~Keane. That's a good idea. Why don't you have Baker bring us some?\\
~~~Gay. Baker's asleep at this hour. Like any civilized person. I'll bring them myself.(と、出て行く)\\
~~~Keane. That's our man, Simmy. I'm sure of it.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Our man, who? The valet?\\
「我々に必要な男? おつきの男がか?」
~~~Keane. Who more likely to help Paradine out of his misery?\\
~~~Sir Simon. Forget it. I can't think of anyone less likely.\\
~~~Keane. The devoted, grateful servant and loyal companion who would do anything to help end his master's agony.\\
~~~Sir Simon. It won't wash, Tony. Let's face it. This wasn't suicide and it wasn't assisted suicide. It was murder.\\
~~~Keane. Are you trying to imply that Latour might have murdered him?\\
~~~Sir Simon. I'm not talking about Latour.\\
~~~Keane. Who then?\\
~~~Sir Simon. I'm talking about our client.\\
~~~Keane. Oh, so you think she killed him.\\
~~~Sir Simon. It's what the Crown thinks and will try to prove.
There's no sense going in to the court hurling other names into the case.
We have to prepare ouselves to answer the Crown on Mrs. Paradine.\\
~~~Keane. I'll have an answer.\\
~~~Sir Simon. With facts?\\
「事実の裏づけのある答か? それは。」
~~~Keane. To begin with, we have the very simple and very obvious fact that Mrs. Paradine is not a murderess.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Really?\\
~~~Keane. She's too fine a woman.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Indeed? I was of the impression that she'd been a woman of very low estate and rather easy virtue.\\
easy virtue~~~ふしだら\\
~~~Keane. Well, you're an insufferable snob, incapable of recognizing genuine character!
I only hope the Crown tries to foul her name once, just once.\\
~~~Sir Simon. I'm sorry. I hadn't realized the extent to which she had impressed you.\\
~~~Keane. I've talked to her for hours and I've done more than hear her words.
I've seen the decent, lovely woman behind them and I intend that the rest of the world shall see her as I do.
As a noble, self-sacrificing human being that any man would be proud of.\\
~~~Gay. We've... we've run out of soda water.\\
~~~Keane. Well, ordinary water will do.(と気まづい顔)\\
~~~Gay. Shall I pour yours, Simmy?\\
「お注ぎしましょうか? スィミー。」
~~~Sir Simon. Please, a strong one.\\
~~~Keane. Latour worshipped the Colonel. That's true, isn't it?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Yes.\\
~~~Keane. He was alone with the Colonel a great deal during the day and night.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Yes.\\
~~~Keane. So, if Colonel Paradine, blind, unable to help himself, wanted to die, there was only one person he could turn to.
Isn't that right?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I won't say that.\\
~~~Keane. You won't say what?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. That Andre helped him.\\
~~~Keane. Andre?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Latour.\\
~~~Keane. You call him Andre, the valet?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I'm not too well trained in the more subtle snobberies of your class.\\
~~~Keane. My class? I'm afraid you don't know me very well.\\
「上流社会? 私が? あなたは私のことをよくご存知ないのです。」
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I know you. Always ready to sacrifice some underdog to win a point.\\
~~~Keane. You seem extraordinarily eager to protect this man, from even suspicion of involvement.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. What do you mean?\\
~~~Keane. I mean you talk about Latour as if...\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. As if what?\\
~~~Keane. I'm a bit confused. I don't understand your attitude toward Latour. You speak his name oddly.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. But this is truly impossible.
I'll not listen to any more stupid vicious innuendoes. You spoke as my rescuer, talked about a brief skirmish.\\
~~~Keane. So I did. I'll try to recover my position as your champion. We'll drop Monsieur Latour for the time being.\\
~~~Sir Simon. No, I think Keane has given up the idea entirely of dragging the valet into the suicide.
At least he hasn't been able to talk Mrs. Paradine into it.\\
~~~Judy. Has he got a substitute or is he going to follow your advice for a change?\\
「あの人、それに代る何か代案があるの? それとも、気分を変えて、お父さんの考えで行こうと思ってるの?」
~~~Sir Simon. I don't know. He's turning detective.\\
~~~Judy. What do you mean?\\
~~~Sir Simon. He's going to Cumberland to investigate Hindley Hall, the Paradine country house.\\
~~~Judy. But the thing happened in London. Oh, I'm bored with this game. Let's finish it later. (立上がる)
「だけど、事件はロンドンで起ったんでしょう? あーあ、こんなチェスなんてもう飽きちゃった。止めにしましょう。」
The adventure of Anthony Keane are much more ineresting.\\
~~~Sir Simon. I don't know how you came by this decidedly unfeminine interest in things.
Well, I'm glad you're not going on with the game. You nearly had me.\\
~~~Judy. Tell me, is Tony infatuated with that woman?\\
~~~Sir Simon. What? Where on earth do you get such insane ideas?\\
「何、『ぞっこん』だと? どうしてそんな馬鹿な考えが浮んだんだ?」
~~~Judy. Tell me something. How does Hindley Hall happen to be still open?\\
~~~Sir Simon. Oh, it is not really open. There's just the housekeeper and... What sort of plot are you concocting now?\\
~~~Judy. Is that handsome valet still there?\\
~~~Sir Simon. I refuse to answer any more questions.
And if you're not going to play chess, I'm going to write some letters. Now go to bed.\\
~~~Judy. I'll bet you he's going up there because there's something between Mrs. Paradine and that valet.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Valet? Where did you get that notion?\\
「おつきの人? 何なのだ一体、その考えは。」
~~~Judy. Why are you looking so funny? Did you have the same idea?\\
~~~Sir Simon. I wonder if Keane could have found out that...\\
~~~Judy. That she and the valet... Oh, that's it and he's jealous. Oh, my heavens, he's jealous of that valet!\\
「何か、あの二人にあるんじゃないか・・・そう、それよ。キーンはやっかんでるのよ。嫉妬! そう、嫉妬してるのよ、あのおつきの人に。」
~~~Sir Simon. Oh, come, come, come...\\
~~~Judy. Don't "come, come" me. Have you ever known Tony to visit a jail so often for any other client?\\
~~~Sir Simon. Tony is still in love with Gay, and you know it, why shouldn't he be?\\
「トニーはまだゲイに惚れているんだ。お前だって知ってるだろ? また、惚れていて当然なんだ。」
~~~Judy. If he lets Gay down after all these years.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Such things do happen.
I'm sorry to have to tell you, my dear, that your education, such as it is, was paid for by many a broken heart.\\
~~~Judy. He's in love with that woman, isn't he?\\
~~~Sir Simon. Oh, get off my lap.\\
~~~Judy. Oh, I've never seen it to fail. Men who've been good too long get a longing for the mud and want to wallow in it.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Where'd you read that? Tony is too decent for that sort of thing.\\
~~~Judy. Really? The best men always end up with the worst women. He's after her boyfriend. That's why he's going to Cumberland.\\
「そうかしら? 良い男って、最後は酷い女と一緒になるのが相場よ。そう、だからやっかんで、あのおつきの男を調べる気になった。だからカンバーランドへ行くのよ。」
~~~Sir Simon. Why, that's absurd.\\
~~~Judy. Don't you think I'm right? Answer me.\\
「パパだって、私の考え通りなんでしょ? 白状しなさい。」
~~~Sir Simon. I'll not be treated as a hostile witness by my own flesh and blood.\\
~~~Judy. Men are such horrible beasts. I wish I were married to Anthony Keane for just one hour. I'd make him jump through hoops.\\
~~~Sir Simon. I wish you were married to someone. Perhaps he could put up with your claptrap better than I can.\\
~~~Judy. I hope... no, I don't hope they hang her. I don't like breaking pretty things. But I do hope they send her to prison for life.
What's she really like?\\
~~~Sir Simon. Fascinating. Fascinating. I'm an old ruin, but she certainly brings my pulse up a beat or two.\\
~~~Judy. Poor Gay.\\
~~~Gay. Hello, Tony.\\
~~~Keane. Hello, darling.\\
~~~Gay. You're late.\\
~~~Keane. Well, I told you not to wait up for me.\\
~~~Gay. I wasn't.\\
~~~Keane. Well, I think I'll be off to bed. Goodnight, darling.\\
~~~Gay. Tony.\\
~~~Keane. Yes, dear.\\
~~~Gay. I'm sorry if I don't seem quite myself. It's... it's that I had a headache.\\
~~~Keane. Oh, I'm sorry that you're not feeling well. I'm afraid I'm a bit on the ragged side of myself tonight.\\
~~~Gay.(笑顔で)Tony, couldn't we get away, just for a little while? You do need a rest. I've never seen you quite like this before.\\
「トニー、私達、どこかへ行った方がいいんじゃない? ほんのちょっとだけでも。あなた、少し休まないと。こんな風なあなた、私、今まで見たことないわ。」
~~~Keane. Oh, I'll be alright. Just a good night's sleep.\\
~~~Gay. Even if it's only a few days, for the anniversary. You did promise.\\
~~~Keane.(ゲイの顔を見るのも辛そうに、後ろを向いて)Really, darling, there are some things more important than anniversaries.\\
~~~Gay. You didn't used to think so.\\
~~~Keane. As a matter of fact, I may have to go away.
Mrs. Paradine and her husband use to live a good deal of the time at a place called Hindley Hall up in Cumberland.
I thought I might nose around a bit. You know, see what I could pick up. At the same time, get a breath of fresh air.\\
~~~Gay. Well, that sounds wonderful. You won't be busy all the time and we could...\\
「まあ、それ、よさそうね。ずーっと忙しいわけじゃないんでしょう? だから二人で・・・」
~~~Keane. Oh, darling, it's only for a day or two.\\
~~~Gay. Well...\\
~~~Keane. Well, it wouldn't be any fun with you. You see that, don't you?\\
~~~Gay. Yes, I see.\\
~~~Keane. It might be cold and wet up north.\\
~~~Gay. Yes, I suppose so.\\
~~~Keane. Oh, listen, darling, this is the place for you. Warm, cozy, protected. I want to keep all this ugly business away from you.\\
~~~Gay. But can you?\\
~~~Keane. Can I what?\\
~~~Gay. Keep the ugliness away?\\
~~~Keane. Haven't I always? What do you mean? What are you afraid of?\\
「僕はいつもそうしていないかい? 君、どういう意味? 君、何を怖れているんだ。」
~~~Gay. Need I say?\\
~~~Keane.(苦しそうな表情。やっと決心し)Listen, darling, this settles it. Nothing is worth this kind of trouble between us.
I won't go to Cumberland. I won't go on with the case at all. I'll give up the brief.\\
~~~Gay. Tony!\\
~~~Keane. I mean it. Simmie can get someone else.\\
~~~Gay. What will she say?\\
~~~Keane. What the devil does it matter what she says? Well, the case isn't so difficult. Any one of fifty men can handle it.
「彼女が何を思おうと、知ったことじゃないだろう? それに、だいたいあの事件、たいした事件じゃないんだ。弁護士だったら誰だって、あんな事件、解決出来るさ。」
Isn't that what you wanted? (ゲイの顔、明るくなる)We'll leave for Switzerland, we'll leave next Sunday, tomorrow perhaps.\\
「君、この結論が欲しかったんだろ? さ、スイスに行こう。次の日曜日に出発だ。ああ、明日でもいい。」
~~~Gay. Darling.\\
~~~Keane. What's the matter, now?\\
「おいおい、どうしたんだ? 今度は。」
~~~Gay. Nothing's the matter. Just thank you. Thank you for being so good.
I knew my old Tony couldn't have changed quite that much.\\
~~~Keane. Well, what do you say? Lucerne or St. Moritz?\\
「さ、君、どこがいい? ルセルン? それともサン・モリッツ?」
~~~Gay. No darling, neither. You're going up to Cumberland and then you're coming back to your office and then you're going into court.\\
~~~Keane. Oh, no, no, I am tired. That's what you siad and you're right.\\
「いやいや、僕は疲れた。君、そう言ってだらう? その通りだったのさ。」
~~~Gay. You're not too tired, Tony. You're not too tired. There aren't fifty men who can save her.
There's only one Anthony Keane.\\
~~~Keane. You've always had such big ideas about me.\\
~~~Gay. No, darling, I haven't. Besides, I have a stake in this too.\\
~~~Keane. I don't know what you mean.\\
「賭ける? どういう意味?」
~~~Gay. I wouldn't like a woman to be hanged, any woman, just because my hasband had a rendez-vous with her, in jail.\\
~~~Keane. Oh, Gay.\\
~~~Gay. You must go to bed, darling.\\
~~~Gay. No, Tony, not now.\\
~~~Keane. Well, you'll come up to Cumberland with me.\\
~~~Gay. I'll be waiting here, cozy, comfortable and protected. Goodnight, darling.\\
Paradine Case 051
~~~Keane. Goodnight.\\
~~~Keane. Have I a sitting-room?\\
「私の予約、出来てるかな? 居間がある?」
~~~フロントの女性. Oh, yes, sir. You mentioned it in your wire. Would you be wanting to see it?\\
~~~Keane. Yes, please.\\
(「No cheques cashed. Not even good ones!」の看板がかかっている)\\
~~~フロントの女性. Would you like some cold fish and salad before you go to bed?\\
~~~Keane. No thank you. But any chance of a whiskey and soda?\\
~~~フロントの女性. Okey-doke. Your bedroom's room seventeen. I'll have your bags sent up.\\
~~~Keane. Thank you.\\
~~~フロントの女性. Are you a detective?\\
~~~Keane. No. Why?\\
~~~フロントの女性. Oh, I just wondered.\\
「ああ、ただ、どうかな? と思って。」
~~~Keane. Why do you ask? Have you had trouble here?\\
「どうして訊いたのかな? ここで何か厭なことがありましたか?」
~~~フロントの女性. Well, no, not exactly here but well... we don't like being in the Sunday papers.
Haven't you heard about the big poisonous case? That was Colonel Paradine. He had Hindley Hall. Oh, mercy me, your fire's going out.\\
「毒殺の話、ご存知ありませんか? パラディン大佐の。ヒンドリーはあの方の別荘でしたから。あらあら、火が消えかかってる。」
~~~Keane. Yes, I heard about that.\\
~~~フロントの女性. This chimney won't draw. We found a dead owl in it last Sunday. Here, that murder's been the talk of the place.
It was Mrs. Paradine that did it, they say. (火を直して)That's better. The sticks were damp and the wind's in the wrong way.\\
~~~Keane. Did you know her?\\
~~~フロントの女性. Nobody knew her. Oh, she'd ride over here once in a while on her black hunter.
Pleasant enough but she never spoke to no one.\\\
~~~Keane. Did she always ride alone?\\
~~~フロントの女性. There, that's got it.
Yes, now I come to think of it, she always was alone. And the poor Colonel's dead and the house is up to let.\\
~~~Keane. I heard it was. That's why I came, as a matter of fact.\\
~~~フロントの女性. Oh, that's why you're here, Mr. Keane. I was wondering. Are you going to see the house tomorrow?\\
「あら、そうでしたの? ミスター・キーン。どうしてかな? って思ってました。明日下見にいらっしゃいますか?」
~~~Keane. Yes, I think so.\\
~~~フロントの女性. Well, would you mind going in a pony and trap?
Our car's all booked up for tomorrow. It's only about eight miles.\\
~~~Keane. Fine, fine, make it about ten o'clock.\\
~~~フロントの女性. Okay-doke.\\
~~~御者. Up there yonder in those trees is the Hall, sir, where the poor Colonel lived.
Many time I've seen him walking around here, blind as he was, with Andre.\\
~~~Keane. Andre?\\
~~~御者. Andre Latour, the Colonel's body servant. A queer one.\\
~~~Keane. Is anyone living at the Hall now?\\
~~~御者. Only the caretaker, Mrs. Carr. Maybe Andre's back from London now.
They say he knows more about the poor Colonel's death than he'll tell. He's a queer one alright.\\
~~~Keane. In what way?\\
~~~御者. Oh, I don't know. He keeps himself to himself.
Perhaps it's because he's foreigner. They never seem quite the same, do they, sir?\\
~~~御者. Hey, Latour, here's the gentleman from London come up with an order to see over the Hall.\\
~~~Keane. I'm interested in renting the house.\\
~~~Latour. In renting the house, Mr. Keane? Will you come in, please?\\
「家をお借りに? ミスター・キーン。ああ、どうぞお入り下さい。」
~~~Latour. If you'll wait here, Mr. Keane. I'll open the shutters.\\
~~~Keane. Isn't he coming back?\\
「ラトゥーアは? もう戻って来ないんですか?」
~~~Mrs. Carr. He might, and he might not, sir. Will you step this way? This is the morning room. It was the poor Colonel's favorite room.
It has a fine view, sir. He loved to have her describe it to him, every time the seasons changed.\\
~~~Keane. Did she...\\
~~~Mrs. Carr.(相手の言葉を遮って)I'll show you the upstairs, sir.
And this was her room sir. I'm sorry it's so untidy, sir. I was packing up her things. If you'll excuse me, sir, I'll open up the other rooms.\\
~~~Keane. Latour!\\
~~~Latour. Sir.\\
~~~Keane. I should like to see the gardens. Would you take me around?\\
~~~Latour. Very good, sir.\\
~~~Keane. Wait there for me, I'll be down immediately.
We won't bother about the other rooms, now. Latour is going to show me the gardens.\\
~~~Mrs. Carr. Very well, sir.\\
~~~Keane. What door is that?\\
~~~Mrs. Carr. It's Latour's room.\\
~~~Keane. Latour? Why wasn't he in the servants' quarters?\\
「ラトゥーア? 何故ラトゥーアは召使いの部屋にいないんです?」
~~~Mrs. Carr. She felt he should be near the Colonel.\\
~~~Keane. I may drop in tomo... tomorrow.
Where's Latour?\\
~~~御者. I'm sure I couldn't say, sir.\\
~~~Keane. But he was to show me the garden.\\
~~~御者. He was called away.\\
~~~Keane. Alright, back to the inn.\\
~~~Latour. Can I have a word with you, sir?\\
~~~Keane. Come in. ... What can I do for you?\\
~~~Latour. It is not a question very easy to answer.\\
~~~Keane. How did you know that this was my room?\\
~~~Latour. I saw you come up from the lake shore and then this light go on.\\
~~~Keane. You've been watching the inn for some time?\\
~~~Latour. Yes, I walked over from Hindley.\\
~~~Keane. To see me?\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir. It came to my mind it would be well to see you.\\
~~~Keane. Sit down. (二人、坐る)Why didn't you come to the front door? What was your object in coming in the back way?\\
~~~Latour. They'd all gone to bed, sir, and I didn't want to disturb the household.\\
~~~Keane. But you might have come earlier.\\
~~~Latour. I didn't care to come earlier, sir.\\
~~~Keane. Why not?\\
~~~Latour. I leave that to you, sir.\\
~~~Keane. What is it you want with me?\\
~~~Latour. Beg pardon, sir, but I thought it was you wanted to see me.\\
~~~Keane. Well, what caused you to think that?\\
~~~Latour. Well, you came to the Hall.\\
~~~Keane. I didn't come the the Hall to see you. I didn't know you were there. I came to see the house.\\
~~~Latour. But you asked me to show you over the garden.\\
~~~Keane. Yes, and you said you would and then you shot out of sight like a rabit. Why?\\
~~~Latour. I don't know. I think first, "No, I do not want to talk to him," Then I think perhaps I'm wrong.\\
~~~Keane. Remember this, Latour. You forced yourself on me, I didn't seek you out.
You're apparently going to be a very hostile witness in this case.
You're not one of my witnesses and it would be most improper for me to... to try to establish contact with you.
I came on you entirely by chance.\\
~~~Latour. But you wanted to come on me, sir.\\
~~~Keane. You choose to say so but it so happens that it's my business, my job, to save the life of your former mistress.\\
~~~Latour. Beg pardon, sir. She was not my mistress. Colonel Paradine was my master.\\
~~~Keane. Have it your own way.\\
~~~Latour. I would never have served a woman. It is not in my character to do that.\\
~~~Keane. I insist upon knowing what was your reason for wanting to see me tonight.\\
「しつこいようだがね、君、今、私に会いに来た理由は何なのだ? それが訊きたいね。」
~~~Latour. If you tell me why you came all the way from London, I'll tell you why I came here.\\
~~~Keane. Oh... so it's to be a bargain, is it? Why should I make a bargain with you?\\
「すると、取引なんだな? 私が何故君と取引をしなければならないんだ。」
~~~Latour. Call it what you like, sir. All I say is you tell me and I'll tell you. Seems fair enough to me.\\
~~~Keane. Cigarettes?\\
~~~Latour. No thank you.\\
~~~Keane. You don't smoke.\\
~~~Latour. I won't smoke, sir. Thank you. I know why you wanted to see me. She sent you.\\
~~~Keane. She? Mrs. Paradine doesn't even know that I'm here. She has nothing to do with my coming.\\
「彼女? ミスィズ・パラディンのことだな。彼女は私が今ここにいることさえ知らない。私がここに来ることは彼女とは何の関係もない。」
~~~Latour. It seems I'm wrong then.\\
~~~Keane. Why would she send me?\\
~~~Latour. She might have her reasons.\\
~~~Keane. I don't know what they might be.\\
~~~Latour. But perhaps you don't know her as I do.\
~~~Keane. Mrs. Paradine is my client. I know her as her lawyer. That's sufficient for me.\\
~~~Latour. You may not think it but you're on the wrong side, sir. And I tell you so.\\
~~~Keane. What do you mean exactly by that? You'd better make yourself clear.\\
「悪い方向? それはどういうことだ。もっとはっきり言ったらどうなんだ。」
~~~Latour. Excuse me, sir. You have only known Mrs. Paradine since she is in prison. Is it not?\\
~~~Keane. Yes.\\
~~~Latour. Then how can you know her?
If you did, I should not need to tell you that only almighty God or the black devil himself knows what's going on in that head of hers.\\
~~~Keane. I won't hear anything more against her!\\
~~~Latour. I know what I'm talking about. What I say is true. I know her and I will tell you one thing more.
I will tell you about Mrs. Paradine. She is bad, bad to the bone. If ever there was an evil woman, she is one.\\
~~~Keane. Would you mind getting out of here? I don't want any dirty, lying sneaks in my room. Get out!\\
~~~Latour. Very good, sir. As you wish. If you will alow me, sir. I'm very sorry for you and God help you.\\
~~~運転手. Here you are, sir.\\
~~~Keane. Holloway, please.\\
~~~Keane. How are you?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I thought you'd forgotten me.\\
~~~Keane. I've been out of London for a few days. I went up to Hindley Hall.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Why did you go there?\\
~~~Keane. I thought it might help me to know more about your background.
I walked on the terrace, went into the house, into your rooms. I saw Latour. He behaved very strangely.
At first, he avoided me, then he forced himself on me. He came to my room at the inn late at night.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Why did he do that?\\
~~~Keane. He wanted to talk to me about you.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Indeed. And what did my husband's valet have to say about me?\\
~~~Keane. Don't, I beg of you, don't behave this way with me!\\
「止めて下さい、そんな言い方! 私にそんな態度をあなたがとるなんて!」
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I don't know what you mean.\\
「何のことですの? 分りませんわ、その言葉。」
~~~Keane. Latour hates you. You know that? He hates you most bitterly. He said, he said you're an evil woman.
「ラトゥーアはあなたを憎んでいます。分っているんでしょう? それを。酷い憎み方です。あなたのことを『悪い女だ』と言っています。」
Do you know what he meant by that? This man despises you. Why?\\
「お分りですね? その意味が。この男はあなたを軽蔑しているのです。何故です。」
~~~Mrs. Paradine. He despises all women.\\
~~~Keane. Oh, what's the good of telling me that?
It's you he hates, not all women
「『誰だって軽蔑』? とんでもない! 彼が憎んでいるのは他でもない、あなたなんです。」
and jury will find a reason why he hates you because of something that you might have done to his master. Can't you see that?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Of course I see. You needn't explain these things to me as though I were a child.\\
~~~Keane. Listen to me. I want to save you. I want to fight for you but I can't, like this, in the dark. I can't sleep.
I can't work. I can't think.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I don't understand you.\\
~~~Keane. Alright. Is it possible that Latour hates you because you made him disloyal to his master?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. That's enough, Mr. Keane!\\
「もう沢山です! ミスター・キーン。」
~~~Keane. What existed between you and Latour?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I will not be treated in this manner by my own counsel. I should prefer that you give up the case.\\
~~~Keane. Oh, no, no. I must save you. No one else can. My personal feelings are such that...\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. You must forgive me if I regard my life as more important.\\
~~~Keane. I apologize, deeply. If you'll forgive me, I shall do my best to defend you.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I am a little tired. I think you also are a little tired.\\
~~~Judy. Tony back from Cumberland?\\
~~~Gay. I'm sorry, Judy. What did you say?\\
~~~Judy. Just making conversation. I asked whether Tony was back from Cumberland.\\
「何でもないの、ただ会話の口火にしようとして。トニーはカンバーランドから帰ったの? って。」
~~~Gay. He was due back this morning. I haven't seen him yet. Give me a cigarette, will you, Judy?\\
~~~Judy. When did you start smoking?\\
~~~Gay. Oh, just lately.\\
~~~Judy. Poor father, I'm afraid he's failed with me in everything.\\
~~~Gay. What do you mean?\\
「どういうこと? それ。」
~~~Judy. For twenty years he's been telling me.
"Do not ask questions. Leave others to tell you, if they choose. Only vulgar people probe."\\
~~~Gay. You're my best friend, Judy. Ask anything you wish.\\
~~~Judy. You must know what everyone is saying. I know it's probably exaggerated.\\
「皆が噂してること、あなた、知らないわけないわね? あの噂、多分誇張があるとは思うけど。」
~~~Gay. Would it surprise you very much, Judy, to know that he wanted to give up the case?\\
~~~Judy. Surprise me? It would absolutely floor me. Why didn't he then?\\
「驚く? 驚くぐらいじゃすまないわ、それ。仰天よ。じゃ、どうしてトニー、手を引かなかったの?」
~~~Gay. Because I wouldn't let him. Suppose someone else had taken up the case. It would have been won or lost.
「私が手を引かせなかったの。だって、誰か別の弁護士がこの事件を扱うことになったとするでしょう? 勝つか負けるかするわ。」
Either way the little romance of Gay and Tony Keane would have been ended forever.\\
~~~Judy. Perhaps so.\\
~~~Gay. Judy darling, just because a man, a husband, fancies some other woman, you don't treat him as a criminal.\\
~~~Judy. You don't.\\
~~~Gay. I doubt if you would, either. It's very painful, but it's painful for him, too. He... he's very fond of me and I'd like to keep him so.\\
「本当かしら。あなただったら、犯罪者扱いするんじゃない? でも、これ、トニーには辛いことなの。あの人・・・私のことが大好きだし、それに私も、あの人と離れたくないの。」
~~~Judy. Even if it means letting him go.\\
~~~Gay. No, simply by not making him suffer too much for hurting me. After all, I don't own him. I only love him.\\
(Mrs. Paradin's counsel visits her in prison.)\\
~~~Keane.(声がする) Hello, Baker. Is Mrs. Keane at home?\\
~~~Gay. I'm in here, Tony.\\
~~~Keane. Hello, darling.\\
~~~Gay. You're just in time for tea.\\
~~~Keane. Oh, pour me a cup, will you?\\
~~~Gay. How was the journey?\\
~~~Keane. Oh, not very interesting. You're doing your hair a new way.\\
~~~Gay. No, you've seen it like this hundreds of times. Would you rather I didn't talk?\\
~~~Keane. What do you mean?\\
~~~Gay. Nothing at all. It's just you look a bit tired.\\
~~~Keane. No, no, there's really nothing to tell you, dear.
It's ... it's a big house. It's rather what you'd expect. You know the Lake district.\\
~~~Gay. Oh, Tony.\\
~~~Keane. What is it you... want to know about, dear?\\
「何なんだい? 君の知りたいことは、ゲイ。」
~~~Gay. Nothing. Actually I ... (立上がって扉まで進み、振返って)Shall we dine early or would you like to sleep for a bit?\\
「何も。本当は私・・・夕食を早くする? それとも少し横になる?」
~~~Keane.(ちらりと、ゲイが読んでいた新聞を見て) I suppose you... hate her, don't you?\\
~~~Gay. Let's not talk about it, Tony. I'm trying hard and I'm hoping that...\\
~~~Keane. You're hoping that I'll lose the case. I wouldn't blame you, darling, no matter what you hoped for.\\
~~~Gay. You've been my life, Tony, and for such a long time. Do you think I, I could ever want anything bad for you?\\
~~~Keane. No, I suppose not.\\
~~~Gay. I won't deny that there have been moments when I've wished the worst for her.
It's not easy to face the thought of losing you. We've been really married, really, truly married, as few people have been.
Yes, I've lain awake, alone, night after night and I've been tempted to pray that she...
But I've come to a conclusion, Tony, I want her to live, I want very much for her to live.
And I hope she gets free, set free, free to kill...
or to take other wifes' husbands or do anything else that comes into that beautiful head of hers.\\
~~~Keane. I don't understand. You can't really care what happens to her.\\
~~~Gay. But I do. I care very much. Not for any noble reasons. I do hate her.
But because I want all this business over and done with and an end to your being all mixed up, part lawyer, part lover.\\
~~~Keane. What nonsense... nonsense!\\
~~~Gay. Alright, frustrated lover, then. Yes, and part husband, still, because you're not finished with me.
You wouldn't have come back home today if you were (finished).
I've seen your torture and I've loved you all the more for letting it torture you. I know the depth of your feeling.\\
~~~Keane. Yes, Gay.(と、後は聞きたくない気分)\\
~~~Gay. I know it and I'm counting on it. All I ask is that she lives so that the fight can be an even one.
Because if she dies, you're lost to me forever. I know you'll go on imagining her as your greatest lost love.
May I tell you something, Tony? You don't love her, no, you don't.
I may not be the cleverest woman in the world and there are lots of things I don't know
but there's one thing I know better than anyone else. I know you.\\
~~~Keane. Oh, my dear, if only I...\\
~~~Gay. I don't want you to say anything, but I do ask you for the most brilliant job of your entire career. I want you to win the case.
I want you to get her free. (自分の雄弁を恥じて、ほほ笑み)There... I've made my speech.
What a speech! That's what comes of being married to a lawyer. I'm going up to change now. Are you coming along, darling.\\
「そう、本当に大演説。弁護士と結婚するとこうなるのね。私、もう着替えなくちゃ。あなたもね? トニー。」
~~~Keane.Yes, in a minute.\\
(Defend. The. Children. of. the. poor. \&. punish. the. wrongdoer.)\\
~~~女看守. Are you ready? Mrs. Paradine?\\
「もういいですね? ミスィズ・パラディン。」
~~~判事. Silence. All persons who have anything further to do before the Lords of the King's Justices for the jurisdiction of the central criminal court draw near and give your attendance.\\
~~~女看守. Wait here.\\
~~~判事. God save the king. ... Bring forth the prisoner.\\
~~~判事. Maddalena Anna Paradine, you are charged with the murder of Richard Patrick Irving Paradine on May 6th last.
Are you guilty or not guilty?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Not guilty.\\
~~~Judy. Oh, but Gay darling, I don't see how you can possibly stay away. Oh, no, Tony won't be able to see you.
We'll be in the gallery, just two more dim faces.\\
~~~Farrell. On the night of May the 6th, at a time we may be able to fix within the compass of a few minutes,
some person or person administered to Richard Paradine a murderous dose of poison for at half past nine
he was heard calling for help and a few minutes later he dies,
painfully, before he could be reached by his old comrade in arms and faithful servant, Andre Latour.
You will hear that on the night of May the 6th a quarrel took place
in which the participants were Colonel Paradine, Mrs. Paradine and Andre Latour.
The Colonel, being in a very agitated state, shut himself up in his bedroom alone.
The butler took his dinner up to him, a dinner consisting of roast chicken, roast potatoes and cauliflower au gratin.
Later, he asked that a single glass of burgandy should be put by his bedside so that he would know exactly where to feel for it.
A single glass of burgandy, ladies and gentlemen.\\
~~~Judy. Farrell is off to a good start.\\
~~~Farrell. You are aware of the Colonel's character. He was a man cast in heroic mold. One looks back on his life with humility and pride.
He was like a reincarnation from the spacious days of Queen Elizabeth. Incredibly daring, illimitably adventurous.
And this man, this man of dynamic energy is doomed suddenly to darkness and the life of a helpless invalid.
Members of the jury, we must surely pity this woman, chained as she was to a ruined giant, who was burning with a dreadful resentment.
One could forgive an occasional outburst or demonstration of impatience from her.
But the odd thing, ladies and gentlemen, is that outwardly this woman was a model of patience.
But heaven knows what sultry fires were banked within. It would have been a considerable strain to any ordinary woman, no doubt,
but this woman, the prosecution contend, is no ordinary woman. She had patience, she could wait. This was indeed no ordinary woman.\\
~~~Keane. Now, Laken, you have said that after you served dinner to Colonel Paradine in his bedroom,
he asked you to place a glass of burgandy by his bedside. Is that correct?\\
~~~Laken. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Keane. Would you call that a suitable bedtime drink, you, as a butler?\\
~~~Laken. No, sir, I would not. But the Colonel...\\
~~~Keane. Answer my question, please. Had he ever asked for a glass of burgandy to be put by his bedside before?\\
~~~Laken. No, sir, not that I can remember.\\
~~~Keane. Did he usually drink burgandy?\\
~~~Laken. It usually didn't agree with him, sir, but sometimes.\\
~~~Keane. That will do.\\
~~~Judy. He's building a suicide motive.\\
~~~Horfield. One moment, Lakin. I think you told the jury Colonel Paradine did not usually take burgandy because it desgreed with him.
Did he dislike burgandy?\\
~~~Laken. Oh, no, my Lord. On the contrary.\\
~~~Horfield. He was very fond of burgandy but seldom dared to take it.\\
~~~Laken. Yes, my Lord, that is correct.\\
~~~Judy. Horfield's killed that point.\\
~~~Gay. How? What do you mean?\\
「えっ? それ、どういうこと?」
~~~Judy. By making it clear there was nothing so extraordinary about his drinking burgandy.\\
~~~Horfield. I was anxious the point should be clear, Mr. Keane.\\
~~~Keane. Thank you, my Lord. I'm obliged to your Lordship.\\
~~~Farell. No questions, my Lord. Call Andre Latour.\\
~~~判事. Andre Latour.\\
~~~係員. Take the testament in your right hand and repeat the oath.\\
~~~Latour. I swear by almighty God that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.\\
~~~Farell. Your name?\\
~~~Latour. Andre Etienne Latour.\\
~~~Farell. Your age?\\
~~~Latour. Thirty.\\
~~~Farell. You were born, I believe, in Montreal, Canada and you served in the war with Colonel Paradine.\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir. I was his man servant before the war and later I had the honour of serving under his command.\\
~~~Farell. You won the distinguished conduct medal and bar for galantry in the field.\\
~~~Latour. That is so, sir.\\
~~~Farell. At the time of Colonel Paradine's death, you were again exployed as his valet and confidential companion.\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Farell. Well, speak up, Latour, so that we can all hear you. ... You were very much attached to Colonel Paradine, were you not?\\
~~~Latour. He was the best man I ever know in all my life.\\
~~~Farell. Very well, then. At about eight o'clock you heard the bell ringing violently. You went upstairs to the Colonel's room.
You saw the Colonel and Mrs. Paradine facing each other. What happened then?\\
~~~Latour. He looked at me for a minute in his blind way and burst out with it.\\
~~~Farell. Try to give us his exact words.\\
~~~Latour. He said, "Do I underastand you're going to leave me? Now when I need you most?" I asked him who told him such a thing.
He said. She did.\\
~~~Farell. Did he say anything else?\\
~~~Latour. He was very angry. He used strong language.\\
~~~Farell. Had you any intention of leaving him?\\
~~~Latour. No, sir.\\
~~~Farell. Do you know of any reason why Mrs. Paradine should have told her husband that you were leaving him?\\
~~~Latour. She wanted to get rid of me.\\
~~~Farell. You told us yesterday, Latour, that
when you went back up to see the Colonel, you saw Mrs. Paradine in the hallway, outside the bedroom. You're certain of that?\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Farell. Where is that plan? (部屋の地図)
I have here a plan of the house, the upper floor.
Is it your impression that the lady was passing directly from Colonel Paradine's bedroom to her own?\\
~~~Latour.Yes, sir.\\
~~~Farell. Thank you. That will be all for the time being.\\
~~~Judy. Latour lied like mad about the quarrel. He's keeping something back.\\
~~~Keane. Does the name of Margaret Wells convey anything to you?\\
「マーガレット・ウェルズという名前を聞いて、君は何か思い当ることがあるね? ラトゥーア。」
~~~Latour. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Keane. What does that name convey to you? I must try to help your memory.
I put it to you that some years ago, you were engaged to Margaret Wells of Three Rivers, Quebec.
That on your wedding day she left you at the church door and went off with a saddler, named Richard Trutan.\\
~~~Latours.(激して言う)That is finished. That is in the past.\\
~~~Horfield. Your question may be relevant, Mr. Keane. Its relevance escapes me.\\
~~~Keane. My Lord, I submit that the witness has shown in his evidence and also in his behaviour
an almost pathological bias against, not only my client, but against all women.\\
~~~Horfield. I may be stupid, but I fail to understand what this jilting has to do with the case.
After seeing the witness and observing his apperance and bearing
I should be inclined to regard the young lady's conduct as pathological, not his.
「証人は良い男だ。こんな良い男を袖にする、そんな女なら、女の方がおかしいのではないかな? 男の方がおかしいのではなくて。」\\
~~~判事. Silence.\\
~~~判事. Proceed to your next question.\\
~~~Keane. Very good, my Lord, I'm not to be allowed to show one of the reasons for the witness's hostile attitude toward my client.
... Were you aware that Colonel Paradine made a will in which he bequeathed you the sum of 3500?
... Come, come, it's a simple question, a fact.\\
~~~Latour. Colonel Paradine told me he might leave me a little something but I didn't know about the will, sir.\\
~~~Keane. You mean he told you he was going to leave you this legacy but you doubted his word.\\
「それはこういうことかね? 大佐は君に何かを遺すを話しはしたが、君はそれを疑っていたと。」
~~~Latour. No, sir, I did not doubt his word.\\
~~~Keane. Then you believed it?\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Keane. Believing it, then you knew and believed that you would receive such a legacy on his death... Please answer the question.\\
~~~Latour. I don't know what you ask.\\
~~~Horfield. You are being asked if you knew that you were to inherit 3500 pound from Colonel Paradine if and when he died.\\
「もし大佐が死んだら、3500ポンドの遺産が君に遺されると、君は知っていた。そうだな? と私は訊ねているんだ。」
~~~Latour. We never dicussed it. I didn't think about it. (少し間をおいて)Yes, I knew.\\
~~~Keane. You don't remember very easily, do you, Latour?
Now, please think carefully before you reply to this and remember that you are on your oath.
When you were in London did you or did you not repeatedly hear Colonel Paradine say that he wished to be dead.\\
~~~Latour. That he wished he was dead, sir?\\
~~~Keane. That he wished to be dead.
Andre Latour, on your solemn oath, do you deny having heard Colonel Paradine say, again and again,
to you and in your hearing, that he was sick of life and wished to be dead.\\
~~~Latour. He said a lot of things when he was angry about his blindness. I got so accustomed to them didn't take much notice.\\
~~~Keane. You didn't take much notice. You did not take much notice. Very well.
Would you tell the court please exactly what happened along about eight o'clock on the evening of May the 6th?\\
~~~Latour. You mean you want to go over my evidence again?\\
~~~Keane. No, Latour, I do not want you to go over your evidence again.
But did you not stand in that here and swear by Almighty God
as you should stand before him on the great day of Judgement that you would tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Did you?\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Keane. Very well. I put it to you that your evidence was a tissue of lies.
I put it to you that you were trying to cover up what really happened.
There is another person in this court who was there who knew what happened. Remember that.\\
~~~Horfield. Mr. Keane, what is your question?\\
~~~Keane. Do you still wish to allege that Mrs. Paradine invented a cock-and-bull story about your leaving the Colonel's service
「君はミスィズ・パラディンが言ったという言葉をまだその通りだと主張するのか? つまり君が大佐のもとを去るというあの言葉を。」
and that this precipitated the quarrel?\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir, she did.\\
~~~Keane. It would be her word against yours now.\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir, and so it was then with the Colonel.\\
~~~Keane. You are then asking his Lordship and the jury to believe that after years of devoted service in the field and in the sick chamber that you were in this position, that Colonel Paradine had absolutely no faith in your word of honour?
I put it to you, Latour, that your story is a pack of lies. Do you persist in it?\\
~~~Latour. If she says the contrary, she'd better...\\
~~~Keane. What was that you started to say?\\
~~~Horfield. Answer the question.\\
~~~Latour. I stick to what I said.\\
~~~Keane. Well, if you don't mind, Latour, I should like to go over that night with you again,
in case any small incidents have slipped your memory. After the butler, Lakin, took the Colonel his dinner, where were you?\\
~~~Latour. In my room.\\
~~~Keane. Did he tell you about putting the glass of burgandy at the Colonel's bedside?\\
~~~Latour. Yes.\\
~~~Keane. Was that, or was that not, unusual?\\
~~~Latour. Maybe so.\\
~~~Keane. No 'maybe' about it. Was it or wasn't it?\\
~~~Latour. It was, sir.\\
~~~Keane. And after he had told you this, then you went upstairs again.\\
~~~Latour. Yes.\\
~~~Keane. Why?\\
~~~Latour. I had no special reason, sir.\\
~~~Keane. Well, shortly before, the Colonel had denouced you in strong language for deserting him
and yet you went upstairs for no special reason.\\
~~~Latour. I was unhappy about being on bad terms with him.\\
~~~Keane. What's that? Speak up, the jury can't hear you.\\
「何だって? 聞(きこ)えない。陪審が聞えるように。大きな声で。」
~~~Latour. I wanted to make it up with the Colonel.\\
~~~Keane. Very well. You knocked at the Colonel's door and went in.\\
~~~Latour. I knocked on his door. I did not go in.\\
~~~Keane. Very well. You knocked and what happened then?\\
~~~Latour. The Colonel told me to go away.\\
~~~Keane. He told you to go away without knowing who was knocking?\\
~~~Latour. No, sir, no. He asked who it was and I told him. Then he told me to go away.\\
~~~Keane. You're very sharp, Latour. Tell me, what manner of tone did the Colonel use?\\
~~~Latour. Sir?\\
~~~Keane. When he told you to go, to get away from him.\\
~~~Farell. My Lord, when Latour gave his evidence in chief,
the words used by him were, "The Colonel told me to go away", not "get away from me".\\
~~~Keane. Go away, get away from me. What's the difference?\\
~~~Farell. My learned friend is of sufficient an artist to appreciate the difference in shades of meaning
and I prefer that he be accurate in these matters.\\
~~~Keane. It's a point of no importance. Make it go away if you like.\\
「正確を期すほどの問題ではないでしょう? そちらがお望みなら、『もう行け』にしておきます。」
~~~Horfield. Mr. Keane, one moment, please. Council for the Crown is right in his contention. I agree that you should be more careful.\\
~~~Keane. If your Lordship pleases, I'll continue the cross-examination.
Now Latour, you used to help the Colonel get to bed, did you not?\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Keane. Quite a complicated matter getting a blind man to bed.
Didn't everything have to be made ready? His toothbrush, his pajamas, hot water bottle?\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Keane. And yet you did not enter the room.
Not even to see that Lakin had put the glass of burgandy in the right place
where the Colonel wouldn't knock it over by mistake when reaching for it?\\
~~~Latour. I wasn't thinking about the burgandy.\\
~~~Keane. Very well. You were wondering what to do to make it up with the Colonel and you were very much upset.
Is that putting it fairly?\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir. I think so.\\
~~~Keane. You have stated that you saw someone else in the hall.\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir, Mrs. Paradine.\\
~~~Keane. And what was she doing?\\
~~~Latour. Going into her bedroom.\\
~~~Keane. Mrs. Paradine's bedroom was directly across the hall from the Colonel's bedroom. Is that correct?\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Keane. At the moment when you saw Mrs. Paradine, had you the remotest idea where she'd come from?\\
~~~Latour. No, sir.\\
~~~Keane. She might even have come out from her room, seen you and turned to go back in again.\\
~~~Latour. It is possible.\\
~~~Keane. But she could not have come out from the Colonel's room without going around you or through you. Is that correct?\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Keane. You saw Mrs. Paradine go into her room and shut the door. What did you do then?\\
~~~Latour. Nothing. I hung about for a minute or two, then I...\\
~~~Keane. What was your purpose in hanging about for a minute or two?\\
~~~Latour. I didn't have any purpose, sir, I just, well, I just didn't know what to do, then I decided to go downstairs.\\
~~~Keane. Tell me, Latour. Have you ever seen anyone who die by poison?\\
~~~Latour. No, sir.\\
~~~Keane. Or any animal?\\
~~~Latour. No, sir.\\
~~~Keane. Wasn't there an old dog put away by poison at Hindly about two years ago?\\
「二年前のことだが、ヒンドリーで年寄りの犬を処分したことがなかったかな? 毒で。」
~~~Latour. Yes, sir. Beg your pardon, sir. I almost forgot.\\
~~~Keane. Yes, so we noticed. It was killed by poison, wasn't it?\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir. It was Colonel's old hunting dog. He was sick, so we put him away. You see.\\
~~~Keane. You mean you put him away.\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Keane. And what poison did you use?\\
~~~Latour. I don't know, sir.\\
~~~Keane. You don't know. Did you keep any of it?\\
~~~Latour. Oh, no, sir. We got the simple dose from the vet.\\
~~~Keane. Don't keep on saying "we". You mean you did.\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Keane. It wasn't a big dose.\\
~~~Latour. No, sir. Very small.\\
~~~Keane. And it acted very quickly.\\
~~~Latour. Yes, it did. (激して、大声で)I understand what you mean to say! He is accusing me of poisoning my Colonel!
「そうです。よく効きました。分ったぞ! 何が言いたいか! 私が大佐を毒殺したと、非難しているんだ!」
But I didn't! I didn't!\\
「だけど、私はそんなことはしていない! していないぞ、私は!」
~~~Horfield. I must ask the witness to collect himself...\\
~~~Latour.(相変らず大声で)But it's not true, I tell you! I didn't do it! How could I?\\
「でも、これは本当の話なんだ。本当なんだ。私はやってない! どうして私にそんなことが出来る!」
~~~Horfield. I must again caution the witness to confine himself to answering questions. He is not on trial.
It is quite unnecessary for him to make protestations of innocence concerning actions with which he has not been charged.
... And I think, Mr. Keane, this will be a convenient opportunity to adjourn.\\
~~~Horfield. We will resume at five minutes past two.\\
~~~係員. I swear by almight God that I shall well and truly keep this jury in some private and convenient place
or such accomodation as the court shall direct.
I will not suffer any person to speak to them, neither will I speak to them myself touching the trial held here this day
unless it be to ask them if they're agreed upon their verdict without leave of the court.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Tony! Keane, Keane, Keane!\\
「トニー! キーン、キーン、キーン!」
~~~Judy. Tony's torn him to pieces.\\
~~~Gay. It was horrible.\\
~~~Judy. But darling, you've got to remember it's Tony's job.\\
~~~Keane. It's gone well for us this morning, really well.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Has it?\\
~~~Keane. Oh, surely you must know that.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I am not a lawyer.\\
~~~Keane. Well good heavens, you're a clever woman. Don't you realize how I shook him?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. You have not kept faith with me.\\
~~~Keane. What do you mean?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I did not agree to what you have done today.\\
~~~Keane. But...\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I objected when you wanted to make it appear that Andre had helped my husband kill himself. I objected even to that.
And now you make him out to be a murderer. Now, I will not forgive you for what you have done today.\\
Paradine Case 101
~~~Keane. Forgive me! When I've exhausted myself, destroying everything in an effort to save you.\\
「許さない! 私を! あなたを助けようとあらゆる努力をし、何もかも抛(なげう)って、疲労困憊しているこの私を!」
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I did not ask you to do that.\\
~~~Keane. Forgive me. You forgive me. I was idiot enough to fall in love with you. Did you hear that?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. If it's true, how could you deceive me as you've done today!\\
~~~Keane. Look, the case has narrowed itself down to this. One of three things.
Either your husband managed somehow to poison himself or Latour did it or you did it.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. As you like, but I will not have you making Andre a murderer.\\
~~~Keane. Are you in love with him?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. What has that to do with it? You're my lawyer not my lover.\\
~~~Keane. Yes, someone else said something very like that to me recently.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I should like to know whether you intend to continue with the case.\\
~~~Keane. Yes, of course. I'm planning to cut out all the witness except you.
I'm going to rely on your evidence in my final speech to save you.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I know I can trust you. I feel it.\\
~~~Keane. Yes, you can trust me.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. You will save me but not at his expense. You understand that, don't you?\\
~~~Keane. And suppose that's the only way to save you?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. You are not to destroy him. If you do I shall hate you as I have never hated a man.\\
~~~Keane. I must go on the way I have begun. I must act according to my own view. You can do what you like.
I've not finished with Latour yet. After that, I shall put you into the box.
You can say what you like there. My questions will be mine, your answers yours.\\
~~~Keane. Now, Latour, you remember your evidence? During the quarrel, the Colonel used strong language with you.\\
「さて、ラトゥーア、君は自分のした証言を覚えているな? 口喧嘩の時、大佐は君に対して強い言葉を使った。そうだな?」
~~~Latour. Yes.\\
~~~Keane. Did he discharge you?\\
~~~Latour. I didn't know what, I didn't know what to think. It was all a lie she told about my leaving.\\
~~~Keane. Yes, yes, we've heard about that. Did you assume that you were discharged?\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir. I suppose so.\\
~~~Keane. Aren't you aware that Mrs. Paradine is the mistress of Hindley Hall?\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Keane. Well, let me review things for you, Latour.
You were supposed that you were discharged by the Colonel,
yet you continued in the employ of the woman who allegedly lied about you to your master? Well, answer me! Latour!\\
「にも拘らず、君は今、まだ、『君に関して、大佐に嘘をついた女』に、まだ仕えている。そういうことなのか? 答えるんだ、ラトゥーア。」\\
~~~Latour. I felt I wanted to help take care of the Colonel's estate. There was nowhere else to go, so...\\
~~~Keane. Yes, yes. Do I understand, Latour, that after the quarrel on the night of May 6th, you never again saw Colonel Paradine alive?\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Keane. But you did see him dead.\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Keane. When?\\
~~~Latour. After Dr. Young left, I was told to clean up the room.\\
~~~Keane. Who gave you these instructions?\\
~~~Latour. She did.\\
~~~Keane. Whom do you mean by "she"?\\
~~~Latour. Mrs. Paradine.\\
~~~Keane. While you were cleaning up the room, did you notice the wine glass?\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Keane. Did it still contain the burgandy?\\
~~~Latour. There were only a few drops in the bottom of the glass.\\
~~~Keane. Oh, you say that there were a few drops left in the bottom of the glass.\\
「ほほう。君は証言するんだな? グラスの底に数滴まだワインは残っていたと。」
~~~Latour. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Keane. If you were told that Dr. Young had examined the glass after he had discovered that Colonel Paradine was dead,
that he examined the glass and found it to be clean, that it had been washed and dried,
would you still hold to your statement that there were a few drops of burgandy remaining in the bottom of the glass?\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir, I still say the same thing.\\
~~~Keane. When did you wash and dry that glass, Latour?\\
~~~Latour. I never washed or dried that glass. I never touched it. I left it just where it was.\\
~~~Keane. You stated that it was Mrs. Paradine who sent you in to clean up the room.\\
「君は、君に命じたのはミスィズ・パラディンだと言ったな? つまり、部屋を片づけろと君に命じたのは。」
~~~Latour. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Keane. That after she sent you into the room, the glass of burgandy was not yet washed.\\
~~~Latour. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Keane. Then it could not have been Mrs. Paradine who washed the glass.\\
~~~Farell. Really, my Lord, all this is most improper. I simply must insist that these questions be kept within bounds.\\
~~~Horfield. Yes, I noticed that the learned counsel was tending to make points rather than ask questions
but I was reluctant to interfere knowing how he resents interruption.\\
~~~Keane. Latour, are you aware of the penalty for perjury? Answer me.\\
「ラトゥーア、君は偽証の罪を知っているな? さ、答えるんだ。」
~~~Latour. I have told the truth.\\
~~~Keane. I put it to you, Andre Latour, that Colonel Paradine had a reason for his rage with you that fatal night,
a reason that had nothing to do with the trumped-up story that you've told in this court.
Was it at Hindley Hall or in London that you first gave Mrs. Paradine occasion to complain about your attention?\\
「君はミスィズ・パラディンにしつこく言い寄った。それで、君は彼女に小言を言われた。それは、ヒンドリーでだったのか? それともロンドンでだったのか?」
~~~Latour. It's not true. She never did.\\
~~~Keane. And was she not, at last, forced to go to her husband and beg him to dismiss you from his service?\\
~~~Latour. I won't stand here and listen to this filthy lie.\\
~~~Keane. And was that in fact the cause and the only cause of the terrible scene
which took place the night of Colonel Paradine's death?\\
~~~Latour. No, she can't say that.\\
~~~Keane. The Colonel knew, didn't he? Knew, because she told him. Isn't that the truth? Answer the question!\\
~~~Latour. I will not answer.\\
~~~Keane. Why, because you don't want to admit that he trusted you and you betrayed him?\\
~~~Latour. No, I did not. You can't put it on me. She has told you lies and I hate her.\\
「私は大佐を裏切ってはいない。そんなことを何故私に! 彼女があなたに嘘を言っているんだ。嘘を言ったりして。何て奴だ、彼女は!」
~~~Keane. Because she told her husband about you?\\
~~~Latour. No, she did not. He found out.\\
(この発言 'He found out.' は大きい。会場にざわめきの声。キーン、「してやったり」の表情。)\\
~~~Keane. Then you mean he heard your speaking improperly to his wife.\\
~~~Latour. Yes.\\
~~~Keane. My Lord, I have finished with the witness.\\
~~~Latour. I didn't want to tell about it. I didn't want to hurt his good name.
But you have spoken, you and she, both of you. So I too will speak now,...\\
~~~Keane. I am finished with the witness.\\
~~~Gay. Oh, Tony.\\
~~~Latour. It was she who dragged us both down. I hated every moment with her, but God forgive me, I couldn't help myself.\\
~~~Keane. My Lord, this man is a confessed perjurer. Must the jury listen to this rubbish?\\
~~~Horfield. Mr. Keane.\\
~~~Keane. He's finally been forced to tell the truth and is now trying to involve my client in his treachery.\\
~~~Keane. My Lord, I have finished with the witness.\\
~~~Latour. I didn't want to tell about it. I didn't want to hurt his good name.
But you have spoken, you and she, both of you. So I too will speak now,...\\
~~~Keane. I am finished with the witness.\\
~~~Gay. Oh, Tony.\\
~~~Latour. It was she who dragged us both down. I hated every moment with her, but God forgive me, I couldn't help myself.\\
~~~Keane. My Lord, this man is a confessed perjurer. Must the jury listen to this rubbish?\\
~~~Horfield. Mr. Keane.\\
~~~Keane. He's finally been forced to tell the truth and is now trying to involve my client in his treachery.\\
~~~Horfield. Mr. Kean, might I remind you that this is not the first time
that you have been responsible for an over-emotional atmosphere in court. I cannot blame the witness for his behaviour.\\
~~~Keane. My Lord, with all respect, I submit that a transcript of this man's evidence be sent to the director of Public Prosecutions
with a view to formulation of charges of perjury,
which he certainly has committed, and whether to such a charge, might not also be added one of murder.\\
~~~Horfield. Mr. Keane, you seem anxious to use up the duties of the judge in this case. Proceed, Sir Jeseph.\\
「ミスター・キーン、どうやら君は、判事の仕事までやる気でいるようだ。私が必要ないとでも言うのかね? さ、サー・ジョゼフ、先を続けてくれ。」
~~~Farell. Latour, in testifying as to what was heard by Colonel Paradine,
are you implying that you engaged in an adulterous relationship with Mrs. Paradine?\\
~~~Latour. Yes. You know now what I did. I can't live with the memory of what I've done.\\
~~~Farell. I'm afraid I must ask you to bear with a few more questions.
Did you avoid the truth because of your feelings about this woman?\\
~~~Latour. Yes, I lied. Because I didn't want the world to know what she was, his wife, my Colonel's wife.\\
~~~Farell. And also because you cared for her?\\
~~~Latour. I don't know how to say it. I tried not to but...\\
~~~Farell. That is all, Latour. My Lord, that concludes the case of the prosecution.\\
~~~Keane. Members of the jury, the woman who is before you in the dock is a foreigner, friendless and alone in a strange country,
but a country that, thank heaven, has always prided itself on its passion for justice.
I had intended to call before you numerous witnesses on her behalf... to speak of her character, of her self-sacrifice.
A sacrifice made cheerfully by a beautiful woman while still fascinating and still young
in order to bring the light of her affection into the darkness of a blinded man's life.
But after hearing the case of the Crown we find so little to rebut
that we have decided to call no witnesses, members of the jury, except the prisoner.\\
~~~Judy. He hasn't lost his nerve. I'll say that for him.\\
~~~Keane. When she has been heard I am confident that the decision of the jury will be "not guilty".
I will now ask the prisoner to go into the box.
Absolutely certain that when she leaves it there will be nothing left of the stain which the prosecution, as I hope to show,
has so recklessly and unjustifiably sought to place upon her character. I call the prisoner---Maddalena Paradine.\\
~~~係員. Hold the testment in your right hand and repeat the oath.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I swear by almighty God that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.\\
~~~Horfield. If you wish, you may be seated while giving your evidence.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. No, thank you, my Lord.\\
~~~Keane. What is your name?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Maddalena Anna Paradine.\\
~~~Keane. And you are the widow of Richard Patrick Irving Paradine.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I am.\\
~~~Keane. What were your circumstances when you married him?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I was very poor. My life had been unpleasant and unattractive.\\
~~~Gay. Truthful, isn't she?\\
~~~Judy. Very clever of Tony, you mean. He's just disarming the other side.\\
~~~Keane. Had you no fear of the thought of spending your life with a blind man?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I thought it a splendid opportunity.\\
~~~Keane. Opportunity?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Yes, I thought, "I will be his eyes."\\
~~~Keane. Well, did you find it difficult to care for a blind man, to take care of him.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. No.\\
~~~Keane. He was never unkind to you?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Sometimes, but I understood. It was terrible for him being like that. It was easy to forgive him.\\
~~~Keane. On the night of your husband's death, a quarrel took place at your London home, in your husband's room.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Yes.\\
~~~Keane. Will you tell the jury, please, what was the cause of that quarrel.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I had spoken to my husband about his valet, Latour. I asked my husband to find another place for him.\\
~~~Keane. Why was that?\\
~~~Horfield. Answer the question.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I did not wish Latour to stay in the house.\\
~~~Keane. And why didn't you wish Latour to stay in the house?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I preferred that he shouldn't be there.\\
~~~Keane. But why?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I did not like his manner with me.\\
~~~Keane. What was there in Latour's manner that you disliked?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I thought it sometimes too familiar.\\
~~~Keane. Will you explain exactly what you mean by that?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. He... he took liberties.\\
~~~Keane. Did he try to make love to you? ... Please answer. Did he try to make love to you?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Yes.\\
~~~Keane. And you complained about it to your husband.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I did.\\
~~~Keane. Now, Mrs. Paradine, you've heard Latour's version of the quarrel in your husband's room on the night of May the 6th.
What actually did happen when Latour came into the room?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. My husband sware at him and said, "You have insulted my wife."\\
~~~Keane. And what did Latour say to that?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. He broke down and said... he said that if my husband would forgive him it would never happen again.\\
~~~Keane. Then Latour's version of what took place is completely untrue?\\
~~~Farell. My Lord, I object. My learned friend is once more deliberately putting words into the mouth of a witness.\\
~~~Keane. I was merely asking a question.\\
~~~Horfield. The form was objectionable and I'm anxious not to intervene again, Mr. Keane. Am I being clear?\\
~~~Keane. Your Lordship always makes his meanings perfectly clear.\\
~~~Horfield. Then kindly attend to my ruling and do not let me have further cause to repeat it.\\
~~~Keane. I hope I shall always take note of the ruling of a learned judge, however much I may disagree with it.\\
~~~Horfield. Do not bandy words with me, Mr. Keane. Kindly go on with your examination of the witness.\\
~~~Keane. Mrs. Paradine, after your husband's death you sent Latour into the Colonel's room to tidy it up?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Yes.\\
~~~Keane. Was anyone with you when you sent Latour into the room?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Dr. Young.\\
~~~Keane. Was Dr. Young still with you when Latour came out of the room?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Yes.\\
~~~Keane. Have you heard of Dr. Young's deposition stating that
after he left you he went to your husband's room and found the glass washed and dried?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I've heard that, yes.\\
~~~Keane. So then, is this not true that the only person who could have washed and dried that glass is Latour?\\
「するとこういうことになりますね? グラスを洗い、拭いた人物は、ラトゥーア以外にはあり得ない、と。」
~~~Farell. My Lord...\\
~~~Keane. Alright, alright... Could anyone else have washed and dried it?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I know what you're trying to make me say. You are trying to make people think that Andre Latour killed my husband.\\
~~~判事. Silence.\\
~~~Keane. I asked you whether anyone else could have washed and dried the glass.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Yes.\\
~~~Keane. What do you mean by "yes"?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I did.\\
~~~Horfield. It is my duty to warn you that you have made a very serious admission.
Would you like to make some explanation of it to the jury?\\
~~~Keane. My Lord, with the utmost respect, I...
I would like to request that I be given time to consider this turn of events. This piece of evidence is entirely new to me.\\
~~~Horfield. Kean, it is getting rather late and we have had a very trying session. Would it be convenient to you if we adjourned now?\\
~~~Keane. I would be greatly obliged to your Lordship.\\
~~~Horfield. Very well. We will adjorn until tomorrow morning at ten thirty.\\
~~~Gay. Are you sure you won't stay to dinner, Judy?\\
~~~Judy. No, Gay. I really can't. I promised father. Good night, dear.\\
~~~Judy. Hello, Tony.\\
~~~Keane. Oh, hello. What the devil are you looking so sad about?\\
「ああ、ジュディー。どうしたんだい? その顔は。君、随分悲しそうじゃないか。」
~~~Judy. Nothing. I was there today.\\
~~~Keane. Was Gay with you?\\
~~~Judy. Yes.\\
~~~Keane. Was that your idea?\\
~~~Judy. Yes.\\
~~~Keane. Well, I suppose you'll have your usual expert comment to make on the conduct of the case.\\
~~~Judy. Yes.\\
~~~Keane. Well, that will most certainly be helpful. Precisely I need at this moment.\\
~~~Judy. If she washed the wine glass...\\
~~~Keane. She didn't.\\
~~~Judy. I hope the jury agrees with you.\\
~~~Keane. She's trying to cover up for that dirty swine. And if she did wash the glass, it's because she knew he killed Paradine.
If I had access to her while she is a witness, I'd make her say so tonight.\\
~~~Judy. Tony, you won't get angry if I ask you something else, will you?\\
~~~Keane. Will it make any difference if I do?\\
~~~Judy. Why are you hammering away at that quarrel in the bedroom? That's what made her say what she did.\\
「寝室での喧嘩のことを、何故あんなにしつこく叩いたの? 「グラスを自分で洗った」って、あの人が言ったのは、あそこをしつこく叩いたせいよ。」\\
~~~Keane. Alright, if you really want to know, if your father wants to know, it's because I want to get at the motive.\\
~~~Judy. Oh!\\
~~~Keane. Latour's motive. He was in love with her. He wanted to get rid of her husband.\\
~~~Judy. What about your motive?\\
~~~Keane. What do you mean?\\
「僕の動機? 何だ、それは。」
~~~Judy. Well, you know and I know and Gay knows why it is that you think Latour is the murderer.
「いい? あなたも、私も、ゲイだって知ってるわ、何故あなたがラトゥーアを犯人にしたいのか。」
You wouldn't have handled her that way in the box for any other reason.
You treated her as though you were cross-examining a witness for the prosecution.\\
~~~Keane. Now, look here, Judy.\\
~~~Judy. Tony, it's true, it's terribly true. Somebody's got to show you. You've got to save this woman for Gay's sake.\\
~~~Keane. If you'll leave me alone, perhaps I still can.\\
~~~Judy. If you're left to your own devices, I'll bet you one thing. Mrs. Paradine will be done for and your career along with it.
And if it weren't for Gay, I wouldn't be so sure that that would be a very bad thing either. Goodnight.\\
~~~Keane. My Lord, I have finished with the witness.\\
~~~Judy. That's funny.\\
~~~Gay. What do you mean?\\
~~~Judy. Nothing. I'll tell you about it later.\\
~~~Farell. Mrs. Paradine, did you think Andre Latour very handsome?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Of course not. He is a servant. How could I consider him in that way?\\
~~~Farell. These attentions on the part of Latour had gone on for some time?
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Yes.\\
~~~Farell. Why did you wait until that night to tell your husband about the matter?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I was ashamed.\\
~~~Farell. Why should you be ashamed? Was it your fault?\\
「何故恥づかしいのです。あなたの過失ではないでしょう? それは。」
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Of course not.\\
~~~Farell. Then why be ashamed? Was it your modesty that held you back? Remebering your past, would you say that?\\
「では何故恥づかしいのです。あなたの慎みのせいで、控えたというのですか? しかし、あなたの過去を考えてみれば、それは奇妙なことではありませんか?」
~~~Keane. My Lord, I protest against that insinuation. There has been nothing in the evidence that reflects on the witness' past.\\
~~~Farell. My Lord, there was no insinuation. I merely tried to convey that a lady of her, (証言の書類を見て)to use her own words,
"her unattractive past" need hardly have refrained from appealing to her own husband on the score of maidenly modesty.\\
~~~Horfield. I must ask you, Mr. Keane, not to interrupt counsel. I will intervene if I see reason. Proceed.\\
~~~Farell. Now, I ask you on your oath, Mrs. Paradine, did you not refrain from complaining about Latour
because you were madly in love with him?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Madly in love with him? And yet I went to my husband and ask him to send Latour away? Is that what you think?\\
「私が彼に『ぞっこん』? それなのに私が夫に、ラトゥーアを家から追出して欲しいと頼むでしょうか。それはおかしいとお思いでしょう?」
~~~Farell. Did you not finally succeed in your objective\\
and induce this unfortunate man who worshipped his master to be false to his trust and betray that master?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I deny that.\\
~~~Farell. Now, Mrs. Paradine, is it not the fact that as soon as you discovered Latour took no interest in women,
you resolved to overcome that indifference?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. No.\\
~~~Farell. Weren't you in love with Latour all the time he lived at Hindley Hall?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. No.\\
~~~Farell. Were you not madly in love with him all the time that he lived with you in your house in London?\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. What you say is not true.\\
~~~Horfield. Is anything wrong, Sir Joseh?\\
「サー・ジョゼフ、どうしました? 何が起ったのです。」
~~~Farell. My Lord, I would like to have an opportunity to consider what bearing this has on the case.
I have just been informed that the witness, Latour, has done away with himself.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Andre!\\
~~~Judy. That does it!\\
~~~Gay. Oh, Tony!\\
~~~Keane. My Lord, I submit that this,... that this has great bearing on the case.
It's perfectly obvious why the witness has committed suicide. It bears out my...\\
~~~Farell. I don't think so. You'll recall that the witness himself said
something about not being able to live with the knowledge of having betrayed his beloved master.\\
~~~Horfield. I suggest that both consel recover their equanimity and remember where they are.
The jury will disregard the statements of both Sir Joseph and Mr. Keane and all that they have just heard.
None of that was evidence. Mr. Keane, do you wish to apply for an adjournment so that you may consider your position?\\
~~~Keane. No, my Lord. On further consideration, I have no application.
I will, however, have my observation to make to the jury in due course.\\
~~~Horfield. Yes, yes. Sir Joseph, does this affect the prosecution to the extent of asking for an adjournment?\\
~~~Farell. Oh, no, my Lord. I only regret that the court has been subjected to this additional sensationalism.\\
~~~Horfield. Then, proceed, Sir Joseph.\\
~~~Farell. Mrs. Paradine, you admitted yesterday
that you deliverately washed the glass that contained the poison which killed your husband. Why did you wash that glass? ...
Answer my question. Why did you wash that glass?\\
~~~Horfield. You must answer the question.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I'm sorry. I didn't hear.\\
~~~Horfield. Counsel has already repeated the question once.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. What does it matter now? Andre is dead. The man I love is dead. I thought about it day and night, but I didn't know how.
I wanted to do it so that we could be free, so that Andre and I could go away and live together as we should.
But Andre wouldn't help me. He and his honour.\\
~~~Horfield. I must warn you of the gravity of the statement you are making.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. Andre knew I killed the blind man. Andre knew it. I didn't tell him but he knew it.\\
~~~Farell. I think it quite unnecessary to ask any further questions, my Lord.\\
~~~Horfield. Is there anything further you wish to ask the witness, Mr. Keane?\\
~~~Keane. Mrs. Paradine.\\
~~~Mrs. Paradine. I have nothing more to say to you, Mr. Keane. I loved Andre Latour, and you murdered him. My life is finished.
It is you yourself who have finished it. My only comfort is the hatred and contempt I feel for you.\\
~~~Keane. My Lord, members of the jury, I've done my best.
This case has already taken its heavy toll in the life of Latour, in its burden on you, indeed on me.
I ... I am more than ever conscious of my shortcomings. Everything that I have done seems to have gone against my client.
But, members of the jury, you must not confuse my, ... my incompetence with any of the issues of this trial.
Those are two questions apart, two questions quite apart.
Many things have become obscured in this trial, (呟くように)many things have become obscured.
(額の汗を拭く)My Lord, I regret that I can go on no longer.
I request your Lordship's indulgence to let my friend, Mr. Collins, take over the conduct of this case.\\
~~~Horfield. It is surprising how closely the convolutions of a walnut resemble those of the human brain.\\
~~~Sophie. I wish you hadn't refused, I mean forbidden me to, of course you were quite right, to go to the trail today.\\
~~~Horfield. Your coughing, my dear, might have distracted me.
It was important that I should concentrate on Mr. Keane's performance.\\
~~~Sophie. Of course. How I shall pray the verdict will be non-guilty.\\
~~~Horfield. Must I listen to more of your silly pity for every scoundrel, man or woman?\\
~~~Sophie. I do pity her. Who needs pity more than a woman who's sinned?\\
~~~Horfield. You always forget that punishment is part of the scheme, an extremely necessary part of it.
~~~Sophie. Doesn't life punish us enough, Tommy? Doesn't it? Why should we hurt each other? We've not right to be cruel.
If I'm certain of anything, I'm certain of that.
~~~Horfield. You've knocked over a glass.\\
~~~Sophie. Oh, so I have.\\
~~~Horfield. Give it to me. You've been talking even greater nonsense than usual tonight, Sophie.
I'm afraid this trial has got on your nerves. (ソフィーに近づき、グラスの欠片を拾い、暖炉に捨てる)I suggest you to to bed.\\
~~~Sophie. Yes, I will, Tommy. I'm sorry. Oh, that poor woman. Couldn't you do something for her?\\
~~~Horfield. How dare you speak to one of His Majesty judges like that, you silly woman?
The jury decides questions of guilt or innocence.\\
~~~Sophie. I may be silly, Tommy, but I love you.
I've always loved you and you must have known for years how terrible it is to love a man who...
Oh, Tommy, when you were young, you were kind. You can't sit on that bench and...\\
~~~Horfield. As long as I sit on that bench, my dear Sophie, I shall continue to do my duty and I have performed a duty today.
The Paradine woman will be hanged after these clear Sundays.\\
~~~Keane. The next time you'll place your confidence with more discretion. I suppose I ought to get out of here. I've kept you up late enough.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Oh, you're more than welcome.
But I do wish you would at least telephone Gay. She must be terribly worried, worried to death.\\
「しかし、ゲイには少なくとも、電話はしたらどうだ? 彼女、恐ろしく心配しているぞ。心配で死にそうだ、きっと。」
~~~Keane. Worried for fear I'll come home, you mean.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Uh...\\
~~~Keane. No, the least I can do for Gay is to spare her the boring job of standing by me.\\
~~~Sir Simon. Now, listen to me, my boy, you're not as wise about everything as you may think. And you mustn't despair.
「なあ、キーン、君はね、自分が何でも分っている男と思っているだろうが、そうでもないんじゃないか? それに、大事なことは、絶望しちゃいかん、ということだ。」
If there's one thing I can't abide, it's despairing.\\
~~~Keane. Well, what would you have me do? Hope for a High Court judgeship?\\
~~~Sir Simon. Well, not for a while, but all this talk about giving up the bar is just so much popppycock.
If I know anything about Gay, there's nothing at all she wants at this moment but...\\
~~~Judy. Father...\\
~~~Sir Simon. Where is she?\\
「どこにいるんだ? 彼女は。」
~~~Gay. Hello, Tony.\\
~~~Keane. Hello.\\
~~~Gay. What about having some breakfast?\\
~~~Keane. Oh, do you mind? ... Thanks but as a matter of fact, I was just leaving.\\
「君、いいかな? お誘いは有難いが、僕は丁度、出るところなんだ。」
~~~Gay. Tony, you really shouldn't have worried about me like this. I've waited up till all hours.
I should have known you'd be here with Simmy. I was proud of you today. Yes, I was. Darling, it won't be easy.
There'll be those that laugh at you, sneer. And I don't think the newspapers will be very kind.\\
~~~Keane. The worst thing of all was what I did to you.\\
~~~Gay. Tony, the most important moment in your life wasn't when you discovered what she was.
And it wasn't really even when you had the courage to stand up there before the whole world and confessed your own mistakes.
The most important moment... Look at me, Tony. The most important moment in your life is now.
My husband is the most brilliant man I've ever known.
(キーン、困って下を向く)You can throw away your career and become a beachcomber if that's what you want.\\
~~~Keane. Maybe that's not such a bad idea.\\
~~~Gay. Oh, darling, don't you understand. I want you back on the job just as fast as ever you can.
And I hope you've a tough case, very tough so that it will take the very best you have,
(と、キーンの頬を左手で触る)winning every verdict you're after, convincing them.\\
~~~Keane. There you go again, darling, with all your fancy ideas about me.\\
~~~Gay. Incidentally, darling, you do need a shave.\\
~~~Keane. Oh.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(The End)\\