~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mogambo 1\\
Clark Gable ヴィクター・マースウェル。この人は「或る夜の出来事」の主人公です。覚えていますか?
Ava Gardner エロイーズ・ケリー(あだ名がHoney Bear)。この人は我々の映画では初めてです。
Grace Kelly リンダ・ノードリー。「ダイヤルMを廻せ」の女主人公でしたね。
Donald Sinden ドナルド・ノードリー。舞台役者です。
Philip Stainton ブラウニー。
Eric Pohlmann ボルチャック。
Laurence Naismith skipper.
Denis O'Dear 神父。
Screen play by John Lee Mahin\\
Based on a play by Wilson Collison\\
Produced by Sam Zimbalist\\
Directed by John Ford 監督、ジョン・フォード。ジョン・フォードは、昔の監督で、もっと紙芝居的な映画を作る人なのですが、この映画は現代的です。サハリの場面をうまく撮ろうと、苦心しているのが感じられます。
~~~Brownie. Laddie, our luck's in.(ヴィック、ベッドから起き上る)
Black leopard, laddie. Black leopard nosing the kill.
~~~Gable. Get the jeep, Brownie.(大声でボルチャックを呼ぶ)Boltchak!\\
~~~Gable. Come on, on your feet. Let's go.\\
~~~Gable. Don't let him twist that net. (ブラウニーに)Come on, get around there. Get a move on, man.\\
~~~Gable. Easy, Boltchak!\\
~~~Gable. Big time! He's a big one!\\
「こいつは運がいいぞ! かなりでかい。」
~~~Brownie. Yeah. Young, too.\\
~~~Gable. Boltchak, stop that!\\
~~~Gardner. Who's there, Bunny?\\
「誰? バニーなの?」
~~~Gable. Bunny? No, this is not Bunny.\\
「バニー? 違うな、俺はバニーじゃない。」
~~~Gardner. Who are you?\\
~~~Gable. May I ask you who you are, why you're here and what in blue blazes is going on?\\
~~~Gardner. My name is Eloise Kelly. Better know in the gay capitals of Europe as "Honey Bear" Kelly.
And the first thing that's going on is my robe, on your arm there if you'll be so cooperative.\\
~~~Gable. With pleasure, Miss Kelly.\\
~~~Gardner. Stop. Throw. Turn around. No kidding, find Bunny and tell him I'm here, will you?\\
~~~Gable. I'd be glad to, if you'd tell me who Bunny is and where I'd find him.\\
~~~Gardner. The Maharajah of Bunganore. Didn't he tell you I was coming?\\
~~~Gable. Oh, so you came down to visit with the Maharajah?\\
~~~Gardner. Sure, all the way from New York.
~~~Gardner. I think it's a dirty trick he wasn't on hand to meet me when I came. Didn't he tell you?\\
~~~Gable. No. The Maharajah is in India. He left here a week ago.\\
~~~Gardner. He didn't.\\
~~~Gable. Yes, he did. It seems someone is trying to take away some of his palaces. So he went back to see what he could do about it.\\
~~~Gardner. Oh, no.\\
~~~Gable. Oh, yes.\\
~~~Gardner. Didn't he say anything about me, that I was coming or anything?\\
「あの人、何か私について言わなかった? 私が来る、とか何とか。」
~~~Gable. No, he didn't.\\
~~~Gardner. Just between you and me, I think he's turned out to be a big heel.\\
~~~Gable. He didn't even leave you a return ticket.\\
~~~Gardner. Look, Mr. Whoever-you-are, let me jump to my own conclusions. Of all the rotten subversive tricks.
Flying all the way, thousands of miles, to this lousy place arriving here hot and tired as a Sixth Avenue mink...
That water's even hotter, and that soap gives out as much lather as blue cheese.\\
~~~Gable. Look, I'm the man that owns this building, and the shower, and the soap.\\
~~~Gardner. I wouldn't be proud of it.\\
~~~Gable. This is my home, be it ever so humble.\\
~~~Gardner. I had to have some place to go. I couldn't get a word out of laughing boy over there with the sleigh bells in his cars.\\
「私どこか、行く場所を捜さなくっちゃ。何よ、あの土人、こっちを見てニタニタ笑って。あの剥き出した歯! 何ていう笑い!」
~~~Gardner. Of all the dirty...\\
~~~Gable. Bawling out the Maharajah long-distance isn't going to do any good.
And if you pardon my subtlety, I'm not so sure I'd want you on safari in the first place. You know, I run a business here.
I'm working these men. And they have to keep their mind on their work...\\
~~~Gardner. Look, buster, don't you get overestimated with me?
I'm the little gal that flew all the way from New York to this lousy place, this Dark Continent.
Only I expected to find a man with a flashlight.\\
~~~Gable. I suggest you use up some of that energy in getting your clothes on. I'll assign you to a room at the other end.\\
~~~Gardner. Wait a minute. Can't you get me a canoe, or a truck, or roller-skates to get out of here?\\
~~~Gable. Trucks couldn't get through this country even if I could spare one.
So you're stuck with our company until next week's boat.\\
~~~Gardner. You mean there's no way to get out?\\
~~~Gable. No. Now, weren't you going to do something about getting dressed?\\
~~~Gardner. Boy. They will be the gayest week of the season.\\
~~~Gable. Plenty deep, all right. I thought I told you to replace that barbed wire.\\
~~~Brownie. We went after a black leopard, remember?\\
「丁度あの時、黒豹を追っかけたんだ? 覚えてるだろ?」
~~~Gable. I'm sorry, Brownie.\\
~~~Gardner. Hi, girl. Hello. How are you? Come here. \\
「あら、キリンちゃん、今日は。御機嫌如何? さ、こっちに来て。」
~~~Gable. All right, let's get on with the feeding.\\
~~~Boltchack. What do you think I'm doing now?
~~~Brownie. Vic, you're getting too unstrung for your own good.
Why don't you flyout to Nairobi or even Cairo for a week or two? You know, you haven't been out of here for just on a year.\\
~~~Gable. I'd like to, Brownie, but Dorgenbeck's yelling for those two white hippo.
And I'll pick that up, if I have to run him all the way to the Congo.\\
~~~Brownie. I know. But you need relaxation. And the little trinket that's dropped from the Maharajah's turban, she's a spry little bit.\\
~~~Gable. That's playgirl stuff. I've seen them in London, Paris, Rome.
They start life in a New York nightclub and end up covering the world like a paint advertisement.
Not an honest feeling from her kneecap to her neck.\\
~~~Brownie. Getting rather meticulous, aren't you?\\
~~~Gable. Maybe. Maybe it's about time.\\
~~~Gardner. Everything snarls around this joint.\\
~~~Gardner. Hi. How are you, boy? You're a nice guy.
「こんちは。お前さん、元気? いい子ね、お前さん。」
~~~Gardner. Hi, fellows.(自分の噛んでいたガムを口から出し、子供のチンパンジーに差出しながら) Hi, boy. Want to chew some gum?\\
~~~Gable. Hey, Kelly, get away from that chimp. And stop feeding thim bubulegum.\\
~~~Gardner. Can't anybody be friendly around here?\\
~~~Gable. Friendly? That chimp? He'd bite your finger off just for fun.\\
「友達? チンパンジーとか? そいつ、君の指を噛み切ってしまうぞ、それもほんのお遊びにね。」
~~~Gardner. But he was only...\\
「だって、ほんの子供でしょ? これ。」
~~~Gable. It's your lookout. His teeth are poison. Once they sink into you, you'll blow up... like a ... like an eggplant.\\
~~~Gardner. All the other animals are being fed.
May I ask what time we get ours? You may not hear it with the other noises, but I'm beginning to rumble.\\
「人間は何時なの? ここ、唸り声でうるさいから、あなたには聞えないかもしれないけど、私、お腹、ゴロゴロ。」
~~~Gable. We dine at 9:00 p.m.\\
~~~Gardner. How continental.\\
~~~Gardner. You're such a nice little baby. Come on over. Come on, little baby. You're nice.\\
~~~Gable. This is Miss Kelly. Mr. Brown-Pryce, Mr. Boltchack.\\
~~~三人一緒に. How do you do?\\
~~~Gardner. Well, Mr. Marswell, you look a lot better. I bet you even smell better. Let's hope your temper is the equivalent.\\
~~~Gable. It's on an even keel, Kelly. It'll probably improve with food.\\
~~~Gardner. Now that's my nice, healthy boy.\\
~~~Brownie. Look, the Nordleys are coming out by next week's boat instead of the following.\\
~~~Gable. Good. That means we can get rid of them one week earlier. I'm handling them over to you, Boltchak.\\
~~~Gardner. Relatives, I take it?\\
~~~Brownie. No. Costomers. He's an anthropologist. He's going on safari.\\
~~~Gardner. You'll have to excuse me, but I left my cap and gown at the cleaners.\\
「(anthropologist の単語をしらないので)ご免なさい。大学卒業の帽子もガウンも洗濯機に入れてしまって。(大学は出てない、ということ)」
~~~Brownie. Anthropologist. He studies man and man's development, looks for skulls examines heads and all that.\\
~~~Gardner. Examines heads. Should have met him before I left New York. He could have examined both(頭蓋骨と頭) mine.
「頭を調べる? ああ、私、ニューヨークを出る前にその人に会っておけばよかった。私の頭蓋骨と頭、調べて貰えたのに。」
(ボルチャックが笑ってむせたので) Let's not get sick over this, gentlemen. It's not that funny.\\
~~~Brownie. You're so good, Miss Kelly.\\
~~~Gardner. That ends that, doesn't it? No kidding. I've never met scientific types. I'd like to meet them. I might learn something.\\
~~~Gable. I don't think you'll be seeing too much of them. You'll be wanting to get back on the same boat.\\
~~~Gardner. Okay, coach, take me out. I'm through.
~~~Gardner. Wait a minute!\\
~~~Gardner. A kangaroo.\\
~~~Gardner. I'm sorry, I just can't sleep with that lion or whatever it is chirping. Do you mind if I stay here for a minue?\\
~~~Gable. No, have a seat.\\
~~~Gardner. Sure I won't bother you?\\
~~~Gable. No, not at all. New batch of magazines came in today.\\
~~~Gardner. Good.\\
~~~Gardner. What makes him do that? Is he hungry?\\
「どうしてライオン、唸るの? お腹がすいてるの?」
~~~Gable. Probably a lioness lurking in the bush out there somewhere.\\
~~~Gardner. I guess there's all sorts of hunger in the world, isn't there?\\
~~~Gable. Um ... mm...\\
~~~Gardner. This is a weird sort of business to be in, collecting animals. I guess it's fun for a man, isn't it?\\
~~~Gable. When it's profitable.\\
~~~Gardner. You sell them to zooes?\\
~~~Gable. Um ... mm ... Circuses, trainers.\\
~~~Gardner. How much do you get for a baby elephant, for instance?\\
~~~Gable. A dumbo?\\
~~~Gardner. Is that really the name for them?\\
~~~Gable. Mmmm ... Around \$5000. Though to ship, though.\\
~~~Gardner. I saw a baby elephant in the zoo, once.
He was sucking on a gallon jug of milk with a nipple attached. Can you imagine that? A whole gallon of milk.\\
「ミルク瓶に乳首をつけて飲んでいたけど、1ガロンは飲んだわね。これ、考えられる? 丸々1ガロンよ。」
~~~Gable. Their mothers carry much more than that.\\
~~~Gardner. More than a gallon?\\
~~~Gable. Mmmm.\\
~~~Gardner. Oh, boy! Oh, I know. Have you got any kangaroos? What do you get for a kangaroo?\\
「まあ、大変! あ、そうそう、ここにカンガルーはいるの? カンガルーを捕まえるにはどうするの?」
~~~Gable. You have to go to Australia for kangaroos.\\
~~~Gardner. Oh, yes. Like I said, I was educated at the York Club. I'd like to see a kangaroo close up. A mama kangaroo.
Is it true that they carry their babies in a little pouch thing?\\
~~~Gable. That's right. All marsupials do that.\\
~~~Gardner. What?\\
「ユウタイルイ? 何? それ。」
~~~Gable. Animals that carry their young, like a papoose in reverse.\\
~~~Gardner. Isn't that the darnedest thing. Everything but a zipper.\\
~~~Gable. Kelly, you're all right. How about a drink?\\
~~~Gardner. I'd love one.\\
~~~Gable. Sorry about no ice.\\
~~~Gardner. It's all right. Doctors say it's bad for your pouch, anyway.\\
~~~Gable. Soda or water?\\
「ソーダ? それとも、水?」
~~~Gardner. Water. I find always that with water. (蛇を見て)Oh!
~~~Gable. What's the matter?\\
~~~Gardner. Do something.\\
~~~Gable. That's just old Joe.(とニヤニヤ笑う)\\
~~~Gardner. Old Joe?\\
~~~Gable. Yes. He's our migratory mousetrap. I bet there isn't a rat or a mouse within 10 yards of this place.\\
~~~Gardner. To think I haven't had my first drink yet.\\
~~~Gable. I had old Joe around to trap young girls into where you are right now.\\
~~~Gardner. Oh, no, Mr. Marsewell, I don't imagine you need old Joe for that. ...
~~~Gardner. The river looks awfully pretty in the moonlight, doesn't it?
~~~Gardner. Now, wait a minute, Marswell. You're turning into the original African hotrod.\\
~~~Gable. I can always quit.\\
~~~Gardner. You can be nice and sweet when you want to, can't you?\\
~~~Gable. How do you know? Maybe you spoke too soon.\\
~~~Gardner. I'm warning you. I'm searching. I'm looking, really I am.\\
~~~Gable. I'll look with you for a little while.\\
(一週間後。昼。エロイーズ、オルガンの前に坐って、「If a body meet a body coming through the rye」を歌っている。伴奏はオルガンではなさそうだが・・・)
~~~Brownie. Still pounding away at that old rogue?\\
~~~Gardner. Hi, darling. It's the only piece of jazz I've been able to find around this place.\\
~~~Brownie. It's been played more in the last week than the last 30 years.\\
~~~Gardner. No kidding. Have you been out here that long?\\
~~~Brownie. Oh, I came out here for my health. (腹が出ている。その腹を叩きながら) I found it.(it は腹) I'm still here.\\
~~~Gardner. Where did you get that scar?\\
~~~Brownie. An old buffalo charged. First barrel misfired, and we danced around a bit.\\
~~~Gardner. That's one way to die, isn't it? Dancing.\\
「それで死ぬこともあるんでしょう? 追い散らされて。」
~~~Brownie. I don't know. Where did you get yours?\\
~~~Gardner. What?\\
「えっ? 何のこと?」
~~~Brownie. Your scars.\\
~~~Gardner. Oh.
~~~Brownie. You've got them, though they're not visible. Sorry. I'm a nosy old idiot, my dear.\\
~~~Gardner. You're pretty smart. Nice, gentle smart, though. Someday when I know you better, I'll tell you all about it. ...
~~~Gardner. Listen to old Trader Horn out there.
~~~Gardner. "Attaboy. Chop, chop, bwana master."\\
~~~Gable. All packed, Kelly?\\
「荷造りは出来たのか? ケリー。」
~~~Gardner. My, we're busy as ... Packed?\\
「ほんとに忙しいのね、ここでも・・・え? 荷造り?」
~~~Gable. The boat's here in 10 minutes. Muntala'll take your luggage to the dock. Animals ready for loading, Brownie?\\
~~~Brownie. Yes.\\
~~~Gardner. Hi, sweetie.
~~~Gardner. Hello, baby. Come here and say goodbye to your mommy. Your mommy's going home.(子象に餌をやる)
You be a good little boy. Wash behind your ears every day, and eat all your nice raw potatoes, so you'll grow up to be a big, fat elephant.
And step on your Uncle Victor's corns every day.
~~~Muntala. Botch, Botch...\\
~~~Gardner. The boat. Yeah.\\
~~~Brownie. I'll see your baggage aboard, my dear.\\
~~~Gardner. Thank you. You've been very sweet.\\
~~~Brownie. You're a nice girl, Miss Kelly.\\
~~~Gardner. I get it, Brownie. He's running a business and I'm a bottleneck.
Sometimes a man can't see the one tree because of the forest.
And someday he's gonna bump into the wrong kind of tree and get his nose busted. Take care of yourself, Brownie. And him, too.\\
~~~船長. Here we are.\\
~~~Gable. Kelly, I wish you could stick around for a while, but I'll be too busy...\\
~~~Gardner. Don't spell it out for me. You know, my little white hunter, it's high time I was on my way anyhow.\\
~~~Gable. It's been ... eh ... it's been nice having you here ...\\
~~~Gardner. Yes. It's certainly been something I didn't expect.\\
~~~Gable. Look here. When the rainy season starts, I might fly up to Paris. If you happen to be there, we might run into each other again.\\
~~~Gardner. Might.\\
~~~Gable. Take it easy, Kelly. Drop me a line.\\
~~~船長. Hello, Vi. Hello, Brownie.\\
~~~Gable. Hello, John.
~~~船長. I have the happiness to present Mr. Nordley.\\
~~~Donald. Mr. Marswell?\\
~~~Gable. Yes.\\
~~~Donald. How do you do? We finally made it.\\
~~~Brownie. How are you?\\
~~~船長. And Mrs. Nordley?\\
~~~Donald. Linda, darling.(ヴィックに、妻を紹介して)Mrs. Nordley.
~~~Gable. How do you do?(ブラウニーを紹介して)Brown Price.
~~~Linda.(ブラウニーに) How do you do?
~~~Brownie. Welcome.\\
~~~Linda. Oh, it's so exciting and thrilling finally to arrive...\\
~~~Gable.(ブラウニーに)Take them up to the house, will you?\\
~~~Brownie. This way, please.\\
~~~Gable. Have you got money for your plane fare?\\
~~~Gardner. Yeah. ... (ヴィックが金を渡すので)~~Wait a minute...\\
~~~Gable. I'll brain you if you don't take it. Let's call it a 99-year loan.\\
~~~Gardner. This is one loan I'll pay back if I have to live 99 years to do it.\\
~~~Gardner. Well, here we go. Bronx zoo next.\\
~~~Brownie. Everything all right? Good trip?\\
「万事順調でしたか? よい旅でしたか?」
~~~Linda. This is charming. Everything's so neat and clean. I'll be unbearably frank and say I didn't expect this.\\
~~~Gable. I'll be frank and say that you're a big surprise to me, too.\\
~~~Linda. In what way?\\
~~~Gable. Well, the wife of the last scientist who was here weighed 180 pounds of pure muscle... had a good start on a moustache,
and every time she spoke to her busband every lion in the territory took off.
He was a little man with a beard, an authority on some kind of flea.\\
~~~Linda. I sincerely hope I've disappointed you.\\
~~~Gable. Come on. I'll show you your room.\\
~~~Gable. This is Juma. He's your personal maid. Anything you want, ask him. You won't understand him, but he will you.\\
~~~Linda.(夫に)Isn't this nice?\\
~~~Gable. About the bed, I didn't know... so if you want twin beds...\\
~~~Donald. No, no, no, no...\\
~~~Linda. All right. Everything's most satsfactory.\\
~~~Donald. I have the beastliest ringing in my ears.\\
~~~Linda. Feeling down, darling? It must be those shots we took. The doctor said they sometimes cause a reaction.\\
「気分が悪いの? ドナルド。あの注射がいけなかったんだわ、きっと。副作用があるって、医者が言っていたでしょう?」
~~~Gable. What shots?\\
~~~Donald. Yesterday, at the settlement the tsetse fly injections.\\
~~~Gable. Tsetse fly... your letter didn't say anything about going into tsetse fly country.\\
「ツェッツェ蠅? ツェッツェ蠅がいる国に行くなんて、そちらからの手紙にはひと言もなかったぞ。」
~~~Linda. We understand we had to pass that territory to get to the gorillas.\\
~~~Gable. Not necessarily. And why gorillas?\\
~~~Donald. It's a pet theory of mine. I want to study gorillas, their family life and so on.
Even get some of their vocal sounds on a tape recorder I brought with me. It's a theory on the derivative evolution.\\
~~~Gable. I'm sorry I wouldn't understand. Again, to be frank, it's a difficult safari, and it doesn't fit in with my schedule.
If I'd known about this, I wouldn't have taken the job.\\
~~~Donald. Why?\\
~~~Gable. You can't promise anything with gorillas but trouble.
Some people have worked for ten months and never even glimpsed one. Besides, I have other work to attend to.\\
~~~Linda. Donald perfectly willing to pay...\\
~~~Gable. I'm sorry. We'll have to stand by the original agreement.
Now, I'll hand you over to one of my assistants, Mr. Boltchack. Perfectly capable...\\
~~~Donald. I want to work with you.\\
~~~Linda. After all, Mr. Marswell ... Mr. Nordley made his arrangements with you.\\
~~~Gable. He made them with my company, my organization, Mrs. Nordley. (ドナルドに、苦しい表情なので) Are you all right?\\
~~~Donald. I think perhaps a glass of water.\\
~~~Linda. Donald, darling.\\
~~~Gable. Don't get excited.\\
~~~Linda. What's the matter with him?\\
~~~Gable. Excessive reaction to the tsetse fly shot, that's all. He'll be out of his head for a day or two. We'll snap him out of it.
I've got some tablets. Don't let him throw this blanket off.(係の土人ジューマに)The shoes.(ジューマ、ドナルドの靴を脱がせる)
~~~Gable. Our young scientist just went to his knees. Out cold. Tsetse fly shot.\\
~~~Brownie. That's too bad.\\
~~~Linda. Mr. Marswell. He's trembling and shaking and getting nauseated. We must get him on the boat and to a doctor.\\
~~~Gable. Moving him now would only aggravate his condition. He's running a high fever. We have to break it up.\\
~~~Linda. Haven't you a thermometer?\\
「体温計は? 体温計はないんですか?」
~~~Gable. We don't need one. Fever is fever.\\
~~~Linda. But ...
~~~Linda. Just a minute, please. (その荷物から薬を出して)Would one of these be... \\
~~~Boltchack. A lion chewed him up.\\
~~~Gable. This place is turning into a hospital.
~~~Gable. Strap him up, Brownie.\\
~~~Linda. Would one of these be the right thing? Donald knows all about them...\\
~~~Gable. I'm sorry, Mrs. Nordley. Out here, we have three anitdotes for everything. Quinine, idodine, and caster oil.
Quinine should fix him up very nicely. I don't think he needs the other two, do you?\\
~~~Linda. At certain times, jokes are in very poor taste, Mr. Marswell.\\
~~~Gable. Oh, come on, Mrs. Nordley, no reason to lose your temper.\\
~~~Linda. Please hurry.
~~~Gable. There you are. He'll start to sweat in half an hour or so.
Keep him well covered up. I'll be back from time to time. He's strong enough. All right. Got a bite like a young croc.\\
~~~Linda. Mr. Marswell. Just a minute. Is that all you're going to do for him?\\
「ミスター・マースウェル、ちょっと待って下さい。これだけなんですか? この人にすることは。」
~~~Gable. What do you expect me to do, Mrs. Nordley? Crawl in bed with him and hold his hand?
~~~Gable. Keep him well covered up and get all the water down him you can. Will you do that? Will you do what I said?\\
「毛布を脱がせないように。それから汗を充分に出させること。分りましたね? ご自分でやってくれますね?」
~~~Linda. Yes.\\
~~~Gable. And give him one of those pills every four hours. Good night.\\
~~~Linda. Mr. Marswell. Oh no, please sit still.
~~~Linda. It's time for his pill but he's sleeping so well, I didn't want to wake him.\\
~~~Gable. Oh, I'll have a look.\\
~~~Brownie. Boltchack, play cards.\\
~~~Gable. Much better. Let him sleep.\\
~~~Linda. All right.\\
~~~Gable. Good night.\\
~~~Linda. Mr. Marswell, I'd like to apologize about this morning. I'm terribly ashamed.\\
~~~Gable. I had it coming. You pack a good wallop.\\
~~~Linda. Please. It was very shabby behaviour.\\
~~~Gable.(寝室を見ながら)I hope you'll be comfortable on that.\\
~~~Linda. Yes, thank you. It was most thoughtful of you. ...
~~~Linda. What on earth are those horrible sounds? An animal of some kind?\\
~~~Gable. Yes, they're hippos fighting.\\
~~~Linda. Why are they fighting?\\
~~~Gable. Probably over a female.\\
~~~Linda. Thank you very much for everything.\\
~~~Gable. I'll put it on the bill. My room is the last one on the porch corridor in case he needs anything during the night.\\
~~~Linda. Thank you again.\\
~~~Gable. Good night.\\
~~~Linda. Good night.\\
~~~Brownie. Nordley come out of it yet?\\
~~~Gable. Yes. They're both feeling much better.\\
~~~ Boltchack. Two pretty girls in one week.\\
~~~Brownie. Kelly. I'm going to miss Kelly. Kelly was all right.\\
~~~Gable. I didn't say she wasn't, did I?\\
~~~船長. Take it easy going up them stairs.\\
~~~Gardner. Give me a bag. Throw me a bag up.\\
~~~船長. Which one?\\
~~~Gardner. The little one.\\
~~~船長. Here you are. There you are.\\
~~~Gardner. Thank you.\\
~~~船長. Hold on, and I'll get the others up to you. I've got hold of one more. You want that?
~~~Gardner. Leave it for Marswell.\\
~~~船長. I've got it now. I'm coming up the stair with it. You women and your bags.\\
~~~Gardner. Hi, there. Anybody up on the old homestead?
~~~Gardner. Hi, Marswell. Hi. The return of Frankenstein.\\
~~~Gable. What happened?\\
~~~Gardner. Shiprecked and me without a desert island to my name.
~~~船長. A catastrophe, a bleeding bellyful of bad luck.\\
~~~Gardner. He's stinking.
~~~Gable. How come? Where?\\
~~~船長. About three miles down the river, the engine packs up, and the current got hold of us and drifted us onto a mud bar.\\
~~~Gable. What about the cages? The animals all right?\\
~~~船長. Yes, they're all right. We left the crew to look after them. We came here with the Miss in the tender.\\
~~~Gardner. Tender? I'll say it was. Hey, Brownie.(ブラウニーと握手。ヴィックに)And in the dark, too.
「あれが、はしけ? ただのボートじゃない。ヘイ、ブラウニー。それに河は真っ暗。」
Any minute I expected to be up to me hipos in hippopotamuses. Oh, you got me doing it now.\\
~~~船長. Could you send a couple of your boys to the settlement with the news?\\
~~~Gable. Boltchak, go get Muntala.\\
~~~Gardner. Have a drink.\\
~~~船長. Thank you, Miss.
~~~Gable. How long will repairs take?\\
~~~船長. No time at all. Maybe a day after we get the replacements. It will take us about three or four weeks to get all of it.\\
~~~Gable. Four weeks? Brownie, take him.\\
「4週間だと? ブラウニー、船長を部屋に連れて行ってやれ。」
~~~Brownie.(船長に)Come on, Joe. Time for your nap.\\
~~~船長. Leon will bring the boys around for a chat, then they'll shove off in the morning.
~~~Gable. Take the bottle with you.\\
~~~船長. Thank you, Mr. M.\\
~~~Gardner. I'm sorry.\\
~~~Gable. Just a minute, Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Nordley are in that room and I'll have Boltchak move in with Brownie. You can take his room.
He'll be back soon.\\
~~~Gardner. Yeah, the scientific characters. They look kind of shiny new and young to be scientific types, don't they?\\
~~~Gable. Yeah, but take it easy, will you?\\
~~~Gardner. What do you mean?\\
~~~Gable. Well, eh ... You know, Mrs. Nordley has led a sheltered sort of life, I guess. And eh ... well, eh ... Let's not get too informal.
You know what I mean.\\
~~~Gardner. I know what you mean. And you have as much gallantry in that remark as you think I've got brains.\\
~~~Gable. Oh, now, wait a minute...\\
~~~Gardner. Never mind, Marswell. I'll just act like I was your sister, down from Vassar for the holidays.\\
~~~Gable. That was pretty lame talk. But you know what I'm talking about.\\
~~~Gardner. It's possible that I have a slight inkling as to your outlook on life.\\
~~~Gardner. Oh, Joe, get off my bed. Scram!\\
「まあ、青大将! 出て行け。出て行け、ベッドから。」
~~~Gardner. Hi, baby. Come on, let me in. ... Behave. Wait a minute, boy. Listen, save some for the little girl. Wait a minute.
Here, okay. No, no, no, no more, no more. Oh, you're a nice little girl. Here's one. Wait! Hey, wait! Wait a minute.
「分った、分った。駄目駄目。もうこれだけ。ああ、あなたはお利口さんね。これを食べるのよ。待って! 待ってったら。待つの。」
Oh, you are such a pig. You don't deserve any more. No! If you're not such a pig, I'll feed you. No, no, no, no. Ooops. Here little girl.\\
「何、あなた、いぢわるね。もう何もやらないから。駄目! いぢわるをしないなら、何かあげるけど。駄目、駄目、駄目。あーら、あなたはいい子ね。」
~~~Gardner. Oh, hi!\\
~~~Linda. How do you do? My name is Mrs. Nordley.\\
~~~Gardner. I'm Eloise Kelly. I hear your husband ins't well. Is he better?\\
「私、エロイーズ・ケリー。旦那様、病気だって? よくなった?」
~~~Linda. He's much better, thank you.\\
~~~Gardner. That's good.\\
~~~Linda. Mr. Marswell says he's made a very quick recovery.\\
~~~Gardner. Speaking of friend Marswell, I wonder where he is. Probably out lassoing some ferocious gazelle or something.\\
~~~Linda. He took the captain to the boat in a truck. Something about bringing back the animals, I believe.
~~~Gardner. Oh, boy, I wish I had a truck last night.
I haven't walked that far since some palpitating halfback tried to tell me he'd run out of gas.\\
~~~Linda. You've been here on some sort of safari?\\
~~~Gardner. I was going on one, or at least I thought I was. I came down to visit an old pal of mine, the Maharajah of Bunganore.
Do you mind?
「(リンダがサンドイッチを食べているのを見て)それ、いい? 食べても。」
~~~Linda. No.\\
~~~Gardner. But the big thoughtless cad stood me up.\\
~~~Linda. He stood you up... ?\\
~~~Gardner. In Americanese that means that when I got here he wasn't here.\\
~~~Linda. Oh...\\
~~~Gardner. Oh, men can get you into all sorts of trouble, can't they?\\
~~~Linda. That was quite a shame.\\
~~~Gardner. When Marswell first heard about it, he was furious ... but then he calmed down, and he was kind of sweet about it.
He's kind of cute, I guess. He's a pretty rough man at times. I must get your husband to examine his head, see what's inside.
Why eh... I hope the saga of my lovely travels hasn't shocked you.\\
~~~Linda. Oh, no.\\
~~~Gardner. I suppose girls are more conservative up your way, aren't they?\\
~~~Linda. Well, with my husband almost well again, I had it in mind to take a little walk sort of get one's bearings.(あたりの様子を見る)\\
~~~Gardner. Nice day for it.\\
~~~Linda. So be it.\\
~~~Gardner. Well, bless your big, bony knees.\\
~~~Gable. Hi, Kelly. You're up early.\\
~~~Gardner. You know me, the neurotic type? Unsomnia. Hey, why didn't you tell a fellow? She's something.
「分るでしょう? 私のこと。神経質で、不眠症なの。そうそう、あなた、何? ちっとも彼女のこと話をしないで。彼女、美人じゃない。」
She's the kind that makes men want to break out of jail.\\
「男なら、牢屋を破っても近づきたいってタイプじゃない? あの人。」
~~~Gable. You been talking to Mrs. Nordley?\\
~~~Gardner. Well, now, look at him. Knew to whom I was referring right away.\\
~~~Gable. Me and my crystal ball.\\
~~~Gardner. You and your crystal head.
Wipe that Emily Post look off your face. I didn't endanger your lily-white reputation. I simply said she's pretty.\\
~~~Gable. So she's pretty. What in blue blazes has that to do with the price of pork?\\
~~~Gardner. And she's very nice, too.\\
~~~Gable. Certainly, she's nice.\\
~~~Gardner. So she is nice. I said it first.\\
~~~Gable. Who cares who said it first?\\
~~~Gardner. It might make her nicer if I said it first.\\
~~~Gable. All right. So you said it first. I better look in on him.\\
~~~Gardner. Mr. Nordley's peacefully poundering his ear. And not that you're interested, but Mrs. Nordley has gone for a walk.\\
~~~Gable. Gone for a walk? Where?\\
「散歩? どこにだ。」
~~~Gardner. How should I know?\\
~~~Gable. How do you like that? Why don't you try to stop her?\\
~~~Gardner. I had no idea people couldn't go for a walk around here.\\
「この辺り、歩いちゃいけないの? そんなこと、知らなかったわ。」
~~~Gable. Mrs. Nordley walk off in the bush like it was Hyde Park. Take the jeep and go down to the forest trail. I'll take the river road.\\
~~~Gable. Mrs. Nordley!\\
~~~Gable. Linda, don't move.\\
~~~Gable.(リンダに)Well, that's that. Come on, let's go back to camp.
~~~Linda. Oh, I'm so sorry...
~~~Gable. Let's go.\\
~~~Linda. Well, I've certainly won myself the reputation for being an utter fool.\\
~~~Gable. I'm not so much worried about your reputation as your health.
If anything should happen to you, my reputation would suffer.\\
~~~Linda. Doesn't a woman's reputation mean anything to you?\\
~~~Gable. Only if I'm personally interested.\\
~~~Linda.(少し笑って)Not very gracious, but understandable.
Donald will think I'm dreaming when I tell him all this. Thank heavens you're a witness.\\
~~~Gable. Do you need me?\\
~~~Linda. Donald's a husband who's believed everything I've told him since I was five years old.\\
~~~Gable. Five years old? You were married rather young, weren't you?\\
「五つ? 随分若い時の結婚だな、それは。」
~~~Linda. Well, actually, we were married when I was 20.\\
~~~Gable. How long ago was that? Oh, sorry.\\
「それ、今から何年前? ああ、失礼。」
~~~Linda. No, it's all right. I'm 27. Satisfied?\\
~~~Gable. You want me to forget it?\\
~~~Linda. Not necessarily. Have you ever been married, Mr. Marswell?\\
~~~Gable. I've never had the fortune to find a lady who was interested.\\
~~~Linda. That could be the remark of a cynical man.
~~~Gable. What have I to be cynical about? I think I make my contribution to this mixed-up world. What else is there?\\
~~~Linda. That could be the remark of a lonely man.\\
~~~Gable. Could be. ... Looks like we're in for a little storm. Let's go back to camp. Come on.\\
~~~Gable. You've been out walking?\\
~~~Gardner. Sure.\\
~~~Gable. You'd better be careful. Mrs. Nordley nearly got into trouble.\\
~~~Gardner. Did she?\\
~~~Gable. Yes. She's under the delusion she can wander off in the bush without being in any danger.\\
~~~Gardner. From the wild animals, you mean.\\
~~~Gable. Certainly. What else?\\
~~~Gardner. I don't know what happened out in the bush. But ... the lady seemed to be in danger right here on the porch.\\
~~~Gable. You're seeing things, aren't you?\\
~~~Gardner. Uh hum ...
~~~Gardner. Hey, Brownie. ... oh ... A party.\\
~~~Brownie. It's the Nordleys. It's their first night here, so I thought.\\
~~~Gable. Oh, yeah...\\
~~~Linda.(ヴィックに) Good evening.\\
~~~Gable.(ドナルドに)Feeling better? I just have to get my clothes changed. Be right with you.\\
「気分はどうですか? ちょっと私も着替えて来なきゃ。すぐ行きます。」
~~~Linda. Oh, Miss Kelly, this is my husband.\\
~~~Gardner. How do you do? Excuse me. Got to get dressed.\\
「御機嫌如何? ちょっと失礼。着替えて来ます。」
~~~Linda. Good evening.\\
~~~Brownie. Good evening. Would you like a drink?\\
~~~Linda. Yes, thank you.\\
~~~Donald.(ブラウニーに)Who was the young girl?\\
~~~Brownie. Miss Kelly. "Honey Bear". American.\\
~~~Brownie. Judging by your appetite, you must be quite well again.\\
~~~Donald. I feel wonderful. Thanks to you, Dr. Marswell.\\
~~~Linda.(ヴィックに)And you look it.\\
~~~Gardner.(ドナルドに見つめられながら)And what's more, you've brought culture to Mr. Marswell's circus.
I love the custum black tie in the middle of the jungle. Do you know that before you got here we wore onion sacks?
「それから、このジャングルのまっただ中でその黒い蝶ネクタイ。いいわ。分る? あなたが来る前までは、私達みんな、タマネギ袋を着て暮してたのよ。」
Anyone else wish to join me in a little more of the grape? Mrs. Nordley? It's very good for the nerves, they tell me.\\
「誰か私のワインにつき合って下さる方はいないかな? ミスィズ・ノードリー? ワインって、元気が出るって、誰か言ってたわ。」
~~~Linda. No, thank you.\\
~~~Gardner.(ヴィックにワインを勧めて)Mine host?\\
「どう? ご主人役の方?」
~~~Gable. No, thanks.\\
~~~Gardner. Oh, yes, that's right. I forgot. These animal-catching characters don't have many nerves, just one great big one.\\
~~~Gable. You seem to have a real fondness for that wine, Miss Kelly.\\
~~~Gardner. Oh ... any gear, any model. They all bring out my better nature.\\
~~~Donald.(今までずっとエロイーズを見つめていたが)It was a pretty exciting afternoon.
I can't tell you, Vic ... You don't mind if it's Vic and Donald from now on, do you?\\
~~~Gable. Why not?\\
~~~Gardner. And "Honey Bear".\\
~~~Donald. Oh, yes. The luck in your getting back in time to go after Linda. You know, old girl, you could have had a very bad mauling.
~~~Gardner. Oh, yes. I hear you can get one anytime in these parts, if you ask for it.\\
~~~Gable.(リンダにコーヒーを勧めて)More coffee, Mrs. Nordley?\\
~~~Linda. No, thank you.\\
~~~Donald.(リンダに)You must realize, darling, even the smallest creatures in Africa are voracious.
I was reading only the other day of an incident of the red driver ant.\\
~~~Gable.(リンダに)It's a very tough insect.\\
~~~Donald. Some poor blighter left his launch tied up at the riverbank
and long came an army of these ants and ate everything but the engine.\\
~~~Linda. Good heavens.\\
~~~Gable. We ... er ... have hundreds of different varieties of ants in this country.\\
~~~Gardner. Oh yes, I saw quite a few ants this afternoon. But I guess they were just the old-fashioned kind.\\
~~~Gable.(自分のことをあてつけて言った言葉と分り)All ... er ... through, I guess.
~~~Gardner. Why don't we have some music to soothe the savage beasts?\\
~~~Donald. Do you play, Miss Kelly?\\
「弾くの? 君、ミス・ケリー。」
~~~Gardner. No, but you can pump if you feel strong enough.\\
~~~Donald.(オルガンの椅子に坐って)Oh, I see, it's one of those.
Coming through the Rye. That's a bit of home. Are you in good voice, Miss Kelly?\\
~~~Gardner. No, but I feel like singing.\\
~~~Donald. Give forth, then.\\
When the body meet a body coming through the rye,\\
If a body kiss a body need a body cry?\\
Every lassy has her laddy. None they say have I.\\
But all the lads they smile on me when coming though the rye.\\
~~~Donald. I say, that's absolutely delightful. I'm a reedy tenor, but I'll join you in the second verse.\\
~~~Donald. Wonderful. Brownie, let's make it a trio.(ブラウニー、加わる) A bunch of wailing banshees.\\
~~~Gable. I don't want to interrupt but I thought you might want to know.
If you're willing to start right away, I'd be glad to take you to gorilla country.\\
~~~Donald. Really? That's splendid.\\
「ええっ? 本当ですか? それは素晴しい。」
~~~Gable. Provided either of you haven't changed your mind.\\
~~~Donald. Changed our minds? Hear that, Linda? Isn't it wonderful?\\
「心変わり? 今の、聞いた? リンダ。素晴しいじゃないか。」
~~~Linda. Yes, simply wonderful.\\
~~~Gable. And I was thinking of that letter from Ringling Brothers. They offered a nice prize for a pair of young ones.
Besides, I haven't been in gorilla country for several years. It'll be a good change of that routine you were telling me about.
And since our two young guests have it in their minds ... well, we could kill several birds with one stone ... to coin a phrase.\\
~~~Donald. I think it's absolutely wonderful. You'll pardon my schoolboy enthusiasms, Miss Kelly, but you see ...
Vic was so stubborn about not taking us at first.\\
~~~Gardner. Oh, yes, he's just an old quick-change artist ... but real quick. (この台詞を聞いて、ブラウニー、ニヤニヤ笑う)
Do you know that one minute he can be Trader Horn himself ... then suddenly everything goes black ... and oop!
and out he comes, dressed as Dr. Livingstone ... I presume?\\
(リビングストーンは昔のアフリカ探検家。"Dr. Livingstone, I presume?" は、相棒になったスタンリーが言った言葉で、有名。
~~~Brownie. Fortunately for us, I'd say.\\
~~~Gardner. Nobody will be surprised but the gorillas.\\
~~~Brownie. Miss Kelly can come with us as far as the district officer at Kenya.\\
~~~Gardner. Oh, don't worry, Brownie, about me.
I'll be quite all right. I'll sort of go into a monastic retreat and realize how beautiful life really is.\\
~~~Brownie. We close up shop here except for the boys looking after the animals. You'll have a six weeks' wait, or even longer.
We'll take her along as far as the district officer at Kenya and she can check out with his party.\\
~~~Gable. Yes, I guess that could be arranged.\\
~~~Brownie. In that case, you'll be on the plane for Cairo within a week or ten days.\\
~~~Gardner. Fine. The sooner the better ... to coin a phrase.\\
~~~Brownie. I saw your light. I thought you weren't asleep yet.\\
~~~Gable. Um hum hum...\\
~~~Brownie. When do you plan to start?\\
~~~Gable. Oh, we can be ready in about two days.\\
~~~Brownie. Full safari, I suppose. Entire complement of boys.\\
「大々的なサファリなんだな? 土人達全員をひきつれた。」
~~~Gable. Naturally.\\
~~~Brownie. You know that this will delay the Dorgenbeck and the Chicago zoo order.\\
~~~Gable. We can fill it quick enough when we get back.\\
~~~Brownie. That's a nice couple. This is no good.\\
~~~Gable. What are you talking about?\\
~~~Brownie. Oh, nothing. Getting old, I'm afraid. Good night.\\
~~~Gardner. Are they all Muntala's wives?\\
~~~Gable. No, just six. The other three are cooking.\\
~~~Gardner. No kidding!\\
~~~Gable. Yep, no kidding. Let's go.\\
~~~Donald. Fascinating, eh, darling?\\
~~~Linda. It's amazing. Look, what is that? Some sort of stork?\\
「ほんと。ほら、あれ。あれ、何? こうのとりの一種?」
~~~Gable. Secretary bird.\\
Secretary bird~~~蛇食い鳥\\
~~~Linda. Secretary birds. What a prosaic name. Why do they call them that?\\
「まあ、秘書の鳥? 何て散文的な名前。どうしてそんな名前がついてるの?」
~~~Gable. That's an unfair question. I haven't the slightest idea.\\
~~~Gardner. That secretary on the left has a pair of legs for the boss to drool over.
She looks like she's been chased around the desk and is now headed for the pay window.
~~~Donald. Miss Kelly, we shall certainly hate to lose you.\\
~~~Gardner. Oh now, don't be greedy. Let the others speak for themselves.\\
~~~Linda.(ブラウニーに)Just what is our schedule?\\
~~~Brownie. It's down the same stretch for another two days until we reach the river here...
there the Mauas will give us canoes and paddle boys where we'll proceed downriver till we reach Kenya station.
At Kenya station, we contact Jack Wood. He's the district officer of the Samburu territory.\\
~~~Donald. Ah, the Samburus... those are the chaps I particularly want to visit.\\
~~~Gardner. And that, Mrs. Nordley, is where I leave you all. You all. No tears?\\
~~~Donald. We'll give you a going-away party.\\
~~~Gardner. Thank you.\\
~~~Donald. Where then?\\
~~~Brownie. Then we'll proceed on foot to the Mountains of the Moon ... That's the beginning of gorilla country.\\
~~~Linda.(外の景色を見て)Oh, look, what are those?\\
~~~Gable. Impala.\\
~~~Linda. Oh, it's simply exquisite creatures. You'd think they had wings.\\
~~~Donald. It's the Aepyceros Melampus Suara. They can clear a 12-foot obstacle with a leap as long as 35, 40 feet.\\
~~~Gardner. Oh, you mustn't take the megaphone away from the driver. We'll pass Grant's Tomb any moment now.
He'll tell you who's buried there.\\
~~~Donald. I beg your pardon.
~~~Brownie. There's a handsome animal for you. Thompson gazelle.\\
~~~Linda. Oh, lovely. Who's the Mr. Thompson famous enough to have a gazelle named after him?\\
~~~Gardner. He's a third baseman. Hit a home-run for the Giants once. Won the pennant.\\
~~~Donald. Miss Kelly, we'll give you two going-away parties.\\
~~~Gardner. I've got one for you. See those zebras over there?\\
~~~Donald. Yes, they are the Equus Burchelli Granti.\\
~~~Gardner. To me, they're zebras. Anyhow, are they born white with black stripes or black with white stripes?\\
「私にとってはただのシマウマ。でも、あなた分る? シマウマって、白い色の上に黒いシマがあるのか、黒い色の上に白いシマがあるのか。」
~~~Donald. Well, actually, they're born black with ... I'm going on, aren't I?\\
~~~Gardner. You know, Mrs. Nordley, this is quite a nice, bright husband you have.\\
~~~Linda. Information I'm already well aware of, Miss Kelly.
But I assure you that outside of his niceness and his brightness there are many other reasons why I'm in love with him.\\
~~~Donald. Oh, thank you, old girl.\\
~~~Gable. I'd say he was a very lucky man.\\
~~~Gable. Better turn in early. We'll start at 5:00 in the morning to miss the heat. Oh, here. Hang on to this.(と、ピストルを渡し)
It's loaded. All you have to do is pull the trigger. Who do I point this at? Leopards and lions have been known to come into tents.\\
「弾はこめてある。引き金をひきさえすればいい。何を撃つのかは分ってるな? 豹だってライオンだって、テントにやって来る可能性がある。」
~~~Gardner. Thank you, Mr. Marswell. Actually, in light of recent development, there'll be no danger of my hitting you, will there?\\
~~~Gable. Look, Kelly, don't. We know each other.\\
~~~Gardner. Never mind, Marswell. It was just a dumb crack that doubled right back at me. How stupid can a gal get.\\
~~~Gable. Good night, Kelly.\\
~~~Gardner.(悲しそうな声で)Good night.\\
~~~Gable. Everything all right here? Anything you need?\\
「テントの中、不足なものはないかな? 大丈夫?」
~~~Linda. Everything is just fine, thank you.\\
~~~Gable. Good. Good night then.\\
~~~Linda. Just a moment, will you, please? For several days now, Miss Kelly's been making ... at least, insinuations.\\
~~~Gable. I wouldn't let her upset me. She'll be leaving us at Kenya station.\\
~~~Linda. What gives her the right to say things like that?\\
~~~Gable. She saw us that day when we walked up on the porch.\\
~~~Linda. Oh ... You must forget that it ever happened. It was just ... well, it was nothing.\\
~~~Gable. You want me to forget it?\\
~~~Linda. That's why you changed your mind about taking us on this trip, isn't it?\\
~~~Gable. Plus the fact you're not in love with your husband.\\
~~~Linda. You mustn't say that.\\
~~~Gable. Though you said you were, today, in the car. And I know why you said it.\\
~~~Linda. I said it because it's true. I am in love with Donald.\\
~~~Gable. You asked me why I never married. Maybe you yourself are the reason, Linda.\\
~~~Donald. Linda.\\
~~~Gable. I'll see you in the morning.\\
~~~Donald. Just won 15 shillings in a poker game. Meet my expenses.\\
~~~Gable. Good.\\
~~~Donald. Good night.\\
~~~Gable. Good night.\\
~~~Donald. Oh, I'm tired. Looks like the start of some exciting weeks, eh, darling.(リンダが黙っているので、呼びかける)Lin?\\
~~~Linda. What? Of couse, darling.\\
「何? ああ、そうよ、勿論。」
~~~Donald. That Kelly girl is certainly a different type from any I've met. Wonderful sense of humour. I like her.
And it's perfectly obvious, of course.\\
~~~Linda. What is?\\
~~~Donald. There was a thing between her and Vic before we arrived. Now we're the villains. In some way we've broken it up.
Not that odd I blame her, of course. Vic's a devilishly attractive chap. Don't you think so? As a woman?\\
「彼女のことを非難しているんじゃないよ、勿論。ヴィックってのはおっそろしく魅力的な男だからな。君、そう思わない? 女性として。」
~~~Linda. I suppose so.\\
~~~Donald. All I know is I'm glad you saw me first. Good night, darling.\\
~~~Linda. Good night, Donald.\\
~~~神父. Welcome, Victor. How are you, Victor?\\
~~~Gable. Fine, thank you.\\
~~~神父. Brownie, how do you do?\\
「ブラウニー、どうだ? 調子は。」
~~~Brownie. Hello, Father.\\
~~~Linda. How do you do, Father?\\
~~~Linda. Your music is wonderful, Father, although it frightened me at first.\\
~~~神父. Well, it's hardly Catholic. But it's a song of welcome, and that's Christian. We're all just in time for lunch.
Brownie, you're not still on a diet, I hope.\\
~~~Brownie. Never, Father.\\
~~~Gable. Miss Kelly, Father Josef.\\
~~~神父. How do you do, Miss Kelly?\\
~~~Gardner. How do you do?\\
~~~神父. You're just in time for lunch.\\
~~~神父. So you good people are going to the gorilla country?
Precarious animal. A friend of mine at mission preparatory had his head torn from his body by one of them beasts.\\
~~~Gable. That was carelessness, Father, you know that.\\
~~~Donald. We're relying on Victor to see that we retain our heads. I can't wait to see them in their natural habitat.
The truest exemplary link between modern man and his primitive derivation.\\
~~~神父. Yes, I think you and I could have a lusty debate on the origin of man, Mr. Nordley.\\
~~~Donald. I'm afraid you'd prove too rugged an opponent, Father.\\
~~~神父. By the way, I spoke to the chief and you can have the canoes and the men on the usual conditions.\\
~~~Donald. What are the conditions? Is there any troubles?\\
「何ですか? 条件って。何か問題があるのですか?」
~~~神父. Well, in order to get the men and canoes to go into that strange country, the bwana mkubwa,
the big chief, the party of the first part to which our friend Victor must undergo what's known as the ceremony of courage.\\
~~~Donald. The ceremony of courage? I don't think I've heard of it.
「『勇気の儀式』? 聞いたことがないな。」
(メモを取出し、書留めながら) What is it? Some sort of native custom?\\
「どういうものです? 何か部族の習慣なのですか?」
~~~Gable. It's sort of like a game of darts.\\
~~~Gable. Excuse me.\\
~~~神父. I'm sorry.
~~~Gardner. That's a fine way to run a railroad, buster.\\
~~~Gable. That's all right. All right, Boltchack, load the boat. Come on, we've got the canoes. Let's go.\\
~~~Gardner. Father, I'd like to speak to you a moment when you have a chance.\\
~~~神父. Certainly, my daughter.\\
~~~Gardner. Thank you, Father.\\
~~~Donald. Darling.\\
~~~Donald. This is the jumping-off place. Do you want to go on or turn back?\\
~~~Linda. What on earth makes you say that?\\
「どうしてそんなことを言うの? 今更。」
~~~Donald. You're taking me seriously. I'd as soon turn back as ... Do you feel all right?\\
~~~Linda. I'm sorry. I'm just a bit edgy. I didn't sleep too well.\\
~~~Donald. I know. It was an exciting evening. You take a sedative tonight. Get in the swing of things, darling.
With the world the way it is, we may never have this change again. Let's live every minute of it.\\
~~~Gardner. Good morning. I know everybody's in a terrible rush this morning but I thought perhaps we could have a few words together.\\
~~~Linda. Yes?\\
~~~Gardner. I've been the champion of female Airedales and I'd like to apologize.\\
~~~Linda. What on earth for? I assure you, there's nothing...\\
「謝るって、何故? 私、あなたが謝る必要なんか、何も・・・」
~~~Gardner. I'm feeling a great deal better about life today. So let's level, shall we? I'm not blaming you by apologizing.
「今日は私、とても気分がいいの。だから、本音で話さない? 私、自分が謝る、って言ったけど、それ、ちっともあなたを責めるつもりで言ってるんじゃないの。」
I'd just like to tell you that I know how it is with you and Vic. We girls are pretty smart about those things, aren't they?\\
~~~Linda. Aren't you being rather presumptuous in assuming any...\\
~~~Gardner. Please, honey, don't let me sit here with egg on my face. I came here to be your friend.
「そんな言い方ってないでしょう? 私ここに、友達としてやって来たのよ。」
And that's the only way I know how is to tell you that I understand. It can happen to a girl. He's an attractive burglar.\\
~~~Linda. Really, if you'll excuse me, I must finish my packing.\\
「何てこと! 私荷造りをしているの。一人にしておいて欲しいわ。」
~~~Gardner. All right. I'll get out. But keep your head, will you? You know, you're sitting pretty. You're a lovely, attractive woman.
You're married to a wonderful man.\\
~~~Linda. Is it possible that all of this advice is based on the fact that you know Mr. Marswell just a little more intimately than I do?\\
~~~Gardner. Oh, my gosh, you are stuck, aren't you?\\
~~~Linda. Once and for all...\\
~~~Gardner. You're jealous.\\
~~~Linda. Shouldn't you examine your own emotions in that light?\\
~~~Gardner. Don't worry about me. I could be pea green with jealousy and not hacked up any more than I am already.
It's you we want to worry about. You know, this is no Sir Galahad who loves from afar. This is a two-legged boa constrictor.
Sir Galahad~~~アーサー王物語の中の最も純潔な騎士\\
~~~Linda. I think you'd better leave.\\
~~~Gardner. All right, but remember, I came here to be your friend. For your sake and I'm keeping the offer open.
It'll be rugged, but I'll keep it open.
~~~Gable. You go in the boat with Brownie. I'll take Mrs. Nordley in the lead boat.\\
~~~Donald. Right oh...\\
~~~Linda. But wouldn't it be better if ... (ドナルドに)Do you mind, darling?\\
~~~Donald. Not at all.\\
~~~Gable. That's just in case of emergency.\\
~~~Linda. Are the men of this tribe also polygamists like Muntala?\\
~~~Gable. Only those who can afford more than one wife.\\
~~~Linda. It seems unfair to take them away from their families.\\
~~~Gable. You mean the men are taking a chance?\\
~~~Linda. Oh, I ... yes, of course. I'm quite sure that's what I mean.\\
~~~Gable. No. The natives have all sorts of devices to prevent their women from being stolen.
In most tribes there's a pre-marriage ordeal that practically guarantees fidelity.\\
~~~Linda. Really? What's that, pray?\\
「本当? お願い、教えて。」
~~~Gable. Well, let's see if I can...\\
~~~Donald. Linda, look.\\
~~~Linda. Oh, isn't he beautiful? Perfect specimen.\\
~~~Gable. He's clean, too. Just had his Saturday night bath.\\
~~~Linda. Look!\\
~~~Gardner. It reminds me of somebody I know.\\
~~~Linda. You were saying about this device for guaranteed fidelity.
Why wouldn't it pass in the civilized world?\\
~~~Gable. Well, primarily because you women would probably vote it down.\\
~~~Linda. But why?\\
~~~Gable. Well, because ... Because it's a means whereby a woman is rendered incapable of being unfaithful.\\
~~~Linda. Oh ... oh, I think I understand. Sorry to be so blunt about it.\\
~~~Gable. No, no, no. It was my denseness. I should have realized.\\
~~~Gardner. Brother, I can take your Cook's tour around the zoo ...
but when we get on this mental striptease and hide behind Louisa May Alcott ... I want to powder.\\
~~~Gable. Brownie. Watch it. Hippo.\\
~~~Donald. Kenya, heart of the Samburu. I'm terribly keen on seeing those chaps.\\
~~~Brownie.(双眼鏡を覗いて)There doesn't appear to be a commettee to welcome us.\\
~~~Gardner. Well Brownie, looks like this is where I leave you.
~~~Gardner. I'm glad somebody's glum about it.\\
~~~Gable. Jackwood...(と呼びかけても目を覚まさないので)Tom.(これで相手、目を覚ます)It's Vic. Vic Marswell.\\
~~~Jackwood. Get ... get your party out of here fast.\\
~~~Gable. What happened?\\
~~~Jackwood. Caught them ivory poaching.
When the corporal was taking down the colours last night, they came at us.\\
~~~Gable. Where the rest of your men?\\
~~~Jackwood. Got two of them out last night. It'll take several days before police reserves arrive.
Get your party out quick. These two ... Good boys. Don't bother about me. I've had it.\\
~~~Gable. There are gorillas, all right. Three or four families in the next valley.\\
~~~Donald. How do you know they'll stay there?\\
~~~Gable. I don't. These people are great trackers. We'll start out first thing in the morning. Right?\\
~~~Donald. Thanks.\\
~~~Brownie. Good evening.\\
~~~Gardner. Hi, Brownie. Sit down and join the picnic.\\
~~~Brownie. Miss Kelly.\\
~~~Gardner. Eh?\\
~~~Brownie. You know me well enough now to tell me about your scars?\\
「君、私のことを、もう充分に知ってくれたんじゃないかな? そろそろ君の傷について話してくれないか。」
~~~Gardner. Nothing new, Brownie. Happens to lots of people.
We'd just been married three weeks when Johnny had to sail and two months later I get a telegraph from the War Department
telling me that he and his little P-51 ... You know, he had "Honey Bear" painted on the nose.
Anyway, they both blew up in a million pieces somewhere over Berlin.
Do you know, Brownie, as short as it lasted, it was like being blessed for a lifetime.\\
~~~Brownie. So you hit the high spots and the gay beaches trying to forget him?
~~~Gardner. Yeah. Great strength of character.
~~~Brownie. But you'd know it if you met it again.\\
~~~Gardner. Yes, Brownie, I'd know it.\\
~~~Linda. Look.\\
~~~Gable. Flamingos.\\
~~~Gable. Gorillas.\\
~~~Linda. What?\\
~~~Gable. Gorilla country.\\
~~~Donald. It's nice up here, isn't it? High.\\
~~~Linda. Yes, it is nice, for a change.\\
~~~Donald. I don't like mosquito netting. It separates people, doesn't it?\\
~~~Linda. Donald, please. I've got to fix these things.
~~~Donald. Perhaps it's altitude, but I feel very light-headed. Don't you feel the least bit light-headed?\\
「この高度のせいかな、僕は少し頭がくらくらする。君、君はどう? 頭、くらくらしない?」
~~~Linda. Don't, Donald, please.\\
~~~Donald. I'm sorry.\\
~~~Linda. I'm sorry, darling. It's nothing. It's just that I'm terribly tired. That long climb today, I don't know.
Come now, darling, we've got a very early start in the morning.
I don't know if I'll quite feel up to it. Donald, please turn that light off. It's shining straight in my eyes.\\
~~~Donald. Right now. Lin, darling. You still my girl?\\
~~~Linda. Donald, don't be so childish.\\
~~~Donald. That's good enough for me.\\
~~~Gable. Kelly, why don't you come along? You might find gorillas interesting.\\
「ケリー、君、どうして来ないんだ? ゴリラ、きっと君には面白い筈だぞ。」
~~~Gardner. Golillas? A month ago, I was buying a bra at Macy's.
「ゴリラですって? ひと月まえの私は、メイスィーでブラジャーを買っていた女よ。」
Now I'm studying gorillas yet. No, thank you. I'll stick around and help Muntala cook.
~~~Gardner. What did he say?\\
~~~Gable. He says you can't even cook.\\
~~~Boltchack.(ヴィックに)Gorilla. Lots of them.\\
~~~Donald.(リンダに)Is the battery ready?\\
~~~Linda. Yeah.\\
~~~Linda.(マイクをゴリラの方に向けながら)I didn't know they could climb trees.\\
~~~Gable. Only the young ones do.\\
~~~Gable. Donald, camera. Ready to photograph a bull gorilla!\\
~~~Donald. Why, yes. Wonderful.\\
~~~Gable. Brownie, cover us.\\
~~~Gable. Don't be back. Don't badge an inch. Hold still.\\
~~~Gable. He's trying to bluff us. Bring camera up slowly. Brownie.\\
~~~Brownie. What, chief?\\
「何です? チーフ。」
~~~Gable. Watch the young bull.\\
~~~Brownie. Got him.\\
~~~Gable.(小さいゴリラを見つけて)Brownie, there's the one we want to pick up tomorrow.
That's the last we'll see of them today. The boys can keep track of them tonight, and we'll bring up the nets tomorrow. Brownie.\\
~~~Donald. This is the film and one of the reels. Will you take them back and keep them somewhere cool? Precious stuff.\\
「これが撮ったフィルム、そして録音のリールです。持って行って、どこか涼しいところに置いて下さいませんか? 大事な資料です。」
~~~Gable. Of course. Do you think you got anything with that camera?\\
「勿論。カメラで何か撮れたかな? 手応えはどうだ。」
~~~Donald. Well, I hope so, but I must admit I was pretty scared. Frightened to death.\\
~~~Gable. You were scared? I'll never forget the first one I saw. Linda was all right, too.\\
~~~Donald. You hear that, darling?\\
~~~Gable. They're a strange beast, gorrilla. You can bluff them sometimes, and then sometimes ...
Well, we'll see tomorrow, when we met them.\\
~~~Donald. Is it all right for me to stay up overnight and get some night sounds?\\
~~~Gable. Of course. It's not going to be very comfortable for Linda, though.\\
~~~Donald. I don't exactly want to get rid of you, but you don't mind, do you?\\
~~~Linda. No, of course not, Donald.\\
~~~Gable.(ブラウニーに近づいて)You stay up here with Donald. Do you mind?\\
~~~Brownie. Just as you say. Keep whatever boys you want.\\
~~~Gable. Boltchack?\\
~~~Boltchack. No. I like my comforts in life, too.
~~~Donald. Darling.\\
~~~Boltchack. Miss Kelly, if you're looking for Vic, he's taking a walk with Mrs. Nordley.\\
~~~Linda. Do you realize that just from the way I can't stop myself looking at you... that everybody knows?\\
「あなた分ってる? 今ではもう誰だって気づいてるわ。私のあなたを見る目つきを見るだけだって、それが分るもの。」
~~~Gable. Everybody but Donald.\\
~~~Linda. At times I feel like...\\
~~~Gable. I know. I feel it myself. But he has to be told, that's all.\\
~~~Linda. I don't know how to tell him. Oh, Vic... Vic...\\
~~~Gable. You stay in camp tomorrow. I'm going up the hill. Do you understand?\\
~~~Linda. Yes.\\
~~~Gardner. Hi. Mind if I join the marshmallow roast?\\
~~~Gable. No. Sit down.\\
~~~Gardner. Did you have a nice moonlight constitutional?\\
~~~Gable. Very pleasant.\\
~~~Gardner. "Pleasant", the man says.
At least that's gallantry. ... uh ... look... it's none of my business, but old Donzy boy's not such a bad shot.
And he'd be well within his rights if he suddenly decided to take home ... well uh ... a little trophy from this paper chase.
As a matter of fact, your head would look pretty decorative over his mantlepiece.
With your big ears stuck out like an elephant about to charge.\\
~~~Gable. Get off my back, Kelly. I'm in no mood for it.\\
~~~Gardner. You mean that? Hey, Vic, look at me. This is no hit-and-run this time, is it? You're really in love.\\
「あなた、本気なのね? いい、ヴィック、私の顔を見て。これはいつものつまみ食いじゃないのね? 本気で恋してるのね?」
~~~Gable. You better go to bed.\\
~~~Gardner. All right. I guess that's it.
I don't know how you'll solve this or what good is ever going to come of it...
but whatever you do, Vic, I wish you all the happiness in the book.\\
~~~Gable. Go on to bed, kid.\\
~~~Black king. What do I want with an old black king? Okay, let him go. He'll find out. Little boy with a Daisy air rifle.\\
~~~Gardner. Oh! ...\\
~~~Gable. Brownie. You and Boltchak check the nets on the other side.\\
~~~Gable. The nets wobble. Boltchack.
~~~Gable. The net's falling apart back there. You know that, don't you?\\
~~~Boltchack. Pacie, Pacie.\\
~~~Gable. You ... eh, ... you sure you still want to go through with this?\\
~~~Donald. Oh, yes, certainly, Vic.\\
~~~Gable. It might be a little dangerous, you know.
The old ones are sure to charge the net when they ... Brownie's around there trying to rope a young one for you.\\
~~~Gable. Donald.\\
~~~Donald. Yes, Vic?\\
「何だ? ヴィック。」
~~~Gable. I want to talk to you.\\
~~~Donald. Just a minue, Vic.\\
~~~Gable. Cigarette?\\
「どうだ? 煙草は。」
~~~Donald. Yes, thanks.\\
~~~Gable. We might as well make ourselves comfortable.
This may take five minutes, it may take an hour. Depends on their disposition. We can sit here and talk.\\
~~~Donald. Good. We haven't had much opportunity.
When I admire a fellow I always like to get to know him better ... exchange points of view and all that.\\
~~~Gable. Yes, I like to have everything aboveboard, too.
~~~Donald. I'm glad to have this opportunity of saying that I think that everything's been handled simply magnificiently.\\
~~~Gable. Things haven't gone off exactly like they might have, but ...\\
~~~Donald. No, truly, this will be one of the most memorable experiences of my life.
It's only that... Well, I'm disappointed for Linda's sake, that' all.\\
~~~Gable. What about Linda?\\
~~~Donald. Her not coming up today, not feeling up to it and all.
I realize now that, much as I enjoy this sort of thing, field trips, roughing it, so to speak, it's not for Linda at all.\\
~~~Gable. She wanted to come up, but I told her ...\\
~~~Donald. Yes, I know. She's been wonderful ... making her pretenses in enjoying it. But that's for my sake, you know.
She's been so moody of late, almost irritable once or twice. And believe me, Vic, that's not like Linda at all.
The night before last she even forgot it was our wedding anniversary. That's usually the husband's blunder, you know.
No, these trips aren't for Linda. I suppose it's home in Devonshire from now on ... raising that family sooner than I expected.
~~~Gable.(苛々と)Do I have to forgive you for that?\\
~~~Donald. Seriously, it's been great to become friends with a fellow like you. We're so different, you see.
I imagine you've had to rub and sweat, even for every penny you've made and everything you've wanted to build. Me?
I'm one of those silver-spoon chaps, I suppose.
I've been spouting a whole autobiography.
Tell me something about yourself.
To begin with, if I'm not too beastly inquisitive,
Linda and I have wondered why an attractive chap like you has never got himself a wife.\\
~~~Gable. I'll been too busy collecting animals.
(ゴリラの声がして来たので) Looks like he's coming out now. Stop talking and watch what you came for.\\
~~~Donald. You certainly saved my life.\\
~~~Gable. You didn't think I planned it? The last thing I wanted to do was knock him over.\\
~~~Donald. No, of course...\\
~~~Gable. Let's stop the chatter for a while.\\
~~~Brownie.(近づいて来て)Sorry, Vic. The little one got away.\\
~~~Gable. Never mind. Tell Boltchak to stay up here. Tell him I want to examine the gorilla.
~~~Boltchack. Fine gorilla. Very fine specimen. I'd say he weighed close up to 700 or 800 pounds.\\
~~~Donald. I say, Boltchack. Do you have any idea why Vic stalked off like that going back to camp with hardly a word?\\
「なあボルチャック、君、何か思いあたることないかな? ヴィックはどうしたんだ。あんな風に一言も僕に言わず、さっさとキャンプに帰って行くなんて。」
~~~Boltchack. I'd say he had a very good reason for hurrying back to camp. Here, have some more.\\
「ヴィックが何故早く帰ったか、だって? そりゃ、それだけの立派な理由があったからだろうさ。まあ、もう一杯どうだ。」
~~~Donald. I must have said something to upset him.\\
~~~Boltchack. If you don't know the reason, I'd begin to find out if I were you.\\
~~~Donald. What do you mean by that?\\
~~~Boltchack. Mr. Nordley, if I had a wife as pretty as yours, I'd find out fast enough.\\
~~~Gable. We'll go back to the canoes the first thing in the morning ... get an early start. Everything goes.\\
~~~Gardner. Where is everybody?\\
~~~Gable. Still up there.\\
~~~Gardner. Did you get the baby gorillas?\\
~~~Gable. Everything fouled up.\\
~~~Gardner. You don't look much like a bridegroom who cometh forth from his chamber and rejoiceth at ... You don't look so hot.\\
「あなた、どうしたの? もうすぐ結婚する、嬉しさいっぱいの、許婚(いいなづけ)って顔じゃないわね。何か元気ないわ。」
~~~Gable. I don't feel so hot.\\
~~~Gardner.You got left on third, huh, Marzy?
~~~Gable. Didn't even got to bat.
~~~Gardner. You couldn't tell him, huh?\\
~~~Gable. No.\\
~~~Gardner. You went noble.\\
~~~Gable. I went yellow.\\
~~~Gardner. You went noble. How do you plan to break the news down the street?
~~~Gable. I'll think of some way.\\
~~~Gardner. That's just the way to keep you clearheaded, of course.\\
That's just~の~That~は、「ウイスキーを飲むこと」\\
~~~Gable. Sometimes it gets you nasty enough to get a nasty job done.\\
~~~Gardner. Then don't be so stingy with your nastiness, partner. Come here. Let's have a drink.\\
~~~Gable. Like I've always said, Kelly, you're all right.\\
~~~Gardner. Here's to your noble nastiness.\\
~~~Gable. Skol, Kelly.\\
~~~Gardner. Drink up.\\
~~~Gardner. To the Victor belongs the spoiled herring. Victor, that's you. Vic. Joke. Laugh.\\
~~~Gable. Yes, sir. You're all right, Kelly.\\
~~~Gardner. Oh, you've said that before, but I love it. Don't worry, Vic. I'm not trying to crawl back into green pastures.
Poor old Marzy. Got himself all tangled up in one of his nets like a gorilla and he doesn't know how to get out.
~~~Gardner. If you two will excuse me, I think I shall retire.\\
~~~Gable. No, don't. There's plenty in the bottle yet and more where that came from, plenty for all of us. Come on in, Linda.
Going the party. What are you so surprised about? You always sort of guessed Kelly and I were old friends, didn't you?
「パーティーだ。何だその顔は。驚いてるのか? 俺とケリーが昔から友達だってこと、分ってたんだろ? 違うのか?」
It's all right for old friends to have a drink, isn't it?\\
~~~Linda. What are you saying? You're drunk.\\
~~~Gable. Certainly I'm drunk, but I certainly know what I'm saying.
Listen, Mrs. N., you're not going to tell me that you've been talking all this seriously, are you? You know how it is on safari.
It's in all the books. The woman always falls for the white hunter. And we guys make the most of it. Do you blame us?
When you come along with that look in your eye, there isn't a guy in the whole world who could...\\
~~~Donald. Linda, what's been going on?\\
~~~Gardner. I'm glad you came in. This big Congo Casanova has been after your wife ever since she's been here,
and she's been sport enough to hold him off and not even tell you so as not to spoil your fun.
(ヴィック、このエロイーズの能弁を聞き、驚いてエロイーズを見る)  Tonight he got here here on the pretext ... Well, he was pretty drunk.
So when I came tearing over here to help, he was getting pretty bad... so she shot him, as any decent woman would do.\\
~~~Donald. We're going, darling.\\
~~~Gable. Beat it.\\
~~~Brownie. Come on there. Get going.\\
~~~Donald. If she hadn't, I'd have done it myself.\\
~~~Gardner. Are you going to stand there and bleed to death?\\
~~~Gable. Now, it's just a piece of skin. Don't you go losing your head. You've done pretty well till now.\\
~~~Gardner. Losing my head! Fine thing.\\
「大騒ぎするなだって? よく言うよ、全く。」
~~~Gable. Oh, stop talking and put a bandage around this.\\
  能美武功  11月5日

Mogambo 101
~~~Gardner. Then stop yelling at me. Too bad you didn't teach her to shoot a little straigher. Africa and gorillas. Lions.
The only lions I ever want to see again are the two in front of the Public Library.\\
~~~Brownie. We're ready to shove off now.\\
~~~Donald. Darling.\\
~~~Brownie. You'd better get into the boat now.\\
~~~Gardner. Thank you, Brownie.\\
~~~Brownie. Are you sure you're ready to go?\\
~~~Gardner. Quite sure.\\

Mogambo 102
~~~Gable. Kelly. Now that you're leaving, how about saying goodbye?\\
「ケリー。君、これで君、去って行くんだろう? 『さよなら』を言うのはどうなんだ?」
~~~Gardner. Okay. Goodbye.\\
~~~Gable. I'm going to stay up there for a while, try and pick up a couple of baby gorillas. Make the trip pay for itself.
How about you sticking around?\\
~~~Gardner. What for?\\
~~~Gable. Well, I thought that maybe...\\
~~~Gardner. No. You and nobody else is gonna wring me out and hang me up to dry again.
~~~Gable. How about it. As soon as I'm through up there, we could head back and stop by Father Josef's. Would you like that?\\
~~~Gardner. You mean you're gonna make an honest woman out of me?\\
~~~Gable. It suits me, Kelly.\\
(「It suits me」という言い方が身勝手なので、エロイーズが)
  能美武功  11月7日

Mogambo 103
~~~Gardner. It suits you?
「俺には都合がいい? 呆れた。」
Listen, buster, you and your quick-change acts aren't hanging orange blossoms over me because you feel the cold weather coming on.
「いい? あんた。この浮気男。女にふられて淋しくなったのね。だから今度は私の頭にオレンジの花の王冠を被せようったって(結婚のこと)、そうは行かないわ。」
No, thank you. I'll go back where I can be honest without being kicked around for it. I'll see you.\\
~~~Gable. Hey, Brownie!\\
~~~Brownie. What?\\
~~~Gable. Take good care of her.\\
~~~Brownie.(わざと)I can't hear you.\\
~~~Gable. I said take good care of her.\\
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(The End)\\
  能美武功  11月8日