Random Harvest 001
{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Random Harvest\\
Charles Rainier Ronald Colman\\
Paula Greer Garson\\
Dr. Jonathan Benet Philip Dorn\\
Kitty Susan Peters\\
Dr. Sims Henry Travers\\
「ミスィズ・ミニヴァー」に出てきましたね。「What a wonderful Life」といふキャプラの映画にも、天使の役で。
"Biffer" Reginald Owen\\
Directed by Mervyn LeRoy\\

Random Harvest 002
~~~Our story takes you down this shadowed path to a remote and guarded building in the English Midlands: Melbridge County Asylum.
Grimly proud of its new military wing---
which barely suffices in this autumn of 1918 to house the shattered minds of the war that was to end war.
(看板が出る。'Melbridge County Asylum')\\
~~~Dr. Jonathan. Now, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, I should warn you that even if he is your son, he may not recognize you.
His memory is affected, and he has trouble with his speech: the result of shock.
He was picked up by the Germans in a shell hole near Arras in 1917 close to death and with no means of identification.
When he returned to consciousness in a German hospital, he could remember nothing at all of his past life.
He had no name, he had no family with whom he could correspond. Six months ago, he was exchanged through Switzerland and sent here.
I sincerely hope he proves to be your son. I believe that he could be cured with patience and care in normal surroundings.\\
~~~Mrs. Lloyd. May we see him now?\\
~~~Dr. Jonathan. Ceertainly. Please, Mrs. Lloyd, don't hope too much. I've seen many disppointments.\\
~~~Dr. Jonathan. Good morning, boys. This is just an informal visit. Good morning, Clayton. (カードを見て)Sleeping better?
You just keep it up. Well, now, Trempitt, what's going on? I thought you and I were friends. Last time we shook hands.
「ああ、よくやつてるね。ああ、トレンピット、どう? 具合は。ええつ? 君と僕、友達だつたんぢやないのか? この間は握手したぞ。」
Don't you remember? (と手を出すが、相手は手を引っ込める)Well, well, don't bother today if you don't feel like it.
「君、覚えてゐないのか? さうか、まあいい。握手する気分でないなら、今日はやめとかう。」
You can't discourage me.(と言つて離れやうとすると、相手、院長を留めて、右手を差出す)Well, there. You see, my boy? That's the spirit.
「こんなことぐらゐで僕をがつかりさせようつたつて、さうは行かないよ。おお、君、すごいね。ね? 分るだらう? その意気だ。」
You and I will be going into town very soon for a glass of beer to Melbridge Arms. Would you like that? (Trempitt, 嬉しそうな顔)Fine.
「さ、そのうち、メルブリッジ・アームズに一緒に行かう。ビール一杯どうだ? 行くね? よーし。」
Won't be long now. (次の患者(これがコールマン)へ近寄り)Well, Smith... You are looking better, really improved.
(傍についてゐる助手に)Don't you think so, Doctor?\\
「どう? 君、さう思はないか?」
~~~助手. Very much.\\
~~~Dr. Jonathan. We have some news for you. Interested? There are some poeple here who are very anxious to see you.
「君に知らせることがある。興味あるかい? 今、客が来てゐてね、君に会ひたいつて言ふんだ。」
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd... Lloyd.\\
~~~Colman. Lloyd?\\
~~~Dr. Jonathan. The name mean anything to you? Their son was reported missing in 1917. At Arras. Now don't pin your hopes on it.
「その名前に心当たりはないかね? その夫婦の息子さんが、1917年から行方不明になつてゐる。アラスでだ。ただ、あまり期待しちやいけない。」
You may be their son, you may not. We'll soon know.\\
~~~Colman. My... my parents.\\
~~~Dr. Jonathan. There. You see, my boy? You speak well enough when you want to. It's just a matter of confidence.
「さう。ね、君、分るね? 君はその気になればちやんと喋れるんだ。自信だけが問題なんだ。」
You've just got to get back your confidence.\\
~~~Colman. My... father.\\
~~~Dr. Jonathan. Doctor, dress him up a bit and take him to the reception room.\\
~~~助手. Very well. Come along, Smith.\\
~~~Colman. Lloyd...\\
~~~助手. Sit down, old man.\\
~~~Colman. If... if...\\
~~~助手. If they are your parents...\\
~~~Colman. They would take me out of here?\\
~~~助手. That's rather big if, old man. Sit down.\\
~~~Colman. Lloyd...\\
(扉の窓から院長のDr. Jonathan と客の二人がぼんやりと見える。)\\
~~~Dr. Jonathan. He is not your son, then?\\
~~~Mr. Lloyd. No. I'm sorry. I'm sincerely sorry.\\
~~~Dr. Jonathan. (コールマンに)I told you, my boy, not to count on it.\\
「言つたらう? あまり期待してはいけないつてね。」
~~~看守. Out in this weather, Major(大尉さん)? You are a one for a walk, ain't you? Proper old pea soup this is.
「大尉さん、こんな天気に外ですか? まさか、散歩などするんぢやないでせうね。酷い霧ですよ。まるで豆のスープです。」
~~~Colman. (歩きながら独り言。言葉の練習)I'm all right, thank you. Coat's very warm. I like to walk. Proper old pea soup. \\
~~~誰かの声. The war's over! Peace!\\
「戦争は終つた! 平和だ!」
~~~誰かの声. There's an armistice!\\
(Fritz is Licked と書かれたプラカード)\\
(We beat the Hun のプラカードも)\\
~~~Madam. Well? (コールマン、マダムを見る)Well, what is it you want? (コールマン、すぐに言葉が出てこない)
Come on, I haven't got all night.\\
~~~Colman. Cigarette.\\
~~~Madam. What sort? (コールマン、口がきけない) Why, you're from the asylum. You're... It's all right, dear. You take your time.
「銘柄は? ああ、あんた、精神病院から来たのね。あんた・・・いい、大丈夫。ゆつくりして行つて。」
Have a nice look around, see. I'll be back in a jiffy.\\
~~~Garson. (入ってきて)You are from the asylum, aren't you? ... Aren't you?\\
「あなた、精神病院から来たのね? さうなのね?」
~~~Colman. Yes, but I'm all right, really.\\
~~~Garson. Well, if you have given them the slip I wouldn't stay here. She's gone straight to the phone.
「でもあなた、病院から出て来たつて、相手に分らせてしまつたでせう? 私だつたらここにボーっとしてはゐないわ。あの人すぐさま電話をかけに行つたのよ。」
She's telling them to come for you.\\
~~~Garson. Can I help you? I thought you weren't feeling too fit, so I followed you. Do you mind, do you?\\
「あなた、大丈夫? あなたがちよつと苦しさうな様子だつたので私、つけて来てしまつた。あなた、お厭?」
~~~Garson. You look tired out. Been walking about for hours? (コールマン、頷く)
「疲れてゐるのね? 何時間も歩いたんでせう。」
Well, how about a brandy and soda... just to pull you together? I'm gonna have one. Shall we go over to the home pub?
「ブランデー・ソーダを一杯どう? ちやんとするわよ。私も飲むから。私の行きつけのパブでどうかしら?」
It's just across the road. It's not the Ritz, but it's where we all stay when our show's in town. It's, you know, friendly. Come on.
~~~Garson. Excuse us, please. That was Ella. She's our character woman, and he's our manager.\\
~~~客の一人. Hello, Paula.\\
~~~Garson. Hello, Sam. ... He's a dear, really.\\
~~~客の一人. Hello, Paula.\\
~~~Garson. Hello, Brett.\\
~~~客の一人. Have a drink, and the army, too.\\
「一杯どう? さうさう、お隣の陸軍さんも。」
~~~Garson. There, you see? You're amongst friends.\\
「(コールマンに)ほらね? もうあなた、ここでは仲間なのよ。」
~~~Biffer. (客に)Mind you, he was game, the gunner was.
Half way through the 10th, he run into my right hook and forgot his name and address.
You don't win fights with your hands and feet.
(自分がボクシングで勝った写真が飾ってある。それを指さして) You win them with your brains. That's what brought me to the top.
(ガースンを見て)Well, what's it to be, my dear? This is on the house.\\
「ああ、ポーラ、何にする? これはこつちのおごりだ。」
~~~Garson. Oh, thank you, Biffer. Mine's a Gin and French. Can I have a brandy for my friend here?\\
~~~Biffer. With pleasure, my dear. Looks as though he could do with it. Feeling bad?\\
~~~Colman. No, I...\\
~~~Garson. He's just tired, that's all.\\
~~~Biffer. Not the flu, is it? Got them in the back. Dying like flies at the hospital.\\
~~~Garson. That's right, cheer him up. Know any more funny stories?\\
~~~Biffer. Well, I was only passing a remark. It's a free country.\\
~~~Garson. Pass him the free drink. That'll do him more good.\\
~~~Biffer. Well, here it is, and a drop of good stuff that is. Bring anybody back from the grave.\\
~~~Garson. The grave? Aren't you a little ray of sunshine tonight? ... Well(と乾杯)\\
「お墓の話? 今夜はもう少し明るい話にしない? ぢや!」
~~~Sam. (これはマネジャー)Paula. Don't be late.\\
~~~Garson. No, I won't, Sam. (ビファーに)I've got to get over to the theatre. Goodbye, and thanks for the drinks.\\
(コールマンに)Shall we go?\\
~~~Biffer. Well, there goes a hero for you. He's one of the men what done it.(戦争の勝利)\\
~~~客. Right.\\
~~~Garson. I must get over to the theatre. I've cut it pretty close. (ガースン、コールマンと握手)
It doesn't seem very friendly, does it, running away like this? What are you going to do? Will you be all right?
「こんな風に私だけで行つちやふなんて、不親切かしら? あなた、これからどうするの? あなた、大丈夫?」
What am I to do with you?\\
~~~Colman. I'll be ... all right.\\
~~~Garson. I'm not sure. Listen, how'd you like to see the show? You can sit in my dressing room, see the stage. No one will bother you.
「大丈夫ぢやなささうだわ。さうだ、あなた、私のショーを見るのはどう? 私の着替への部屋から見るのはどうかしら。誰も文句は言はないわ。」
Then we'll have a chat, shall we? Just you and I, and settle what's to be done. Good? Good, come on.\\
「その後でお喋りをするの。いいでせう? あなたと二人だけで。それで、これからどうするか決めるの。ね? いいわね?」
~~~Garson. Sorry to keep you waiting all this time, but I'm so excited aboout peace.
I've got one eyebrow halfway up my forehead and the other behind my left ear.(衝立の上からコールマンを覗いて)Just a second.
I'll be with you.\\
~~~Garson. Well? How do you like me? Or don't you?\\
「どう? これ、お気に召して? それとも、お嫌ひ?」
(コールマン、首を縦に振る。Yes, I like you の意)\\
~~~Garson. Good. Now, talk to me. Tell me all about yourself. Why'd you give them the slip up at the hospital? You don't like the place?\\
「よーし。さ、ぢや、私に話して。あなたのこと、私に、みんな話して。病院からどうして抜け出したの? そこが嫌ひだつたの?」
(コールマン、首を横に振る。No, I do not. だから横に振る)\\
~~~Garson. Surely you ought not to be there. Come on. Answer me. Cat got your tongue? Make an effort.\\
「それぢやあなた、あそこにゐちやいけないわ。さ、答へて。お猫ちやんは舌を持つた? ね、喋ろう、と思つて。」
~~~Colman. I'm all right, really. It's my speech. It's just nerves.\\
~~~Garson. There, you see? You're doing splendidly.\\
「ほらね、喋れるでせう? 素敵よ、今の言葉。」
~~~Colman. Yes, I wasn't so bad then, was I?\\
~~~Garson. I should say not.\\
~~~Colman. You don't know what a job I have as a rule.\\
~~~Garson. Oh, I can guess. I heard you up at that shop. That old witch would scare anybody.\\
~~~Colman. There's another thing. I... I've lost my memory. I don't even know who I am.\\
~~~Garson. You mean... Well, I know who you are. You're somebody awfully nice. What did they call you at that place?\\
~~~Colman. Smith. But it's not my real name. What's yours?\\
~~~Garson. Paula... Paula Ridgeway. That's not my real name, either. Look here, Smithy. You don't mind if I call you Smithy, do you?
It can't be good for you up there among all those poor souls.
You can't be happy. And how are you ever going to get better if you're unhappy?\\
「あなた、楽しく出来ないもの。それに、楽しく暮せなかつたら、どうしてその病気、よくなる? よくなりつこないわ。」
~~~Colman. Perhaps I shouldn't be very happy, anywhere just now.\\
~~~Garson. But Smithy, the war's over. Doesn't that mean anything to you?
I'm just silly. Don't take any notice. It's the day. It's so splendid for most of us and so sad for some. Why did it have to be foggy and wet?
It should have been all sunshine and golden day. Never mind, Smithy. We've met, anyway, haven't we?
(コールマン、頷く)Have you no friends, no parents that you can trace? Have you tried?\\
「あなた、友達、ゐないの? 両親は? 捜してみた?」
~~~Colman. Some people came to see me at the hospital but I... (首を横に振る)I wasn't their son.\\
~~~Garson. I'll bet they were disappointed, weren't they?\\
~~~Colman. Yes, I ... I think so. I was, too. I'd have liked to belong to them.\\
~~~Garson. (自分が涙を出しているので)Oh, Smithy, you're ruining my makeup.(鏡に向い、化粧をしながら)But how you do chatter.
~~~Colman.(笑って)Yes, I... eh... I seem to have talked rather a lot.\\
~~~Garson. That's me. I always bring people out. Much too far, sometimes.\\
~~~声. Ridgeway.\\
~~~Garson. All right, thank you. I've got to go and perform now.(コールマンを見て)Smithy, look... I'll put your chair outside.
Come along. (コールマンを外に出して)You can see the front of the stage from here. Just sit there and nobody will bother you.
I'll be back in a couple of shakes. You'll be all right, will you?\\
~~~Colman. I'm fine.\\
~~~Garson. Sure? Your head seems awfully hot.\\
「本当に大丈夫? 頭がとても熱いんだけど。」
~~~舞台裏. Paula, you're on.\\
~~~Garson. Coming.\\
~~~Garson. "I spoke to her father and asked,\\
"Could I marry Daisy?"\\
"Certainly you can," he says,\\
"Certainly. On one condition."\\
"Name it!" says I.\\
Saya he, "Get married in the house and after the ceremony you leave by the back door."\\
"Leave by the back door? Why would we do that?"\\
「『木戸から出る? どうしてそんなことを?』」
He say, "I'm telling you, you leave by the back door so that the hens can get the benefit of the rice." (観客大笑い)\\
I love her for herself alone.\\
She's the bonniest wee lassie in all Scotland. As harry would say.\\
~~~Biffer. I know the minute I seen him, he had the flu.\\
~~~Garson. Biffer, there's something I ought to tell you. He's from the county asylum.\\
~~~Biffer. No.\\
~~~Garson. (ビファーが何か言はうとするので)But he is all right, really. He would have been discharged if he had a home to go to.
You don't think they'll come after him, do you?\\
~~~Biffer. Any busybody comes snooping after him, I'll give him what I give the gunner.(と右の拳を見せる)\\
~~~Garson. Biffer, you're a darling.\\
~~~Biffer. He's a gentleman, he is. Liked him the minute I first clapped eyes on him.\\
~~~Colman. (うはごとで)I... I'm all right. It's my speech. I can't remember.\\
~~~Garson. Rest now, Smithy. You mustn't talk.\\
~~~Colman. I'm not like the others. I'm not like them. I'm all right.\\
~~~Garson. Yes, Smithy, you're all right.\\
~~~Colman. But I can't go back. If I go back, I'll never come out. I'll be like the others. I... I...\\
~~~Garson. You shan't go back, Smithy. I won't let you go back. Rest now. Rest, Smithy. Just go to sleep.\\
~~~Biffer. Hurry down. Supper's on the table. The train leaves at 1:00.\\
~~~Garson. I'm all packed. I'll be back in a jiffy.\\
~~~Colman. How did the show go?\\
~~~Garson. Oh, splendidly. The last night. Glad to get rid of us, I expect. How did you get on?\\
「ええ、うまく行つたわ。あれが最後のショー。皆、私達がゐなくなつて、ほつとするんぢやない? 今日はどうだつた?」
~~~Colman. I... I talked to the chambermaid today. Had quite a chat with her.\\
~~~Garson. You did? Wonderful. What about?\\
~~~Colman. The weather.\\
~~~Garson.(笑って)You are coming on. I see you're all packed. That's a good boy. So am I. Our train leaves at 1:00.\\
「あなた、随分よくなつたわ。ああ、荷物も出来たのね? お利口さん。私も荷造り、終。汽車は1時に出発よ。」
~~~Colman. Paula.\\
~~~Garson. Yes, Smithy?\\
「なあに? スミスィー。」
~~~Colman. You're sure I can be useful? Your manager isn't just taking me on ...because you asked him?\\
「君、僕が劇団の何かの役に立つつて、君、本当にさう思ふ? 君があのマネジャーに頼み込んだから、ただそれだけの理由で彼は僕を連れて行くんぢやないのかい?」
~~~Garson. Good gracious, you don't know Sam. He's as hard as nails. No, you can take my word for it.
「何を言つてるの、スミスィー。あなた、あのサムつて人を知つてゐるでせう? あの人、本気であなたを連れて行きたいのよ。ね、私の言ふことを信じて。」
The whole thing was his idea.\\
~~~Colman. I can't tell you what it means, Paula. To be someone again, to be wanted. It's all your doing.\\
~~~Garson. How you do run on. There's no stopping you once you've started. Now you just eat your supper.
I'll go down and I'll be up again in time to fetch you for the train. Goodbye.\\
~~~Biffer. The usual?\\
~~~Garson. Please Biffer. (バーにいるサムに)Sam, he's as pleased as punch. I wish you could have heard him. You are an angel.\\
~~~Sam. Oh, that's all right, old girl.\\
~~~Garson. It's given him confidence just knowing that he's wanted. That's all he needs to get well.\\
~~~Biffer. There you are.\\
~~~Garson. Thank you, Biffer.\\
~~~Biffer.(入って来た客に)Evening, Mr. W. What's it to be?\\
~~~客. Half and half, and rush it, will you? They've been watching me like hawks since I blotted me copybook. Armistice Day.\\
~~~Biffer. Why?\\
~~~客. One of our loonies slipped off in the fog while I was supposed to be watching the gate. Got clean away, uniform and all.\\
~~~Biffer. No. Really? But you got him back, didn't you?\\
「まさか。それ、本当の話か? しかし結局は連れ戻したんだらう?」
~~~客. Not yet, but we shall.\\
~~~Biffer. What sort of a bloke?\\
~~~Garson. It's getting late.\\
~~~客. Tallish, dark hair, shuffles a bit. Can't get his words out. Always thinking something different.\\
~~~Biffer. He's not dangerous, I suppose?\\
~~~客. There's no saying with loonies. Quiet as mice for weeks. Then all of a sudden, up and after you with an ax.\\
~~~Garson. Sam, I'm going in to supper. You coming?\\
~~~Sam. Just a moment, Paula.\\
~~~Garson. Ella, coming?\\
~~~Ella. Coming.\\
~~~Colman. It's time, isn't it? Nearly 12:30.\\
「もう時間だね? もう12時30分だ。」
~~~Garson. Smithy.\\
~~~Colman. I'm all ready.\\
~~~Garson. Sit down a minute, will you?\\
~~~Colman. There's nothing wrong, is there?\\
~~~Garson. Smithy, I've got to talk to you. I won't beat about the bush. Sam won't take you.\\
~~~Colman. Won't... won't take me?\\
~~~Garson. There was a man from the asylum in the bar just now. He told everybody about your escape.
Sam feels it's too risky taking you. I think perhaps he's right.
I think perhaps you should go back to the asylum until you're all well again, and then...\\
~~~Colman. Go back?\\
~~~Garson. It is best, Smithy. You need care, and you need doctors that understand your case.
I feel dreadful about it, but it's for your sake. Sam wants to help but he says I have no right to take you. He says I'd be risking your sanity.
Your life, perhaps. You do understand, don't you? You're not angry with me? You don't think I've gone back on you?
「健康どころか、命まで危ふくすることになるつて。あなた、分るわね? あなた、私に怒つてないわね? 私があなたに背を向けたなんて、あなた、思はないわね?」
It's not that I'm afraid. It's because I think it's right. They were all against me, all of them.
They couldn't have made me do it if I didn't think it was right.
You do know that, Smithy, don't you? Tell me you understand, that you're not angry with me. But tell me. Let me hear you say it.
「分るでせう、ね? スミスィー。ね、分つたつて言つて。そして私のことを怒つてないつて、言つて。首を振るんぢやなくつて、口で言つて。あなたのその口で言ふのを聞かせて。」
Speak to me, Smithy. You could always speak to me. Speak to me.\\
「ね、話して、スミスィー。あなた、私にだつたら、お話、出来るんでせう? ね、話して。」
~~~Colman. I... I...\\
~~~Garson. Oh... Smithy. Wait for me, Smithy.\\
~~~Garson. Come on, Smithy. Get your coat on. I know I'm right. I know it. I'm ashamed of myself, letting them talk me out of it.
Here, let me help you. We'll have to hurry. And don't you worry, Smithy.
We can't go with the others but we'll find some quiet place where you can rest and get fit. Here's your hat. Take your parcels.
Come on. We'll go by the back door.\\
~~~Garson. I've got to see the Biffer. You go that way. Don't let anyone see you. There's a door leading to the alley.
Wait for me outside. I'll only be a minute.\\
~~~Garson. Biffer, here's the money for my bill.\\
~~~Biffer. What? Off already?\\
「どうしたんだ? もう出かけるのか?」
~~~Garson. They want to send Smithy back to asylum.\\
~~~Biffer. No.\\
~~~Garson. But I'm not going to let him go. I'm taking him into the country.\\
~~~Biffer. Giving up your job?\\
~~~Garson. I'll let you know when we get settled. Will you send my trunk on to me?\\
~~~Biffer. You bet, and good luck to you.\\
~~~Garson. Thanks, Biffer. You're one in a million. Goodbye.\\
~~~Biffer. Goodbye. Good luck.\\
~~~Garson. Smithy, what have you done? He tried to stop you?\\
「スミスィー、あなた、何をしたの? この人、あなたを止めようとしたのね?」
~~~Colman. Yes.\\
~~~Garson. Sam.(倒れてゐたのはサム)\\
~~~Colman. I pushed him and he fell.\\
~~~Garson. If they get you now, you're done for.\\
~~~Colman. I'm no good. Let me alone.\\
~~~Garson. No, I won't.\\
~~~Colman. We... We can't leave him.\\
~~~Garson. We must. We'll think later. Come.\\
~~~Colman. I'm no good. I'd better go back.\\
~~~Garson. That was bad luck, the stationmaster recognizing me at Milbridge. Then they may have wired ahead to Canford to stop us.
Well, we won't go on to Canford. We'll get out at Swinton, we can go into the west country to Devon or Cornwall.
We'll choose some little country place, quiet and lovely.\\
~~~Garson. It's the end of the world. Lonely and lovely. We'll be safe here, even if... We'll phone first, and the we'll see.\\
~~~医者. (ホテルの階段を降りながら)All right, Mrs. Deventer, he can come for a couple of hours tomorrow and I'll look in on Friday.\\
~~~Mrs. Deventer. Thank you, Doctor.\\
~~~医者. Goodbye.\\
~~~Mrs. Deventer. Goodbye. (ガースンに)Morning, ma'am.\\
~~~Garson. Good morning.\\
~~~Mrs. Deventer. Sorry I wasn't down. Were you wanting rooms?\\
~~~Garson. Well, that depends. May I use your telephone?\\
~~~Mrs. Deventer. Certainly. It's in there.\\
~~~Garson. Thank you. Smithy, come and sit down. You look worn out.\\
~~~Mrs. Deventer. Hey, he does look poorly. The poor dear.\\
~~~Garson. Is this the phone?\\
~~~Mrs. Deventer. Yes. You just picks it up, turns the handle.\\
~~~Garson. Yes, thank you.\\
~~~Garson. (電話に)I want to make a trunk call, please. Melbridge 4294. What? ... Oh, (上の表示を見て)Clevedon 2707.\\
~~~Biffer. Hello? ... Hello... Heloo, Paula. ... No, no, he's all right. Come to in a jiffy.
Right as rain, barring a bump on his head. Big as an apple, it was. That fellow of yours must have given him what I gave the gunner.\\
~~~Garson. What? A bump. Oh... oh, Biffer, don't make me laugh. I'll go into hysterics. ... What? Oh... Oh, he is an angel. So are you.
「何ですつて? こぶ? まあ・・・まあ、ビファー、笑はせないで。今私笑つたら、ヒステリー状態になるわ・・・何?・・・まあ、優しいことを言つてくれるわ。ビファー、あなたもだけど。」 
Do you mind if I rush off now and tell Smithy? He'll be so happy. A thousand thanks, darling, and goodbye.
「さうさう、今電話切つていい? すぐスミスィーに話してやりたいの。あの人、安心するわ。本当に有難う、ビファー。さよなら。」
(電話室を飛びだして)Smithy, it's all right. Oh, isn't it wonderful? Sam's all right. Now you have nothing to worry about, nothing.
Sam's being awfully decent about it. He says it was just an accident. An accident?\\
Oh, it's a friend of ours who had a bad fall. We were terribly worried about him, but it's all right.
And we would like to stay... that is, if you can have us.\\
~~~Mrs. Deventer. Well, I've got a nice double front. Sun comes in all day. Just the thing for your husband after the flu.\\
~~~Garson. Oh, when... He's not my husband. Not yet, I mean. We're just sort of engaged.\\
~~~Mrs. Deventer. Ah... Well, I've got two nice rooms adjoining with hot and cold and a view of the lake. If you'd like to come up.\\
~~~Garson. Oh, Smithy, isn't it wonderful? (コールマン、頷く)I'm so thankful. I was teribly worried.
「まあ、スミスィー、素晴しいぢやない? 嬉しいわ、私。私、本当に心配してゐたの。」
All you have to do is to get well, and you will get well, won't you... in this lovely place? Say it. Let me hear you say it.\\
~~~Colman. I will.\\
~~~Garson. That's the spirit. I had to tell her we were engaged. You don't mind, do you?\\
~~~Mrs. Deventer.(部屋を見せようと、先に立つて歩いてゐたが) I thought you was behind me. Don't you want to see the rooms?\\
「あら、後ろに来てくれてゐなかつたの? お部屋、見たくないんですか?」
~~~Garson. Oh, I'm sorry. Yes, of course. We're just coming. Come on, Smithy.\\
~~~Colman. If I were you, I'd open it.\\
~~~Garson. Oh, Smithy, you are a fraud.
I'm simply dying of curiosity. It's from Liverpoor, from that newspaper.\\
~~~Colman. I say. So it is. "Liverpool Mercury, Managaing Editor, Samuel C. Henson."\\
「さう、あの新聞。『リヴァプール マーキュリー、編集長、サミュエル・ヘンスン』。」
~~~Garson. Must be about that article you sent them.\\
~~~Colman. Yes, I suppose it could be.\\
~~~Garson. For pity's sake, Smithy, open it.\\
~~~Colman. (開けて)It's a check.\\
~~~Garson. I don't believe it. Let me look.\\
「まあ、本当? 見せて。」
~~~Colman. It's a small check, but it's a check.\\
~~~Garson. Oh, Smithy, how wonderful. Oh, aren't you terribly happy?\\
~~~Colman. Yes, I am. Means an awful lot.\\
~~~Garson. Smithy, I'm proud of you.\\
~~~Colman. You didn't know you had an author on your hands, did you?\\
~~~Garson. Oh, yes, I did. I knew you were good. I'm really not a bit surprised.\\
~~~Colman. You think I can sell another?\\
~~~Garson. Another and another and another. Lots of them. Smithy, I wonder if you were a writer before you... before the war.\\
~~~Colman. Yes, I've wondered that, too.\\
~~~Garson. Aren't you terribly curious? About the past, I mean?\\
~~~Colman. Well, I'd like to know, but the present's looking up.\\
~~~Garson. Supposing it all came back to you suddenly, and it was awfully grand, with all sorts of wonderful people?\\
「今突然その過去がやつて来たら? 素敵な人達が突然押し掛けてきたら? 凄いわね、さうなつたら。」
~~~Colman. Oh, I wouldn't mind a bit.\\
~~~Garson. You might even be married, Smithy. Who knows?\\
~~~Colman. Nonsense.\\
~~~Garson. How can you so sure?\\
~~~Colman. Well, because... Paula, I wonder if I could make a living at writing.\\
~~~Garson. Of course you could.\\
~~~Colman. Make a regular income, be independent.\\
~~~Garson.(「独立」といふ言葉で、少し奇妙な顔をするが)Why not? And I'm getting quite good at typewriting.\\
~~~Colman. Well... It's a lot of nerve, but... I'm... I've fallen in love with you.\\
~~~Garson. No, you haven't. You're just being a gentleman.\\
~~~Colman. No. I'm nothing of the sort. I'm asking you to marry me on a check for two guineas.\\
~~~Garson. Smithy, don't ask me, please. I might take you up on it. I'm just that shameless.\\
~~~Colman. Paula.\\
~~~Garson. I've run after you from the very biginning.
You know I have. I've never let you out of sight since I first saw you in that little shop.\\
「私が追つかけたの、あなた、よく知つてゐるでせう? 私、あの小さなタバコ屋であなたを見つけた時から、一度だつてあなたから目を離したことないんだから。」
~~~Colman. Never do it, Paula.\\
~~~Garson. What?\\
~~~Colman. Never leave me out of your sight. Never again.\\
~~~Garson. Smithy, you do mean it? You do want it? Really?\\
「スミスィー、あなた、それ、本気で言つてるの? あなた、本当にさうして貰ひたいの? 本当?」
~~~Colman. More than anything else in the world. My life began with you. I can't imagine a future without you.\\
~~~Garson. Oh, I better say yes quickly before you change your mind. It's yes, darling.\\
~~~Colman. Um---um... I'm hungry.\\
~~~Garson. Smithy.\\
~~~Colman. What is it?\\
~~~Garson. But, darling, you proposed to me and I've accepted you.\\
~~~Colman. What's wrong?\\
~~~Garson. Smithy, do I always have to take the initiative? You're supposed to kiss me, darling.\\
~~~Colman. Oh, my... (と言ってガースンを膝の上に乗せる。)\\
(二人の家の前に車が通る。「If a body meet a body」 が鳴る)\\
~~~車の中の人達. Goodbye.\\
~~~Garson. Goodbye.\\
~~~車の中の人. I'm so happy for you.\\
~~~車の中の人. Goodbye. God bless you both.\\
~~~Colman. Thanks, Vicar. Thanks, Doctor. Thanks again for all your kindness.\\
~~~Doctor. Here. (と、シャンペンを渡す)Take this.\\
~~~Colman. Doctor, no.\\
~~~Doctor. That's all right. Keep it for the christening.\\
~~~Doctor. Goodbye.\\
~~~Colman. Goodbye.\\
~~~Colman. I must oil that hinge.\\
~~~Colman. Wait.\\
~~~Colman. I must cut that back.\\
~~~Garson. No, darling. It's so pretty.\\
~~~Colman. Home!\\
~~~Colman. (扉を開け)Sh---sh...\\
~~~牛乳屋. Today, is it, sir?\\
~~~Colman. I think so.\\
~~~牛乳屋. Have you got the nurse in?\\
~~~Colman. Three days ago. Pretty trying, this business.\\
~~~牛乳屋. I know how you feel, sir. Been through it myself.\\
~~~Colman. Did your wife suffer much?\\
~~~牛乳屋. No, nothing to speak of. But me, crikey. Got neuralgia. Have you?\\
~~~Colman. I don't think so.\\
~~~牛乳屋. Lucky. I had it something cruel with our second. What they call synthetic pain.\\
~~~Colman. Do they?\\
~~~牛乳屋. That's the scientific name for it. I said I'd never face it again, but you know how it is.
「それがああいふ痛みの医者の用語ださうです。もう二度とあの痛みは厭だ、と私は言ひましたね。分るでせう? あなたなら。」
Here I am with four and more bad news on the way. (ヤレヤレといふ顔)Well, good luck to you, sir.\\
~~~Doctor. It's all right, Smith. She's out of danger now. It's been a hard fight, but she's made it, and you have a son. Come on.
Pull yourself together. She's all right. Nothing in the world to worry you now. It's a boy. That's what you wanted.
And eight pounds of him, too. Don't you want to see her after all her trouble?(コールマン、頷く)Of course you do.\\
「それに、体重が8ポンドもありますよ。こんな大仕事の後の奥さんを見たくありませんか? 勿論、お会いになりたいでせう。」
(町役場。出生手続の係。 )\\
~~~Colman. Good morning. I've dropped in to register a new subject.\\
~~~役人. Name of child?\\
~~~Colman. We're calling him John, after me. My wife thinks he's the image of me, but I don't see it.\\
~~~役人. Really? And the date?\\
~~~Colman. He has her eyes, blue, and when he smiles, he's just like my wife, except for the teeth.\\
~~~役人. Yes, well, you can't expect everything all at once. And what did you say the date was?\\
~~~Colman. November 6. Don't you want his weight?\\
~~~役人. No, thank you.\\
~~~Colman. Eight pounds, three and a half ounces. He's gained an ounce a day since. It's remarkable.\\
~~~役人. Father's profession?\\
~~~Colman. Writer. In a small way, of course. Writer and parent. Parent in a big way.\\
~~~役人. That will be all. Yes. Thank you.\\
~~~Colman. Oh, but you can form only a very inadequate picture of him from what I've given you.\\
~~~役人. I'll have to struggle along.\\
~~~Colman. I'll bring him in one of these days.\\
~~~役人. Do that.\\
~~~Colman. Then you can see for youself. Do I get a receipt?\\
~~~役人. You do.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you very much. I'll bring him in.\\
~~~役人. Do that.\\
~~~Colman. Hi, nurse!(看護婦が入って来る)Here you are. I don't think I forgot a thing. (小さい声で)Is he asleep?\\
~~~看護婦. If he was, he isn't now.
~~~Colman. Wait, wait.\\
~~~Colman. Did I wake him?\\
~~~Garson. No.\\
~~~Colman. I bought him a present. (縫いぐるみを見せる)Will he like it? Will he know it's a cat?\\
「お土産を買つて来たんだ。気に入るかな? これが猫だつて分るかな?」
~~~Garson. Smithy?\\
~~~Colman. Yes.\\
~~~Garson. Come here.
~~~Garson.(自分の左を指して)No, here.(コールマン、左に行く)Look, I'm Mrs. Smith. Do you remember me?\\
~~~Garson. What's so wonderful about that fellow? He just eats and sleeps. Much of the time, he's not even friendly.
「あの坊やのどこにそんなあんな魅力があるの? あの子はただ食べて、眠るだけ。それに、大抵いつだつて、機嫌さへ悪いのよ。」
It would never occur to you to buy me a present, would it?\\
~~~Garson. Smithy.\\
~~~Colman. They're not very much.\\
~~~Garson. I adore them, darling.\\
~~~Colman. They're just the colour of your eyes.
You're an awfully nice colour scheme, darling...and your haid is like a bright new penny.
~~~Vicar. (扉の外から)Mr. and Mrs. Smith here?\\
~~~Colman. Yes. It must be the vicar.\\
~~~Colman. Hello, Vicar! Come in.\\
~~~Vicar. Good morning.\\
~~~Colman. (ガースンに)Is it all right for the vicar to come in?(子供が泣きだしたので)Good Heavens!\\
「牧師さんに入つて貰つても大丈夫だよな? おやおや!」
~~~Vicar. How do you do, Mrs. Smith? How are you?\\
~~~Garson. Very well, thank you, Vicar.\\
~~~Vicar. And how is the heir?\\
~~~Colman. Take a look. (赤ん坊の泣声)\\
~~~Vicar. Hello, young fellow. He's quite a size, isn't he?\\
~~~Colman. Bigger and stronger than babies twice his age.\\
~~~Vicar. I was at the post office just now. I found Mrs. Goodbody in a lather of exitement. There had been an extraordinary event.
A telegram!\\
~~~Colman. No.\\
~~~Garson. How very thrilling. Who got it?\\
「大騒ぎ、無理ないでせう? 誰に来たと思ひます?」
~~~Vicar. (コールマンを見て)You did.\\
~~~Colman. I?\\
~~~Vicar. Probably someone congratulating you upon becoming a father.\\
~~~Garson. Smithy, aren't you ever going to tell me what's in it?\\
~~~Colman. I... I can't believe it. It's fantastic.\\
~~~Garson. Oh, darling, please, I can't stand it another second.\\
~~~Colman. It's from Liverpool, from the editor of the Mercury.\\
~~~Garson. Read it out loud.\\
~~~Colman.(読む)"Can you appear at Mercury office 10:00 tomorrow morning November 14,
regarding permanent position on paper? Samuel C. Henson, Editor."\\
~~~Garson. Oh, darling. Oh, Smithy, how marvelous.\\
~~~Colman. Marvelous? It's incredible. "Can you appear at Mercury office tomorrow morning..."\\
「素敵? 素敵以上だ。信じられない。『マーキュリーの編集長室に、明日の11月14日、10時に来て戴けますか?』・・・」
~~~Garson. Goodness, you're a terrible packer. Let me see, shirts, socks, tie... May I ask what you're going to sleep in?\\
~~~Colman. Great Scott! Have I forgotten the pajamas?\\
~~~Garson.(独り言)This cuff's a bit frayed, but I don't suppose Keats was very dressy.\\
~~~Garson. That's better.\\
~~~Colman.(トランクの上に貼ってあるラベルを見て。トランクはガースンのもので、旅芸人だつたのでラベルが多い)All these lables. He'll think I'm a commercial traveler.\\
~~~Garson. Are you excited?\\
~~~Colman. Wildly. Think what it means.
A start in life, a career. I'll be able to do things for you, things I've always dreamed of.\\
~~~Garson. I wish I could come, too.\\
~~~Colman. Yes. I've been thinking of that, but I daren't wait. He might change his mind.
Darling, you're not worring about me, are you? I'll be all right. I feel absolutely sure of myself.\\
「ねえポーラ、君、僕のことを心配してゐるんぢやないだらうね? 僕は大丈夫だ。もう以前とは違う。ちやんとしてゐる。」
~~~Garson. I know. I shan't worry. It's just...\\
~~~Colman. Our first parting.\\
~~~Garson. When will you be back?\\
~~~Colman. Tomorrow night. I'll be in on the 8:00 train.\\
~~~Garson. Where will you stay?\\
~~~Colman. I hadn't thought.\
~~~Garson. The Great Northern isn't bad. It's the best of the cheap hotels and it's near the station. Got your key?\\
~~~Colman. Yes.(と、鍵を見せる。玄関に音)That must be the vicar. I must run. Goodbye, darling.(二人、キス)\\
~~~Colman. Goodbye, young fellow.\\
~~~Colman. Take very good care of my little family.\\
~~~看護婦. Indeed, I will, sir.\\
~~~Colman.(ガースンに)Goodbye, darling. See you tomorrow night.\\
~~~Garson. Tomorrow night. Good luck, Smithy.\\
(Great Northern Hotel の足ふきの絨毯、大写し)\\
~~~Colman. Can you tell me, where is the Mercury office? The Liverpool Mercury.\\
「マーキュリー・オフィスは、どう行つたらいいのかね? リバプール・マーキュリーだが。」
~~~ドアマン. Second on the left, sir, off George Street.\\
~~~Colman. Thanks.\\
~~~ドアマン. Taxi, sir? Looks like rain.\\
「タクシーになさいますか? 雨になりさうですよ。」
~~~Colman. No, thanks. I'll take a chance.\\
~~~売子. Paper! Get your paper! Paper, sir? Read the Liverpool Mercury! Election results! Paper, ma'am? Paper, sir?
「新聞、新聞は如何ですか? リバプール・マーキュリー! 選挙の結果が出てゐます。新聞は如何ですか? 皆さん。」
Read the Liverpool Mercury! Election results!\\
「リバプール・マーキュリー! 選挙結果!」
~~~Colman. Is this George Street? I'm looking for the Mercury office.\\
「これはジョージ通りですか? マーキュリーの事務所を捜してゐるんだが・・・」
~~~売子. Right across the street, on the corner. ... Paper! Paper, sir?\\
「そこの角をつつきつた所、右にあります。・・・新聞! 新聞!」
~~~新聞を買った男. (それを見て)Look out!\\
~~~人々. Call an ambulance.\\
~~~薬剤師. He'll be all right. He's coming around now.\\
~~~薬剤師. Feeling better? You've got an unholy bump there.(頭に)Looks worse than it is, though. You're lucky, I'd say.
「気分はどうですか? 随分大きなこぶですからね。見た目よりは痛いかもしれないな、これは。あなたは運が良かつたですよ。」
Do you feel any pain?\\
~~~Colman. My head aches a bit.\\
~~~薬剤師. It would be funny if it didn't. Quite a wallop.\\
~~~Colman. My shoes.\\
~~~薬剤師. A good blacking is all they need.\\
~~~Colman. What on earth... This... this is all wrong. I've no business to be in civvies.\\
~~~薬剤師. What should you be in?\\
~~~Colman. In uniform, of course. I'm on active service. Where the devil am I, anyway?\\
~~~薬剤師. You're in Liverpool.\\
~~~Colman. Liverpool.\\
~~~薬剤師. You've had a nasty shock.(そこへ警官が登場)You better go somewhere and rest a while. Try not to think about anything.\\
~~~警官. Is this the party who had the accident?\\
~~~薬剤師. Yes, officer.\\
~~~他の男. It's not my fault. He slipped in the mud right in front of me.\\
~~~警官. Is that the right of it?\\
~~~他の男. It's the truth, Captain.\\
~~~Colman. I think so.\\
~~~薬剤師. What cabby says is correct, officer. I saw the accident from my window there.\\
~~~警官. Can I have your name, please, sir?\\
~~~Colman. Rainier. Charles Rainier.\\
~~~警官. Rainier. Profession, sir?\\
~~~Colman. Captain of the Wessex Regiment.\\
~~~警官. Address, please.\\
~~~Colman. The trenches, Arras.\\
~~~警官. I beg your pardon, sir?\\
~~~Colman. Random Hall, North Random, Surrey.\\
~~~警官. Thank you, sir. You don't wish to lodge a complaint, sir?\\
~~~Colman. Thank you, no. I'm sure whatever happened was my fault.\\
~~~警官. All right. Thanks, Mr. Rainier.\\
~~~Cabby. Thanks, governor.\\
~~~薬剤師. Sure you feel strong enough to walk?\\
「もう歩けますか? 大丈夫なんですか?」
~~~Colman. A little dizzy still, but I'll manage it.(こぶに触って)Quite a bump. Apart from that, what do I owe you?\\
~~~薬剤師. Oh, never mind that.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you.(薬剤師の助手に)Thanks.\\
~~~助手. It's all right, sir.\\
~~~薬剤師. Here's your hat.\\
~~~Colman. Yes.\\
~~~薬剤師. Sure you don't want me to call a cab?\\
~~~Colman. No, thanks. The air will brace me up. ... Uh... by the way, would you mind telling me what day is this?\\
~~~薬剤師. This is Thursday.\\
~~~Colman. Thursday, yes, but the date?\\
~~~薬剤師. November the 14, 1920.\\
~~~Colman. Thanks.\\
~~~Colman. 1920. Three years gone. Three years. France, I remember distinctly. Panson was killed. Young Davis. But after that?
What after that? Liverpool? What am I doing here? Where have I been? Better go home. Yes. May clear things up. Better go home.\\
「それからどうなつたのだ。リヴァプール。ここで私は何をやつてゐたんだ? あれから私は何を。ああ、家に帰つた方がいい。何が起つたのかも分るだらう。家に帰らう。」
(Random Hall の表札)\\
~~~門番. (電話で)Mr. Sheldon, I'm sorry to wake you but there's a gentleman here asking for you. He says he's Mr. Charles. ... Charles.
I'm sorry, Mr. Sheldon. That's what he says.\\
~~~門番. The butler says he'll come straight down, sir. Step inside, sir.(コールマン、入る)Take a seat, sir.
You'll excuse me taking precautions, sir, it being late and all.\\
~~~Colman. It's quite all right. Is Miss Bridget at home, do you know?\\
「いや、それは全く構はない。ミス・ブリジェットは家かな? 君、知つてゐるかな?」
~~~門番. Yes, sir. The whole family's at home.\\
~~~Colman. Really? Everything's all right up at the house, I hope.\\
~~~門番. Haven't you heard, sir? Old Mr. Rainier died Sunday.(コールマン、身を起す)The funeral was today, sir.
「お聞きになつていらつしやいませんでしたか? 旦那様のミスター・レイニエは、日曜日にお亡くなりになりました。今日が葬儀だつたのです。」
Was he a relative of yours, sir?\\
「ご親戚の方だつたのですか? あの方が。」
~~~Colman. He was my father.\\
~~~門番. I'm sorry, sir.\\
~~~ある女性. I don't feel much like eating, but still. I must say I thing it most peculiar.
After three years of complete silence, he suddenly comes back from the grave with this cock-and-bull story.
And at the very moment when the will is to be read. Very convenient, if you ask me.\\
~~~その夫. My dear, you talk as if my brother were a fraud.\\
~~~女性. Who's to say he isn't?\\
~~~夫. You seem to forget Sheldon's seen him.\\
~~~女性. Yes, in the dark. And Sheldon was probably half-asleep.\\
~~~別の女. Isn't this argument rather a waste of time?
We should see him for ourselves in a moment, and with all respect to Lydia, I think we shall be able to recognize our own brother.\\
~~~Kitty.(入って来て)Morning, everybody.\\
~~~テーブルの男女. Good morning.\\
~~~Kitty. Morning, Mother.\\
~~~母. Morning, darling.\\
~~~Kitty. Where's Uncle Charles?\\
~~~母. Sh...sh...\\
~~~女性. He's not down yet. Besides, we're not all deaf, dear.\\
~~~Kitty. I'm sorry. I'm just dying to see him. It's so romantic like one of a thriller in the railway bookstore.
'Back from the Dead' or 'The Disappearing Uncle'.\\
~~~男. Yes, or 'Three Years in Darkest Amnesia'.\\
~~~Kitty. Three years! Think of it. Where do you suppose he's been all that time?\\
「三年も! 考へてもみて。その間叔父さん、どこにゐたのかしら。」
~~~女性. That's just what I've been asking. In jail, for all we know. Did Truslove say positively that the will was written 10 years ago?\\
「さう、丁度そのことよ、私達が考へてゐたのも。まあ、監獄つてところでせうけどね。弁護士のトゥラスラヴ、遺書のこと、はつきり言つてたんでせう? あれは10年前に書かれたものだつて。」
~~~その夫. Yes, and I gather the estate is divided equally between all of us
with the exception of the two business interests which, naturally, fall to me.\\
~~~別の男. Naturally.\\
~~~夫. And this house, which goes to Charles.\\
~~~妻. To Charles? But why on earth should Charles get the house? That gives him more than Chet, the eldest son.\\
「チャールズに? でもどうしてチャールズがこの家を相続するのかしら。長男のチェットより多く貰ふことになるぢやない、それぢや。」
~~~Kitty. Morning, Uncle George.\\
~~~George. Morning, Kitty. Morning, everybody.\\
~~~みんな. Morning.\\
~~~George. I say, have you heard the news?\\
~~~みんな. What news... etc.\\
~~~夫. Plenty for all and plenty more when up-to-date methods are used in the handling of our variouis interests.
In fact, without being unduly optimistic, I think I may say...\\
~~~George. (並んでいる料理のうちの一つの蓋を取って)Sausages, by Jove!\\
~~~夫. (話の腰を折られて、憤慨して)But if the whole matter is going to be treated as a joke...\\
~~~妻. Sit down Chet. It's no joke to me. That is, supposing it really is Charles who's suddenly turned up like a... like a...\\
~~~Colman. Like a bad penny?\\
~~~夫. Hello, my dear fellow. How are you?\\
「やあ、チャールズ。どうだ? 調子は。」
~~~Colman. Hello, Chet. How are you?\\
~~~夫. Delighted to see you, my dear Charles.\\
~~~妻. Welcome home, darling.\\
~~~Colman. Hello, darling.\\
~~~別の女. Charles, this is jolly.\\
~~~Colman. My dear.\\
~~~別の女. Charles, dear, how nice to see you. You haven't met Henry yet, have you?\\
~~~Colman. A new brother-in-law? How do you do? Congratulations.\\
「新しい義兄弟? 初めまして。おめでたうございます。」
~~~男. Thank you very much.\\
~~~夫. You remember Lydia.\\
~~~妻. How are you?\\
~~~Colman. How are you?\\
~~~誰か不明. Hello, old chap.\\
~~~Kitty. I'm Kitty. Jill had to take me when she took Daddy.\\
~~~Colman. How do you do, Kitty? Please sit down, all of you. I'm afraid I'm upsetting your breakfast.\\
~~~Kitty. Here's a chair. Next to mine. What can I get you?\\
~~~Colman. You go on with your breakfast and I'll forage for myself.\\
~~~男. Go ahead, my dear chap. We're all absolutely delighted to see you back. Have to kill the fatted calf, what?\\
~~~Colman. I'll settle for a couple of Geroge's sausages.\\
~~~Kitty. If he's left any.\\
~~~Colman. Plenty. I'm on a diet.\\
~~~男. (別の席で)By Jove, he's kidding. Amazing.\\
~~~別の男. They sound absolutely deafning.\\
~~~男. By the way, my dear fellow, Truslove's reading the will this morning.
It's 10 years old, so you won't be done out of your share which includes the house, I understand.\\
~~~Colman. Really? Well, I'm sure you're all waiting for some sort of explanation. I really haven't got one.
That's what loss of my memory does for you. Sheldon's told you all I know. I was in Liverpool yesterday morning. Why or how, I've no idea.
I'd been knocked down by a taxi and came to in a chemist's shop. Before that, I can't remember a thing.
Since a shell hole in France, and that was three years ago. Those three years are a complete blank to me.
I don't know what I've done, where I've been. I found a little money in my pocket and this key.\\
~~~Kitty. The key to your house?\\
~~~Colman. If I knew that, I'd know where I belong.\\
~~~Kitty. You belong here, Uncle Charles.\\
~~~Colman. Yes? (キティー、頷く)Yes, of course. This house.
「ここ? うん、まあ、さうだな。この家の者だ。」
Well, I hope you'll all still think of it as home and come whenever you like and stay as long as you care to, now or anytime.\\
~~~男. Charles...\\
~~~Kitty. I shall come. Often. I'm terribly glad you're my uncle.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you, Kitty.\\
~~~男. Goodbye.\\
~~~召使. Goodbye, sir.\\
~~~Colman. Sorry you're leaving.\\
「もう帰る? 残念だね。」
~~~男. Well, Charles. Take care, old chap, won't you? Excuse my left hand.\\
~~~Kitty. Hello, Uncle Charles! I've come to say goodbye!\\
「チャールズ叔父さん! 私、さよならを言ひに来たの。」
~~~Colman. Hello, Kitty. You off, Julian?\\
~~~Julian. Yes.\\
~~~Kitty. I don't think I shall call you uncle. You're not really my uncle.\\
~~~男. Forward minx. Goodbye, Charles. Let's meet again sometime, somewhere.\\
「売り込みか? ぢやな、チャールズ。またどこかで、いつか会はう。」
~~~Colman. We must.\\
~~~男. Goodbye, young woman.\\
~~~Kitty. Goodbye.(男、去る。コールマンに)Let's sit down, shall we? Come on. Mother will be hours yet. She's always late.
(コールマンが煙草に火をつけるので)Can I have a puff of that cigarette?\\
~~~Colman. Do you think you should?\\
~~~Kitty. All the girls at Kenwood smoke as soon as they're in sixth. You don't mind, do you?\\
「ケンウッドでは16歳になつたら、女の子みんな吸つてるわ。いいわね? これ。」
~~~Colman. Why should I?\\
~~~Kitty. Charles, aren't you going to be terribly lonely all by yourself in this big house?\\
~~~Colman. Perhaps. Why?\\
~~~Kitty. Only when people are lonely, they're rather apt to marry the first woman who comes along. It doesn't do, you know.\\
~~~Colman. It doesn't?\\
~~~Kitty. Never.\\
~~~Colman. Not once, in all your years of experience?\\
~~~Kitty. I shall be 18 in three years.\\
~~~Colman. I'll keep you in mind.\\
~~~Kitty. Will you? I know you're laughing at me but please don't do anything rash in the meantime because...
「本当に頭にとめておいてくれるわね? あなた、私のことを笑つてる。それは分るけど、でも、お願ひ、その間に慌てて事をしたら駄目よ。」
because I do like you awfully, from the very first moment.\\
~~~Colman. Is this a leap year, by any chance?\\
~~~Kitty. I don't know, and I don't care. I've said it and I mean it.\\
~~~Colman. I'll have to think about it over.\\
~~~Kitty. Anyway, don't you think that I might come here in the holidays, and sort of take care of you?\\
~~~Colman. What would Mother say?\\
~~~Kitty. Jill? She wouldn't mind. She loves to get rid of me.\\
「ジル? ジルなんて、何も言ひはしないわ。私がゐなくなつた方がいいと思つてゐるんだから、ジルは。」
~~~母の声. Kitty!\\
~~~Kitty. Anyway, you'll write to me, won't you?\\
~~~声. Kitty.\\
~~~Kitty. Will you?\\
~~~Colman. All right, if you want me to.\\
~~~Kitty. Here I am, waiting.(母のところへ行く)\\
~~~母. Goodbye, Charles. Goodbye, Sheldon. I've simply got to fly.\\
~~~Colman. Goodbye, my dear.\\
~~~母. Lovely to see you. Come along, Kitty!\\
~~~Colman.(夫と握手)Goodbye.(キティーに)Goodbye, Kitty.\\
~~~Kitty. Goodbye, Uncle Charles. Thanks for asking me to come and visit you in the holidays.\\
~~~Sheldon. Will you be dining at home, sir?\\
「夕食は家でなさいますか? 旦那様。」
~~~Colman. Yes, I suppose so.\\
~~~Sheldon. Alone, sir?\\
~~~Colman. There's no one else, is there?\\
~~~Sheldon. I thought perhaps you might like to ask the vicar of Dr. Hampstead.\\
~~~Colman. Oh, I don't think so, Sheldon. Thank you.\\
~~~Sheldon. I'm afraid you'll be very lonely in this great house. May one ask, sir, have you any plans for the future?\\
~~~Colman. No. I might go back to Cambridge. I never got my degree. I might take a fling at writing.
I always wanted to, if you remember. I wonder... (と父親の肖像画に近づき)I wonder what he would have liked me to do.\\
~~~Sheldon. I think he always wanted you to carry on at Rainier's where he left off, sir.\\
~~~Colman. Oh, but Mr. Chetwynd is head of Rainier's now.\\
~~~Sheldon. Yes, now, sir, but... We shall see.\\
~~~Colman. In any case, I'm not a businessman.\\
~~~Sheldon. Have you ever tried, sir?\\
「何かやつたことがおありになるのですか? 旦那様は。」
~~~Colman. I wonder what I was doing in Liverpool.\\
~~~Kitty. "Dear Uncle Charles..." or "Dear Charles" What do you think? He's not really my uncle, you know, and I have intentions.
"Dear Charles, so you've left Cambridge and gone into the business. What a shame.
I know you hated to leave your books and that quiet corner of the river where Rupert Brooke used to dream.
Mother says you're simply a wizard at it. We're all going to be rich again. Write to me soon. Soon. I keep all your letters.
Sentimental little college girl."\\
~~~Kitty. Dear Uncle Charles. Dear Charles, I've graduated with honours. Will you put me on the desk in your study?
And please, look at me sometimes.\\
~~~Kitty. Dear Charles... My dear Charles, just to remind you that I'm growing up. I have lots of beaus. I do hope you're jealous.
By the way, I saw your picture in the paper. I was impressed. Industrial Prince of England... Mr. Charles Rainier.\\
~~~Colman. Hello, nuisance.(キティーが帽子、ベール姿なので)My word.\\
~~~Kitty.(自分の姿を、両手を拡げて、見せて)Do you like it?\\
~~~Colman. My dear, you look adorable.\\
~~~Kitty. Then, adore me. I can bear it.\\
~~~Colman. Haven't I seen that hat before?\\
~~~Kitty. It's not a bad hat, is it?\\
~~~Colman. It's a lovely hat.\\
~~~Kitty. Now it will be a lovely lunch.\\
~~~Colman. Now, my dear, I cannot possibly afford the time. Come one. Come on. (と椅子から立たせる)\\
~~~Kitty. Oh, yes, you can. Miss Hanson says so. She says it will do you good to get out of this office for an hour or two.\\
~~~Colman. Or two?\\
「『・・・か二時間』? 驚いたね。」 
~~~Colman. Miss Hanson.\\
~~~Garson. Yes, Mr. Rainier.(ここでこの声がガースンだと分れば凄い)\\
~~~Colman. Owing to lamentable weakness of character, I'm having lunch at the Savoy with your approval.\\
~~~Garson. I thoroughly approve.\\
~~~Colman. You do.\\
~~~Garson. I do, Mr. Rainier.\\
~~~Colman. Ah... will you get me a copy of the Brown-Severing prospectus while I'm out?\\
~~~Garson. Yes, I will.\\
~~~Colman. And have I any appointments for 2:00?\\
~~~Garson. Yes.\\
~~~Colman. Can you postpone them?\\
~~~Garson. Yes, I can.\\
~~~Colman. Thanks. ... All right, young woman, I can give you precisely one hour and a half from door to door.\\
~~~Kitty. Oh, no. Miss Hanson said two hours.\\
(Savoy Restaurant. 二人、坐つてゐる)\\
~~~Colman. (給仕に)Thank you. ... (キティーに)Cigarette?\\
~~~Kitty. (一本取り)Please... You're being very charming today. You haven't looked at your watch once.\\
~~~Colman. That reminds me.(と、時計を出さうとする)\\
~~~Kitty. Oh, no, please, Charles. Can't you relax for an hour?\\
~~~Colman. An hour? It's just on 3:00.\\
「一時間? 今はもう3時だぞ。」
~~~Kitty. You used to say that you hated business.\\
~~~Colman. Did I?\\
~~~Kitty. You know you did. You were just going to whip things into shape and get out quickly.\\
~~~Colman. Well, that was the original idea. To save the family and then be off before they needed more saving.\\
~~~Kitty. In that slow and careful way of yours?\\
~~~Colman. I began to look into things, yes. And I found that Rainier's kept other families going, too. Little families in little homes.
Thousands of them all over England.\\
~~~Kitty. I see. Uncle Atlas, eh?\\
~~~Kitty. Don't you ever want to get out and have fun?\\
~~~Colman. Kitty, the last time I...\\
~~~Jonathan. (別のテーブルで。声だけ聞える) It's that woman you sent me, Lady Maxton.
On of the most interesting cases I've had since I have been in private practice. Well, goodbye.
Goodbye, Lola, and don't forget that you're dining with me on Thursday. Goodbye.\\
~~~Kitty. What is it?\\
~~~Colman. Pardon me. It was nothing. It was just for a moment, that voice...\\
~~~Kitty. Was familiar?\\
~~~Colman. Not that, exactly... but it reminds me of something that I didn't have time to get a grip on.
~~~Kitty. From those lost years?\\
~~~Colman. Perhaps. Now, what were you saying?\\
~~~Kitty. That you should take a holiday. You've got money enough, heaven knows.\\
~~~Colman. Money, yes, but not the time.\\
~~~Kitty. That's nonsense. You could make the time. How old are you?\\
~~~Colman. None of your business.\\
~~~Kitty. You're awfully nice-looking, Charles.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you.\\
~~~Kitty. Clever, interesting. It's not fair.\\
~~~Colman. Why?\\
~~~Kitty. Because you've spoiled me for other men, that's why.\\
~~~Colman. Kitty.\\
~~~Kitty. It's no secret, is it? I've always been mad about you, even as a schoolgirl. It might be fun if you loved me now.
「だつてこれ、秘密でも何でもないでせう? 私、もう、女学校の頃からあなたに夢中。ああ、あなたが今、私のことを好きだつたら、面白いのに。」
We're a lot alike, you know. We laugh at the same things. We have marvelous times together. I sometimes wonder why you don't.\\
「私達、共通点が沢山あるわ。同じ事で、二人で笑ふでせう? 一緒にゐて、本当に楽しい時が沢山あるわ。あなたがさう思はないの、私、時々不思議なの。」
~~~Colman. In my slow and careful way, I've wondered sometimes, too.\\
~~~Kitty. Why don't you? Just to be curious.\\
「楽しいと思ふのが私だけ、つていふ時のことでせう? 何故かしら。この質問、ただ、興味本位で聞いてるんだけど。」
~~~Colman. I haven't said that I don't.\\
~~~Kitty. Oh, no.\\
「ええっ? 本当?」
~~~Colman. Would it be too incredible?\\
~~~Kitty. It would be fantastic.\\
~~~Colman. Then it is fantastic.\\
~~~Kitty. But I don't believe it. I don't believe that you mean it. That you'll go on meaning it. I shall wake up and find it isn't real at all.
It's just a dream.\\
~~~Colman. No.\\
~~~Colman. Darling, you're very sweet and dear to me. I'm... I'm building a great hope on you.\\
~~~Kitty. I don't believe any of it. I shall come at the office tomorrow and you'll have forgotten all about it.\\
~~~Colman. I'll have Miss Hanson remind me.\\
~~~Kitty. Oh, Charles, darling, it's too wonderful. Take me out of here. Take me somewhere and kiss me.\\
~~~Colman. (インターホンのスイッチをあげ)Yes.\\
~~~声. Mr. Rainier, may I bring in...\\
~~~Colman. Oh, yes, yes, yes, Miss Hanson. I'm sorry. Bring it in, please.\\
~~~Colman. I've scribbled a note here. Will you take care of it? And this. Is the Ray-Novaille prospectus ready yet?\\
~~~Garson. They promised it for 4:00. I'll send it in as soon as it arrives.\\
~~~Colman. You saw this offer from Harwood and Williams?\\
~~~Garson. Yes, Mr. Rainier.\\
~~~Colman. You worked for Harwood and Williams once, I believe. They're driving a hard bargain. Do you think they're bluffing?\\
~~~Garson. I think not. I used to know Mr. Williams pretty well. I was his secretary.\\
~~~Colman. Yes, I remember he was quite annoyed when you came to me. He called me a pirate.\\
~~~Garson. That was not fair. It was really all my doing.\\
~~~Colman. Indeed?\\
~~~Garson. I'd heard Miss Lindy was leaving you, and I made up my mind to apply for the position.\\
~~~Colman. May I ask why?\\
~~~Garson. A few weeks before, I'd come across a picture of you in a magazine. Underneath, it said, "Industrial Prince of England".\\
~~~Colman. Dear me.\\
~~~Garson. I was impressed. I decided then I must leave Harwood and Williams to better myself.\\
~~~Colman. I'm sincerly glad you did, Miss Hanson. You make things much easier for me. What's all this?\\
~~~Garson. That's the report on that firm in the Midlands. The Melbridge Cable Company.\\
~~~Colman. Oh, yes, my brother thinks this could be a very valuable subsidiary.(子会社)\\
~~~Garson. I have a large file. Photographs of the works. Would you care to see it?\\
~~~Colman. Please, yes.\\
~~~Garson. (助手に)Bring me the Melbridge Cable Company report.\\
~~~助手. Yes, Miss Hanson.(去る)\\
~~~Garson. (受話器を取って)Hello... Yes, I did, Mr. Manders. Can you make it 4:30 this afternoon? That would be splendid.
「もしもし・・・ええ、さうです、ミスター・マンダース。それを、今日の午後4時30分にして戴けませんか? ああ、どうも有難うございます。」
He's very busy. Thank you.\\
~~~男. Market reports?\\
~~~Garson. Oh... in 10 minutes, and thanks for the flowers. They're lovely.\\
~~~男. I thought you'd like them.\\
~~~Garson. Thank you, Sheila.\\
~~~Colman. Their equipment's up-to-date. And they seem to have plenty of space.\\
~~~Garson. It does seem worth investigating.\\
~~~Colman. I'll get my brother to run down. I'm taking a long holiday.\\
~~~Garson. Are you? At once?\\
~~~Colman. In about a month or so.\\
~~~Garson. Why, I think that's a very good idea.\\
~~~Colman. I may be gone a year. If things can be arranged.\\
~~~Garson. A year?\\
~~~Colman. If it's humanly possible. I... I'm being married, Miss Hanson. You're the first to hear my news.
I'm afraid it'll mean a lot of extra work for you putting things in order so I can get away.\\
~~~Garson. It's Miss Chilcet, I suppose.\\
~~~Colman. Yes, it's Kitty. Was it so obvious?\\
~~~Garson. No, not at all. She's a very charming girl.\\
~~~Colman. Yes, I fully agree. I hope you won't take it into your head to follow my example, Miss Hanson.
I don't know what I should do without you.\\
~~~Garson. I have been married, Mr. Rainier. You may remember I told you when I took the position.\\
~~~Colman. Yes, to be sure. It slipped my memory. You had a child, I believe.\\
~~~Garson. Yes. A little boy. He died.\\
~~~Colman. Oh yes. I remember. (この間ガースン、じっとコールマンを見つめているが、コールマン、それに気づかず、書類を取り)
I'm sorry. You'll see that Mr. Chetwynd gets this, will you? And let him have the file later.\\
~~~Garson. Hello. Yes, he's here.(受話器をコールマンに渡して)Miss Chilcet.\\
~~~Colman. Hello. Oh, definitely. You want me to confirm it in writing?(この間にガースン、席をたつ)
You absurd young person. What's that? No, Kitty. Of course not.\\
~~~Dr. Jonathan. Paula, don't.\\
~~~Garson. John, let me tell him.\\
~~~Dr. Jonathan. That you're his wife?\\
~~~Garson. Yes.\\
~~~Dr. Jonathan. You can risk it, if you wish. I hope you won't.\\
~~~Garson. But what do I risk now?\\
~~~Dr. Jonathan. What do you want of him, Paula? His name? His protection?\\
「彼との生活。君はそれで何を望むんだい? 彼の名前? 保護?」
~~~Garson. I want him as he was. I want his love.\\
~~~Dr. Jonathan. Paula, two years ago, you walked into his office.
If the sight of you did nothing to restore his memory, what can words do?
When you came to me at Melbridge shortly after he disappeared, I told you I was sure he hadn't deserted you knowingly.
I told you a door in his mind had opened, but another had closed.
I warned you even that if you found him, the chances were he wouldn't recognize you.\\
~~~Garson. You gave me a hope.\\
~~~Dr. Jonathan. There's always that hope, but the impetus must come from within. It can't be forced on him from outside.
You can tell him the truth and claim your legal rights.
But what is going to be his attitude when a strange woman appears and suddenly claims to be his wife?\\
~~~Garson. He's resent me. He'd accept me. He'd pittied me, and he'd resent me.\\
~~~Dr. Jonathan. I can only offer you that frail hope that someday the miracle will happen and he'll come back to you,
not as Charles Rainier, but as... what was it you used to call him?\\
~~~Garson. Smithy.\\
~~~Dr. Jonathan. As Smithy, with all his emotion for you as warm and intact as it was on the day he left you.\\
~~~Garson. That's not much help to me, John, is it? I'm real, these tears are real, and my jealousy is real and my need of him.\\
「かすかな希望、それは私にはたいして助けにならないわね? ジョン。私は生身(なまみ)、この涙は本物だし、私の嫉妬も本物、そして彼が欲しいといふこの気持も本物。」
~~~Dr. Jonathan. Paula, I wish I could help you.\\
~~~Dr. Jonathan. What will you do?\\
~~~Garson. I don't know. I'll have to think it out. You go to your dinner.\\
~~~Dr. Jonathan. I'll call it off if you'll dine with me.\\
~~~Garson. No, don't do that. Dear John. Always firm, but kind. Thank you for the hope.\\
~~~Dr. Jonathan. That is rather nice of me, seeing that it robs me of mine.\\
~~~Garson. Good night, John.\\
~~~弁護士. The law is quite clear on that point, Mrs. Smith.
If it is proved that for a period of not less than seven years
no news of a person has been received by those who would naturally hear of him if he were alive, then he may be legally presumed dead.
You wish me to take the necessary steps?\\
~~~Garson. Please.\\
~~~弁護士. Now, to complete the particulars. Did you prosecute a research?\\
~~~Garson. Yes, we investigated accidents that had occurred on that day.\\
~~~弁護士. Without result?\\
~~~Garson. Yes. Then I became seriously ill. I was ill for many months. My baby died.
As soon as I could get about, I made some effort to return to the stage but without success. I worked as a waitress, a saleswoman.
I studied stenography at night school. Spent every penny I could spare trying to trace my husband.
Thought he might have been take to a hospital or perhaps an asylum. But years passed, and I found no trace of him.\\
~~~弁護士. Are you employed at present?\\
~~~Garson. Yes, for the last two years, I've worked as a private secretary.\\
~~~弁護士. To whom?\\
~~~Garson. To Mr. Charles Rainier.\\
~~~判事. I've studied your petition, Mrs. Smith, and the affidavits attached.
In regard to the evidence presented, I have entered the decree to the effect
that the man known as John Smith shall be presumed to be dead and your marriage to him consequently dissolved.\\
~~~女. Hello, you two.
I wish you'd remember you're getting married on Wednesday. That odd little Mr. Beddoes has been waiting in the chapel for ages.\\
「あなた方、水曜日に結婚つてこと忘れてゐないわね? あのミスター・ベドウズ、もう何時間も礼拝堂であなた方を待つてゐるわ。」
~~~Kitty. Oh, dear! How dreadful of me. I forgot. He wants us to choose the hymns for the wedding.\\
~~~Colman. We'll go down. Back in a few minutes. What's for tea?\\
~~~女. Muffins, old boy! Terrific!\\
「あら、マフィン! 何て素敵!」
~~~Kitty. That's nice. I forget the words.\\
~~~Kitty. Yes, I remember now. Then there's another lovely one. Nearly always used.\\
~~~オルガン弾き. This, perhaps: O Perfect Love.\\
~~~Kitty. Yes, that's it. I like that. Don't you, Charles?\\
~~~Colman. What is it, Kitty? I'm sorry, darling. I must have been dreaming.\\
「どうしたんだ? キティー。ああ、ご免、キティー。僕は何かボーッとしてゐたらしい。」
~~~Kitty. It's all right, Charles. I'm glad it happened. It's better.\\
~~~Colman. Better? What \textit{has} happened?\\
「『この方がいい』? このことが起つてつて、何が起つたんだ?」
~~~Kitty. I've been uncertain. Almost from the beginning. Now I'm sure. It's no use, is it? I've always known it. Really.
「私、何か不安だつたの。ええ、最初の最初から。今ではもう、これは確実。結婚しても無駄ね? 私、これ、ずーつと分つてゐた。本当に。」
I was grasping selfishly at my own happiness. Because you could make me perfectly happy.
If I were selfish enough not to care or stupid enough not to know.\\
~~~Colman. To know what?\\
~~~Kitty. That I'm not the one. Let's be honest about it. I was letting things drift. But I never really believed in my own luck.
Charles, you looked at me just now as if I were a stranger. An intrusive stranger. Trying to take the place of someone else.\\
~~~Colman. Someone else?\\
~~~Kitty. I know it sounds absurd, but let me say it.
Sometimes especially when we've been closest, I've had a curious feeling that I remind you of someone else. Someone you once knew.\\
~~~Colman. Don't leave me, Kitty. I need you. I'm trying to make a life.\\
~~~Kitty. With someone you love as you shall never love me. I am nearly the one, Charles. So nearly that I shall always be proud of it.
But nearly isn't enough for a lifetime. It would be too hard to... I've left it rather late, haven't I? I'm sorry. I think I'll travel.
Mother's going to Lunor, I believe. I'll go with her.\\
~~~Colman. Kitty...\\
~~~Kitty. It's all right, Charles. I asked for it, and I'll get over it. One does, you know.
I shan't go in any tragic mood but looking to see what fun I can find, and I usually can.
You'll probably hear that I've married some nice man.\\
~~~Colman. I don't know what to say.\\
~~~Kitty. You don't have to say anything.\\
~~~Colman. But because I am so nearly the one and because I love you more than anyone I shall ever marry.
Will you kiss me goodbye?\\
~~~男1. Well, we can't keep this up indefinitely.
Where in the devil is he? No normal man walks out of a big concern without saying a word to a solitary soul.\\
~~~Garson. Everything was arranged for trip. Could he have gone abroad?\\
~~~男1. He would have let us know. Counfound that girl!
What the deuce could have happened? One minute they were picking hymns for the wedding and the next...\\
~~~Sheldon. Mr. Chetwynd?\\
~~~男1. What now?\\
~~~Sheldon. I'm sorry, sir. It seems to be important. Stourton of the Lytham Liberal League.\\
~~~男1. All right, I'll see him. (ガースンに)You talk to Sheldon.\\
~~~Garson. Sheldon, when did you say you last saw Mr. Rainier?\\
~~~Sheldon. It was close to dinnertime, miss. About an hour after Miss Kitty left.
Mr. Charles asked me to put some things into a bag for him.
I don't know quite why, miss... but I sort of think that he may have gone to Liverpool.\\
~~~Garson. To Liverpool?\\
~~~Sheldon. Yes, miss. It was from Liverpool he came that night that he came back from the dead, as you might say.\\
~~~Garson. Sheldon, please try to tell me everything you can remember that night in 1920.
What did he tell you about what happened to him?\\
~~~Sheldon. Well, miss, it was a wet night. In November, it was.
He'd been knocked down by a taxi and carried into a chemist's shop in Liverpool.\\
~~~Colman. Come in. ... (ガースンを見て)Miss Hanson.\\
~~~Garson. Please forgive me for coming. We were so anxious. You're not well.\\
~~~Colman. I should have let you know where I was. I intended to. I'm sorry.\\
~~~Garson. I hate to bother you, but something very important came up.\\
~~~Colman. How did you know I was in Liverpool?\\
~~~Garson. Something Sheldon said. I made inquiries.\\
~~~Colman. Sheldon, yes. Won't you sit down, Miss Hanson? You say some important business induced you to follow me?\\
~~~Garson. Yes. Sir Edward Lake, Member of Parliament from West Lytham died on Monday morning. There will be a by-election.
This morning, a committee of the West Lytham Liberal Association unanimously decided to support your candidacy,
should you consent to stand in the Liberal interest.\\
~~~Colman. Did Sheldon tell you of my experience here about 12 years ago?\\
~~~Garson. Yes, Mr. Rainier.\\
~~~Colman. I came back here at that time hoping to stumble on the trail of my past. But I failed then... and I've failed now.\\
~~~Garson. Nothing helped you?\\
~~~Colman. Nothing. Why should I feel a sense of loss so acute that...\\
~~~Garson. That it's spoiling your life?\\
~~~Colman. No, I'm not being honest with myself.
My life is not complete, and I've hurt others. I don't know why I bore you with my affairs.\\
~~~Garson. You feel that perhaps you lived in Liverpool?\\
~~~Colman. It seems possible.\\
~~~Garson. But not certain.\\
~~~Colman. You mean I might have been visiting the city?\\
~~~Garson. Well, Liverpool is a big port.\\
~~~Colman. I might have come in on some ship. Strange. That hadn't occurred to me.\\
~~~Garson. Or by train. You might have come in from a nearby town... or from the country. Perhaps on business.\\
~~~Colman. Perhaps.\\
~~~Garson. In that case, maybe you stayed at some hotel. I know Liverpool. I've been up here often.
Do you know the direction you were walking in when the accident happened?\\
~~~Colman. Yes, I checked that. I was walking down Mason Street toward the square. It was wet.\\
~~~Garson. Well, there are two hotels north of Mason Street. There's the old Olympic and the Great Northern.
It's quite a distance from the Olympic. So, if it was wet, the chances are, you were coming from the Great Northern.
~~~Colman. Presuming I stayed at a hotel at all, under what name was I registered?
~~~Garson. There's just one chance to find out. If you were at a hotel, you walked out leaving unclaimed luggage.\\
~~~Colman. Would they keep it so long?\\
~~~Garson. It's worth investigating.\\
~~~Colman. Yes. I'm glad you came, Miss Hanson. You've given me fresh hope. You must come with me.
We'll start with the Great Northern.\\
("John Smith Room 202 Suitcase Unclaimed" の札)\\
~~~Colman. Would you be kind enough to tell the manager this suitcase is of no interest to me. And I'm sorry to have troubled him...
(札を見て)John Smith. Highly unimaginative incognito. What could be more anonymous than these poor rags?
~~~Garson. Nothing seemed familiar to you?\\
~~~Colman. No. There's a finality about that most unrewarding find: like a door slammed and bolted.
Now I shall learn to accept myself for what I am... a psychological defective. As Kitty saw me. As you must see me.
You must keep my secret, Miss Hanson.
Will you send a telegram to the West Lytham Liberal Association telling them I'll receive the Committee tomorrow?\\
~~~Garson. Yes, Mr. Rainier.\\
~~~Colman. There's an express to London at 8:15.\\
~~~Garson. I'll make reservations.\\
~~~男. Congratulations, Mr. Rainier. Famous victory. The Prime Minister's delighted. Our new member from Lytham.\\
~~~他の男. (コールマンと握手して)Yes. Congratulations.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you.\\
~~~また他の男. It's good to have you with us, sir.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you.\\
~~~別の男. The party is honoured, Mr. Rainier.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you, sir.\\
~~~別の男. Mr. Rainier, congratulations.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you very much.(ガースンが坐っている席に来て)Miss Hanson.
~~~別の男(やつて来て)My compliments, Mr. Rainier. A great triumph.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you, thank you.\\
~~~Garson. Well...\\
~~~Colman. Have I kept you waiting? I was delayed. Nice of you to come down for my d\'ebut. Was I satisfactory?\\
「待たせてしまひましたね。遅くなつて。私のデビューに来てくれて、有難う。どうでした? 私の挨拶。」
~~~Garson. Very.\\
~~~Colman. Waiter, some tea, please. What would you like? Cake? Sandwitches? (ガースン、首を振るので、ウェイターに)
「ウェイター、紅茶を。(ガースンに)何がいい? ケーキ? それともサンドイッチ?」
Bring an assortment.\\
~~~Waiter. Thank you.\\
~~~Colman. By the way, I haven't really thanked you for your help in the campaign. I don't know what I should have done without you.\\
~~~Garson. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Politics interest me.\\
~~~Colman. Do they? I'm glad of that.\\
「さう? それを聞いて嬉しいな。」
~~~Garson. You're staring at me, you know.\\
~~~Colman. I'm sorry. It struck me your hair is bright red in the sunshine.\\
~~~Garson. Was that all? You were looking so intensely.\\
「それだけですの? ひどくじつと見ていらしたから・・・」
~~~Colman. Oh, everyone has these feelings of having lived through certain moments before.\\
~~~Garson. Do you mean, you have the feeling that you've known me before?\\
~~~Colman. I had, for a moment. As a matter of fact, I felt it quite strongly the first day you came into my office.\\
~~~Garson. You didn't show it.\\
~~~Colman. No?\\
~~~Garson. Is that why you engaged me?\\
~~~Colman. Perhaps. I liked also your air of quiet efficiency. Forgive me, but is there any possibility that you might marry again?\\
~~~Garson. Not the slightest.\\
~~~Colman. I'm asking you because I have a proposal to make. I need your help in my parliamentary life.\\
~~~Garson. Social secretary?\\
~~~Colman. Not exactly. You know... it seemed quite a reasonable idea when it came to me. But now, I'm rather losing my nerve.\\
~~~Garson. Why? Is it so startling?\\
「どうしてですの? そんなに恐ろしいことですの?」
~~~Colman. It may sound outrageous to you, but it's not a sudden impulse. I've thought it over very carefully.
You and I are in the same boat, Miss Hanson. We're both ghost-ridden. That sounds a bit romantic, but I think it expresses it.
We are prisoners of our past.\\
~~~Garson. Yes.\\
~~~Colman. What if we were to pool our loneliness and give each other what little we have: support, friendship?
I'm proposing marriage, Miss Hanson. Or should I call it a merger? You know, I'm good at mergers.
「これは、結婚の申込なのです、ミス・ハンスン。それとも、合弁会社の申込と言ふべきか。ご存知でせう? 私が合弁には腕があることは。」
A member of Parliament should have a wife, Margaret. So I'm told on all sides. "He needs a clever hostess." You have exceptional gifts.
Would it interest you to have a wider field for them?
You need have no fear that I would make any emotional demands upon you. I have only sincere friendship to offer.
I won't ask any more from you.\\
~~~Garson. I...\\
~~~Colman. Please. Don't answer at once. Think it over.
It's completely a selfish proposal but I can't have you giving me notice, you know. I'd be lost without you.
Miss Hanson... Margaret... have I hurt you?\\
~~~Garson. I don't know. This comes of boasting (涙を拭きながら)that I never cry.\\
~~~Colman. You will think about it? I'll call you tomorrow. No, I can't wait so long. Tonight, about 9:00? I hope the answer will be yes.
「考へてくれますね? 明日電話します。いや、そんなに長くは待てない。今夜、9時頃に。答はイエスであつて欲しいです。」
Ah, here's the tea.\\
~~~Garson. It wasn't a very flattering proposal, really. Rather, a suggestion for a merger. He used that very expression.\\
~~~Jonathan. Pretty cold-blooded, isn't it?\\
~~~Garson. Well, it's honest.\\
~~~Jonathan. I'm sorry. Sorry for myself.\\
~~~Garson. (膝を押して)John.\\
~~~Jonathan.(その手の上に手を置いて)I want you to be happy, Paula.\\
~~~Garson. It may work out. He might even fall in love with me. Would that be so very extraordinary?\\
~~~Jonathan. It would be very extraordinary if he didn't. But the situation is very extraordinary.
It seems rather hard, what I'm going to say, but if you marry him, keep to his terms.\\
~~~Garson. I suppose you're right.\\
~~~Jonathan. And you love him?\\
~~~Garson. Yes.\\
~~~Jonathan. You're going to be hurt, Paula.\\
~~~Garson. John, don't be against it.(電話に)Hello? Yes, Mr. Rainier. Charles. You're early. It's yes, Charles.\\
~~~女性. Isn't that Mrs. Rainier who gives those political dinners?\\
「あの人がミスィズ・レイニエぢやない? 政治関係の人を集めたパーティーを開く。」
~~~他の女性. Lady Rainer. He was in the birthday honours.\\
~~~女性. They say he'll be in the Cabinet.\\
~~~女. Pity there's no son to inherit the title. Such a wonderful couple. I hear he's devoted to her.\\
The Prime Minister\\
Request the pleasure of your \\
Company at a reception\\
To be held at Random Hall,\\
Friday, May 24, 1935, at 8:00 o'clock\\
R.S.V.P.~~~Repondez s'il vous plait. Please reply.\\
~~~~~~~Northe Random.\\
~~~椅子の女. (ガースンが踊っているのを見て)Well, it's really amazing. She's got him to dance.\\
~~~隣の男. She's got him to smile, too. That woman is a marvel.\\
~~~Garson. Good night, Sheldon, and thank you. You managed everything beautifully.\\
~~~Sheldon. Thank you, milady.\\
~~~Colman. Thank you, Sheldon.\\
~~~Sheldon. Good night, Mr. Charles.\\
~~~Colman. You certainly mellowed the old gentleman. He was positively purring when I put him into the car.\\
~~~Garson. Yes, I think he really enjoyed himself.\\
~~~Colman. I know I did.\\
~~~Garson. Nonsense. Good heavens! It's nearly 3:00. You have two committees tomorrow.\\
「まあ。それはないでせう。あら! もう3時。明日あなた、二つも会議がおありでせう?」
~~~Colman. Today.\\
~~~Garson. Yes, that's true. It's nearly morning.\\
~~~Colman. The morning of May 25. Does that suggest something to you?\\
~~~Garson. It's the anniversary of our wedding. Our third anniversary.\\
~~~Colman. Will you wait just a moment? You don't look the least bit tired.\\
~~~Colman. All my gratitute goes with this, Margaret. I owe you more than I can put into words.\\
~~~Garson. Oh... oh, it's too beautiful, really. You spoil me.\\
~~~Colman. The emerald is said to have belonged to the Empress Marie Louise.\\
~~~Garson. Really? That's thrilling. Will you put it on for me?\\
「本当? まあ、わくわくするわ。つけて下さる?」
~~~Garson. There. How do you like it?\\
~~~Colman. Do you know you're a very beautiful woman?\\
~~~Garson. Thank you. I rather hoped you thought that.\\
~~~Colman. Margaret... are you happy?\\
~~~Garson. Why do you ask?\\
~~~Colman. A twinge of conscience. If I hadn't interfered in your life...\\
~~~Garson. I should have never been Lady Rainier... entertained the Prime Minister, worn a queen's emerald.\\
~~~Colman. Is it enough?\\
~~~Garson. Perhaps not.\\
~~~Colman. Is there anyone else?\\
~~~Garson. No. Charles, why are you asking me?\\
~~~Colman. Because if there were... I've often wanted to say this, I wouldn't hold you to our bargain. I haven't the right.\\
~~~Garson. You're trying to get rid of me, Charles?\\
「私に出て行つて貰ひたんですの? チャールズ。」
~~~Colman. You know I'd be utterly lost without you.\\
~~~Garson. I'm glad to hear that, because I like my job. A woman told me tonight that she envied me more than anyone she knew.
She envied me my husband, Charles. Most women do.\\
Well, now, I really am tired. Good night, Charles, and thank you for the wonderful present.(涙が出そうになる)\\
~~~Colman. Good night, Margaret.\\
~~~Garson. Smithy!\\
~~~Colman. Margaret, I'm afraid I said something to hurt you.\\
~~~Garson. No, Charles. (例の首飾りを左手に握っている)\\
~~~Colman. If I expressed myself clumsily...\\
~~~Garson. It's nothing, really. It's just that...\\
~~~Colman. I wish you would be frank with me.\\
~~~Garson.(左手の首飾りを見ながら)Do you?\\
~~~Colman.(それを見て)Were those a gift?\\
~~~Garson. Yes. I came across them quite by chance. They're just cheap little beads.\\
~~~Colman. But they have a value for you that this does not?\\
~~~Garson. He said they were the colour of my eyes.(目のところに首飾りを近づけて)They are, aren't they?\\
~~~Colman. Oh, Margaret. Isn't there something morbid in burying one's heart with the dead?\\
~~~Garson. That's a stange thing for you to say.\\
~~~Colman. Is it?\\
~~~Garson. You haven't even a memory.\\
~~~Colman. No.\\
~~~Garson. And the best of you... your capacity for loving... your joy in living is buried in a little space of time you've forgotten.\\
~~~It isn't quite the same thing.\\
~~~Garson. I know.\\
~~~Colman. Because in some vague way, I still have...\\
~~~Garson. Hope?\\
~~~Colman. Yes, I suppose that's it.\\
~~~Garson. Have you, Charles? Do you feel that there really is someone? That someday you may find her?\\
「本当にさう思ふの? チャールズ。本当に誰かゐるんぢやないかつて。その誰かをあなた、いつか見つけるんぢやないかつて。」
~~~Colman. I'd rather not talk of it, Margaret. It's nothing I could put into words.\\
~~~Garson. Oh, but doesn't it frighten you sometimes
that the years are passing, that you may sometimes find that you've lost your capacity for happiness? You may have come so near her.
You may even have brushed by her in the street.\\
~~~Colman. Yes, I've thought of that.\\
~~~Garson. You might even have met her, Charles.
Met her and not known her. I might be someone you know. Charles, it might even be me.\\
~~~Colman. (微笑んで)Oh, Margaret.\\
~~~Garson. Oh, I know I'm talking wildly. It's after 3 o'clock, and I'm tired.\\
~~~Colman. Yes.\\
~~~Garson. Charles, I've sometimes thought I'd like to travel. I feel I need a change and a rest.\\
~~~Colman. To travel?\\
~~~Garson. Yes. I've never been out of England. I'd like to go to Buenos Aires or Rio or somewhere colourful and distracting.\\
~~~Colman. Perhaps when the House ajourns...\\
~~~Garson. Oh, I don't want to drag you away. I'll take a maid. Or a friend, perhaps.\\
~~~Colman. Margaret, I believe you want to get away from me.\\
~~~Garson. Oh, no. It's just that it's been a strain. I'm just a little nobody, you know.
It's been harder than I thought being the wife of Charles Rainier.\\
~~~Colman. If you wish, of course. You are a little overtired, I think. Shall we talk about it in the morning?\\
~~~Garson. In the morning, yes.\\
~~~Colman. Good night, Margaret.\\
~~~Garson. Good night, Charles.\\
~~~Garson. (独り言)Smithy.\\
~~~Garson. I think it is my compartment. ... Yes, it it.\\
~~~Colman. I hope Harrison has made everything smooth for you.\\
~~~Garson. Thanks. Yes, he's been very helpful. He should be here any moment with my letter of credit.\\
~~~Colman. Will you have only two days in the country?\\
~~~Garson. Yes. My boat sails on Wednesday.\\
~~~Colman. It's on your way, this place.\\
~~~Garson. No. It's in Devon. It's a quiet little country village with a delightful old inn. I wanted to see it again.\\
~~~Colman. Oh.\\
~~~Garson. I was once very happy there.\\
~~~Harrison. I'm glad I'm not late. Hello, sir. I made you out of an itinerary, Lady Rainier, of your ship.
I thought you'd like to study it on the ship.\\
~~~Garson. Oh, how kind of you.\\
~~~Harrison. And here's your letter of credit.\\
~~~Garson. Thank you.\\
~~~Harrison. And some magazines. I'll put these in the compartment. I think you'll find everything in order.
I hope you have a wonderful trip.\\
~~~Garson. Thank you.\\
~~~Harrison. Don't stay away too long.\\
~~~Garson. If I do, blame your excellent arrangements. Goodbye.\\
~~~Harrison. Goodbye. (コールマンに)I'll wait for you, sir. I have a message from Mr. Chetwynd.\\
~~~Colman. Oh.\\
~~~Garson. Well, goodbye, Charles.\\
~~~Colman. Margaret, I wish you weren't going. I don't feel quite happy about it. You'll let me hear from you?\\
~~~Garson. Of course.\\
~~~Colman. Goodbye. (キス)\\
~~~Garson. You're going to the house?\\
~~~Colman. No, to the office. There's some trouble. Seems strange not to talk it over with you, Margaret.\\
~~~Harrison. This strike, sir, it's pretty serious.\\
~~~Colman. Strike?\\
~~~Harrison. At the Melbridge Cable Works. The men are out of hand.\\
~~~Colman. Melbridge. Yes, of course.\\
("Melbridge Cable Works"の看板のある工場)\\
~~~組合長. It's all right, men. We've got our terms. The strike is settled, and we've won!\\
(労働者達、拳をあげ、気勢を上げる。帽子が飛ぶ。コールマン、二階に姿を現す。) \\
~~~組合長. Thanks to one man. Sir Charles Rainier.\\
~~~Harrison. First back streets we came through. Here. Let's pop in here for a whisky and soda.\\
("Melbridge Arms"と看板あり。そこに入る)\\
~~~労働者1. Thank you kindly, sir. We appreciate it.\\
~~~バーテンダー. What will you have, gents?\\
「何になさいますか? お二人さん。」
~~~Harrison. Two double McWhirters and soda, please.\\
~~~バーテンダー. Two double Macs. Right-o, sir. Here we are, sir.\\
~~~Harrison.(上半身裸の男の絵を指さして)Is that the proprieter?\\
~~~バーテンダー. Yes, sir. That's the Biffer. Was, I should say. He ain't much like that now. That's him at the end.\\
~~~客の一人. He was a gentleman, the gunner was. Not like these softies what call theirselves heavyweights today.
Why, he'd take two of them for breakfast! He didn't wear no fancy dressing gown.\\
~~~Colman. Now, we mustn't lose our train. We better go.\\
~~~バーテンダー. Thank you, sir.\\
~~~Harrison. The fog's getting thicker.\\
~~~Colman. Yes, beastly...(ハリスンに)Cigarette?\\
~~~Harrison. Sorry. I don't smoke.\\
~~~Colman. Of course not. Never mind. There's a little tabacconist just around the corner.\\
(ハリスン、びっくりする) \\
~~~女主人. Well?\\
~~~Colman. Packet of Barclay Blue Ribbons, please.\\
~~~女主人. Yes, sir. (渡して)Thank you, sir.\\
「バークレイですね? 有難うございます。」
~~~Colman. Thank you.\\
~~~女主人. Good night, sir.\\
~~~Colman. Good night.\\
~~~Harrison. I thought you said you'd never been in Melbridge.\\
~~~Colman. I haven't. (と言いながら煙草を吸う)\\
~~~Harrison. But you said, "There's a little tobacconist just around the corner."\\
~~~Colman. Uh?\\
~~~Harrison. You said, "There's a little tobacconist just around the corner."\\
~~~Colman. I said that?\\
~~~Harrison. That shop was off the main steet. You couldn't have seen it on your way from the station.\\
~~~Colman. No.\\
~~~Harrison. Then how did you know of it?\\
~~~Colman. I... I don't know.\\
~~~Harrison. You went straight to it.\\
~~~Colman. I did know, but I don't know how. ... Melbridge.\\
~~~Harrison. What's the matter?\\
~~~Colman. Melbridge.\\
~~~Harrison. Are you ill, sir? Let me get a cab.\\
「御気分がお悪いですか? タクシーを呼びませうか?」
~~~Colman. No, no. Let me think. There's something. ... That shop... That woman.\\
~~~Harrison. There's a taxi. I'll get it.\\
~~~Harrison.(車で来て)Here you're, sir.\\
~~~Colman. (タクシーに)Where is the hospital?\\
~~~運転手. You mean the old one or the new one?\\
「古い方ですか? それとも新しい方で?」
~~~Colman. The old one, I think. It's on a hill. Big gates... a high wall all around it.\\
~~~運転手. That don't sound much like either of them. You wouldn't be meaning the asylum, would you, sir?\\
~~~Harrison. Look here, sir. You say you came out of these gates?\\
~~~Colman. Yes. I'm sure of that. There was some excitement and a great deal of noise.\\
~~~Harrison. Then let's start from here. Try and retrace your steps. Now... You must have gone into town.\\
~~~Colman. Yes, I'd been to that shop.\\
~~~Harrison. Perhaps as we go, you can piece the thing together.\\
~~~Colman. Yes, that's right. That's a good idea. I... I came along this path.\\
~~~Harrison. You remember that?\\
「覚えていらつしやいますか? それを。」
~~~Colman. Yes, I think so. There was a good deal of fog and people shouting, and the sound of...
Like I was trying to get away from something trying to escape. There was some danger, and I was afraid. I was... There was a girl.
Yes, there was a girl!\\
~~~Garson. The mist is lifting.\\
~~~フロントの女性. Yes. It looks as if it will be a nice day after all.\\
~~~Garson. (ボーイに)Could you take the luggage to the station and wait for me there?
(フロントの女性に)I've lots of time. I think I'd like to walk.\\
~~~ボーイ. Right you are, ma'am. I'll wait for you by the newsstand.\\
~~~フロントの女性. You're leaving us now? I do hope you'll come and see us again.\\
「もうお発ちですか? 是非また来て下さいね。またお会ひしたいですわ。」
~~~Garson. Not very soon, I'm afraid. I'm sailing for South America at 2:00.\\
~~~フロントの女性. You are? My, I envy you. Are you sure you'd prefer to walk to the station?\\
「南アメリカへ? まあ、羨ましいこと。駅まで歩くつて仰いましたね? 本当に歩く方がいいんですか?」
~~~Garson. Yes. Such a pretty walk. I used to live here, you know, years ago. Mrs. Deventer's time. Did you know her?\\
~~~フロントの女性. No, not very well. She died three years ago.\\
~~~Garson. So Albert was telling me.\\
~~~フロントの女性. She was quite a character, Mrs. Deventer. Lots of people ask after her.
There was a gentleman in here a few minutes ago asking after Mrs. Deventer and the old vicar.\\
~~~Garson. Really? I should be going. I don't want to have to hurry. Goodbye, Miss Barnes. Thank you.\\
「あら、さう? さ、私行かないと。途中で急がなきゃならなくなるの、私、厭ですから。さやうなら、ミス・バーンズ。いろいろと有難うございました。」
~~~フロントの女性. Goodbye. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful trip.\\
~~~Garson. Thank you.(扉のところまで来て振返り)Did you say a gentleman was asking for Mrs. Deventer?\\
~~~フロントの女性. Oh, yes, miss, and the old vicar. That's Mr. Durham, you know. He lives at Seven Oaks.
Mr. Pauly's our vicar now.\\
~~~Garson. Is the gentleman staying here?\\
~~~フロントの女性. No. He was looking for a cottage. Said he used to rent one here years ago. He remembered it was near the church.
Was he a friend of yours, miss?\\
「奥様のお友達ですの? その方。」
~~~Garson. Excuse me.\\
~~~Garson. Smithy?(コールマン、振返る)Oh, Smithy.(ガースンの頬に涙あり)Oh, darling!\\
「スミスィー? ああ、スミスィー。ああ、あなた。」
~~~Colman. Paula!\\