~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~All about Eve\\
Bette Davis Margo\\
Anne Baxter Eve\\
George Sanders Addison DeWitt\\
Celeste Holm Karen Richards\\
Gary Merrill Bill Simpson\\
Hugh Marlowe Lloyd Richards\\
Gregory Ratoff Max Fabian\\
Thelma Ritter Birdie\\
Marilyn Monroe Miss Caswell\\
Barbara Bates Phoebe\\
Walter Hanmpden Aged Actor (Mansfield ???)\\
Directed by Joseph L. Mankiewiez\\
~~~The Sarah Siddons Award for distinguish achievement is perhaps unknown to you.
It has been spared the sensational international publicity of such questionable honours as the Pulitzer Prize,
and those awards presented annualy by that film society. The distinguished looking gentleman is an extremely old actor.
Being an actor, he will go on speaking for some time. It is not important that you hear what he says.
However, it is important that you know where you are and why you are here. This is the dining hall of the Sarah Siddons Society.
The occasion is its annual banquet and presentation of the highest honour of theatre knows ...
the Sarah Siddons Award for Distinguished Achievement.
These hallowed walls, indeed many of these faces, have looked upon Modjeska, Ada Rehan and Minnie Fiske.
Mansfield's voice filled this room. It is unlikely that the windows have been opened since his death.
The minor awards, as you can see, have already been presented.
Minor awards are for such as the writer and director,
since their functions is merely construct a tower so that the world can applaud a light which flashes on top of it.
And no brighten light has ever dazzled the eye than Eve Harrington.
Eve ... but more of Eve, later. All about Eve, in fact.
To those who do not read, attend the theatre, listen to unsponsored radio programs or know anything of the world in which you live,
it is perhaps necessary to introduce myself.
My name is Addison Dewitt(ここでアディスンの顔). My native habitat is the theatre, in it I toil not. Neither do I spin.
I am a critic and commentator. I am essential to the theatre.
This is Karen Richards, (カレンの顔)she is the wife of a playwright, therefore of the theatre by marriage.
Nothing in her background or breeding should have brought her any closer to the stage than row E, centre.
However, during her senior year at Radcliffe, Lloyd Richards lectured on the drama(ロイドの顔).
The following year Karen became Mrs. Lloyd Richards. There are in general, two types of theatrical producers.
One has a great many wealthy friends who would risk tax deductible loss. This type is interested in art.
The other is one to whom each production means potential ruin or fortune. This type is out to make a buck. Meet Max Fabian.
He is the producer of the play which has won for Eve Harrington the Sarah Siddons Award.
Margo Channing is a star of the theatre(マーゴの顔).
She made her first stage appearance at the age of four in "Midsummer Night's Dream".
She played a fairy and entered quite unexpectedly, stark naked. She has been a star ever since.
Margo is a great star, a true star. She never was or will be anything less or anything else.
Having covered in tedious detail not only the history of the Sarah Siddons Society
but also the history of acting since Thespis first stepped out of the chorus line,
our distinguished chairman has finally arrived at our reason for being here.\\
~~~(演説)I have been proud and privileged to have spent my life in the theatre. "A poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage."(マクベスからの引用)
And I've been honoured to be, for 40 years, chief prompter of the Sarah Siddons Society ...
39 times have I placed in deserving hands this highest honour the theatre knows. Surely no actor is older than I.
I've earned my place out of the sun. (笑い)
And never before has this award gone to anyone younger than is recipient tonight.
How fitting that it should pass from my hands to hers. Such young hands. Such a young lady.
Young in years, but whose heart is as old as the theatre. Some of us are privileged to know her.
We have seen beyond the beauty and artistry that have made her name resound through the nation.
We know her humility(カレンの顔。「やれやれ」という表情。次にアディスンの顔。皮肉な微笑), her devotion, her loyalty to her art,
her love her deep and abiding love for us(マーゴの顔)for what we are and what we do the theatre.
She has had one wish, one prayer, one dream to belong to us.
Tonight her dream has come true, and henceforth, we shall dream the same of her.
Honoured members, ladies and gentlemen,
for distingushed achievement in the theatre, the Sarah Siddons Award to Miss Eve Harrington.\\
~~~アディスンの声. Eve, Eve, the golden girl.
The cover girl, the girl next door, the girl on the moon. The time has been good to Eve. Life goes where she goes.
She's been profiled, covered, revealed, reported, what she eats and what she wears
and whom she knows and where she was and when and where she's going. Eve ... you all know about Eve.
What can there be to know that you don't know?\\
~~~Karen. When was it? How long? It seems a life time ago?
Lloyd always said that in the theatre a lifetime is a season and a season is a lifetime. It's June now.
That was early October. Only last October.\\
~~~Margo Channing in "Aged in Wood"\\
~~~Karen. It was a drizzly night. I remember I asked the taxi to wait.
Where was she? Strange. I'd become so accustomed to seeing her there night after night.
「あれ? あの子はどこ? 不思議。毎晩毎晩彼女がそこにゐるので、私、彼女がそこにゐるものだと決めてしまつてゐた。」
I found myself looking for a girl I'd never spoken to wondering where she was.\\
~~~Eve. Mrs. Richards?\\
~~~Karen. There you are. It seemed odd, suddenly, you were not being here.\\
~~~Eve. Why should you think I wouldn't be?\\
~~~Karen. Why should you be? After all, six nights a week for weeks of watching even Margo Channing enter and leave a theatre.\\
「だつてさうでせう? 一週間に六日、毎週、マーゴ・チャニングが劇場に入り、出る、のをちやんと見てゐる人ですもの、あなた。」
~~~Eve. I hope you don't mind my speaking to you?\\
~~~Karen. Not at all.\\
~~~Eve. I've seen you so often. It took every bit of courage I could raise.\\
~~~Karen. To speak to just a playwright's wife? I'm the lowest form of celebrity.\\
「ありつたけの勇気? まあ、高(たか)が劇作家の妻に話しかけるのに? 知名度から言へば、私など、最低の方よ。」
~~~Eve. You're Margo Channing's best friend. You and your husband are always with her. And Mr. Simpson. What's he like?\\
~~~Karen. Bill Simpson? He's a director.\\
「ビルのこと? あの人、演出家。」
~~~Eve. He's the best.\\
~~~Karen. He'll agree with you. Tell me. What do you do in between the time Margo goes in and comes out?
Just huddle in that doorway and wait?\\
~~~Eve. Oh, no. I see the play.\\
~~~Karen. You see the play? You've seen every performance of this play?\\
「お芝居を見て? じやあなた、この芝居を毎回見てゐるつていふの?」
~~~Eve. Yes.\\
~~~Karen. But don't you find it, apart from everything else, don't you find it expensive?\\
~~~Eve. Standing room doesn't cost much. I manage.\\
~~~Karen. I'm gonna take you to Margo.\\
~~~Eve. Oh, no.\\
~~~Karen. Oh, yes. She's got to meet you.\\
~~~Eve. No, I'd be imposing on her. I'd be just another tongue-tied fan.\\
~~~Karen. There isn't another like you. There couldn't be.\\
~~~Eve. But if I'd known ... maybe some other time, looking like this.\\
~~~Karen. You look just fine. By the way, what's your name?\\
~~~Eve. Eve Harrington.\\
~~~Karen. Good evening, Gus.\\
~~~受付の男. Good evening, Mrs. Richards.\\
~~~劇場の人(出て行く時に). Good night.\\
~~~劇場の人. Good night, good night.\\
~~~Karen. You can breath it, can't you?\\
~~~Eve. Like some magic perfume.\\
~~~Karen. Wait right here. Don't run away.\\
~~~Margo. If the South had won, you could write plays about the North.\\
~~~Karen. Hi.\\
~~~Lloyd. Hello.\\
~~~Margo. I don't think you can rightly say we lost the war. "We was more starved out, you might say.
That's why I don't understand all these plays about love-starved Southern women.
Love is one thing we were never starved for in the South."\\
~~~Lloyd. Margo's interview with a lady reporter from the South.\\
~~~Birdie. When it gets printed, they're gonna fire on Gettysburg all over again.\\
~~~Margo. It was Fort Sumter they fired on.\\
~~~Birdie. I never played Fort Sumter.\\
~~~Margo. Honey Chile had a point. Lloyd, honey, be a playwright with guts.
Write me one about a nice, normal woman who just shoots her husband.\\
~~~Birdie. You need new girdles.\\
~~~Margo. Buy some.\\
~~~Birdie. Same size?\\
~~~Karen. Of course. And find these wisecracks increasingly less funny.
"Aged in Wood" happens to be a fine and distinguished play.\\
~~~Lloyd. That's my loyal little woman.\\
~~~Karen. The critics thought so. The audiences certainly think so. Packed houses, tickets four months in advance.
I can't see that Lloyd's plays have hurt you any.\\
~~~Lloyd. Easy now.\\
~~~Margo. Relax, kid, it's just me and my big mouth.\\
~~~Karen. You get me so mad sometimes. Of all the women with nothing to complain about.\\
~~~Margo. Ain't it the truth?\\
~~~Karen. Yes, it is. You're talented, famous, wealthy.
People waiting around night after night just to see you. Even in the wind and rain.\\
~~~Margo. Autograph friends. They're not people. Those little beasts that run around in packs like coyotes.\\
~~~Karen. They're your fans. They're your audience.\\
~~~Margo. They're nobody's fans, they're juvenile delinquents, they're mental defective. They're nobody's audience. (ロイド、拍手)
They never see a play or a movie even. They're never indoors long enough.\\
~~~Karen. Well, there's one indoors right now. I've brought her back to see you.\\
~~~Margo. You've what?\\
~~~Karen. She's just outside the door.\\
~~~Margo. The heave-ho.\\
~~~Karen. But you can't put her out. I promised. Margo, you've got to see her. She worships you. It's like something out of a book.\\
~~~Lloyd. That book is out of print. Those days are gone.\\
~~~Karen. But if you'd only see her ... you're her whole life. You must have spotted her by now. She's always there.\\
~~~Margo. Oh. The mousy one with the trench coat and the funny hat.(カレン、頷く) How could I miss her?
Every night, every matinee.\\
~~~Karen. Come in, Eve.\\
~~~Eve. I thought you'd forgotten about me.\\
~~~Karen. Oh, not at all. Margo, this is Eve Harrington.\\
~~~Margo. How do you do, my dear?\\
~~~Birdie. Oh, brother.\\
~~~Eve. Hello, Miss Channing.\\
~~~Karen. My husband.\\
~~~Lloyd. Hello, Miss Harrington.\\
~~~Eve. How do you do, Mr. Richards.\\
~~~Margo. And this is my dear friend and companion. Miss Birdie Coonan.\\
~~~Birdie. Oh, brother.\\
~~~Eve. Miss Coonan.\\
~~~Lloyd. (バーディーに)Oh, brother ... what?\\
~~~Birdie. When she gets like this, she starts playing Hamlet's mother.\\
~~~Margo. I'm sure you must have things to do in the bathroom. Birdie, dear.\\
「あなた、バスルームでやることがあるんでせう? バーディー。」
~~~Birdie. If I haven't, I'll find somthing till you get normal.\\
~~~Margo. Dear, Birdie. Won't you sit down, Miss Worthington?\\
~~~Karen. Harrington.\\
~~~Margo. I'm so sorry. Harrington. Won't you sit down?\\
~~~Eve. Thank you.\\
~~~Margo. Would you like a drink?\\
~~~Karen. (上の台詞と同時に)I was saying how often you've seen the play.\\
~~~Eve. (マーゴに)No, thank you. (カレンに)Yes, I've seen every performance.\\
~~~Lloyd. Every performance? Then am I safe in assuming you like it?\\
「一度もかかさず? すると、安心してこれは言へさうだな、気に入つて貰へたつて。」
~~~Eve. I'd like anything Miss Channing played in.\\
~~~Margo. Would you really? How sweet.\\
~~~Lloyd. I doubt very much that you'd like her in "the Hairy Ape."\\
~~~Eve. Oh, please don't misunderstand me, Mr. Richards.
I think part of Miss Channing's greatness lies in her ability to pick the best plays. Your new play is for Miss Channing, isn't it?\\
~~~Margo. Of course it is.\\
~~~Lloyd. How did you hear about it?\\
~~~Eve. There was an item in the Times. I like the title. "Footsteps on the Ceiling".\\
~~~Llod. Yes, but let's get back to this one. Have you really seen every performance?\\
~~~Eve. Yes.\\
~~~Lloyd. Why? I'm curious.\\
「何故? 興味あるな。」
~~~Eve. Well, if I didn't come to see the play, I wouldn't have anywhere else to go.\\
~~~Margo. There are other plays.\\
~~~Eve. Not with you in them. Not by Mr. Richards.\\
~~~Lloyd. But you must have friends, a home, family?\\
「友達がゐるんぢやない? 家・・・家庭だつて。」
~~~Karen. Tell us about it, Eve.\\
~~~Eve. If I only knew how...\\
~~~Karen. Try.\\
~~~Eve. Well ... (言いかける時、リターが浴室から出て来る。マーゴの後ろに立つ。)\\
~~~Eve. Well, it started with the play before this one.\\
~~~Lloyd. "Remembrance."\\
~~~Eve. "Remembrance."\\
~~~Margo. Did you see it here in New York?\\
~~~Eve. San Francisco. It was the last week. I went one night. The most important night of my life... until now.
I found myself going the next night and the next and the next. Every performance. Then, when the show went East, I went East.\\
~~~Karen. Eve, why don't you start at the beginning?\\
~~~Eve. Oh, it couldn't possibly interest you.\\
~~~Margo. Please.\\
~~~Eve. I guess it started back home. Wisconsin, that is. It was just Mom and Dad and me. I was an only child.
It used to make believe a lot when I was a kid. Acted all sorts of things. What they were isn't important.
But somehow, acting and make believe began to fill up my life more and more. It got so I couldn't tell the real from the unreal.
Except that the unreal seemed more real to me ... I'm talking a lot of gibberish, aren't I?\\
~~~Lloyd. Not at all.\\
~~~Eve. Farmers were poor in those days. That's what Dad was, a farmer. I had to help out.
So I quit school, went to Milwaukee, became a secretary in a brewery.
When you're a secretary in a brewery, it's hard to make believe you're anything else. Everything is beer.
It wasn't much fun, but it helped at home. And there was a little theatre group there, like a drop of rain on the desert.
That's when I met Eddie. He was a radio technician. We played "Liliom" for three performances. I was awful.
Then the war came and we got married. Eddie was in the air force. They sent him to the South Pacific.
You were with the O.W.I., weren't you, Mr. Richards? That's what "Who's Who" says. Well, with Eddie gone, my life went back to beer.
「ミスター・リチャーズは軍情報局にいらしたのですわね? 『紳士録』にさう出てゐましたわ。エディーが戦争に行って、私の生活はまたビールに戻りました。」
O.W.I.~~~Office of War Information\\
Except for a letter a week. One week he wrote me he had a leave coming up.
I'd saved my money and vacation time and went to San Francisco to meet him. But Eddie wasn't there.
They forwarded the telegram from Milwaukee. The one that came from Washington.
To say that ... Eddie wasn't coming at all. That Eddie was dead. I figured I'd stay in San Francisco. I was alone.
I couldn't go back without Eddie. I found a job. And his insurance helped. And there were theatres in San Francisco.
And then, one night, Margo Channing came to play in "Remembrance" and I went to see it. Well, here I am.\\
~~~Birdie. What a story. Everything but the bloodhounds snapping at her rear end.\\
~~~Margo. There are some human experiences that do not take place in a vaudeville house!
And that even a fifth-rate vaudevillian should understand and respect. I want to apologize for Birdie.\\
~~~Birdie. You don't have to apologize for me. I'm, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. It's just my way of talking.\\
~~~Eve. You didn't hurt my feelings, Miss Coonan.\\
~~~Birdie. Call me Birdie. (マーゴに)And as for being fifth-rate, I closed the first half for eleven years, and you know it.
「バーディーと呼んで。五流つて、私のこと? 私、十一年間舞台を務めたわ、それもかなり上流の演技でね。分つてゐるでせう?」
~~~Bill. 47 minutes from now my plane takes off and how do I find you? Not ready yet, looking like a junkyard.\\
~~~Margo. Thank you so much.\\
~~~Bill. Is it sabotage? There's my career nothing to you? Have you no human consideration?\\
「これはサボタージュか? 僕が今まで君にしてきたことは、君には何の意味もないのか? だいたい君には、人間らしい思ひ遣りがないのか。」
~~~Margo. Show me a human and I might have.\\
~~~Bill. Airlines have clocks, even if you haven't. I start shooting a week from Monday. Zanuck is impatient.
He wants me, he needs me.\\
~~~Margo. Zanuck, Zanuck, Zanuck! What are you two? Lovers?\\
「ザニュック、ザニュック、ザニュック! 何なの? あなた方二人は? 恋人?」
~~~Bill. Only in some ways. You're prettier.\\
~~~Margo. I'm a junkyard.\\
~~~Karen. Bill, this is Eve Harrington.\\
~~~Bill. (ただ振り向いて言うだけ)Hi. My wonderful junkyard. The mystery and dreams you find in a junkyard.\\
~~~Margo. Heaven help me. I love a psychotic.\\
~~~Bill. (振返って、改めてイヴに)Hello. What's your name?\\
~~~Eve. Eve, Eve Harrington.\\
~~~Karen. You've already met.\\
~~~Bill. Where?\\
~~~Karen. Right here, just a minute ago.\\
~~~Bill. That's nice.\\
~~~Karen. You're not going, are you?\\
~~~Eve. I think I'd better. It's been... I can hardly find the words to say how it's been.\\
~~~Margo. No, don't go.\\
~~~Eve. The four of you must have so much to say to each other with Mr. Simpson leaving.\\
~~~Margo. No, stick around, please. Tell you what. We'll put Stanislavsky on his plane, then you and I go somewhere and talk.\\
~~~Eve. Well, if I'm not in the way...\\
~~~Margo. I won't be a minute...\\
~~~Karen. Lloyd, we've got to go. (バスルームに)Goodnight, Margo. I'll call you tomorrow.\\
~~~Margo. (バスルームから)Not too early.\\
~~~Karen. (ビルに)Good luck, genius.\\
~~~Bill. Geniuses don't need good luck. I do.\\
~~~Lloyd. I'm not worried about you.\\
~~~Bill. Keep the thought.\\
~~~Karen. Good night, Eve. I hope I see you again soon.\\
~~~Eve. I'll be at the old stand tomorrow matinee.\\
~~~Karen. Not just that way. As a friend.\\
~~~Eve. I'd like that.\\
~~~Lloyd. It's been a real pleasure, Eve.\\
~~~Eve. I hope so, Mr. Richards. Good night.\\
~~~Lloyd. Good night.\\
~~~Eve. Mrs. Richards, I'll never forget this night as long as I live. And I'll never forget you for making it possible.\\
~~~Karen. And I'll never forget you, Eve. Where were we going that night, Lloyd and I?
Funny, the things you remember... and the things you don't...\\
~~~Eve. So you're going to Hollywood?\\
~~~Bill. Uh-hum. Why?\\
~~~Eve. I just wondered.\\
~~~Bill. Just wondered what?\\
~~~Eve. Why?\\
~~~Bill. Why what?\\
~~~Eve. Why you have to go out... there?\\
「何故行かなくちやならないんです? ハリウッドへ。」
~~~Bill. I don't have to. I want to.\\
~~~Eve. Is it the money?\\
~~~Bill. 80 \% of it'll go for taxes.\\
~~~Eve. Then why? Why, if you're the best, the most successful young director in the theatre...\\
~~~Bill. The theatre, the theatre.
What book of rules say the theatre exists only within some ugly buildings crowded into one square mile of New York city?
Or London, Paris or Vienna? Listen Junior, and learn. Do you wanna know what the theatre is? A flea circus. Also opera.
「或はロンドン、パリ、ウイーンの。いいかい、君、分つてる? 芝居つて何か。蚤のサーカスだ、それにオペラだ。」
Also rodeos, carnivals, ballets. Indian tribal dances.\\
Punch and Judy, a one-man band all theatre. Whatever there's magic and make believe and an audience, there's theatre. Donald Duck.
Ibsen and The Lone Ranger, Sarah Bernhardt and Poodles Hanneford, Lunt and Fontaine, Betty Grable, Rex the Wild Horse, Eleanora Duse
all theatre. You don't understand them all. You don't like them all. (個人が気に入る必要もない)Why should you?
The theatre's for everybody you included but not exclusively. So, don't approve or disapprove.
It may not be your theatre, but it's theatre for somebody, somewhere.\\
~~~Eve. I just asked a simple question.\\
~~~Bill. And I shot my mouth off. Nothing personal, Junior. No offence.
It's just that there's so much bushwa in this ivory greenroom they call the theatre. Sometimes it gets up around my chin.
gets up around my chin~~~厭なことが、下からこみあげてきて、頬まで来る。普通の言い方は「喉まで(around my throat)」来る。\\
~~~Eve. But Hollywood. You mustn't stay out there.\\
~~~Bill. It's only a one picture deal.\\
~~~Eve. So few come back.\\
~~~Bill. Yes.\\
~~~Eve. I read George Jean Nathan every week.\\
~~~Bill. Also Addison DeWitt.\\
~~~Eve. Every day.\\
~~~Bill. You didn't have to tell me.\\
~~~Margo. I understand it's the latest thing one earing. (片方ない) If it isn't, it's going to be. I can't find the other one.\\
~~~Birdie. Throw that dreary letter away. It bores me.\\
~~~Birdie. Where do you suppose it could be?\\
~~~Margo. Oh, I give up. Look in the wigs. Maybe it got caught in one.\\
~~~Birdie. Real diamonds in a wig. The world we live in.\\
~~~Margo. Where's my coat?\\
~~~Birdie. Right where you left it.\\
~~~Bill. The seams.\\
~~~Margo. He can't take his eyes off my legs.\\
~~~Bill. Like a nylon lemon peel.\\
~~~Margo. Byron couldn't have said it more graciously. Here we go.\\
~~~Bill. (バーディーに)Got any messages? What do you want me to tell Tyron Power?\\
「何か伝言ある(ハリウッドに)? タイロン・パワーには何て言はうか。」
~~~Birdie. Just give him my phone number. I'll tell him myself. Kill the people. ... (マーゴに)You got your key?\\
Kill the people~~~不明\\
~~~Margo. See you at home.\\
(イヴ、マーゴ、ビル、駅に着いて 。)\\
~~~Eve. I have a suggestion. There's really not very much time left. I mean, you haven't had a minute alone yet.
Well, I could take care of everything here and meet you at the gate with the ticket... if you'd like.\\
~~~Bill. I think we'l like very much. Sure you won't mind?\\
~~~Eve. Of course not.\\
~~~Bill. She's quite a girl, this. What's her name?\\
~~~Margo. Eve. I'd forgotten they grew that way.\\
~~~Bill. That lack of pretense, that sort of strange directness and understanding.\\
~~~Margo. Did she tell you about the theatre and what it meant?\\
「あの子あなたに、お芝居の話した? それにお芝居の意味を。」
~~~Bill. No, I told her. I sounded off.\\
~~~Margo. All the religions in the world rolled into one, and we're gods and goddesses. Isn't it silly?
Suddenly I've developed a big, protective feeling toward her. A lamb loose in our big stone jungle.\\
(ビル、マーゴにキスしようと、引き寄せる)Take care of yourself out there.\\
~~~Bill. I understand they have the Indians pretty well in hand.\\
~~~Margo. Bill, don't get stuck on some glamour puss.\\
~~~Bill. I'll try.\\
~~~Margo. You're not much of a bargain. You're conceited, thoughtless and messy.\\
~~~Bill. Everybody can't be Gregory Peck.\\
~~~Margo. You're a setup for some gorgeous young babe.\\
~~~Bill. How childish you are gonna get before you stop it.\\
~~~Margo. I don't wanna be childish. I'd settle for a few years.\\
~~~Bill. And cut that out right now.\\
~~~Margo. Am I going to lose you, Bill? Am I?\\
「ビル、あなた、私を捨てる気? どうなの?」
~~~Bill. As of this moment, you're six years old.\\
~~~Eve. All ready.\\
~~~Bill. (イヴに)Thanks for your help. Good luck.\\
~~~Eve. Goodbye, Mr. Simpson.\\
~~~Bill. (マーゴに)Knit me a muffler?\\
~~~Margo. Call me when you get in.\\
~~~Bill. (イヴに)Hey, Junior! Keep your eye on her. Don't let her get lonely. She's a loose lamb in a jungle.\\
~~~Eve. Don't worry.\\
~~~Margo. That same night, we sent for Eve's things, her few pityful possessions. She moved into the little guest room on the top floor.
The next three weeks were out of a fairly tale, and I was Cinderella in the last act.
Eve became my sister, lawyer, mother, friend, psychiatrist and cop. The honeymoon was on.\\
~~~Margo. From now on, it isn't applause. Just something to do till the aisles get cleared.
(イヴが涙を拭いているので)What, again?\\
「えっ? あなた、また?」
~~~Eve. I could watch you play that last scene a thousand times, cry every time. \\
~~~Margo. Performance number 1,000 of this one, if I play it that long, will take place in a well-padded booby hatch.
「これを千回? 千回もやつたら、私、病院行きだわ。」
~~~Eve. I must say, you can certainly tell Mr. Simpson's been gone a month.\\
~~~Margo. You certainly can, especially if you're me between now and tomorrow morning.
(楽屋に入り、バーディーに)You bought the new girdles a size smaller. I can feel it.\\
~~~Birdie. Something maybe grew a size larger.\\
~~~Margo. You can get into one of those girdles and act for two and a half hours.\\
~~~Birdie. I couldn't get into the girdle in two and a half hours.\\
~~~Eve. You haven't noticed my latest bit of interior decorating.\\
~~~Margo. But you've done so much. What's new?\\
~~~Eve. The curtains. I made them myself.\\
~~~Margo. They're lovely. Aren't they lovely, Birdie?\\
~~~Birdie. Adorable. We now got everything a dressing room needs except a basketball hoop.\\
~~~Margo. Just because you can't even work a zipper! (イヴに)It was very thoughtful of you, Eve. I appreciate it.\\
~~~Eve. I'll just take this to the wardrobe Mistress.\\
~~~Margo. Don't bother. Mrs. Brown will be along in a minute.\\
~~~Eve. No trouble at all.\\
~~~Birdie. (止めようとするがイヴ、行ってしまう。マーゴに)May I be so bold as to say something? Have you ever heard of the word "union"?\\
~~~Margo. Behind in your dues? How much?\\
「あなた、入つてるの? どの程度の入り方?」
~~~Birdie. I haven't got a union. I'm slave labour.\\
~~~Margo. Well?\\
~~~Birdie. But the wardrobe women have got one
and, next to a tenor, a wardrobe woman is the touchiest thing in show business.\\
~~~Margo. Oh, oh.\\
~~~Birdie. She's got two things to do: carry clothes and press 'em wrong. And don't let anybody try to muscle in.\\
~~~Margo. Eve, (イヴ、ハッとしてマーゴを見る。叱られはしないかと怖れの表情。マーゴ、ニッコリ笑って)We'd better let Mrs. Brown pick up the wardrobe. (イヴ、ホッとする)\\
~~~Margo. Hello?\\
~~~交換手. We are ready with your call to Beverly Hills.\\
~~~Margo. Call? What call?\\
「電話の予約? 何の話?」
~~~交換手. Is this Templeton 89970? Miss Margo Channing?\\
~~~Margo. Yes, it is. But I don't understand.\\
~~~交換手. We are ready with the call you placed for 12 midnight, California time to Mr. William Simpson in Bevery Hills.\\
~~~Margo. I placed?\\
~~~交換手. Go ahead, please.\\
~~~Bill. (電話の声)Margo, what a wonderful surprise. What a thoughtful, ever-loving thing to do.\\
~~~Margo. Bill, have I gone crazey, Bill?\\
~~~Bill. You're my girl, aren't you?\\
~~~Margo. That I am.\\
~~~Bill. Then you're crazy.\\
~~~Margo. Ah... when are you coming back?\\
~~~Bill. I leave in a week, the picture's wrapped up. We previewed last night. Oh. Those previews.
「一週間経つたら帰る。映画は終つたんだ。夕べ試写をやつた。やれやれ、その試写! 全く!」
Like opening out of town, but terrifying. There's nothing you can do. You're trapped. You're in a tin can.\\
~~~Margo. In a tin can, cellophane or wrapped in a Navaho blanket, I want you home.\\
~~~Bill. You in a hurry?\\
~~~Margo. In a big hurry, so be quick about it. Goodbye, darling. Sleep tight.\\
~~~Bill. Hey... Hey, wait a minute. You hang up. You haven't even said it yet.\\
「おい・・・おいおい、ちよつと待つて。これで切るの? まだあれを言つてないぞ。」
~~~Margo. Oh, now, Bill. You know how much I do, but over a phone... Now, really. That's kid's stuff.\\
~~~Bill. Kid's stuff or not. It doesn't happen every day and I wanna hear it. And if you won't say it, you can sing it.\\
~~~Margo. Sing it?\\
~~~Bill. Sure, like the Western Union boys used to do.\\
~~~Margo. Bill! It's your birthday.\\
「ビル! 今日はあなたの誕生日!」
~~~Bill. And who remembered it? Who was there on the dot at 12 midnight?\\
「だから電話をくれたんだろ? 丁度12時きつかりに。誰だ、これを考へついてくれたのは。」
~~~Margo. Happy birthday, darling.\\
~~~Bill. The reading could've been better, but you said it. Now "many happy returns of the day."\\
~~~Margo. Many happry returns of the day.\\
~~~Bill. I get a party, don't I?\\
~~~Margo. Of course. Birthday and coming home. Who will I ask?\\
~~~Bill. It's no secret. I know all about the party. Eve wrote me.\\
~~~Margo. She did?\\
~~~Bill. Yes, she hasn't missed a week since I left, but you know all that, you probably tell her what to write.
Anyway I sent her a list of guests. So check with her.\\
~~~Margo. Yeah. I will.\\
~~~Bill. How is Eve? OK?\\
「イヴはどう? 元気にしてる?」
~~~Margo. OK.\\
~~~Bill. I love you.\\
~~~Margo. I'll check with Eve.\\
~~~Bill. Um?\\
~~~Margo. I love you too. Good night, darling.\\
~~~Bill. See ya.\\
~~~Margo. Birdie.\\
~~~Birdie. Um.\\
~~~Margo. You don't like Eve, do you?\\
~~~Birdie. You want an argument or an answer?\\
「それ、答が欲しいの? それとも議論がしたいの?」
~~~Margo. An answer.\\
~~~Birdie. No.\\
~~~Margo. Why not?\\
~~~Birdie. Now you want an argument.\\
~~~Margo. She works hard.\\
~~~Birdie. Night and day.\\
~~~Margo. She's loyal and efficient.\\
~~~Birdie. Like an agent with only one client.\\
~~~Margo. She thinks only of me. Don't she?\\
~~~Birdie. Well, let's say she thinks only about ya, anyway.\\
~~~Margo. How do you mean that?\\
~~~Birdie. I'll tell ya how. Like ... like she's studying you. Like you were a play, or a book, or a set of bleuprints.
How you walk, talk, eat, think...\\
~~~Margo. I'm sure that's flattering. There's nothing wrong with it.\\
~~~Eve. Good morning. Well, what do you think of my elegant new suit?\\
~~~Margo. It looks much better on you than it did on me. (リター、場を外す)\\
~~~Eve. I can imagine. You know all it needed was a little taking in here and letting out there. Are you sure you won't want it yourself?\\「ちよつと直しが必要だつたんですわ。私、分つたんです。ちよつとだけあつちを出して、こつちをひつこめて。本当にもう着ないんですか?」
~~~Margo. Quite sure. I find it too seventeenish for me.\\
~~~Eve. Oh, come now, as though you were an old lady. I'm on my way. Is there anything else more you thought of?\\
~~~Margo. Well, that script to take back to the Guild.\\
~~~Eve. And coffee?\\
~~~Margo. No. And those checks whatever it is for the income tax man.\\
~~~Eve. Right here.\\
~~~Margo. It seems I can't think of a thing you haven't thought of.\\
~~~Eve. That's my job. See you at tea time.\\
~~~Margo. Eve. By the chance, did you place a call from me to Bill for midnight California time?\\
~~~Eve. Golly, I forgot to tell you!\\
~~~Margo. Yes, dear, you forgot all about it.\\
~~~Eve. I was sure you'd want to, of course, being his birthday. You've been so busy lately.
Last night I meant to tell you before you went out with Richards. I guess I was asleep when you got home.\\
~~~Margo. Yes, I guess you were. It was very thoughtful of you, Eve.\\
~~~Eve. Mr. Simpson's birthday. I couldn't forget that. You'd never forgive me. ... As a matter of fact, I sent him a telegram myself.\\
~~~Margo. Bill's welcome home birthday party... a night to go down in history.
Even before the party started, I could smell disaster in the air. I knew it. I sensed it even as I finished dressing for that blasted party.\\
~~~Birdie. You all put together?\\
~~~Margo. My back's open. (バーディー、ジッパーを上げてやる)Extra help get here?\\
~~~Birdie. There's some loose characters dressed as maids and butlers. Would you call the William Moris Agency? \\
~~~Margo. You're not being funny. Actors would cost less. How about the food?\\
~~~Birdie. The caterer had to go back for the hors d'oeuvres. Voil\`a.\\
~~~Margo. That French ventriloquist taught you a lot, dind't he?\\
~~~Birdie. There was nothing he didn't know. And there's a message from the bartender.
"Does Miss Channing know that she ordered domestic gin by misake?"\\
~~~Margo. The only thing I ordered by mistake is the guests.
(二人、笑う)They're domestic, too, they don't care what they drink as long as it burns. Where's Bill? He's late.\\
「客だつて家庭用ね、考へて見れば。アルコールがきつくさへあれば、何でも構はず飲む連中ばかりなんだから。ビルは? 遅いわね。」
~~~Birdie. Late for what?\\
~~~Margo. Don't be dense. The party.\\
~~~Birdie. I ain't dense. He's been here for 20 minutes.\\
~~~Margo. Well, I certainly think it's odd he hasn't even come up to
~~~Bill. Don't worry, "The cameraman said, "Even DeMille couldn't see anything looking through the wrong end!"
So that was the first...\\
~~~Margo. Don't let me kill the point. Or isn't it a story for grownups?\\
~~~Bill. You've heard it. It's about the time I looked through the wrong end of the camera finder.\\
「あ、聞えただらう? 僕がカメラを反対側から見た時の話をしてゐたんだ。」
~~~Margo. Remind me to tell you about the time I looked into the heart of an artichoke.\\
~~~Eve. I'd like to hear it.\\
~~~Margo. Some snowy night in front of the fire.
In the meantime while we're on the subject, would you check about the hors d'oeuvres, Eve? The caterer forgot them.
The varnish wasn't dry or something.\\
~~~Eve. Of course. \\
~~~Bill. Looks like I'm going to have a very fancy party.\\
~~~Margo. I thought you were going to be late.\\
~~~Bill. Well, I'm guest of honour?\\
~~~Margo. I had no idea you were even here.\\
~~~Bill. I ran into Eve on my way upstairs and she told me you were dressing.\\
~~~Margo. That's never stopped you before.\\
~~~Bill. She started talking, she wanted to know about Hollywood. She seemed so interested...\\
~~~Margo. She's a girl of so many interests.\\
~~~Bill. It's a pretty rare quality these days.\\
~~~Margo. A girl so many rare qualities.\\
~~~Bill. So she seems.\\
~~~Margo. So you've pointed out so often. So many qualities so often.
Her loyalty, efficiency, devotion, warmth and affection, and so young. So young and so fair.\\
~~~Bill. I can't believe you're making this up. It sounds like something out of an old Clyde Fitch play.\\
~~~Margo. Clyde Fitch, though you may not think so, was well before my time.\\
「クライド・フィッチ! まあま、あなたはさう思はないかもしれないけれど、あれは私の前の時代の人。」
~~~Bill. I always deny that you were in "Our American Cousin" the night Lincoln was shot.\\
"Our American Cousin"~~~リンカーンは芝居の観劇中に暗殺された。見てゐたその芝居の名前らしい。\\
~~~Margo. I don't think that's funny.\\
~~~Bill. Of course it is funny. This is all too laughable to be anything else. You know what I feel about this your age obsession of yours.
Now this ridiculous attempt of whip yourself up a jealous froth because I spent ten minutes with a stage-struck kid.\\
「それからそのやつかみ! 口から泡を出して。馬鹿げたことだ。僕がたつた十分、芝居気違いの子供の相手をしてゐたからと言つて!」
~~~Margo. Twenty!\\
~~~Bill. Thirty minutes, 40 minutes. What of it!\\
~~~Margo. Stage-struck. She's a young lady of qualities. And I'll have you know I'm fed up with both the young lady and her qualities.
「あの子が芝居気違い! いいえ、ちやんとした若いレイディーなのよ、あの子は。そしてね、言つておきますがね、私は『ちやんとした、そして稀な気質のレイディー』なんて、うんざりなんですからね。」
Studying me as if I were a play or a blueprint. How I walk, talk, think, act, sleep.\\
~~~Bill. How can you take offence at a kid trying every way to be as much ideal as possible?\\
~~~Margo. Stop calling her a kid.
As it happens, there are particular aspects of my life to which I would like to maintain sole and exclusive rights and privileges.\\
~~~Bill. For instance, what?\\
~~~Margo. For instance, you.\\
~~~Bill. This is my cue to take you in my arms and reassure you. But I'm not going to. I'm too mad.\\
~~~Margo. Guilty!\\
~~~Bill. Mad! There are certain characteristics for which you are famous, on stage and off. I love you for some and in spite of others.
「憤慨だ! (何が『気が咎めてゐる』だ!)君には、舞台の中、外、両方で、いくつかの独特な性質がある。それはみんなによく知られてゐる。その中のいくつかは僕は嫌いだ。しかし、それ以外の素敵な性質に引かれて、僕が君が好きなんだ。」
I haven't let those become too important.
They're part of your equipment for getting along in what they're laughingly called "our environment".
You have to keep your teeth sharp, all right. But I will not have you sharpen them on me, or on Eve.\\
~~~Margo. What about her teeth? What about her fangs?\\
「ぢや、あの子の歯は? あの子の牙は?」
~~~Bill. She hasn't cut them yet and you know it!
So when you start judging an idealistic, dreamy-eyed kid by the barroom, benzedrine standards of this megalomaniac society,
I won't have it.
Eve Harrington has never by word, look, thought or suggestion
indicated anything to me but adoration for you and happiness at our being in love.
To intimate anything else doesn't spell jealous to me.
spell jealous~~~不明\\
It's a paranoiac insecurity that you should be ashamed of.
~~~Margo. Cut. Print it. What happens in the next reel? Do I get dragged off to the screaming of the snake pits?\\
「カット! その台詞、印刷にかけて。次のリールでは何が起きるの? 私が蛇のゐる穴に引きずり込まれる場面ね。」
~~~Eve. Miss Channing? The hors d'oeuvres are here. Is there anything else I can do?\\
~~~Margo. Thank you, Eve. I'd like a martini. Very dry.\\
~~~Bill. OK, I'll get it. (イヴに訊く)What'll you have?\\
~~~Margo. A milkshake?\\
~~~Eve. A martini, very dry, please.\\
~~~Bill. Come in Max. The party's on the first floor.\\
~~~Eve. Hello, Mrs. Richards.\\
~~~Karen. How are you, dear?\\
~~~Lloyd. Hello, Eve.\\
~~~Eve. Good evening, Mr. Richards, Mr. Fabian.\\
~~~Max. Hello, Eve, hello.\\
~~~Eve. May I have your coat?\\
~~~Karen. Oh, don't bother. I'll take it up.\\
~~~Eve. Please.\\
~~~Karen. Thank you.\\
~~~Margo. Hi.\\
~~~Karen. The house looks lovely.\\
~~~Margo. Thank you.\\
~~~Lloyd. I like that girl. That quality of quiet graciousness.\\
~~~Margo. Among so many quiet qualities. (カレンの腕を取って)Shall we?\\
~~~Karen. Margo, nothing you've ever done made me as happy as you taking Eve in.\\
~~~Margo. I'm so happy you're happy.\\
~~~Max. Now look here, you haven't been running a settlement house exactly. The kid has earned her way.
You had a mixed up inventory when she took over the shop. Marchandise laying all over.\\
~~~Lloyd. You mixed Margo up with a five-and-ten-cent store.\\
~~~Margo. Make it Bergdorf Goodman. Everything on its proper shelf, eh, Max? All done up in little ribbons.
I could die right now and nobody's be confused. How about you, Max?\\
「今だつたらいつでも私、死ねる。そして誰も困らない。あなたはどうなの? マックス。」
~~~Max. How about me what?\\
~~~Margo. Suppose you dropped dead. What about your inventory?\\
~~~Max. I ain't going to drop dead. Not with the hint.\\
~~~Karen. This is the most ghoulish conversation.\\
~~~Margo. Thank you.\\
~~~Bill. Nothing.\\
~~~(どこかから呼び声) Max!\\
~~~Max. Mon Dieux! Fefi!\\
「おやおや! フェフィー!」
~~~Margo. "The Kid", the juniour that is, will be down in a minute, unless you'd like to take her drink up to her.
~~~Bill. I can get a fresh one... Karen, you're a Gibson girl.
I can get a fresh one~~~不明。この後、作りに行く気配なし\\
Gibson girl~~~不明。\\
~~~Karen. (受取って)Thank you.\\
~~~Lloyd. The general atmosphere is very Macbethish. What has or is about to happen?\\
~~~Margo. What is he talking about?\\
~~~Bill. Macbeth.\\
~~~Karen. We know you, we've seen you like this before. Is it over or is it just beginning?\\
「あなたのことは分つてるの。以前こんな風になつたあなたを見たことがあるもの。でもこれ、始まつたばかり? それとも終つたの?」
~~~Margo. Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night.\\
~~~客の一人. Margo, darling! ... How are you?\\
~~~男. Moi, je suis infinimemnt enchant\'e.\\
~~~Margo. Moi, enchant\'ee too.\\
~~~Margo. I distinctly remember, Addison, crossing you off my guest list. What are you doing here?\\
「アディスン、私、あなたの名前を招待客のリストから消したの、きちんと覚えてゐる。どうしてここにゐるの? あなた。」
~~~Addison. (モンローを連れている)Dear Margo, you were an unforgettable Peter Pan. You must play it again soon.
You remember Miss Casswell?\\
~~~Margo. I do not. How do you do?\\
~~~Casswell. We've never met. Maybe that's why.\\
~~~Addison. Miss Casswell is an actress, a graduate from the Copacabana, school of dramatic art. ... Ah, Eve.\\
~~~Eve. Good evening, Mr. DeWitt.\\
~~~Margo. I had no idea you two knew each other.\\
「まあ二人は知合ひ? 知らなかつたわ。」
~~~Addison. This must be, at long last, our formal introduction. Until now, we've only met in passing.\\
~~~Casswell. That's how you met me. In passing.\\
~~~Addison. Yeah ... (誤摩化す)\\
~~~Margo. Even this (モンローのこと) is an old friend of Mr. DeWitt's mother. Miss Casswell, Miss Harrington.\\
~~~Eve. Miss Casswell.\\
~~~Casswell. How do you do?\\
~~~Margo. Addison, I've been wanting you to meet Eve for the longest time.\\
~~~Addison. Could've only been your natural timidity must have kept you from mentioning it.\\
~~~Margo. You've heard of her great interest in the theatre?\\
~~~Addison. We have that in common.\\
~~~Margo. Then you two must have a long talk.\\
~~~Eve. I'm afraid Mr. DeWitt would find me boring before too long.\\
~~~Casswell. You won't bore him, honey. You won't even get a chance to talk.\\
~~~Addison. Claudia, come here ... (外して)You see that man?
That's Max Fabian, the producer. Now, go and do yourself some good.\\
~~~Casswell. Why do they always look like unhappy rabbits?\\
~~~Addison. Cause that's what they are. Now go and make him happier. (マーゴにモンローのコートを渡して)
Now, don't worry about your little charge(これはイヴのこと). She'll be in safe hands.\\
~~~Margo. Amen!\\
~~~Margo. "Liebestraum."(ピアノ曲の名。愛の夢)\\
~~~ピアノ弾き. I just played it.\\
~~~Margo. Play it again.\\
~~~ピアノ弾き. But that was the fourth straight time.\\
~~~Margo. Then this will be five.\\
~~~Bill. Many of your guests have been wondering when they may be permitted to view the body.
When has it been laid out?\\
~~~Margo. It hasn't been laid out. We haven't finished with the embalming. As a matter of fact, you're looking at it.
The remains of Margo Channing. Sitting up. It is my last wish to be buried sitting up.\\
~~~Bill. Wouldn't you feel more natural taking a bow?\\
~~~Margo. You know nothing about feelings, natural or unnatural.\\
~~~Bill. Then without feelings, your guests were also wondering whether the music couldn't be a shade more on the ...
shall we say, happier side?\\
~~~Margo. If my guests do not like it here, I suggest they accompany you to the nursery where I'm sure you will all feel more at home.\\
「ここが厭なら、あなた、みんなをイヴの部屋(子供部屋)に連れて行つたら? あなたもみんなも、よつぽどホッと出来るわ。」
~~~Max. Margo, you by any chance haven't got any bicarbonate of soda in the house?\\
~~~Margo. Poor Max. Heartburn? (マックス、「うんうん」)It's that Miss Casswell. I don't see why she hasn't given Addison heartburn.\\
「可哀相に、マックス。胸焼け? あのミス・キャスウェルが原因ね。あの子、アディスンにも胸焼けさせたらいいのに。」
~~~Bill. No heart to burn.\\
「アディスンに? 無理だ。あいつには焼ける胸だつてありやしない。」
~~~Margo. Everybody has a heart, except some people. (マックスに)Of course I've got bicarb. I've got a box in the pantry.
We'll put your name on it. "Max Fabian." It will stay there always. Just for you.\\
~~~Max. Let the rest of the world beat their brains out for a buck. It's friends that count. And I have friends.\\
~~~Margo. I love you, Max. I really mean it. I love you. Come to the pantry.\\
~~~Max. She loves me like a father. Aslo, she's loaded(酔ってる).\\
~~~Margo.(台所に行つて)There you are, Maxie dear. One good burp and you'll be rid of that Miss Casswell.\\
~~~Max. The situation I'm in ain't the kind you can belch your way out of. I made a promise.\\
~~~Margo. To Miss Caswell? What?\\
「ミス・キャスウェルと? 何を。」
~~~Max. For an audition for this part we are replacing. What's her name? Your sister?\\
~~~Margo. (重曹を出して)One?\\
~~~Max. No, two, please.\\
~~~Margo. If she can act, she might not be bad. She looks like she might burn down a plantation.\\
「あの子、もし演技が出来るんだつたら、悪くないんぢやない? プランテーションの一つぐらい簡単に焼いてしまひさうな顔よ。」
~~~Max. Right now, I feel like there is one burning in me.\\
~~~Margo. When's the audition?\\
「いつなの? オーディション。」
~~~Max. A couple of weeks.\\
~~~Margo. Tell you what. Why don't I read with her?\\
「うん、これどう? 私があの子の相手をしてやるのは。」
~~~Max. Would you?\\
~~~Margo. Anything to help you out, Max.\\
~~~Max. Now that's cooperation. I appreciate it.\\
~~~Margo. Not at all. And now you can do me a great favour.\\
~~~Max. Just name it.\\
~~~Margo. Give Eve Harrington a job in your office.(マックスが驚いて飲んでいたものを吹くので)You get quick action, don't you.\\
~~~Max. I wouldn't think of taking that girl away from you.\\
~~~Margo. You said yourself my inventory was in shape, all my merchandise put away. To keep her here with nothing to do.
I'd be standing in her way. And you need her, Max.\\
~~~Max. What will she do?\\
~~~Margo. She'd be a great help. She'd read scripts, interview people you have to see, get rid of those you don't have to.
You'd be a man of leasure, Maxie.\\
~~~Max. Well...\\
~~~Margo. Think of your health, more time to relax in the fresh air at a racetrack.\\
~~~Max. I don't think it's such a good idea.\\
~~~Margo. Promise.\\
~~~Max. Promise.\\
~~~Margo. That's my Max.\\
~~~Lloyd. (入って来て)Oh, there you are, both of you. Max, Karen's decided it's time to go.\\
~~~Margo. Where is she now?\\
~~~Lloyd. Up in your room.\\
~~~Max. If you'll excuse me, I'll go and tell Miss Casswell.\\
~~~Margo. Who's left out there?\\
~~~Lloyd. Too many. And, besides, you got a new guest. A movie star from Hollywood.\\
~~~Margo. Shucks! And I sent my autograph book to the cleaners. You disapprove of me when I'm like this, don't you?\\
~~~Lloyd. Not exactly. Sometimes, though, I wish I understood you better.\\
~~~Margo. When you do, let me in on it.\\
~~~Lloyd. I will.\\
~~~Margo. How's the new one coming?\\
~~~Lloyd. The play? Oh, all right, I guess.\\
「僕の芝居のこと? ああ、まあまあだ。」
~~~Margo. Cora. She's ... still a girl of twenty?\\
~~~Lloyd. Twentyish. It's not important.\\
~~~Margo. Don't you think it's about time it became important?\\
~~~Lloyd. How do you mean?\\
~~~Margo. Don't be evasive.\\
~~~Lloyd. Margo, you haven't got any age.\\
~~~Margo. Miss Channing is ageless. Spoken like a press agent.\\
~~~Lloyd. I know what I'm talking about. After all, they're my plays.\\
~~~Margo. Spoken like an author. Lloyd, I'm not twentyish. I'm not thirtyish. Three months ago, I was 40 years old. Forty! Four-oh!
That slipped out. I hadn't quite made up my mind to admit it. Now I suddenly feel as if I've taken all my clothes off.\\
~~~Lloyd. Week after week to thousands of people you're as young as you want.\\
~~~Margo. As young as they want, you mean. I'm not interested whether thousands of people think I'm six or six hundred.\\
~~~Lloyd. Just one person, isn't that so? You know what this is all about, don't you? It has little to do with whether you should play Cora.
「さう、一人だけだ、君が関心のあるのは。いいか、こんな話を何故君がやつてゐるか、分つてるんだね? コーラを君が演じるかどうかに、こんな話は何の関係もないんだぞ。」
It has everything to do with the fact you had another fight with Bill.\\
~~~Margo. Bill's thirty-two. He looks thirty-two. He looked it five years ago. He'll look it twenty years from now. I hate men.
Don't worry, Lloyd. I'll play your play. I'll wear rompers and come in rolling a hoop, if you like.\\
~~~Karen. Who'd show up at this hour? It's time people went home. Hold that coat up. Whose is it?\\
「こんな時間からまだ誰が来るつていうの? もう皆、帰る時間よ。ちよつとその毛皮、拡げて見せて。誰の? それ。」
~~~Eve. Some Hollywood movie star. Her place got in late.\\
~~~Karen. Discouraging, isn't it? Women with furs like that where it never even gets cold.\\
~~~Eve. Hollywood.\\
~~~Karen. Tell me, Eve. How are things going with you? Happy?\\
「ねえ、イヴ、教えて。ここでうまく行つてるの? あなた、幸せ?」
~~~Eve. There should be a new word for happiness. Being here with Miss Channing has been a ... I just can't say.
She'd been so wonderful, done so much for me.\\
~~~Karen. Lloyd says Margo compensates for underplaying on stage by overplaying reality.
Next to that sable, my new mink seems like an old bed jacket.
You've done your share, Eve. You've worked wonders with Margo. Good night.\\
~~~Eve. Mrs. Richards?\\
~~~Karen. Karen.\\
~~~Eve. Karen. Isn't it awful? I'm about to ask you for another favour. After all you've done already.\\
~~~Karen. Nobody's done so much, Eve. You've got to stop thinking of yourself as one of the hundred neediest cases. What is it?\\
~~~Eve. Miss Channing's affairs are in good shape, so there isn't enough to keep me as busy as I should be, really.
Not that I consider anything that would take me away from her.
But the other day when I heard Mr. Fabian told Miss Channing
that her understudy was going to have a baby and they'd have to replace her...\\
~~~Karen. You wanna be Margo's new understudy?\\
~~~Eve. I don't let myself think about it even.
But I do know the part so well and every bit of the staging, there's no need to break in a new girl. Suppose I had to go on one night?
To an audience that came to see Margo Channing. Oh, no, I couldn't possibly.\\
~~~Karen. I wouldn't worry too much about that. Margo just doesn't miss performances. If she can walk, crawl or roll, she plays.\\
~~~Eve. The show must go on.\\
~~~Karen. No, dear. Margo must go on. As a matter of fact, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be her understudy.\\
~~~Eve. Do you think Miss Channing would approve?\\
~~~Karen. I think she'd cheer.\\
~~~Eve. But Mr. Richards and Mr. Simpson?\\
~~~Karen. They'll do as they're told.\\
~~~Eve. Then... would you speak to Mr. Fabian about it?\\
~~~Karen. Of course.\\
~~~Eve. You won't forget?\\
~~~Karen. I won't forget.\\
~~~Eve. I seem to be forever thanking you for something, aren't I?\\
~~~Birdie. The bed looks like a dead animal act. Which one is sable?(カレン、黒貂のコートを渡す)\\
~~~Karen. But she just got here.\\
~~~Birdie. Well, she's on her way. With half the men in the joint. It's only a fur coat.\\
~~~Karen. What do you expect? Live sable?\\
「ぢや、何だつたらあなた驚くの? 生きた黒貂?」
~~~Birdie. Diamond collar, gold sleeves. You know picture people.\\
「ダイヤで出来たカラー、それに金で出来た袖ね。肖像画によくあるでせう? あれ。」
~~~Addison. Every now and then, some elder statesmen of the theatre or cinema assure the public
that actors and actresses are just plain folks
ignoring the fact that their greatest attraction to the public is their complete lack of resemblance to normal human beings.\\
~~~Monrow. Now there's something a girl could make sacrifices for.「さうさう、女の子には、どんな犠牲を払つても手に入れたいと思ふ物があるのよ。」\\
~~~Bill. And probably has.\\
~~~Monroe. Sable.\\
~~~Max. Sable? Did she say sable or Gable?\\
「黒貂つて言った? 黒貂? それともクラーク(ゲイブル)?」
~~~Monroe. Either one.\\
~~~Addison. We all have the abnormality in common.
We're a breed apart from the rest of humanity, we theatre folk. We are the original displaced personalities.\\
~~~Bill. You won't have to read his column tomorrow, Eve. You just heard it. I don't agree, Addison.\\
~~~Addison. That happens to be your particular abnormality.\\
~~~Bill. I admit there's a screwball element in the theatre. It sticks out, it's got spotlights on it and a brass band. But it isn't basic.
It isn't standard. If it were, the theatre couldn't survive.\\
~~~Monroe. (ウエイターを呼び止めて)Oh, waiter.\\
~~~Addison. That isn't a waiter, my dear. That's a butler.\\
~~~Monroe. Well, I can't yell out "Butler", can I? Maybe somebody's name is Butler.\\
「でも『バトラー』つて大声で呼ぶ訳には行かないでせう? 誰か、バトラーつていふ苗字の人がゐるかもしれないもの。」
~~~Addison. You have a point. An idiotic one, but a point.\\
~~~Monroe. I don't wanna make trouble. All I meant is a drink.\\
~~~Max. Leave it to me. I'll get you one.\\
~~~Monroe. Thank you, Mr. Fabian.\\
~~~Addison. Well done. I can see your career rising in the east like the sun. ... (ビルに)You were saying?\\
~~~Bill. I was saying that the theatre is nine-tenth hard work. Work done the hard way by sweat, application and craftsmanship.
I'll agree to this, to be a good actor or actress or anything in the theatre,
means wanting to be that more than anything else in the world.\\
~~~Eve. Yes. Yes, it does.\\
~~~Bill. It means a concentration of desire or ambition and sacrifice such as no other profession demands.
And I'll agree the man or woman who accepts those terms can't be ordinary, can't be just someone.
Give so much for almost always so little.\\
~~~Eve. "So little"? "So little," did you say? Why, if there's nothing else, there's applause. I've listened backstage to people applaud.
「『ほんの少し』、今、『ほんの少し』つて言ひました? でも、他の何がなくつたつて、拍手がありますわ。私、舞台裏で観客の拍手を何度聞いたか。」
It's like... like waves of love coming over the footlights and wrapping you up.
Imagine to know every night that different hundreds of people love you. They smile, their eyes shine, you've pleased them.
They want you, you belong. Just that alone is worth anything.\\
~~~Margo. Don't get up. And please stop acting as if I were the Queen Mother.\\
~~~Eve. I'm sorry, I didn't...\\
~~~Bill. Outside of a beehive, Margo, your behaviour is hardly considered queenly or motherly.\\
~~~Margo. You're in a beehive, pal, didn't you know? We're all busy bees, full of stings, making honey day and night. Aren't we, honey?
「あなたは蜂の巣にゐるの、さうでせう? 私達全員、忙しい働き蜂。針を抱へて、昼も夜も蜜を作つて。さうね? イヴ。」(これはイヴに)\\
~~~Karen. Margo, really.\\
~~~Margo. Please don't play governess, Karen. I haven't your unyielding good taste. I wish I could have gone to Radcliffe, too.
But father wouldn't hear of it. He needed help behind a notions counter. I'm being rude now, aren't I? Or should I say, ain't I?\\
「どうせ父親が行かせなかつたわ。店のカウンターに出て手伝はなきやならなかつたもの。こんな話、この場では失礼なこと?」(aren't I? と上品に言つたけど、身分相応にain't I? と無作法に言つた方がいい?)
~~~Addison. You're maudlin and full of self pity. You're magnificent.\\
~~~Lloyd. How about calling it a night?\\
「 ああ、これで今夜はお開きだ。」
~~~Margo. And you pose as a playwright. A situation pregnant with possibilities, and all you can think of is "everybody, go to sleep.".\\
~~~Bill. It's a good thought.\\
~~~Margo. It won't play.\\
~~~Karen. As a non-professional. I think it's an excellent idea.
Excuse me. Undramatic, perhaps, but practical.\\
~~~Margo. Happy little housewife.\\
~~~Bill. Cut it out.\\
~~~Margo. This is my house, not a theatre. In my house you're a guest, not a director.\\
~~~Karen. Then stop being a star and stop treating your guests as your supporting cast.\\
~~~Lloyd. Now, let's not get into a big hassle.\\
~~~Karen. It's about time we did. It's about time Margo has to realize what's attractive on stage need not be attractive off.\\
~~~Margo. All right! I'm going to bed. (ビルに)You be host. It's your party. Happy birthday. Welcome home.
「分つたわ! 私、もう寝る。あなた、主人役をやつて。結局のところ、これはあなたのパーティーなんですからね。誕生日、おめでたう。ご帰還、おめでたう。」
And we who are about to die salute you.\\
~~~Bill. Need any help?\\
~~~Margo. To put me to bed? Take my clothes off, hold my head? Tuck me in, turn out the lights and tiptoe out?
「あなた、ベッドに連れて行つてくれるの? 服を脱がせてくれて、頭を支へて枕を下に入れてくれて・・・それから電気を消してそつと抜足差足、部屋から出て行く。」
Eve would. Wouldn't you, Eve?\\
「イヴがやつてくれるわ。ね? イヴ。」
~~~Eve. If you'd like...\\
~~~Margo. I wouldn't like.\\
~~~Max. I forgot I had it.\\
~~~Monroe. I didn't.\\
~~~Addison. Too bad. We're gonna miss the third act. They're gonna play it offstage.\\
~~~Lloyd. Coming, Max?\\
「帰る? マックス。」
~~~Karen. In a minute. ... Eve, you mustn't mind Margo too much, even if I do.\\
~~~Eve. There must be some reason, something I've done without knowing.\\
~~~Karen. The reason is Margo and don't try to figure it out. Einstein couldn't.\\
~~~Eve. But if I thought I'd offended her, of all people...\\
~~~Karen. Eve ... I'm fond of Margo, too. But I know Margo. And every now and then, there is nothing.
I wanna do so much as kick her right square in the pants.\\
~~~Eve. Well, if she has to pick on someone, I'd just as soon it was me.\\
~~~Lloyd. Max is gonna drop us.\\
~~~Max. Good night.\\
~~~Karen. Good night.\\
~~~Eve. Mrs. Richards? You won't forget, will you? What we talked about before?\\
「ミスィズ・リチャーズ? 覚えてゐて下さいますわね? さつきお話したこと。」
~~~Karen. No, Eve. I won't forget.\\
(劇場の看板「The Devil's Disciple」)\\
(「Margo Channing. Aged in Wood」 これも看板。)\\
~~~Margo. Why so remote, Addison?
I should think you'd be at the side of your protege, lending her moral support.
~~~Addison. Miss Casswell at the moment is where I can lend no support, moral or otherwise.\\
~~~Margo. In the ladies', shall we say "lounge"?\\
「あら、バスルーム? それとも「ラウンジ」つて言はなきやいけないかしら?」
~~~Addison. Being violently ill to her tummy.\\
~~~Margo. It's good luck before an audition. She'll be alright once it starts.\\
~~~Addison. Miss Casswell got lucky too late. The audition is over.\\
~~~Margo. It can't be. I came here to read with Miss Casswell. I promised Max.\\
~~~Addison. The audition was called at 2:30. It's now nearly four.\\
~~~Margo. Is it really? I must start wearing a watch. I never have, you know. Who read with Miss Casswell? Bill?\\
「あら、さう? 時計をするやうにしなくちやいけないわ。私、時計は持つたことがないの。それで、ミス・キャスウェルのお相手は? ビル?」
~~~Addison. No.\\
~~~Margo. Lloyd?\\
~~~Addison. No.\\
~~~Margo. Well, it can't have been Max. Who?\\
~~~Addison. Naturally, your understudy.\\
~~~Margo. I considered it's highly unnatural to allow a girl in an advanced state of pregnancy...\\
~~~Addison. I refer to your new and unpregnant understudy, Miss Eve Harrington.\\
~~~Margo. Eve? My understudy?\\
「イヴが? 私のアンダースタディー?」
~~~Addison. Didn't you know?\\
「知らなかつた? そのことを。」
~~~Margo. Of course I knew.\\
~~~Addison. Just slipped your mind?\\
~~~Margo. How... was Miss Caswell?\\
~~~Addison. Frankly, I don't remember.\\
~~~Margo. Just slipped your mind?\\
~~~Addison. Completely.
Nor, I am sure, can anyone else present tell you how Miss Casswell read, or whether Miss Casswell read or rode a pogo stick.\\
pogo stick~~~一本棒で下にバネがある、竹馬に似た遊び道具\\
~~~Margo. Was she that bad?\\
~~~Addison. Margo, as you know I have lived in the theatre as a Trappist monk lives in his faith. I have no other world, no other life.
Once in a great while, I experience that moment of revelation for which all true believers wait and pray. You were one.
Jeanne Eagles another, Paula Wessely, Hayes. These are others, three or four. Eve Harrington will be among them.\\
~~~Margo. I take it she read well.\\
~~~Addison. It wasn't a reading, it was a performance. Brilliant, vivid, something made of music and fire.\\
~~~Margo. How nice.\\
~~~Addison. In time, she'll be what you are.\\
~~~Margo. A mass of music and fire. That's me. An old kazoo with some sparklers.
Tell me, was... Bill swept away too? Or were you too full of revelation to notice him?\\
「ちよつと・・・ビルもうつとりとなつてた? それともあなた、啓示を受け過ぎて、ビルを盗み見る暇もなかつたかしら?」
~~~Addison. Bill didn't say. But Lloyd was beside himself, listened to his play as if it had been written by someone else, he said.
It sounded so fresh, so new, so full of meaning.\\
~~~Margo. How nice for Lloyd. How nice for Eve. How nice for everybody.\\
~~~Addison. Eve was incredibly modest. She insisted that no credit was due her.
But Lloyd felt as he did because she read his lines exactly as he'd written them.\\
~~~Margo. The implication being that I have not been reading them as written?\\
~~~Addison. The best of my recollection, neither your name nor your performance entered the conversation.\\
~~~Addison. Ah, feeling better, my dear?\\
~~~Monroe. Like I just swam the English Channel. Now what?\\
~~~Addison. Your next move, it seems to me, should be towards television.\\
~~~Monroe. Tell me this, do they have auditions for television?\\
~~~Addison. That's all television is, my dear. Nothing but auditions.\\
~~~Max. Ah, Margo, darling.\\
~~~Max. Uh-hm...(他の人達に、マーゴが来たことを知らせる言葉)\\
~~~Margo. Terribly sorry I was late. Lunch was long and I couldn't find a cab. Where's Miss Casswell? Shall we start... Oh, hello, Eve.\\
「ご免なさい、遅くなつて。お昼に手間取つちやつて、タクシーが来なかつたの。ミス・キャスウェルはどこ? さ、始めませう。・・・ああ、イヴ。」
~~~Eve. Hello, Miss Channing.\\
~~~Margo. How are you making out in Mr. Fabian's office? Now, Max, I don't want you working this child too hard just because you promised.
「あなた、ミスター・フェイビアンのところにゐるんでせう? どう? あそこ。ねえ、マックス、あなた、この子を働かせるつて約束したからつて、扱ひ、酷いんぢやないでせうね?」
As you are, I kept my promise, too.\\
~~~Bill. It's all over.\\
~~~Margo. What's all over?\\
~~~Bill. The audition. Eve read with Miss Casswell.\\
~~~Margo. Eve? How enchanting. However you two get the idea of letting Eve read with Miss Casswell?\\
「イヴが? まあ、何て素敵。あなた、イヴをミス・キャスウェルの相手にするなんて、どこからそんな考へ、出てきたの?」
~~~Lloyd. Well, she's your understudy.\\
~~~Margo. Eve? My understudy? I had no idea.\\
~~~Lloyd. I thought you knew. She was put on over a week ago.\\
~~~Margo. It seems inconceivable. I've never seen her backstage, but with of course... with so many people loitering about... well, well.
So Eve is not working for Max, after all. Max, you sly puss.\\
~~~Eve. Miss Channing, I can't tell you how glad I am that you arrived so late.\\
~~~Margo. Really, Eve? Why?\\
~~~Eve. If you've been here to begin with, I never would have dared to read at all.\\
~~~Margo. Why not?\\
~~~Eve. If you'd come in the middle, I could have stopped, couldn't have gone on.\\
~~~Margo. What a pity. All that fire and music being turned off.\\
~~~Bill. What fire and music?\\
「何だ? その『音楽、それに火』つていふのは。」
~~~Margo. You wouldn't understand. How was Miss Caswell?\\
~~~Lloyd. Back to Corp. Copacabana. But Eve, Margo, let me tell you about Eve.\\
~~~Eve. I was dreadful, Miss Channing, believe me. I have no might to be anyone's understudy, much less yours.\\
~~~Margo. I'm sure you underestimate yourself. You always do. You were about to tell me about Eve.\\
~~~Lloyd. You'd have been proud of her.\\
~~~Margo. I'm sure.\\
~~~Lloyd. She was a revelation.\\
~~~Margo. Oh, to you too?\\
~~~Lloyd. What do you mean by that?\\
「僕にも? どういふことだ、それは。」
~~~Margo. I mean among other things.
It must have been a revelation to have a twenty-four year old character played by a twenty-four year old actress.\\
~~~Lloyd. That's beside the point.\\
~~~Margo. It is right to the point.
Oh, it must have seemed so new and fresh to you, so exciting, to have your lines read just as you wrote them.\\
~~~Bill. Addison.\\
~~~Margo. So full of meaning, fire and music.\\
~~~Lloyd. You've been talking to that venomous fishwife Addison DeWitt.\\
~~~Margo. In this case, apparently as trustworthy as the World Almanac.\\
~~~Lloyd. You knew when you came in that the audition was over, that Eve was your understudy.
Playing that childish game of cat and mouse.\\
~~~Margo. Not mouse. Never mouse. If anything, rat.\\
~~~Lloyd. This game of yours for making a barroom brawl out of a perfectly innocent misunderstanding for both.\\
~~~Margo. Perfectly innocent? Men have been hanged for less.
「無邪気? 何が無邪気なもんですか。大犯罪よ。これより程度の低い犯罪で、いくらでも人が絞首刑にあつてゐるわ。」
I'm lied to, attacked behind my back, accused of reading your silly dialogue inaccurately as if it were the holy gospel.\\
~~~Lloyd. I never said it was.\\
~~~Margo. When you listen as if someone else had written your play.
「自分の書いた芝居とは思へない、誰か別の人間の書いたものに聞える、ですつて? 聞いて呆れる!」
Whom do you have in mind? Arthur Miller? Sherwood? Beaumont and Fletcher?\\
「誰のことがその時頭にあつたのかしらね。アーサー・ミラー? シャーウッド? ボーモン? それともフレッチャー?」
~~~Max. (客席から)May I say a word?\\
~~~Lloyd. No. (マーゴに)What do you think either Miller of Sherwood would stand for the nonsense I take from you?
「駄目だ! 君の言つた馬鹿な話にミラーやシャーウッドが何の関係があるんだ!」
You better stick to Beaumont and Fletcher. They've been dead for 300 years!\\
~~~Margo. All playwrights should be dead for 300 years! \\
~~~Lloyd. That would solve none of their problems because actresses never die! The stars never die and never change.\\
「劇作家が死んでも、問題の解決になるものか! 女優が生きてゐるんだからな! スターは死なない、そして変りもしないんだ!」
~~~Margo. You may change this star any time you want for a new and fresh and exciting one. Fully equipped with fire and music.
「『変りもしない』? 冗談でせう。その気になれば、新しくて面白いスターにすぐ変へるのよ。音楽、それに火、で一杯の新人にね。」
Any time you want starting with tonight's performance.\\
「いつからだつて! さう、今夜の芝居からだつてね。」
~~~Max. This is for lawyers to talk about. This concerns all of the play contract that you cannot rewrite or adlib.\\
「これは弁護士がからむ話だぞ。芝居全部の契約に関係するんだ! アドリブとは違ふ。勝手には書換へられないんんだ!」
~~~Margo. Are you threatening me with legal action, Mr. Fabian?\\
「あなた、私に法律で脅すのね? ミスター・フェイビアン。」
~~~Max. Are you breaking the contract?\\
~~~Margo. Answer my question.\\
~~~Max. Who am I to threaten? I'm a dying man.\\
~~~Margo. I don't hear you.\\
「何? 聞こえないわ。」
~~~Max. I said I'm a dying man!\\
~~~Margo. Not until the last drugstore has sold its last pill.\\
~~~Lloyd. I shall never understand the weird process by which a body with a voice suddenly fancies itself as a mind.
Just when exactly does an actress decide they're her words she's saying and her thoughts she's expressing?\\
~~~Margo. Usually at the point when she has to rewrite and rethink them to keep the audience from leaving the theatre.\\
~~~Lloyd. It's about time the piano realized it has not written the concerto!\\
~~~Margo. And you, I take it, are the Paderewski who plays his concerto on me, the piano?(me と同格)\\
「(ビルに)それであなたは自分がパデレーフスキーだと思つてゐるのね? 私といふピアノを弾いてゐる。」
~~~Margo. Where is Princess Fire and Music?\\
「それで、王女さまはどこ? 『音楽、それに火』の王女様は?」
~~~Bill. Who?\\
~~~Margo. The kid. Junior.\\
~~~Bill. (ベッドの下まで捜して)Gone.\\
~~~Margo. I must have frightened her away.\\
~~~Bill. I wouldn't be surprised. Sometimes you frighten me.\\
~~~Margo. Poor little flower. Dropped her petals and folded her tent.\\
~~~Bill. Don't mix your metaphors.\\
~~~Margo. I'll mix what I like!\\
~~~Bill. Okay, mix.\\
~~~Margo. I'm nothing but a body with a voice. No mind.\\
~~~Bill. What a body. What a voice.\\
~~~Margo. That ex-ship news reporter. No body, no voice, all mind.
「あのアディスンの奴! 肉体も声もなし。ただ心だけ。(ここ自信なし)」
~~~Bill. The gong rang, the fight's over, calm down.\\
~~~Margo. I will not calm down.\\
~~~Bill. Don't calm down.\\
~~~Margo. You're being terribly tolerant, aren't you?\\
~~~Bill. I'm trying terribly hard.\\
~~~Margo. Well, you needn't be. I will not be tolerated and I will not be plotted against.\\
~~~Bill. Here we go.\\
~~~Margo. Such nonsense. What do you all take me for? Little Nell from the country?
Been my understudy for over a week without me knowing it. Carefully hidden, no doubt.\\
~~~Bill. Now, don't get carried away.\\
~~~Margo. Arrives here for an audition when everyone knows I will be here.
And gives a performance, out of nowhere gives a performance.\\
~~~Bill. You've been all through that with Lloyd.\\
~~~Margo. The playwright doesn't make the performance. It doesn't just happen, this one didn't... full of fire and music and what not.
Cheerfully rehaearsed, I have no doubt. Full of those Bill Simpson touches.\\
~~~Bill. I am sick and tired of being these paranoiac outbursts.\\
~~~Margo. Paranoiac?\\
~~~Bill. I didn't know Eve Harrington was your understudy until half past two this afternoon.\\
~~~Margo. Tell that to Dr. Freud along with the rest of it.\\
~~~Bill. No, I'll tell it to you for the last time I'll tell it to you.
Cause you've got to stop hurting yourself, and me, and the two of us by these paranoiac tantrums.\\
~~~Margo. Oh, that word again. I don't even know what it means.\\
~~~Bill. But it's about time you found out. I love you. I love you. You're beautiful and intelligent.\\
~~~Margo. A body without a voice.\\
~~~Bill. A beautiful and an intelligent woman and a great actress. A great actress at the peak of her career.
You have every reason for happiness.\\
~~~Margo. Except happiness.\\
~~~Bill. Every reason. But due to some strange uncontrollable and unconscious drive, you permit the slightest action of a kid...\\
~~~Margo. A kid!\\
~~~Bill. ... a kid like Eve to turn you a hysterical screaming harpy. Now, once and for all, stop it.\\
「イヴのやうなおねんねの子供が、マーゴ・チャニングをヒステリー女に変へることが出来るなんて。分るだらう? もうこれつ限りで止めるんだ。」
~~~Margo. It's obvious you're not a woman.\\
~~~Bill. I've been aware of that for some time.\\
~~~Margo. Well, I am.\\
~~~Bill. I'll say.\\
~~~Margo. Don't be condescending.\\
~~~Bill. Come on, get up. I'll buy you a drink.\\
~~~Margo. I admit I may have seen better days, but I'm still not to be had for the price of a cocktail. Like a salted peanut.\\
~~~Bill. Margo, let's make peace.\\
~~~Margo. The terms are too high. Unconditional surrender.\\
~~~Bill. Just being happy? Just stopping all this nonsense about Eve? And Eve and me?\\
~~~Margo. It's not nonsense.\\
~~~Bill. But if I tell you it is, as I just did... were you listening to me?\\
~~~Bill. Isn't that enough?\\
~~~Margo. I wish it were.\\
~~~Bill. Then what would be? If we got married?\\
~~~Margo. I wouldn't want you to marry me just to prove something.\\
~~~Bill. You've had so many reasons for not wanting to marry me. Margo, tell me what's behind all this.\\
~~~Margo. I ... I don't know, Bill. It's just a feeling. I don't know.\\
~~~Bill. I think you do know. But you won't or can't tell me. I said before it was gonna be my last try, and I meant it.
I can't think of anything else to do. I wish I could. We usually wind up screaming and throwing things as the curtain comes down.
Then it comes up again and everything's fine. But not this time.
You know there isn't a playwright in the world who could make me believe this would happen between two adult people.
Goodbye, Margo.\\
~~~Margo. Bill, where are you going? To find Eve?\\
「ビル、どこへ行くの? イヴのところ?」
~~~Bill. That suddenly makes the whole thing believable.\\
~~~Karen. Lloyd. Lloyd, what's happened?\\
~~~Lloyd. Up to here (喉を指さして), that's where I've got it. Up to here. Of all the star ridden, presumptuous, hysterical....\\
~~~Karen. Margo, again.\\
~~~Lloyd. And again and again. Two hours late for the audition to begin with.\\
~~~Karen. That's on time for Margo.\\
~~~Lloyd. And then a childish heavy handed routine about not knowing Eve was her understudy.\\
~~~Karen. Well, it's possible she didn't.\\
~~~Lloyd. Of course she knew. For one thing, Addison told her superbly Eve had read the part.
Karen, let me tell you about Eve. She's got everything. A born actress. Sensitive, understanding, young, exciting, vibrant.\\
~~~Karen. You'll run out of adjectives, dear.\\
~~~Lloyd. Everything a playwright first thinks of wanting to write about. Until his play becomes a vehicle for Miss Channing.\\
~~~Karen. Margo hasn't done badly by it.\\
~~~Lloyd. Margo, Margo's great. She knows it, that's the trouble. She can play Pack's Bad Boy all she wants and who's to stop her?
Pack's Bad Boy~~~夏の夜の夢のパックらしい\\
Who's to give her that boot in the rear she needs and deserves?
~~~Karen. It's gonna be a cozy weekend.\\
~~~Lloyd. What is?\\
「旅行? 何だ、それは。」
~~~Karen. We're driving out to the country tomorrow night. Just the four of us. Bill, Margo, you and I.\\
「明日の夜から田舎にドライヴだつたでせう? 四人だけで。ビル、マーゴ、それに私達夫婦。」
~~~Lloyd. Well, we've spent weekends before with nobody talking. Just be sure to lock up all blunt instruments and throwable objects.\\
we've spent~~~We will have spent~~のことと思う\\
~~~Karen.(地の文)Newton, they said thought of gravity by getting hit on the head by an apple.
And the man who invented the steam engine, he was watching a teakettle. But not me.
My big ideas came to me just sitting on a couch. That boot in the rear to Margo.
Heaven knows she had one coming from me, from Lloyd, from Eve, Bill, Max and so on. We'd all felt those size fives of hers often enough.
But how? The answer was buzzing around me like a fly. I had it. But I let it go.
Screaming and calling names is one thing, but this could mean... Why not? "Why", I said to myself, "not"?
It would all seem perfectly legitimate. And only two people in the world would know.
Also the boot would land where it would do the most good for all concerned.
And after all, it was no more than a perfectly harmless joke which Margo herself would be the first to enjoy.
And no reason why she shouldn't be told about it in time.
(電話に) Hello. Will you please call Miss Harrington to the phone? Not at all. I'll wait.\\
「もしもし。ミス・ハリントンを呼んで下さらない? ええ、構はないわ。待ちます。」
~~~Karen. (地の文)It was a cold weekend, outside and in. Bill didn't come at all.
Margo didn't know where he was and didn't care... she kept saying.
Somehow we staggered through Sunday.
And by the time we drove Margo to the station late Monday afternoon,
she and Lloyd had thawed out to the extent of being civil to each other. (会話の文になって。車の中)What time is it?\\
~~~Lloyd. When you asked a minute ago, it was 5:42. It is now 5:43. When you ask again a minute from now...\\
~~~Karen. I just don't want Margo to miss her train. As it is, she'll barely make the theatre.\\
~~~Lloyd. 5:55. We'll be at the station in plenty of time.\\
~~~Margo. That little place just two hours from New York.
It's on my list of things I'll never understand like collecting shrunken Indian heads.\\
「 こんな所に別荘だなんて、失敗したわ。干涸びたインディアンの頭なんか集めるの、その気が知れない、と思つてゐたけど、この別荘もそんなものね。」
~~~Karen. But of all people, you should know what it means to want a little place peace and quiet.\\
~~~Margo. Peace and quiet is for libraries.\\
~~~Karen. Lloyd, please.\\
~~~Lloyd. Just a little skid, that's all. This road's like glass.\\
~~~Margo. Karen and I just don't want an accident.\\
~~~Lloyd. I have no intention to having an accident.\\
~~~Margo. It isn't important whether you do. We are wearing long underwear.\\
~~~Lloyd. Now what's this? ... But it can't be. We can't be out of gas. I filled it myself yesterday.
「ええっ? 何だ、これは。まさか、ガソリンが切れるなどと。昨日僕はちやんと満タンにしておいたぞ。」
(カレンに)Wasn't it full when you drove to Brewster this morning?\\
~~~Karen. I guess I didn't look. You know I don't pay attention to those things.\\
~~~Lloyd. Just incredible.\\
~~~Margo. How much time have we got?\\
「あと何分あるの? 汽車の発車まで。」
~~~Lloyd. Oh, roughly ten minutes.\\
~~~Margo. How far the station?\\
~~~Lloyd. About three or four miles.\\
~~~Margo. Any houses where we can borrow some gas?\\
~~~Lloyd. There's none in sight. There's not much along this back road.\\
~~~Margo. Not many cars either. Not much chance of a lift.\\
~~~Lloyd. Well, no sense in just sitting here. I'm gonna walk up about half a mile, just in case.\\
~~~Margo. You wanted it on?\\
~~~Karen. It doesn't matter.\\
~~~Margo. I detest cheap sentiment.(ラジオのスイッチを切る)Karen? (煙草を出す)\\
~~~Karen. No, thank you.\\
~~~Margo. I haven't been very pleasant this weekend.\\
~~~Karen. We've all been a little tense lately.\\
~~~Margo. Come to think of it, I haven't been very pleasant for weeks. For that, I'm truly sorry.
More than any two people I know, I don't want you and Lloyd to be angry with me.\\
~~~Karen. We never deeply angry. We just get mad the way you do. We know you too well.\\
~~~Margo. So many people know me. I wish I did. I wish someone would tell me about me.\\
~~~Karen. You're Margo. Just ... Margo.\\
~~~Margo. And what is that? Besides something spelled out in light bulbs, I mean.
「その、マーゴつて何? ネオンサインで、でかでかと書かれるマーゴつていふ名、それ以外に何なの?」
Besides something called temperament
which consists mostly of swooping about on a broomstick and screaming at the top of my voice.
Infants behave the way I do, you know. They carry on and misbehave.
They'd get drunk if they knew how, when they can't have what they want. When they feel unwanted or insecure or unloved.\\
~~~Karen. What about Bill?\\
~~~Margo. What about Bill?\\
~~~Karen. He's in love with you.\\
~~~Margo. More than anything else in this world, I love Bill. And I want Bill. And I want him to want me. But me, not Margo Channing.
And if I can't tell them about, how can he?\\
~~~Karen. Well, why \textit{should} he and why should \textit{you}?\\
~~~Margo. Bill's in love with Margo Channing. He's fought with her, worked with her, loved her.
But ten years from now Margo Channing will have ceased to exist. And what's left will be ... what?\\
「でも、今から10年経てば、マーゴ・チャニングなんてこの世にゐない。ぢや、抜殻は一体何? 何なのかしら。」
~~~Karen. Margo, Bill is all of eight years younger than you.\\
~~~Margo. Those years stretch as the years go on. I've seen it happen too often.\\
~~~Karen. Not to you, not to Bill.\\
~~~Margo. Isn't that what they always say?\\
~~~Margo. I don't suppose the heater runs when the motor doesn't.\\
~~~Karen. Silly, isn't it? You'd think they'd fix it so people could just sit in a car and keep warm.\\
~~~Margo. About Eve. I've acted pretty disgracefully toward her, too.\\
~~~Karen. Well...\\
~~~Margo. Don't fumble for excuses. Not here and now with my hair down. At best, let's say I've been oversensitive to...
~~~Not here and now with my hair down.~~~不明\\
Well, to the fact that she's so young, so feminine and so helpless. So many things I want to be for Bill. Funny business, a woman's career.
The things you drop on your way up, so you can move faster. You forget you'll need them again when you get back to being a woman.
That's one career all females have in common, whether we like it or not. Being a woman. Sooner or later, we've got to work at it.
No matter how many other careers we've had or wanted.\\
And in the last analysis, nothing's any good unless you can look up just before dinner or turn around in bed and there he is.
Without that, you're not a woman. You're something with a French provincial office or a ... a book full of clippings.
But you're not a woman. Slow curtain. The end.\\
~~~Karen. Margo. Margo, I want you to know how sorry I am about this.\\
~~~Margo. About what?\\
~~~Karen. This. I can't tell you how sorry I am.\\
~~~Margo. Oh, don't give it a thought. One of destiny's many pranks.
After all, you didn't personally drain the gasoline tank yourself.\\
~~~Addison. (地の文)Eve, of course, was superb.  
Many of the audience understandably preferred to return another time to see Margo.  
But those who remained cheered loudly, lustily and long for Eve. How thoughtful of her to call and invite me that afternoon.
And what a happy coincidence that several representatives of another newspapers happened to be present.
All of us invited that afternoon to attend an understudy's performance
about which the management knew nothing until they were forced to ring up the curtain at nine o'clock. Coincidence.\\
~~~Bill.(部屋の中からビルの声。これをアディスン、聞いている)You were better than all right, you did the performance, you rang a bell.
Little thing here and there, but it doesn't matter. You can be proud of yourself.\\
~~~Eve. Are you proud of me, Bill?\\
「私のことを誇りに思つてくれる? ビル。」
~~~Bill. I admit I was worried when Max called. I had my doubts.\\
~~~Eve. You shouldn't have had any doubts.\\
~~~Bill. After all, the other day was one scene. The woods are full of one scene sensations. But you did it.
With work and patience, you'll be a good actress. If that's what you want to be.\\
~~~Eve. Is that what you want me to be?\\
~~~Bill. I'm talking about you and what you want.\\
~~~Eve. So am I.\\
~~~Bill. What have I got to do with it?\\
「今君、『私がさうなつて欲しい?』つて訊いたろ? 僕に何の関係があるんだ。」
~~~Eve. Everything.\\
~~~Bill. The names I've been called, but never Svengali. Good luck.\\
「よく言うね。たいていにしておけ。ぢやな。(ここ、不明。Svengali は多分、何かの芝居の登場人物)」
~~~Eve. Don't run away, Bill.\\
~~~Bill. From what would I be running?\\
~~~Eve. You're always after truth on the stage. What about off?\\
「芝居ではあなた、いつでも真実を追求するでせう? 芝居以外では?」
~~~Bill. I'm for it.\\
~~~Eve. Then face it. I have. Ever since that first night in here in this dressing room. \\
~~~Bill. When I told you what every actress should know.\\
~~~Eve. You told me that whatever I became, it would be because of you.\\
(能美註 あの時ビルはこんなことは言つてない。)
~~~Bill. Makeup's a little heavy.\\
~~~Eve. And for you.\\
~~~Bill. You're quite a girl.\\
~~~Eve. You think?\\
~~~Bill. I'm in love with Margo. Hadn't you heard?\\
~~~Eve. You hear all kinds of things.\\
~~~Bill. I'm only human, rumours to the contrary, and I'm as curious as the next man.\\
~~~Eve. Find out.\\
~~~Bill. Only thing. What I go after, I want to go after. I don't want it to come after me. (イヴ、顔色が変る。離れる)
Don't cry. Just score it as an incomplete forward pass.
~~~Eve. Who is it?\\
~~~Addison. May I come in?\\
~~~Eve. (にっこり笑って)Certainly, Mr. DeWitt.\\
~~~Addison. I expected to find this room overcrowded with a theatre full of people at your feet.\\
~~~Eve. I consider myself lucky they didn't throw things.\\
~~~Addison. Of course your performance was no surprise to me. After the other day, I regarded it as simply a promise fulfilled.\\
~~~Eve. You're more than kind. But it's still Miss Channing's performance.
I'm just the carbon copy you read when you can't find the original.\\
~~~Addison. You're more than modest.\\
~~~Eve. It's not modesty. I just don't try to kid myself.\\
~~~Addison. A revolutionary approach to the theatre. But if I may a suggestion...\\
~~~Eve. Please do.\\
~~~Addison. I think the time has come for you to shed some of your humility.
It is just as false not to blow your horn at all as it is to blow it too loudly.\\
~~~Eve. I don't think I've done anything to sound off about.\\
~~~Addison. We all come into this world with our little egos equipped with individual horns. If we don't blow them, who else will?\\
~~~Eve. Even so... one pretty good performance by an understudy. It'll be forgotten tomorrow.\\
~~~Addison. It needn't be.\\
~~~Eve. Even if I wanted to, as you say, be less humble, blow my own horn, how would I do it? I'm less than nobody.\\
「あなたが言ふやうに謙遜を少し止めるにしたつて、そして角笛を吹かうとしたつて、私がどうすればいいつて言ふの? 何も出来はしないわ、私なんかに。」
~~~Addison. I am somebody.\\
~~~Eve. You certainly are.\\
~~~Addison. (イヴが着替えに隣の部屋へ入るので)Leave the door open a bit, so we can talk.
After you change, if you're not busy elsewhere, we could have supper.\\
~~~Eve. I'd love to. Or should I pretend I'm busy?\\
~~~Addison. Let's have a minimum of pretending. I shall want to do a column about you.\\
~~~Eve. I'm not even enough for a paragraph.\\
~~~Addsion. Perhaps more than one. There's so much I want to know. I've heard your story in bits and pieces.
Your home in Wisconsin, your tragic marriage, your fanatical attachment to Margo. It started in San Francisco, didn't it?
I say your idolatory of Margo started in San Francisco, didn't it?\\
「さうだつたね? 君のマーゴへの強烈な傾倒はサンフランシスコで始まつたんだね?」
~~~Eve. That's right.\\
~~~Addison. San Francisco, an oasis of civilization in the California desert. Tell me, do you share my high opinion of San Francisco?\\
「サンフランシスコと言へば、カリフォルニアの砂漠の中の文化のオアシスだ。どう? 君、僕の意見と同じ?」
~~~Eve. Yes, I do.\\
~~~Addison. And that memorable night when Margo first dazzled you from the stage... what theatre was it in San Francisco?
Was it the Shubert?\\
~~~Eve. Yes, the Shubert.\\
~~~Addison. Fine old theatre, the Shubert. Full of tradition.
Untouched by the earthquake. Or should I say fire? Tell me, what was your husband's name?\\
~~~Eve. Eddie.\\
~~~Addison. Eddie what?\\
~~~Eve. I'm about to go into the shower, I won't be able to hear you.\\
~~~Addison. Oh... well, I can wait. Where would you like to go? We must make this a special night.\\
「ああ、構はない。待つてる。何処に行く? 今夜は特別な夜だ。」
~~~Eve. You take charge.\\
~~~Addison. I believe I will.\\
~~~Karen. (地の文)Some of the morning papers carried a squib about Eve's performance. Not much, but full of praise.
I couldn't imagine how they found out about it. But Lloyd said Max's publicity man probably sent out the story.
At any rate, I felt terribly guilty and ashamed of myself and wanted nothing so much as to forget the whole thing.
Margo and I were having lunch at "21". Just like girlfriends... with hats on.\\
~~~Karen. Has Miss Channing come in?\\
~~~受付の男. Not yet, Mrs. Richards.\\
~~~Karen. Thank you. ... Oh, Eve! I've heard the most wonderful things about your performance.\\
「有難う。・・・ああ、イヴ! あなた、評判聞いたわよ、あの時の演技の。」
~~~Eve. Mostly relief that I managed to stagger through it all.\\
~~~Addison. She was magnificent.\\
~~~Karen. Then you've heard, too?\\
~~~Addison. I was there. An eyewitness.\\
~~~Karen. You were there at the play last night?\\
~~~Addison. A happy coincidence.\\
~~~Eve. We're having lunch with a movie talent scout.\\
~~~Karen. They certainly don't waste much time, do they?\\
~~~Eve. It's nothing definite. Just to have lunch.\\
~~~Addison. They'll be wasting this much of their time. Eve has no intention of going to Hollywood.
By the smartness of your dress, I take it to your lunch companion is a lady.\\
~~~Karen. Margo.\\
~~~Addison. Margo? Lunching in public?\\
「マーゴ? 公衆の前に出てくる? マーゴが。」
~~~Karen. Oh, it's a new Margo. But she's just as late as the old one.\\
~~~Addison. She may be later than you think. (受付の男の机から新聞を取って)Why not read my column to pass the time?
The minutes will fly like hours.\\
~~~Karen. Thank you, Addison.\\
~~~Addison. Now we must join our sunburned eager beaver.\\
~~~Eve. Goodbye, Karen.\\
~~~Karen. Goodbye.\\
~~~Margo. (新聞を読む)"And so my hat which has, lo, these many seasons become firmly rooted about my ears
is litted to Miss Harrington. I am once more available for dancing in the streets and shouting from the housetops."
litted ~~~不明\\
I thought that one went out with Woolcott.\\
~~~Now, down here, listen to this.\\
"Miss Harrington had much to tell and these colums shall report her faithfully about the lamentable practice in our theatre
of permitting, shall we say, mature actresses to continue playing roles
requiring a youth
and vigour of which they retain but a dim memory.\\
~~~Karen. I just can't believe it.\\
~~~Margo. It gets better. "About the understandable reluctance on the part of our entrenched first ladies of the stage
to encourage, shall we say, younger actresses.
About Miss Harrington's own long unsupported struggle for opportunity." \\
~~~Karen. I can't believe Eve said those things.\\
~~~Margo. "In this rat race, everybody's guilty till they're proved innocent.
One of the differences between the theatre and civilization."
What gets me is how all the papers in town happened to catch that particular performance.\\
~~~Karen. Lloyd says it's a publicity release.\\
~~~Margo. The little witch (イヴのこと)must have sent out Indian Runners snatching critics
out of bars, steam rooms and museums or wherever they hole up.「バーにも、トルコ風呂にも、美術館にも、その他どこへでも。」
She won't get away with it. Nor will Addison DeWitt and his poison pen.
If equity or my lawyer can't or won't do anything about it,
I shall personally stuff that pathetic little lost lamb down Mr. DeWitt's ugly throat!\\
~~~Bill. I came as soon as I read that piece of filth. I ran all the way...\\
~~~Bill. Bill's here, baby. Everything's all right, now. (ビル、カレンに合図)\\
~~~Karen. I guess at this point I'm at the what the French call "de trop".\\
~~~Bill. Maybe just a little around the edges.\\
~~~Lloyd. It's Addison, from start to finish. It drips with his brand of venom.
Taking advantage of a kid like that twisting her words, making her say what he wanted her to say.\\
~~~Karen. Where did you get all that information?\\
~~~Lloyd. Eve.\\
~~~Karen. Eve?\\
~~~Lloyd. She's been to see me.\\
~~~Karen. Oh.\\
~~~Lloyd. As a matter of fact, she left just before you came in. You just missed her.\\
~~~Karen. That was a pity.\\
~~~Lloyd. Wanted to explain about the interview. Wanted to apologize to someone, and didn't dare face Margo.\\
~~~Karen. I wonder why.\\
~~~Lloyd. She started to tell me all about it and couldn't finish. She cried so.(カレン、「やれやれ」といふ顔)
You know, I've been going over our financial condition, if you'll pardon the expression.\\
~~~Karen. That's quite a change of subject.\\
~~~Lloyd. What with taxes coming up and since I'm a playwright and not an oil operator, I've been thinking...\\
~~~Karen. I'm trying hard to follow you.\\
~~~Lloyd. If instead of waiting until next season to do "Footsteps on the Ceiling" which is in pretty good shape,
and if Margo can be talked into going on tour with "Aged in Wood", we could put "Footsteps" into production right away.\\
~~~Karen. I'm beginning to catch up.\\
~~~Lloyd. If we can cast it properly, that is.\\
~~~Karen. Maybe get some younger actress for the part? Someone who'd look the part as well as play it?\\
「誰か主役が出来る女優が見つかればつていふことね? 芝居もやれて、容姿も申分ないといふやうな。」
~~~Lloyd. You've got to admit, it'd be a novelty.\\
「うん、さうだ。分るだらう? 新しみがある。」
~~~Karen. Now you're quoting again Addison or Eve.\\
「またあなた、イヴの話? それともアディスン?」
~~~Lloyd. Um... Eve did mention the play, but just in passing. She'd never asked to play a part she'd never have the nerve.\\
~~~Karen. Eve would ask Abbot to give her Costello.
~~~Lloyd. No, I got the idea myself while she was talking to me about the play.\\
~~~Karen. With gestures, of course.\\
~~~Lloyd. For once, to write something and have it realized completely. For once, not to compromise.\\
~~~Karen. Lloyd Richards, you are not considering giving that contemptible little worm the part of Cora!\\
~~~Lloyd. Now, just a minute...\\
~~~Karen. Margo Channing has not been exactly a compromise all these years.
Why have the playwrights in the world would give their shirts for that particular compromise?\\
give the shirt off~~~人を怒らせる(ここ不明。have とwould も変)\\
~~~Lloyd. Now, just a minute...\\
~~~Karen. It strikes me Eve's disloyalty and ingratitude must be contagious.\\
~~~Lloyd. All this hysteria because of an impulsive kid got carried away
by the excitement and conniving of a professional manure slinger named DeWitt. She apologized, didn't she?\\
~~~Karen. On her knees. I've not doubt. Very touching. Very Academy of Dramatic Arts.\\
~~~Lloyd. That bitter cynicism of yours is something you've acquired since you left Radcliffe.\\
~~~Karen. That cynicism you referred to I acquired the day I discovered I was different from little boys.\\
~~~Lloyd. Ha!\\
~~~Lloyd. Hello... Oh, hi, Margo. No, not at all. Karen and I were just chatting. ... Hum?
Why, yes, I'm sure we can and I'm sure we'd love to. Right. 11:45 ish. Ah-hum. See you then. (電話を切って、カレンに)
Margo and Bill want us to meet them at the Cub Room tonight after the theatre for a bottle of wine.\\
~~~Karen. Margo Channing in the Cub Room. I couldn't be more surprised if she'd said Grant's Tomb.\\
~~~Lloyd. I'm glad Bill's back.\\
~~~Karen. They'd die without each other.\\
~~~Lloyd. Darling, I didn't promise Eve anything. Just I thought she'd be fine for the part, but there were some practical difficulties.\\
~~~Karen. Such as?\\
~~~Lloyd. You, for one. I told her you set on Margo playing the part and I certainly wouldn't make a change without your approval.\\
~~~Karen. That's fine. Fine and dandy. Just refer all of Miss Eve Harrington's future requests to me.
~~~Bill. The so-called art of acting is not one for which I have a particularly high regard.\\
~~~Margo. Hear, hear.\\
~~~Bill. But you may quote me as follows, quote... Tonight Miss Margo Channing gave a performance in your cockamamie play,
the like of which I have never seen before and expect rarely to see again. Unquote.\\
~~~Margo. He does not exaggerate. I was good.\\
~~~Bill. You were great.\\
~~~Lloyd. It's been quite a night. I hear your understudy, Miss Harrington, has given her notice.(おろされた)\\
~~~Margo. Too bad.\\
~~~Bill. I'm broken up about it.(愉快だ)\\
~~~Lloyd. Just some reason, you just can't pick up champagne and drink it. Somebody's got to be very witty about a toast.\\
~~~Bill. I shall propose the toast. Without wit, with all my heart. To Margo, to my bride-to-be.\\
~~~Margo. Glory hallelujah.\\
~~~Karen. Margo!\\
~~~Bill. Drink?\\
~~~Karen. When? When are you going to do it?\\
「ねえ、いつなの? いつ結婚式?」
~~~Bill. Tomorrow we meet at City Hall at ten. (マーゴに)And you're going to be on time.\\
~~~Margo. Yes, sir.\\
~~~Lloyd. City Hall. That's for prize fighters and reporters. I see a cathedral, a bishop, banks of flowers...
~~~Bill. It's only for the license. There's a three days wait for blood tests things like that.\\
~~~Margo. I'll marry you if it turns out you have no blood at all.\\
~~~Karen. What are you going to wear?\\
~~~Margo. Something simple. A fur coat over a night gown.(カレン、笑う)\\
~~~Bill. The point is this. In a cathedral, a ballpark or a penny arcade, we want you two beside us, as our nearest and dearest friends.\\
~~~Karen. Which we are. Which we'll always be.\\
~~~Lloyd. There are very few moments in life as good as this. Let's remember it.
(グラスを上げて)To each of us and all of us never have we been more close. May we never be farther apart.\\
「(乾杯の言葉)ここにゐるこの四人に! ここまで、これほど近しい付合いが続いてきた、この四人に! そしてそれがいつまでも続きますやうに!」(四人、グラスを上げて、飲む)\\
~~~Waiter. Mrs. Richards?\\
~~~Karen. Yes.\\
~~~Waiter. Here. (手紙が盆の上にある)\\
~~~Karen. OK.\\
~~~Waiter. Thank you. (カレン、手紙を読んでいる)\\
~~~Lloyd. Very indiscreet. A note in the open like that. Next time, tell your lover to blow smoke rings or tap a glass.\\
~~~Margo. Lloyd, I want you to be big about this. The world is full of love tonight. No woman is safe.\\
「ロイド、今日は大目に見てやつたら? 今夜は愛で一杯なの。女性は誰でもはめをはづしちやふ。」
~~~Karen. Well, this beats all world's records for running, jumping or standing gall.(これは世界一の身の程知らずからだわ)\\
gall~~~苛立たせること(running, jumping or standingはその形容)
~~~Margo. (読む)"Please forgive my butting in to what seems such a happy occasion. But it's most important that I speak with you.
Please." and that's underlined. "Meet me in the ladies room. Eve."\\
~~~Bill. I understand she's now the understudy in there.(カレン、笑う)\\
~~~Margo. Hand me that empty bottle. I may find her.
... Well, look, there's Rasputin. (アディスンがテーブルについている)
~~~Margo. Encore, champagne.\\
~~~Waiter. More champagne, Miss Channing?\\
「シャンペンですね? ミス・チャニング。」
~~~Margo. That's what I said, bub.\\
~~~Lloyd. After all, maybe she just wants to apologize.\\
~~~Karen. I have no possible interest in anything she has to say.\\
~~~Bill. But what could she say? That's what fascinates me.\\
~~~Lloyd. (カレンに)Go on, find out.\\
~~~Margo. Karen, during all the years of our long friendship, I have never let you go to the ladies' room alone. Now I must.
I am busting to find out what's going on in that feverish little brain waiting in there.\\
~~~Karen. Well... All right. (と立つ)\\
~~~Addison. Karen!\\
~~~Addison. How nice!\\
~~~Bill. Very effective, but why take it out on me?
~~~Eve. I was wondering whether you'd come at all.\\
~~~Karen. Don't get up. And don't act as if I were the Queen Mother.\\
~~~Eve. I don't expect you to be pleasant.\\
~~~Karen. I don't intend to be.\\
~~~Eve. Can't we sit down just for a minute? I've got a lot to say and none of it is easy.\\
「坐つて下さいません? 少しだけ。私、沢山お話しなければなりません。それに、そのどれもが、大変言ひ難いことばかり。」
~~~Karen. There can't be very much.\\
~~~Eve. But there is.\\
~~~Karen. Easy or not, I won't believe a word of it.\\
~~~Eve. Why should you? Please sit down.\\
~~~Eve. You know. I've always considered myself a very clever girl. Smart, good head on my shoulders, that sort of thing.
Never the wrong word at the wrong time. But then I'd never met Addison DeWitt. I remember I had a tooth pulled once.
They gave me some anesthetic. I don't remember the name. It affected me strangely.
I found myself saying things I wasn't even thinking.
As if my mind was some place outside of my body and couldn't control what I did or said.\\
~~~Karen. And you felt just like that talking to Addison?\\
~~~Eve. In a way. You find yourself trying to say what you mean, but somehow the words change. They become his words.
And suddenly you're not saying what you mean, but what he means.\\
~~~Karen. Do you expect me to believe that you didn't say any of those things? That they were all Addison?\\
「あなた、あの記事に書いてあることは何一つ言つてないつて私に言ふつもり? あれ全部がアディスンの作り話だつて。」
~~~Eve. I don't expect you to believe anything. Except that the responsibility is mine... and the disgrace.\\
~~~Karen. Let's not get over-dramatic.\\
~~~Eve. You really have a low opinion of me, haven't you? I'll give you some pleasant news.
「私のことを本当に軽蔑していらつしやるのね? 私、良いお知らせがありますわ。」
I've been told off in no uncertain terms, all over town. Miss Channing should be happy to hear that.
To know how loyal her friends are, how much more loyal than she had a right to expect me to be.\\
~~~Karen. Eve, don't cry.\\
~~~Eve. I'm not crying.\\
~~~Karen. Tell me, how did your luncheon turn out with the man from Hollywood?\\
~~~Eve. Some vague promises of a test, that's all. If a particular part should come along, one of those things.\\
~~~Karen. But the raves about your performance...\\
~~~Eve. An understudy's performance.\\
~~~Karen. Oh, well, I think you're painting the picture a little blacker than it is, really. If nothing else, don't underestimate him.
「ちよつと将来を暗く考へ過ぎてゐるんぢやない? 他に誰がいなくても、」
You have a powerful friend in Addison.\\
~~~Eve. He's not my friend. You were my friends.\\
~~~Karen. He can help you.\\
~~~Eve. I wish I'd never met him. I'd like him to be dead. I want my friends back.\\
~~~Karen. Eve... I don't think you meant to cause unhappiness.
But you did. More to yourself perhaps, as it turned out, than to anyone else.\\
~~~Eve. I'll never get over it.\\
~~~Karen. Yes, you will. You theatre people always do. Nothing is forever in the theatre.
Whatever it is, it's here, it flares up, burns hot, and it's gone.\\
~~~Eve. I wish I could believe that.\\
~~~Karen. Give yourself time. Don't worry too much about what people think. You're very young and very talented.
And, believe it or not, if there's anything I can do...\\
~~~Eve. There is something.\\
~~~Karen. I think I know.\\
~~~Eve. Something most important you can do.\\
~~~Karen. You want to play Cora. You want me to tell Lloyd I think you should play it.\\
~~~Eve. If you told him so, he'd give me the part. He said he would.\\
~~~Karen. After all you've said. Don't you know that part was written for Margo?\\
~~~Eve. (カレンの手をぐっと引き)It might have been 15 years ago. It's my part now.\\
~~~Karen. You talk just as Addison said you did.\\
~~~Eve. Cora is my part. You've got to tell Lloyd it's my part for me.\\
~~~Karen. I don't think anything in the world will make me say that.\\
~~~Eve. Addison wants me to play it.\\
~~~Karen. Over my dead body.\\
~~~Eve. That won't be necessary. Addison know how Margo happened to miss that performance.
How I happened to know she'd miss it in time to call him and notify every paper in town.
It's quite a story. Addison could make a thing of it. Imagine how snide and vicious he could get, and still tell nothing but the truth.
I had a time persuading him. (カレンの手を離して)You better sit down. You look a bit wobbly. (カレン、坐る)
「私、アディスンをうまく説き伏せたわ。お坐りになつたら? 疲れていらつしやるやうだわ。」
If I play Cora, Addsion will never tell what happened, in or out of print. A simple exchange of favours.
I'm so happy I can do something for you at long last. Your friendship with Margo, your deep, close friendship.
What would happen to it if she knew the cheap trick you played on her for my benefit?
You and Lloyd, how long will it take even in the theatre, before people forgot what happened and trusted you again?
No. It would be so much easier for everyone concerned if I were to play Cora. So much better \textit{theatre}, too.\\
~~~Karen. A part in a play. You'd do all that just for a part in a play?\\
~~~Eve. I'd do much more for a part that good.\\
~~~Addison. Hungry?\\
~~~Addison. I'm not surprised, after all that humble pie.\\
~~~Eve. Nothing of the kind. Karen and I had a nice talk.\\
~~~Addison. Heart to heart? Woman to woman? Including a casual reference to the part of Cora and your hopes of playing it?\\
「心を通はせる? 女と女の? コーラ役と、それを自分がやりたいといふ話を混ぜて?」
~~~Eve. I discussed it very openly. I told her I'd spoken to Lloyd, and that he was interested.\\
~~~Addison. And Karen mentioned, of course, that Margo expects to play the part?\\
「それで勿論カレンは言つただらう? マーゴがあの役をやる気なんだつて。」
~~~Eve. Oddly enough, she didn't say a word about Margo. Just that she'll be happy to do what she can to see that I play it.\\
~~~Addison. Just like that?\\
~~~Eve. Just like that.\\
~~~Addison. You know, Eve, sometimes I think you keep things from me.\\
~~~Eve. I don't think that's funny.
~~~Addison. It wasn't meant to be.\\
~~~Eve. I confide in you and rely on you more than anyone I've even known.
To say a thing like that now, without any reason, when I need you more than ever.\\
~~~Addison. I hope you mean what you say. I intend to hold you to it. We have a great deal in common, it seems to me.\\
~~~Lloyd. Well, what happened?\\
~~~Karen. Nothing much. She apologized.\\
~~~Lloyd. With tears?\\
~~~Karen. With tears.\\
~~~Margo. But not right away. First the business of fighting them off, chin up, stout fellow.\\
「でも、すぐに涙、ぢやなかつたんでせう? きちんと顎を上げて、涙をこぼさないやうにして、それから。・・・偉い子よ、あれは。」
~~~Karen. Check.\\
~~~Margo. Very classy stuff. Lots of technique.\\
~~~Lloyd. You mean all this time she's done nothing but apologize? What did you say?\\
「こんなに長い時間かけて、ただ謝つただけ? 他に何か言つたらう?」
~~~Karen. Not much. (三人の困ったような顔)\\
~~~Margo. Groom, (ビルへのよびかけ)may I have a wedding present?\\
~~~Bill. What would you like? Texas?\\
「何がいい? 君。テキサス?」
~~~Margo. I want everybody to shut up about Eve. Just shut up about Eve. That's all I want. Give Karen more wine.
Never have I been so happy.\\
Isn't it a lovely room? The Cub Room. What a lovely, clever name, where the elite meet.
「ここ、素敵な部屋ぢやない? カブ・ルーム。名前だつてとても良い。エリートが集まる所よ、ここ。」
Never have I seen so much elite, all with their eyes on me. Waiting for me to crack that little gnome on the noggin with a bottle.
But not tonight. I'm forgiving tonight. Even Eve. I forgive Eve. There they go. There goes Eve.
Eve evil little Miss Evil. But "the evil that men do..."
How does that go, groom? Something about the good they leave behind. I played it once in rep in Wilkes-Barre.\\
~~~Bill. You've got it backwards. Even for Wilkes-Barre.\\
~~~Margo. Do you know why I forgive Eve? She left good behind. The four of us here together. It's Eve's fault.
「私がどうしてイヴを許すか分る? あの子、良きものを後に残したからよ。私達四人、ここに。これ、イヴの失策なんだけど。」
I forgive her. And Bill, especially Bill. She did that, too.\\
~~~Lloyd. You know, she probably means well after all.\\
~~~Margo. She is a louse.\\
~~~Bill. Never try to outguess Margo.\\
~~~Margo. Groom.\\
~~~Bill. Yes, Margo.\\
~~~Margo. Do you know what I'm going to be?\\
~~~Bill. A cowboy?\\
~~~Margo. A married lady.\\
~~~Bill. With a paper to prove it?\\
~~~Margo. I'm going to look up at six o'clock, and there he'll be. Remember, Karen?\\
「私、6時に起きる、そして見上げる。するとそこに彼がゐる。覚えてる? カレン。」
~~~Karen. I remember.\\
~~~Margo. You'll \textit{be} there, won't you?\\
「あなた、ちやんとそこにゐるわね? ビル。」
~~~Bill. Often enough to keep the franchise.
~~~Margo. No more make-believe, off stage or on. Remember, Lloyd? I mean it now.
「誰か別の人間になるのは止め、ステージの内でも外でも。覚えてる? ロイド、私、これ、本気。」
Lloyd, will you promise not to be angry with me?\\
~~~Lloyd. That depends.\\
~~~Margo. No, I mean deeply angry.\\
~~~Lloyd. I don't think I could be.\\
「本気? ああ、それはやりたくつても無理だね。」
~~~Margo. Well, I don't want to play Cora.\\
~~~Karen. What?\\
~~~Margo. Now you're always so touchy about his plays. It isn't the part. It's a great part and a fine play. But not for me anymore.
「ね? ロイドのこの芝居のことになると酷く神経質になるわね。でも、これは私の役ぢやないの。これは良い芝居。コーラはいい役。でも、もう私の年でやる役ぢやない。」
Not for a foursquare, upright, downright, forthright, married lady.\\
~~~Lloyd. What's your being married got to do with it?\\
~~~Margo. It mean I've finally got a life to live. I don't have to play parts I'm too old for.
Just because I've got nothing to do with my nights. Oh, Lloyd, I'll make it up to you, believe me. I'll tour a year with this one, anything.
Only... only you do understand, don't you?\\
「だけど(コーラは駄目)・・・分るわね? ロイド。」
~~~Lloyd. What's so funny?\\
~~~Lloyd. What's so funny?\\
~~~Karen. Nothing.\\
~~~Bill. Nothing?\\
~~~Karen. Everything. Everything's so funny.\\
~~~Karen.(地の文)Lloyd never got around somehow, asking whether it was all right with me for Eve to play Cora.
Bill, oddly enough, refused to direct the play at first with Eve in it. Lloyd and Max finally won him over.\\
Margo never came to rehearsal. Too much to do around the house, she said. I'd never known Bill and Lloyd to fight as bitterly and often.
And always over some business for Eve, or a move, or the way she read a speech.
But I'd never known Lloyd to meddle as much with Bill's directing, as far as it affected Eve, that is. Somehow Eve kept them going.
Bill stuck it out. Lloyd seemed happy. And I thought it might be best if I skipped rehearsals from then on.
It seemed to me I had known always that it would happen. And here it was. I felt helpless.
That helplessness you feel when you have no talent to offer outside of loving your husband. How could I compete?
Everything Lloyd loved about me, he'd gotten used to long ago.\\
Hello? Who? Who's calling Mr. Richards?\\
「もしもし? 誰? ミスター・リチャーズに用? あなた、誰?」
~~~女. My name wouldn't mean anything. I room across the hall from Eve harrington. And she isn't well.
She's been crying all night and she's hysterical. She doesn't want a doctor and...\\
~~~Lloyd. Who is it? What's it all about?\\
「誰? 一体誰の話?」
~~~Karen. (電話に)Did Miss Harrington tell you to call Mr. Richards?\\
~~~女. Oh, no. Eve didn't say to call him.
But I remember I saw Mr. Richards \textit{with} her a couple of times, and I thought they being such good friends...\\
~~~Lloyd.(電話に)Hello, hello, this is Lloyd Richards. Where is Eve? Let me talk to her.\\
「もしもし、こちら、ロイド・リチャーズだがね。イヴはどこにゐるんだ? 電話に出してくれないか。」
~~~女. Hello, Mr. Richards. She's upstairs in her room. I really hate to bother you this way. But the way Eve's been feeling.
I've just been worried sick, what with her leaving tomorrow for New Haven.\\
~~~Lloyd. Tell her not to worry. Tell her I'll be right over.\\
(劇場。看板「Shubert: Max Fabian presents "Footsteps on the Ceiling")\\
~~~Addison. (地の文)To the theatre world, New Haven, Conneticut, is a short stretch of sidewalk
between the Shubert theatre and the Taft Hotel, surrounded by what looks very much like a small city.
It is here that managers have what are called 'out of town openings' which are openings for New Yorkers who want to go out of town.\\
'out of town openings' ~~アディスンの解説はかうですが、普通、ブロードウエイにかける前に、どの程度の出来か前調査のために行う初公開。この後、芝居に色々手直しが行はれたりします。
~~~Eve. What a day. What a heavenly day.\\
「何ていふ日! 素敵な日だわ。」
~~~Addison. D-day.\\
~~~Eve. Just like it.\\
~~~Addison. And tomorrow morning, you will have won your beachhead on the shores of immortality.
~~~Eve. Stop rehearsing your column. Isn't it strange, Addison? I thought I'd be panic stricken, want to run away or something.
Instead, I can't wait for tonight to come. To come and go.\\
~~~Addison. Are you that sure of tomorrow?\\
~~~Eve. Aren't you?\\
~~~Addison. Frankly, yes.\\
~~~Eve. It'll be a night to remember. It'll bring me everything I've ever wanted. The end of an old road, the beginning of a new one.\\
~~~Addison. All paved with diamonds and gold?\\
~~~Eve. You know me better than that.\\
~~~Addison. Paved with what, then?\\
~~~Eve. Stars. ... What time?\\
~~~Addison. Almost four.\\
~~~Eve. Plenty of time for a nice, long nap. We rehearsed most of last night.\\
~~~Addison. You could sleep now, couldn't you?\\
~~~Eve. Why not?\\
~~~Addison. The mark of a true killer. Sleep tight, rest easy and come out fighting.\\
~~~Eve. Why did you call me a killer?\\
「殺し屋? それ、どういふこと?」
~~~Addison. Did I say killer? I meant champion. I get my boxing terms mixed.\\
「殺し屋つて言つた? ああ、チャンピオン、といふつもりだつたんだ。ボクシング用語が混つてしまつたな。」
~~~Eve. Addison, come in for a minute, will you? I've got something to tell you.\\
~~~Addison. Suites are for expensive accounts. Aren't you being extravagant?\\
~~~Eve. Max is paying for it. He and Lloyd had a terrible row, but Lloyd insisted. Can I fix you a drink?\\
~~~Addison. Also with the reluctant compliments of Max Fabian?\\
~~~Eve. Lloyd. I never have any. He likes a few drinks after we finish, so he sent it up.\\
~~~Addison. Some plain soda. Lloyd must be expecting a record run in New Haven.\\
~~~Eve. That's for tonight. You're invited. We're having everyone up after the performance.\\
「 それは今夜のためのお酒。芝居の後私達、皆を招待するつもりだもの。」
~~~Addison. "We are"?\\
~~~Eve. Lloyd and I.\\
~~~Addison. I find it odd that Karen isn't here for the opening, don't you?\\
~~~Eve. Addison...\\
~~~Addison. She was always so devoted to Lloyd. One would think only death distraction could keep her...\\
~~~Eve. Addison... Just a few minutes ago, when I said this would be a night to remember,
that it would bring me everything I've ever wanted.\\
~~~Addison. Oh yes, something about an old road ending and a new one starting, all paved with stars.\\
~~~Eve. I didn't mean just the theatre.\\
~~~Addison. What else?\\
「何かな? 他には。」
~~~Eve. Lloyd Richards. He's going to leave Karen. We're going to be married.\\
~~~Addison. So that's it. Lloyd. Still just the theatre, after all.\\
~~~Eve. Nothing of the kind. Lloyd loves me, I love him.\\
~~~Addison. I know nothing of Lloyd's loves. I leave those to Louisa May Alcott. But I do know you.\\
~~~Eve. I'm in love with Lloyd.\\
~~~Addison. Lloyd Richards is a commercially successful playwright in America.\\
~~~Eve. You have no right to say such thing.\\
~~~Addison. And, artistically, most promising. Eve, dear, this is Addison.\\
~~~Eve. Ah, Addison, won't it be just perfect? Lloyd and I? There's no telling how far we can go. He'll write great plays for me.
「ねえ、アディスン、これ、完璧でせう? ロイドと私。どこまで行き着けるか、未来は洋々よ。あの人が私に偉大な芝居を書く。」
I'll make them great. You're the only one I've told, the only one who knows except Lloyd and me.\\
~~~Addison. And Karen.\\
~~~Eve. She doesn't know.\\
~~~Addison. She does know enough not to be here.\\
~~~Eve. But not all of it. Not that Lloyd and I are going to be married.\\
~~~Addison. I see. And when was this unholy alliance joined?\\
~~~Eve. We decided night before last, before we came up here.\\
~~~Addison. I trust the setting was properly romantic. Lights on dinner and gypsy violins offstage.\\
~~~Eve. The setting wasn't romantic, but Lloyd was. He woke me up at three o'clock in the morning, banging on my door.
He couldn't sleep, he said. He'd left Karen. He couldn't go on with the play or anything else until I promised to marry him.
We sat and talked until it was light. He never went home.\\
~~~Addison. You sat and talked until it was light?\\
~~~Eve. We sat and talked, Addison. I want a run of the play contract.\\
~~~Addison. There never was, and there never will be, another like you.\\
~~~Eve. Well, say something. Anything. Congratulations. Skol. Good work, Eve.\\
~~~Addison. What do you take me for?\\
~~~Eve. I don't know that I "take you for" anything.\\
「何だと思つてゐる? あなたなんか、何だとも思つてゐないわ、私。」
~~~Addison. Is it possible even conceivable that you've confused with that gang of backward children you've played tricks on?
That you have the same contempt for me as for them?\\
~~~Eve. I'm sure you mean something by that, Addison. But I don't know what.\\
~~~Addison. Look closely, Eve. It's time you did. I am Addison DeWitt. I'm nobody's fool, least of all yours.\\
~~~Eve. I never intended you to be.\\
~~~Addison. Yes, you did. And you still do.\\
~~~Eve. I don't know what you are getting at. But right now I want to take my nap. It's important...\\
~~~Addison. It's important right now that we talk, killer to killer.\\
~~~Eve. Champion to champion.\\
~~~Addison. Not with me, you're no champion. You're stepping way up in class.\\
~~~Eve. Addison, will you please say what you have to say, plainly and distinctly, and then let me take my nap.\\
~~~Addison. Very well, plainly and distinctly. Although I consider it unnecessary. Because you know as well as I do, what I'm going to say.
Lloyd may leave Karen, but he will not leave Karen for you.\\
~~~Eve. What do you mean by that?\\
~~~Addison. More plainly and more distinctly?
I have never come to New Haven to see the play, discuss you dreams, or pull the ivy from the walls of Yale.
I've come here to tell you that you will not marry Lloyd, or anyone else for that matter, because I will not permit it.\\
~~~Eve. What have you got to do with it?\\
~~~Addison. Everything. Because after tonight you will belong to me.\\
~~~Eve. Belong? ... To you.(ニヤリと笑う)I can't believe my ears.\\
「あなたの・・・もの? 私、自分の耳を疑ふわ。」
~~~Addison. A dull clich\'e.\\
~~~Eve. "Belong" to you? That sounds medieval. Something out of an old melodrama.\\
「あなたの・・・もの? まるで中世ね。昔昔のメロドラマ。」
~~~Addison. So does the history of the world for the past twenty years. I don't enjoy putting it this bluntly.
I'd hoped that somehow you've known, taken it for granted that you and I...\\
~~~Eve. "Taken it for granted? that you and I... "(笑う)\\
~~~Addison. Now remember, as long as you live, never to laugh at me. At anything or anyone else, but never at me.\\
Get out!\\
~~~Addison. You are too short for that gesture.
Besides, it went out with Mrs. Fiske.(フィスケは大女優だったらしい)
~~~Eve. Then if you won't get out. I'll have you thrown out.\\
~~~Addison. Don't pick up that phone. Don't even touch it. Something told you to do what I said, didn't it.
That instinct is worth millions. You can't but it, Eve. Cherish it. When that alarm goes off, go to your battle stations.
To begin with, your name is not Eve Harrington. It's Gertrude Slescynski.\\
~~~Eve. What of it?\\
~~~Addison. It's true, your parents were poor, and still are. They would like to know how you are and where.
They haven't heard from you for three years.\\
~~~Eve. What of it?\\
~~~Addison. A matter of opinion, granted. It's also true you worked in a brewery.
But the life in the brewery was not as dull as you pictured it.
In fact, it got less and less dull, until your boss's wife had your boss followed by detectives.\\
~~~Eve. She never proved a thing! Not a thing!\\
~~~Addison. But the \$ 500 you got to get out of town brought you straight to New York, didn't it?\\
~~~Addison. That \$500 brought you straight to New York, didn't it?\\
~~~Eve. She was a liar. She was a liar!\\
~~~Addison. Answer my question. Weren't you paid to get out of town?\\
~~~Addison. There was no Eddie, no pilot. You've never been married.
That was not only a lie, it was an insult to dead heroes and the women who loved them. San Francisco has no Shubert Theatre.
You've never been to San Francisco. That was a stupid lie, easy to expose, not worthy of you.\\
~~~Eve. I had to get in to meet Margo. I had to say something, be somebody. Make her like me!\\
~~~Addison. She did like you. She helped and trusted you. You repaid her by trying to take Bill away.\\
~~~Eve. That's not true!\\
~~~Addison. I was there. I saw you and heard you through the dressing room door.\\
~~~Addison. You used my name and column to blackmail Karen into getting you the part of Cora. You lied to me about it.\\
~~~Eve. No, no, no.\\
~~~Addison. I had lunch with Karen not three hours ago. As always with women who try to find out things, she told more than she learnt.
Now do you want to change your story about Lloyd beating at your door that night?\\
「さあ、ロイドの話もそろそろ変更したいんだろ? 君のドアを叩いたなんていふ話をね。」
~~~Eve. Please, please. (泣きじゃくる)\\
~~~Addison. That I should want you at all suddenly striked me as the height of improbability.
But that in itself is probably the reason.
You're an improbable person, Eve, and so am I. We have that in common.
Also a contempt for humanity, an inability to love and be loved.
Insatiable ambition and challenge. We deserve each other. Are you listening to me?\\
~~~Addison. Then say so.\\
~~~Eve. Yes, Addison.\\
~~~Addison. And you realize and you agree how completely you belong to me?\\
「君が私のものだ、と自覚したね? 賛成なんだね?」
~~~Eve. Yes, Addison.\\
~~~Addison. Then take your nap. And good luck for tonight.\\
~~~Eve. I won't play tonight. I couldn't. Not possibly. I couldn't go on.\\
~~~Addison. "Couldn't go on"? You'll give the performance of your life.\\
「出来ない? 冗談ぢやない。生涯一度の名演技をやつてのけるさ。」
~~~Addison. And she gave the performance of her life. And it was a night to remember, that night.\\
~~~Eve. Honoured members of the Sarah Siddons Society, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.
What is there for me to say? Everything wise and witty has long since been said by minds more mature and talents far greater than mine.
For me to thank you as equals would be presumputous. I am an apprentice in the theatre, and have much to learn from all of you.
Let me say only that I am proud and happy, and that I regard this great honour not so much as an award for what I have achieved,
but as a standard to hold against what I have yet to accomplish.\\
And, further, that I regard it as bestowed upon me only in part. The larger share belongs to my friends in the theatre.
And to the theatre itself, which has given me all I have. In good conscience, I must give credit where credit is due.
To Max Fabian. Dear Max. Dear sentimental, generous, couragous Max Fabian, who took a chance on an unknown, untried amateur.
To my first friend in the theatre, whose kindness and graciousness I shall never forget. Karen. Mrs. Lloyd Richards.
It was Karen who first brought me to one whom I'd always idolized, one who became my benefactress and champion.
A great actress and a great woman. Margo Channing.
To my director, who demanded always a little more than my talent could provide, but who taught me patiently and well, Bill Simpson.
(ビル、煙草に火をつけている。ライターを閉じ、じろりとイヴを見る)And one without whose great play and faith in me, this night could never have been. How can I repay Lloyd Richards?
How can I repay the many others? So many. I couldn't possibly name them all whose help, guidance, and advice have made this.
The happiest night of my life, possible.
Although I am going to Hollywood next week to make a film, do not think for a moment that I am leaving you. How could I?
My heart is here in the theatre. And 3000 miles are too far to be away from one's heart.
I'll be back to claim it... and soon. That is, if you want me back.(拍手)\\
~~~Hampden. Good night to you all, and to all, a good night.\\
~~~Lloyd. (何か、自分の貰った賞をカレンに見せて)For services rendered beyond... whatever it is of duty, darling.\\
(二人、キス) \\
~~~Max.(その二人に近づき)Come on, I'm the host. I got to get home before my guests start stealing the liquor.\\
~~~Karen. Congratulations, Eve.\\
~~~Eve. Thank you, Karen.\\
~~~客. Congratulations, Miss Harrington.\\
~~~Eve. Thank you so much.\\
~~~Margo. Nice speech, Eve. But I wouldn't worry too much about your heart.
You can always put that award where your heart ought to be.\\
~~~Eve. (ぐさりとやられた気分。アディスンに)I don't suppose there's a drink left?
~~~Addison. You can have one at Max's.\\
~~~Eve. I don't think I'm going.\\
~~~Addison. Why not?\\
~~~Eve. Because I don't want to.\\
~~~別の客(女). I'm so happy for you, Eve.\\
~~~Eve. (非常に愛想よく)Thank you so much.\\
~~~Addison. Max has gone to a great deal of trouble. This is going to be an elaborate party and it's for you.\\
~~~Eve. No, it isn't. It's for this.(と、トロフィーを見せる)\\
~~~Addison. It's the same thing, isn't it?\\
~~~Eve. Exactly. Here, take it to the party instead of me.(と、トロフィーを渡す)\\
~~~Addison. You're being very childish.\\
~~~Eve. I'm tired. I want to go home.\\
~~~Addison. Very well. I'll drop you off. I shall go to the party alone. I have no intention of missing it.\\
~~~Eve. Who are you?\\
「誰? あなた。」
~~~Phoebe. Miss Harrington.\\
~~~Eve. What are you doing here?\\
~~~Phoebe. I... I guess I fell asleep.\\
~~~Phoebe. Please don't have me arrested. Please! I didn't steal anything. You can search me.\\
「お願ひ、警察沙汰にしないで。お願ひです! 私、何も盗んではゐませんわ。調べて下さつてもいいです。」
~~~Eve. How did you get in here?\\
~~~Phoebe. I hid outside in the hall till the maid came making your bed.
She must have forgotten something, she went out to get something and left the door open. I sneak in and hid till she'd finished.
Then I just looked around. I was afraid someone would notice the lights were on, so I turned them off. Then I guess I fell asleep.\\
~~~Eve. You were just looking around?\\
~~~Phoebe. That's all.\\
~~~Eve. What for?\\
~~~Phoebe. You probably won't believe me.\\
~~~Eve. Probably not.\\
~~~Phoebe. It was for my report.\\
~~~Eve. What report? To whom?\\
「レポート? 何の? 誰への?」
~~~Phoebe. About how you live. What kind of clothes you wear, what kind of perfume and books, things like that.(イヴ、受話器を置く)
You know the Eve Harrington Club that they have in most 'girls' high schools?\\
「イヴ・ハリントン倶楽部つていふのがあるつて、ご存知でせう? 大抵の女子高等学校には。」
~~~Eve. I've heard of them.\\
~~~Phoebe. Ours was one of the first. Erasmus Hall. I'm the president.\\
~~~Eve. Erasmus Hall. That's in Brooklyn, isn't it?\\
~~~Phoebe. Lots of actresses come from Brooklyn. Barbara Stanwyck and Susan Hayward. Of course they're just movie stars.
You're going to Hollywood, aren't you?\\
~~~Eve. Um-hum.\\
~~~Phoebe. From the trunks you're packing, you must be going to stay a long time.\\
~~~Eve. I might.\\
~~~Phoebe. That spilled drink's gonna ruin your carpet.\\
~~~Eve. The maid will fix it in the morning.\\
~~~Phoebe. I'll clean up the mess.\\
~~~Eve. Don't bother. How'd you get up here from Brooklyn?\\
「いいの。放つておいて。ここにはどうやつて来たの? ブルックリンから。」
~~~Phoebe. Subway.\\
~~~Eve. How long does it take?\\
「どれくらい? 時間は。」
~~~Phoebe. With changing and everything, a little over an hour.\\
~~~Eve. It's after one now. You won't get home till all hours.\\
~~~Phoebe. I don't care if I never get home.\\
~~~Eve. That's the door.\\
~~~Phoebe. (イヴに、注いだ酒を渡しながら)You rest. I'll get it.\\
~~~Addison. Hello. Who are you?\\
~~~Phoebe. Miss Harrington's resting, Mr. DeWitt. She asked me to see who it is.\\
~~~Addison. Well, we won't disturb her rest. It seems Miss Harrington left after her award in the taxi cab. Will you give it to her?
Tell me, how did you know my name?\\
~~~Phoebe. It's a very famous name, Mr. DeWitt.\\
~~~Addison. And what's your name?\\
~~~Phoebe. Phoebe.\\
~~~Addison. Phoebe?\\
~~~Phoebe. I call myself Phoebe.\\
~~~Addison. And why not? Tell me, Phoebe, do you want someday to have an award like that of your own?\\
~~~Phoebe. More than anything else in the world.\\
~~~Addison. Then you must ask Miss Harrington how to get one. Miss Harrington knows all about it.\\
~~~Eve. Who was it?\\
~~~Phoebe. Just a taxi driver, Miss Harrington. You left your award in his cab, and he brought it back.\\
「タクシーの運転手です、ミス・ハリントン。車の中にお忘れになつたんぢやありません? 持つて来てくれましたわ。」
~~~Eve. Oh. Put it on one of the trunks, will you? I want to pack it.\\
~~~Phoebe. Sure, Miss Harrington.\\